
Not A Ninja's page

24 posts. Alias of Pharothan.


Could you use the Inner Focus spell from People of the Sands as a focus for channeling?

My instinct is RAI=yes, RAW=no, but curious what others think.
Thanks, David


Thank you John and Mike! These are both exciting announcements! I am running a mini con next month, and I am happy to be able to add Bonekeep to the scenarios offered. Thanks


Sign me up for tier 1 at Scarab 2015 as well. You host an awesome con Del!
And I am up for the all VO table. I suggest a midnight slot and booze.


THIS CON WAS AWESOME! Thanks to Del, the staff, and everyone who made it so. Already looking forward to next year.

Should have bought that sandwich boon.


I am running Crypt next week and also see the advantage of leveling up before the final level. However, leveling up during a game, I agree, is too involved. Maybe something simple, like adding the simple advanced template til the end of the module, or even just +1 to all rolls and some temp HPs.


Galt!! Long live the Revolution!


Delite (and her husband) have been a great help at DragonCon the last couple of years. Well deserved. Congrats!




Thanks Mike! I have been playing RPGs since 1980, and I am so happy what Pathfinder has done taking this hobby to the next level.
It has been so great meeting all the people associated with PFS, especially at GenCon this year. Since I travel for my job, I have also gotten to get to pick up games in Minneapolis, Austin, and Portland, and hope to get to play with a lot more of you during my travels.
Lastly, I would like to thank Nani, Kyle, and John, and everyone in Georgia PFS, for creating such a great environment I had no choice but to get more involved.
Thanks, David

PS Beware the Weasel!


CRobledo wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
Can someone please run #4–21: Way of the Kirin Wednesday afternoon? It looks like there's no way I'm going to be able to play this this summer before Lord Brock kills my Lantern Lodge. Maybe, he might find his heart and at least delay his death sentence until after Gen Con.
I'd be happy to run a table of this. I will have played it in June and GMed it in July.

I would also be happy to run this or Rivalry's End for those that have to get it in at the last minute.


Drogon wrote:
Netopalis wrote:
Mekkis wrote:
wakedown wrote:

How about giving GMs with stars a reward that actually reinforces and encourages their selflessness?

This is - a boon that GMs can't use on themselves, but can give out to others. This continues to foster the "GM giving to players" relationship, and honestly, there's nothing more rewarding that doing something for someone else (which I guess is part of the "a selfless person is selfish because they get personal satisfaction for being selfless" argument -- did I lose you there?)

What I would like to see is GMs receiving a boon that entitles Someone Else to a full (or partial) rebuild. This would give much-needed tools to assist newer players with weak characters before or after a session.

(As an aside, after my last session, I went over a 4th level ranger's sheet, who was doing 1d6 damage per round with a shortbow. 'Luckily', he had an incorrect statline, so we were able to 'legally' fix it.)

That's an interesting idea. I'd also go for a boon that lets GMs raise characters they kill X number of times.

It is an interesting idea, no doubt.

However, it has the problem of being perceived as a "playing favorites" type of boon. Anyone who plays with me most likely knows I have four stars. If I kill them and don't give them a raise dead, they will be wondering why. If they don't simply wonder why and wander on home disappointed, they'll outright ask me to do it. How do I say "no" without sounding like I'm telling them they don't deserve it?

This needs to be kept simple for all involved.

Maybe a Die of Resurrection. A physical die sent to you by Paizo, that has a one in six chance of rezzing a character for free. It could only be rolled at the end of the scenario. If you were playing, you could roll it for yourself, or if you were GMing all you dead players could roll. Maybe even different sided for different stars ( 20 sided for 2 stars, 12 sided for 3 stars, etc.). Bonus would be a cool set of dice to use during the game it you made it through all the stars.


I think the easy answer would be some Paizo store credit, maybe $10 per star. The truth is, if you run 10 tables to get one star, you probably brought in much more then $10 in business from those players (if you didn't spend at least that yourself.) I don't think this would be life changing, but I think it would be a simple thanks from Paizo for helping the game be what it is.


Had a great time! Had about 25 people and tables of Fellnight and Godsmouth, and two tables of Feast of Ravenmoor.


16 people marked this as a favorite.

I think that it is unfair that you can only get access to this "racial boon" online. After all,some people like myself, don't have access to the internet. Is PFS going to do something for those of us players that are unwilling to communicate with the outside world?


Echthros wrote:


I'd like this thread to be aware of six more survivors of the retirement arc as of 01/05/2013:

Ra Loi, Kyonin elf Andoran Faction Alchemist (Grenadier)

Cardamus Ispherion, Human Qadiran Faction Asmodean Cleric (Evangelist)

Venture Captain Arunia,Consort of Pharasma (Aasimar,Osirion Faction Ninja)

Konkor, Human Taldor Faction Barbarian-Abadaran Cleric - Fighter

Violetta, Human Taldor Faction Sorceress (Enchanter)

Arafel Meridides Waycaster, Human Silver Crusade Faction Iomedaean Paladin (Hospitaler)

All are now level 13.

Thank you,


I believe that you missed Arunia, but it is totally understandable, after all, she is a Ninja. :)

Also this entire group is now 14th level.

Thanks, David.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can't you just run a Halfling that was "raised" by Goblins, and RP a goblin anyway?

Congrats John! It is not possible to express in mere words what you have meant to my personal PFS experience and to Georgia PFS as a whole. That being said, I am so happy that the whole of PFS will get to experience your creativeness, energy, and dedication.

Oh Captain! My Captain! Beware the Kraken!


I certainly sympathize with your opinion, I also tend to the no paperwork side of GMing but I think you can get the best of both worlds. I run several scenarios a month in the standard 5 hour slot, and you get about one or two moments to really add your twist without changing the scenario in that time slot. I enjoy this but it doesn't fill that creative need you are talking about.

I also run a home game that is also PFS legal, and where time in not a factor. We ran First Steps Part 1, a standard 5 hour scenario, over three sessions and twelve hours total and everyone loved it. I didn't have to add any content, just lots of RP, but I did get use my creative side.

Just my two coppers.


IMHO best 2PP item is a Wand of Grease. It is:

Battle field control with the AOE
A ranged Disarm, AND
Grapple defense that can be used to help you while in the grapple.

At low level thes can all be life savers.


I also agree this is a tough encounter, having run it three times: one party went down, one party almost did, one party killed it. However, since they don't actually kill the party, all it truly does is show the PCs it can be dangerous out there.
Since the sorcerer is powerful and her tactics are "unusual", the second two times I played her as very chaotic, not caring for her companions at all. After she casts the obscuring mist, I have just had her throw acid at anything she hears in the mist whether it is friend or foe. It makes for a very comical scene as her allies curse at her for hitting them, and she just laughs, since she just wants to cause as much chaos and pain as possible. It also means she is not worried about including her allies in the color spray if a PC gets close, which did help the second party.

Just my take, but it does stick with the tactics and I feel gives it a little more color.

Is there any way to get domain powers at an earlier level then usual, like with the Robe of Arcane Heritage for Sorcerers?
Thanks, David


3 people marked this as a favorite.

With the number of stars floating around, I feel vastly under qualified to comment, but...

My biggest problem with people jumping in with a high level PC is the risk to the other players. My first game at DragonCon two years ago, I accidentally signed up for a 7-11 slot. After going upstairs, Mike Brock told me I was welcome to play but recommended that I play first steps instead. Knowing what I know now is was very possible I could have gotten that whole party killed, not because I am an inexperienced player (I have been playing RPGs since 1980)but because I had no idea of the powers or potentials for that particular character. I am not sure that getting rid of the 7th level completely is the answer (since some time you need them to make a table,) but they should be strongly discouraged as a replacement for time spent.

More on topic, any "living world" is going to become somewhat more elitist as time goes on. That is because now you have a group of people that have become "experts" on the subject having spent 100s of hours "working" in that environment. Just look to World of Warcraft, or hell even academia, and in some aspects they deserve the arrogance that come with that time spent, they have earned it. That being said, I don't think anyone is implying that is the end all goal, Ultimately, I don't think to can combat this on a global, or in this case PFS organizers level. In the end you can only prevent by how you act in your local area, whether in be with your VC, at your local store, or at your table.

My two coppers.

On a side note, Kyle has killed one of my characters and it was glorious. :)


1)I think they are great if you can put them in a high enough tier to be able to play them really smart.
2)There is no such thing as too many goblins. :)
3)I think orcs can be a bit boring, but I would love some more humanoid tribes. I am a huge fan of gnolls and lizardfolk.
4)Yes. But keep them in the high tier where they can be really sneaky.
5)Who doesn't like Dinosaurs.
6)I like undead, but it may be a bit too common, so people are overprepared for them. Perhaps some human cannibals that appear to be ghouls but are still humans.
7)I agree the swarms are overdone. I am fond of them being a challenge, but it seems that they are either trivial if you have AOE, or totally derail an adventure if you don't.
8)I think it is a good mix
9)I well played and designed villain is always unique, so I think you can't ever over play these.

One suggestion: One of the best low level adventures I ever played, most of the opponents were normal animals (deer, beavers, house cats, etc.) that were possessed. It was neat to fight a bunch of creatures I had never look at that way before.


Congrats Nick! We miss you down here in ATL, but we are glad KY got a great VC!