OPC Musings
Those of you with high Perception modifiers will notice that this section has a new title. As of Monday, I have been promoted to Paizo’s Organized Play Coordinator! This is a very exciting change that Tonya and I have been working toward for a while. I am now responsible for most of the day-to-day operations of the program, as well as the long-term planning for Organized Play. It’s a lot of responsibility, but I’m very excited by the prospect!
Tonya, meanwhile, has taken on some new responsibilities as Paizo’s first Director of Community! While she still supervises me and the Organized Play Program, she is also now supervising the Customer Service team, managing our company convention presence, as well as working to strengthen interactions between members of all Paizo communities: our players, customers, staff, freelancers, streamers, and more.
From Tonya: I’ve spent just under 6 years shepherding Paizo’s Organized Play programs. With this handoff, I’m not out of the picture, but my role becomes more strategic and less tactical, as I instead focus on planning, integration with Paizo as a whole, and contributing to the bigger picture. Which means I won’t be as visible in day-to-day activities, as Alex steps into many of the travel and communication duties. This is bittersweet, as I relish the challenges of my new role but will miss the friends and experiences I had as both the OPC and the OPM. I’ve watched Alex grow into the role and am confident in his ability to deliver a quality program, alongside Linda and the developers. Please join me in congratulating Alex on his promotion! Huzzah!
Digital Adventure Releases
Here are this month’s digital releases, available September 29, 2021.
- Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-02: The East Hill Haunting*
- Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-03: Echoes of Desperation*
- Pathfinder Bounty #14: The Blackwood Truce
*Part of a subscription
Let’s start with the big news: Pathfinder Secrets of Magic is now sanctioned for Pathfinder Society! The character options are now available to all characters in the campaign as listed on the Character Options page. For Starfinder Society, we’ve sanctioned Starfinder Adventure: Junker’s Delight for both play and character options, and we’ve also gotten the options from the Devastation Ark Adventure Path out the door. Which means... we’re caught up on both programs! How about that?
Of course, next month we have Pathfinder Guns & Gears, Pathfinder Lost Omens Grand Bazaar, and Starfinder Tech Revolution, not to mention a number of new adventures. So, we have much more on the way very soon! For now, enjoy our newest offerings!
GM Recognition
At PaizoCon Online Europe, we awarded three new Campaign Service Coins. These Coins are given to volunteers who go above and beyond the typical volunteer duties to support their communities and Organized Play. Nominations are always accepted; volunteers may be nominated by emailing organizedplay@paizo.com with their name, region and a description of their service. As we begin to return to physical events, we hope to resume awarding these in-person, so letting us know what upcoming events they’re attending is also useful.
Congratulations to our new Campaign Coin holders:
847 Tom Mannering
848 Andrew Wilson
849 Chris ManningUpcoming Conventions
This month is our final major convention of the year: Gen Con Online! The catalog is live and tickets are on sale for all our events now. We hope you’re looking forward to the premiere of our newest interactive specials, as well as the rest of our events at the best four days in gaming.
Remember that you can always check out the list of upcoming events using the new Convention Calendar!
Until next time: Explore! Report! Cooperate! And go learn some magical secrets!
Alex Speidel
Organized Play CoordinatorTonya Woldridge
Director of Community
September 2021 Organized Play Update
Thursday, September 2, 2021