New Starfinder Playtest

Monday, July 19, 2021

Some say the only constant is change—and Starfinder’s newest playtest is all about it! Indeed, it’s time to shake up the galaxy with a new class that demonstrates the power and possibility of transformation.

From August 2nd to September 24th, we’ll be running a public playtest for the evolutionist, Starfinder’s future addition to the bevvy of available classes! The class will feature in an upcoming (unannounced, impossible-to-discern) Starfinder product.

As an evolutionist, you’ll choose a path of transformation and gain related abilities as you grow in power: become a magnificent extraplanar being, evolve from mere mortal into machine, accept the powers and perils of undeath, or erupt with chimeric potential and vital energy. Whichever path you choose, you’ll have to balance your burgeoning prowess for metamorphosis with the dangerous risks sometimes posed by your talents.

A packed travel hub full of different alien races of the galaxy, in the foreground is a blue skinned orc pushing a trolley full of luggage, leading the group of travelers disembarking is a skittermander and their baby

Illustration by Victor Manuel Leza Moreno

Paizo Organized Play Starfinder Evolutionist Playtest rules can be found here. Come back on August 2nd to get everything you need to learn more about—and playtest—Starfinder’s newest class at!

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So it begins.

So its like the Summoner's Eidolon in 1e, but you choose upgrades to add to yourself at each level? Sounds kinda cool!

Malefictus wrote:
So its like the Summoner's Eidolon in 1e, but you choose upgrades to add to yourself at each level? Sounds kinda cool!

You can only upgrade yourself gradually during combat.

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Cylerist wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'm hoping it's better than the Shifter (PF1) class, and the lessons that were learned from that development were not lost and instead taken to heart.

Cautious Optimism indicated

The shifter was fine after the errata :)

The shifter was billed as beast boy, it came as wolverine.

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Wait, even in the playtest version why isn't there an ability called "This is not my final form!!!!" ?


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Super disappointed that pretty much everything you gain from this class can only be used in combat. :/

Nighthorror888 wrote:
Super disappointed that pretty much everything you gain from this class can only be used in combat. :/

It fits with how Solarion powers work....but is super disappointing.

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Claxon wrote:
Nighthorror888 wrote:
Super disappointed that pretty much everything you gain from this class can only be used in combat. :/

It fits with how Solarion powers work....but is super disappointing.

Solarian powers can generally be used out of combat. They're just not as effective. They usually say something like "This benefit lasts for 1 round or until you leave graviton mode." Essentially they can be used if you continue to concentrate on them each round out of combat, but in combat they just stay on while you're in the proper mode.

Assuming Evolution Points reset between combats, you can't use Adaptations out of combat at all. They're not very... adaptable.

I imagine they are just playtesting the stuff that can be more easily unbalanced, i.e., combat stuff.

From the once over, seems like a very chunibyo class, probably a good entry option for combat junkies interested in the system.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Ragi wrote:

I imagine they are just playtesting the stuff that can be more easily unbalanced, i.e., combat stuff.

From the once over, seems like a very chunibyo class, probably a good entry option for combat junkies interested in the system.

If I can't seal one demon in my eye and another in my hand, I don't even want to play it.

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The Ragi wrote:
I imagine they are just playtesting the stuff that can be more easily unbalanced, i.e., combat stuff.

P1 Phantom says hello.

Nighthorror888 wrote:
Super disappointed that pretty much everything you gain from this class can only be used in combat. :/

This could really use a tweak. If you can adapt to an opponent flying through the air you really should be able to adapt to a mountain or a lake or a cliff.

So far it looks a bit like a vanguard that has more to do with or reason to care about having more than one entropy point on tap?

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

First impression: The class appears to be designed to approach combat in the most convoluted way possible without actually doing anything fun or interesting. Everything looks like boring number boosts or too niche.

Gonna have to give it a closer read through, but so far it appears to be designed purely from a combat perspective, neglecting the actual fantasy of playing some kind of shifter which is to become something else in a material way before level 20.

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The fact that the Evolutionist doesn't actually evolve or gain any real change is disappointing. At level 20 your type changes...

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Gotta say, I'm not feeling this draft. The concept is great, the execution is lack luster. The progression of what's essentially your subclass (the Niche) is disappointing. Gaining an ability at 1st, 10th, and 20th lvs only? That's too slow and barely impactful. I think it'll be cool if you can choose a typing and occasionally gain benefits based on that choice in addition to the more broad benefits that the Niche provides. Make your choice more meaningful and impacting.

The discount to augmentations is neat, but it makes it feel like the class is shipping you an incomplete product and expecting you to buy the remaining piece. Instead of shipping everything to you, and you just need to assemble it at no extra cost.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I got some good games in. Not perfect, but I am sure this will be a lot of fun once the feedback is analyzed.

Good class idea!

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I don't know if its a word, but it feels more like an apotheosisist than an evolutionist. Evolution is adapting to existing changes rather than running to a pre determined higher end state.

Still very much looking forward to a dragonblooded dragonborn evolving into a dragon.

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