Join Paizo and Level Up Dice

Monday, January 04, 2021

Hello Adventures!

We have some very exciting news! Paizo and Level Up Dice are partnering up to launch something huge for Pathfinder Second Edition players and more! We’d love for you to join us on on Tuesday, January 5th at 7 p.m. EST for a sneak peek for our joint adventure to learn more.

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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Hooray, more waiting till tomorrow! Y'all are piling on the suspense this week, monsters!

Paizo Employee Organized Play Associate

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[intentionally fails Will save] Oh no, all my money!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm very intrigued! I'm wondering if this is connected to the playtest announcement or something else.

Also I'm assuming level up dice are a dice company, what if i's like dice based off of each class? like a set for each class?

But given the hype it might be something bigger than that

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber


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"Dedicated to Creating Luxury Dice"

Looks like upper-end products made out of exotic materials.


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Christopherwbuser wrote:

"Dedicated to Creating Luxury Dice"

Looks like upper-end products made out of exotic materials.


Fingers crossed for orichalcum!


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"These dice are hot tonight!"

I've always wanted fancy dice but as the DM and needing to roll 16d6 on occasion I've opted for plain black translucent dice which I know are weighted and balanced properly.

That said I do still buy the odd fancy set which sits on a shelf for years.

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Class specific dice sets maybe? I'm DOWN for that :)

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

One of the two new class is the Croupier (8 letters!) and use lot of random dice rolls and play with fate!!!
(No, I'm just horsing around here. DON'T QUOTE ME on that. Pretty please.)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yea, I'll take one of each die please and thank you

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Well, although I'm still running and playing up to 4 times a week, I haven't rolled an actual die since March I think...

Liberty's Edge

Dice set for each AP, with the colors of the AP?

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The Raven Black wrote:
Dice set for each AP, with the colors of the AP?

Already available.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Guessing it'll probably be a custom set of dice for specific mechanics in the game rather than faces with numbers. Like, rolling up loot or encounters.

But I could also go for a high quality set of Pathfinder themed dice. We'll see what happens. :D

Silver Crusade

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Joana wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Dice set for each AP, with the colors of the AP?
Already available.

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I misread this as "Join Paizo and Rysky". I got excited. I didnt have my glasses on.

Liberty's Edge

I would love Deity Dice, at least for the 20 core.

May Desna bless this roll.

Asmodeus is truly with us.

Gorum guides my hand.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

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Removed a post and it's replies.

LUD’s wholesale manager Jaime is an all round top person and really helped PFS/SFS in getting FLGS access in Sydney a few years back - and the dice quality from LUD is superb.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So it's just the kickstarter for the customized dice sets right? Nothing specifically related to Pathfinder at all?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Character creation dice for a system where you don't use dice when creating a character?

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Shifty wrote:
LUD’s wholesale manager Jaime is an all round top person and really helped PFS/SFS in getting FLGS access in Sydney a few years back - and the dice quality from LUD is superb.

You are too kind, my friend! I am SUPER excited about this project though, so I'll take it!

Silver Crusade

Thomas Keller wrote:
Character creation dice for a system where you don't use dice when creating a character?

It’s an option.

Liberty's Edge

I'm curious what it would be.

The obvious thing would be "dice with the Pathfinder Logo on them" but that doesn't feel like *big* news. As it's just fancy dice. So I'm expecting more than that.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So what was the announcement? Could anyone share for us Europeans who were sound asleep when the stream was on?

Silver Crusade

Class specific d20s and dice sets for different damage types I believe.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Nullpunkt wrote:
So what was the announcement? Could anyone share for us Europeans who were sound asleep when the stream was on?

The Kickstarter hasn't begun yet. It's all speculation right now.

Silver Crusade

Thomas Keller wrote:
Nullpunkt wrote:
So what was the announcement? Could anyone share for us Europeans who were sound asleep when the stream was on?
The Kickstarter hasn't begun yet. It's all speculation right now.

If you read the blog above they were airing a sneak peek yesterday, that's where this information came about.

Silver Crusade

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Nullpunkt wrote:
So what was the announcement? Could anyone share for us Europeans who were sound asleep when the stream was on?

The link at the top goes to Level Up Dice's twitch channel, and the video of the sneak peak is there. Here's a link to the specific video: LUD Life with the lovely Shawn

Ted LG wrote:
Nullpunkt wrote:
So what was the announcement? Could anyone share for us Europeans who were sound asleep when the stream was on?
The link at the top goes to Level Up Dice's twitch channel, and the video of the sneak peak is there. Here's a link to the specific video: LUD Life with the lovely Shawn

Much obliged!

Thomas Keller wrote:
Character creation dice for a system where you don't use dice when creating a character?

They are dice that have glyphics to represent your character class, weapons, spells, and more. You can build out a set that represents your character and their abilities. Customized dice for our own characters!

Marketing & Media Manager

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"They are dice that have glyphics to represent your character class, weapons, spells, and more. You can build out a set that represents your character and their abilities. Customized dice for your own characters!"

We have another blog scheduled for January 12 when the kickstarter goes live. Level Up Dice continues to release more detail on their site and socials.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

All of the dice I see on the Level Up website are metal and gemstone dice. I couldn't find any sets for less than $90. If this Kickstarter is going to cost me that much to make my own custom set, I won't be able to afford this, unfortunately. I hope these dice are going to be made from more traditional materials so that I can afford to participate in the Kickstarter. Otherwise, it just isn't worth it for me.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Ashanderai wrote:
All of the dice I see on the Level Up website are metal and gemstone dice. I couldn't find any sets for less than $90. If this Kickstarter is going to cost me that much to make my own custom set, I won't be able to afford this, unfortunately. I hope these dice are going to be made from more traditional materials so that I can afford to participate in the Kickstarter. Otherwise, it just isn't worth it for me.

Level Up Dice is a luxury brand and these dice will be made of aluminum. More details to come when the Kickstarter launches Tuesday!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber


"Oh, that's what the blank vague video is about?" Yes, more costly trinkets for gamers that aren't very efficient. Anything not made from standard poly-plastic, or acrylic resin, will cause greater injury to people and pets, and cause damage to your surroundings when miss thrown by an over zeolous, over anxious or spazzed out player. None of this impresses me any more. Now if a d30 or d100 die was made, hmmm, naw.

But to give a proper opinion, metal dice do fall down, or land, than bounce because of their weight, so aluminum will be lighter making them less likely to mar the surface of whatever the dice lands on, say in your collectible resin dice tray. Alumininum could bounce out but less so than poly-plastic dice, methinks.

"Aluminum is highly effective at absorbing crash energy, protecting passengers in the event of an accident." I copied that from somewhere, so the Level Up Dice surprise could be interesting over the metal dice I own and used as paper weights.

"It is one of the lightest metals in the world: it's almost three times lighter than iron but it's also very strong, extremely flexible..." I copied that too from online. Still, aluminum will be hard to beat those beautiful crystal/plastic glowing light refracting dice we all so love.

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