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![]() Falrok's entry says he sticks by the pile of corpses so he can use Consume Flesh once he's injured. But consume flesh has as it's requirement, "Falrok is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour" Are we to assume that the triad delivered 6 people and killed them here less than an hour ago, regardless of when the party attacks or is Falrok supposed to have an ability that gets around this limitation? ![]()
![]() So the designers have said that when the make APs they think of them less in terms of the location and more in terms of theme and what the PCs do in that AP often presented similar to a Friends episode title (I.e. “The one where the PCs build a Kingdom”, “The one where the PCs are all City Guards”) if you had to describe each of the APs In a sentence that summarizes the scope of the adventure path what would each one be? Rise of the Runelords
![]() The Upstage reaction granted by the Celebrity archetype dedication feat has a trigger of "A foe attempts a skill check and doesn't get a critical success" and then require you to make a skill check with the same skill. Do you use the same DC the foe used? So if an enemy tries to trip the party fighter and doesn't critically succeed the Celebrity can use a reaction to make an Athletics check and must make that check against party fighters Reflex DC even though they're not trying to trip the fighter? Are they actually taking an action? If they were near an enemy could they actually try to trip someone with their reaction? Could they chose a different Athletics action like disarm or long jump? https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=54 ![]()
![]() lordredraven wrote: So if I grok the meaning of power attack, since it is two attacks, if it's your first attack it's most likely at -5 to hit in exchange for an extra die? Extra die is good but in a system where -5 real drops your crit burst damage not sure it is a fair trade off no it counts as two for the penalty so if it's your first attack it'd be at no penalty but your next attack would be at -10 ![]()
![]() So in my games I don't do the critical hit confirmation thing. If you crit you crit end of story. My question to the community is how would you alter the Warblades "Battle Ardor" Class ability in this situation. Normally it provides a bonus equal to your INT bonus (but capped by your warblade level) on checks to confirm critical hits. ![]()
![]() I remember a while back I was playing in a game with a buddy of mine and he pulled out this deck of cards. They were like fate cards and offered things like "Strike a creature and do the exact amount of damage as he did to you" and others. They were really fun but I'll be darned if I can find them now. I'm pretty sure they had the same art as the munchkin card games by Steve Jackson games but I can't find them on his site. I want to use them in a future game of mine. Anyone have any idea what I"m talking about and can give me more detailed info? ![]()
![]() So I had a question about the Dazzling Beauty special attack in the Half-Nymph template in Dragon Issue #313, "Strange Bedfellows" article. For the Will save DC it states that the DC is equat to (10+ 1/2 the half-nymphs racial hit dice + CHA mod) My question is what does it mean by racial hit dice. If I had this template to a Human who has no racial hit dice does the DC just stay at sucky forever or is it based of the characters total hit dice? ![]()
![]() Shurikens, like The extra arrows provided by the Manyshot/Greater Manyshot feat are special exceptions to the rule, which is why the exception is printed with thier descriptions. Generally if you have multiple sources of damage that result from a single attack roll, precision based damage (Sneak Attack, Critical Hits...etc) only applies to the first source of damage (The first shuriken, or arrow...etc). However because making multiple attacks via the TWF feat or a high BAB (or flurry of blows or haste) require seperate attack rolls and are seperate attacks they each can apply the precision based damage. Another way to look at it if the above wasn't clear is that on any single attack roll only the first source of damage can apply precision based damage. Hope that came across as clear as it was in my head. |