
Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Sovereign Court

What's the best source for info on Mendev? specifically for the south part (Nerosyan to Chesed north of the Egelsee River)


Sovereign Court

disclosure: I pretty much looked everywhere for this, except the Adventure Paths... if Mendev/Nerosyan is described in Wrath of the Righteous, kindly point me to the appropriate Chapter and I'll buy that specific one (we do homebrews so I no longer have the AP subscription, sigh...)

There are several different sources that have information about Mendev in them: the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting and Inner Sea World Guide are both good jumping-off points. There is some information about Kenebras in the first wrath of the righteous book, but the first two books I listed should give you a solid overview.

Sovereign Court

got 'em campaign setting books... looking for the specific stuff, like terrain, random encounter tables in Mendev, etc.

PS: don't have Chap 1 of WotR though... does this have what I'm looking for? (map with roads, encounter tables, etc.)

PDK, most of the Wrath of the Righteous AP takes place outside of Mendev, so it doesn't have much. The first adventures takes place there, however, so:

Pathfinder #73: An 8-page gazetteer on Kenabres as it exists before the events of the AP.

You can also look toward the Wiki for more info:Category:Adventures in Mendev

EDIT: Oh, and a good deal of the "Worldwound Gambit" takes place in Mendev.

Paizo Employee Developer

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PDK PM'ed me about this and it'd be a shame if my response to him was only seen by his eyes, so here's information I provided about Mendev along the Egelsee River.


Mendev, while at war, is a fairly stable nation, in large part because it's effectively under martial law, so any roads within its borders are likely well tended and fairly safe. Most real-world military societies have prioritized roads, dating back to the Romans, so I can't imagine Mendev wouldn't ensure their troops or reinforcements couldn't move quickly and easily through their territory. The closer to the Worldwound one gets the less that's true, but if you're traveling east from Nerosyan, you are headed away from the chaos.

As for random encounters, I would suggest creating your own table with monsters that will fit the PCs' themes and talents. It's always great to see your character really kick ass early in a campaign, as it gets the player involved and invested in the story and the characters. On either side of the river, I'd put river drakes, possibly some merrow or skrags, and araneas or ettercaps (especially if they go through the Estrovian Forest, which also has a lot of fey). Basically any monster that would be appropriate for temperate hills or plains (and forests if you take the Mendev route).

Also remember that they'll need a way to cross the Egelsee at the Lake of Mists and Veils or a ferry to take them onto the lake for the last bit of that way to Chesed. That would allow you to put them in conflict with a corrupt ferryman who wants to extort them in exchange for passage across the river. We haven't yet detailed what's in the southeastern corner of Mendev, so that's really up to you.


Nerosyan is also the location for a few PFS scenarios:
Seige of the Diamond city and The traitor's lodge come to mind

Back when the Wrath of the Righteous adventure path was first announced, I was certain we'd get a Mendev book in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line. As it turned out, the Crusader Theocracy wasn't the focus of the campaign, and so The Worldwound made more sense.

I still hope that we'll see a book on Mendev eventually, as I see the nation of Mendev as a virtual powderkeg of adventure potential.

Not exactly Mendev but you might find some information in Lost Cities of Golarion: Storasta.


Sovereign Court

Mark Moreland wrote:
Also remember that they'll need a way to cross the Egelsee at the Lake of Mists and Veils or a ferry to take them onto the lake for the last bit of that way to Chesed. That would allow you to put them in conflict with a corrupt ferryman who wants to extort them in exchange for passage across the river. We haven't yet detailed what's in the southeastern corner of Mendev, so that's really up to you.

Thanks for confirming the Egelsee River goes all the way to the Lake of Mists and Veils. The shape of the lake suggests this, but various maps show the Egelsee thins out east of Lackthroat, so I never really knew if it went all the way or not. This makes defense and territorial disputes between Mendev/Numeria a bit more simple to deal with.

NOTE: Lackthroat's map in the Numeria book shows a bridge across Egelsee, but it doesn't look like a major transport bridge (not sure if it can support horses/wagons or just a suspended pedestrian bridge)

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