Announcing Pathfinder Battles: Ruins of Lastwall (and more Kingmaker previews)!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Last week, our partners at WizKids announced the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures: Ruins of Lastwall! Scheduled for an April 2019 release, Ruins of Lastwall is the last full set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures before the advent of Pathfinder Second Edition in August of next year. As such, it offers a great opportunity for us to fill in as many of the remaining gaps in the series from our iconic first edition sourcebooks, and the chance to tie in with one of the most highly anticipated adventure paths in the history of the game: Tyrant's Grasp.

As the name might suggest, Tyrant's Grasp involves the return of the Whispering Tyrant, the lich wizard-king of old whose prison was guarded by the paladins of neighboring Lastwall. Nothing in the title of this minis set should be misconstrued as a spoiler, though. Everything's going to be fine for Lastwall. Nothing to worry about for them!

With a heavy slant toward undead and Lastwall crusaders, the Ruins of Lastwall set features 44 randomized figures, six pieces of bonus dungeon dressing, and the associated Cemetery of the Fallen premium set, available for purchase along with the pre-order of a full case of standard boosters. Check out the initial wave of previews released as part of the solicitation!

From left to right: Caligni creeper, Small common; Poltergeist, Medium common; Lastwall knight, Medium uncommon; Morrigna psychopomp, Medium rare; Young time dragon, Large rare

From left to right: Mausoleum, premium dressing; Stone Coffin A, premium dressing; Tombstone A, premium dressing; Tombstone B, premium dressing

With the pending release of the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker set, due out in October, I'd be remiss to show off only the figures from the set following it 6 months later. So without further ado, here are a few of the most iconic high fantasy figures from Kingmaker.

This manticore, a Large uncommon figure, takes its design from concept art for the Pathfinder: Kingmaker CRPG from Owlcat Games, which gave it a less lion-like face and really shows off the fact that it's a strange amalgamation of other beasts.

Next we have the swamp naga, another Large uncommon figure. Nagas are always tough to scale correctly in plastic form, as they're large creatures but have the human-sized features. Hopefully this snake-bodied sorcerer adequately fills her base, but that's a balancing act we're working hard with WizKids to get right. When the final figure is in your hands, please let us know if we're getting closer to the ideal figure size.

Not to be left behind by his fellow Large uncommons, the Hill Giant makes his preview debut today.

Finally, we have this week's companion figure. Octavia, Half-Elf Arcane Trickster is a Medium rare figure, and makes an excellent stand-in for any half-elven spellcaster PC or NPC.

Mark Moreland
Franchise Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Kingmaker Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Thank you mark for the preview,

The manticore look good, same thing for Octavia. Looking foward for the actual size of the Naga.

Dark Archive

We already had a Manticore in Heroes & Monsters, but that was PFB set 1 and it is in book one of Kingmaker, plus this one looks good and is uncommon, so that is a winner.

The Spirit Naga looks a little different from the Bestiary art (page 213), especially the rattlesnake-like tail, but we hadn't a Pathfinder version before. Unfortunately it is WAY TOO SMALL, so this ones a looser.

We already had two different male Hill Giants from Shattered Star (#31) & The Lost Coast (#32), why wasn't a female version made?
Also this one looks much too intelligent and distinctly dressed for a normal Int 6 specimen, it looks more like a barbarian or chieftainand should be a rare, so that one is a looser for me.

Octavia looks to be a great mini for either a pc or npc female arcane caster and is the right rarity, so that's a winner.

We now have seen 22 renders out of the 52 minis in the set, including the incentives and know that the Stag Lord is in it from the booster art (probably a medium rare).

So far, the only minis i absolutely want are the small & large Spriggans and the huge Water Elemental, so i'm good with ordering only two bricks so far.

My collection of prepainted minis is getting quite large. Still, I'll need to pick up Octavia. She looks great!

Shadow Lodge Contributor

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Great previews!

...Is there any way to find out when all of the Kingmaker previews (or at least a list of what minis are in the set that haven't been previewed yet) will be released? Some of us have to make decisions on whether or not to order cases in the somewhat near future.

Thanks in advance!

Shattered Star also already had a Naga.

this one looks like it could use another twist to make it twice as long with the body curled up at the edge of the base.

Problem is that the bestiary puts large nagas at 10ft to 15ft length from head to tip.
and one curl around the outer edge is already 31,4ft.
take a bit for the center not on the edge and it‘s still more than the length by the book.

Dark Archive

Ruins of Lastwall:

-(Dark) Creeper Caligni: I have lots of these from D&D, but we didn't have a Pathfinder version. Why the change of the weapon pose and the clawed hand, though?

-Poltergeist: Great sculpt & perfect rarity of this Bestiary 2 creature!

-Lastwall Knight: This female mini will make a great paladin/leader for all the reclamation knights & squires from the Crown of Fangs set.

-Morrigna Psychopomp: Perfect look & rarity for this CR 13 Bestiary 4 creature.

-Time Dragon: looks very different in color and body from the artwork on page 71 of Bestiary 4. I also don't like the pose and don't need any more large PFB dragon minis besides a gold personally.

-Cemetary of the Fallen: I love the Mausoleum and hope that the roof is detachable. This will combine nicely with the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Graveyard set.

Dark Archive

DropBearHunter wrote:

Shattered Star also already had a Naga.

this one looks like it could use another twist to make it twice as long with the body curled up at the edge of the base.

Problem is that the bestiary puts large nagas at 10ft to 15ft length from head to tip.
and one curl around the outer edge is already 31,4ft.
take a bit for the center not on the edge and it‘s still more than the length by the book.

Shattered Star's #29 "Guiltspur Naga was a Dark Naga from page 211 of the Bestiary and had a good miniature size, despite being only 12 feet long and 300+ pounds.

This "Swamp Naga" is supposed to be a Spirit Naga from page 213 of the Bestiary, which is supposed to be 14 feet long, but less than 300 pounds.

But i really don't like large minis that are the same height as medium ones or could fit on a medium base... ;-)

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I love this hill giant. This is so much better than the hill giant that looks like it walked off the set of Deliverance.

The Manticore and Hill Giant have peaked my interest in Kingmaker! I love that they are both uncommon.

TomParker wrote:
I love this hill giant. This is so much better than the hill giant that looks like it walked off the set of Deliverance.

While my drawer of giants is bulging at the seams... this is a must have hill giant for me as well! I really like the sculpt and agree it's a great alternative to the other one mentioned.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Everything on this page excites me save the graveyard incentive piece(s). The Lastwall renders look amazing, as renders usually do, and i’m stoked to be getting psychopomps at last. The Caligni is a great little mini that really captures the dark creeper feel. I really hope that the last wall knight comes across in plastic given wizkids unfortunate history with NPC styled miniatures, the minis is an amlmost perfect match for one of my players next characters.

I must say i really like the time dragon. The form and colour is unique enough that i can see several uses for the mini, both as the intended time dragon and as amore unique encounter.

As for the kingmaker minis....well done. That manticore is awesome, extrmely large for a manticore though. The wing detailing and the scales on the back/tail really pop.

The hill giant is great, seems to be scaled well with the shattered star one and hopefully will have a little cohesion when placed alongside that one. I must agree with Marco though, despite how much i like this one I am left asking why no female? theres a real opportunity here to get a female fire and hill giant in play.

I like the naga, as you say its hard to scale correctly because of the human based and scaled features. I think it will work in hand and still hold up as a large mini on the table. I am abig fan of avoiding scale creep and oversized large miniature. I think the majority of the pfb ogres and trolls to date are way too large, nice, but way too large. The details on the naga are excellent and i love the rattlesnake styled tail.

Th NPC i could take or leave, its a nice mini but how many spellcasters do i need, especially since theismline and the wizards one appear to be pumping out the NPC figures, hell the latest wizards set was almost entirely NPCs, a fail in my mind.

I hope you/wizkids focus on the monster incentives more in the future. I like the terrain but as an incentive its falls flat compared to the hydra, dragons, shemhazian demon and their ilk. The two elemmetals in this set are soooo much more exciting as incentives.

I say this because there are many, many gaps in the huge and large minis to be filled, and sadly given that there’s another set coming for wizards that incorportes huge minis, including the musch wanted Frogemoth, i think PFB has missed an opportunity here to stamp their nunqiue art on that aspect of the market.

Nooooo...Last Wall FELL and now lies in RUINS? I really hope Keren Rhinn, Zae, and Appleslayer are all okay! :(

Also, HOLY CRAP, the WHISPERING TYRANT IS BACK? That's trouble for all of Golarion! We must AVENGE THE FALLEN OF THE INHERITOR, A NEW SHINNING CRUSADE! Maybe New Thassilonian and Sorshen can aid Cheliax, Andoran, and Taldor in this new quest?

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Berselius wrote:
Nooooo...Last Wall FELL and now lies in RUINS? I really hope Keren Rhinn, Zae, and Appleslayer are all okay! :(

It's worth noting that Lastwall always had its share of ancient ruins, ever since its formation. It's built on a chunk of Tyrant-ruled Ustalav, after all. ^_^

Berselius wrote:
Also, HOLY CRAP, the WHISPERING TYRANT IS BACK? That's trouble for all of Golarion! We must AVENGE THE FALLEN OF THE INHERITOR, A NEW SHINNING CRUSADE! Maybe New Thassilonian and Sorshen can aid Cheliax, Andoran, and Taldor in this new quest?

Eh, it'll be fine. We just need four individuals of diverse adventuring classes, nothing more. What could go wrong?

Dark Archive

I just noticed, that the only already previewed piece from "Ruins of Lastwall" which wasn't shown here is the "Floating Throne".
And yes, that's Pharasma on it, we get another god after Cayden Cailean in "The Rusty Dragon Inn" set. ;-)

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Return of the whispering tyrant. Hmmm he comes back and changes the world leading to a good transition from 1st edition to 2nd (or could be). And as for the minis previewed I love them but like others have said maybe some different female giants would be more welcome.

Berselius wrote:

Nooooo...Last Wall FELL and now lies in RUINS? I really hope Keren Rhinn, Zae, and Appleslayer are all okay! :(

Also, HOLY CRAP, the WHISPERING TYRANT IS BACK? That's trouble for all of Golarion! We must AVENGE THE FALLEN OF THE INHERITOR, A NEW SHINNING CRUSADE! Maybe New Thassilonian and Sorshen can aid Cheliax, Andoran, and Taldor in this new quest?

Sorry about that Lastwall thing. You see, Whispering Tyrant paid in advance, didn't charge any taxes or health insurance (something about raising dead and so) and didn't include any dumb "no unnecessary killing" or "loot doesn't belong to you, will be returned to rightful owners" clauses.

I mean, I really would go with defenders, but you gotta see the writing on the wall. And I agree that this whole "pillar of people burned alive with that big white dog on the top" was a bit much, almost got my stomach churning. But hey, a job is a job, no hard feelings? There will surely come along a bunch of some do-goody folks you can afford to get that dog reincarnated. It always works out in the end.

Good to see a True Dragon that isn't Chromatic/Metallic! I know every minis set is the first one for some players, but after 17(?) years of RPGPPM I am all set in the Beastiary I Dragon department. I'd have really liked to see the Bestiary II-VI dragons get more love.

Dark Archive

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Though a really good looking miniature, I agree with Marco that the Hill Giant is too "neat and clean".

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the set, and now the next with that Time Dragon!

Dark Archive

So, 40 days until Kingmaker releases and we don't get another blog?
There are still 30 minis to be previewed...

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Yeah. I’m a bit disappointed, a purely selfish feeling, but I look forward to my “weekly” look at the miniatures heading my way. I did get my wish for a medium and large spriggan so I can’t complain too much, now I just need my Frogemoth and Mobogo. Maybe a night walker and a neothellid,perhaps a...

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm not just disappointed by a lack of Battles Previews this past week. I'm most frustrated with the fact we are still in the dark about how the process with the two incentive pieces will work for Pathfinder Battles subscribers. I haven't heard anything about it for months, since it was revealed that we are supposedly going to be able to purchase them both as part of our subscription. But that was months ago, and if it's been explained since, I completely missed it. I don't even see the option of the Kingmaker Incentive in my Upcoming Subscriptions section.

I've left a much longer, more descriptive inquiry about this in the October Shipping thread in the Customer Service forum. But anyone that is able to shed some light on it in here, please do. Order spawning is officially 10 days away and I've got no idea what steps I need to take to secure both Huge Elemental miniatures.

I'm also frustrated that with our general lack of knowledge with this information, it appears the first wave of elementals have sold out at a majority of the online retailers. Those of us hoping to get our hands on a second set--or even just be assured of getting them both the first time around--are now at a disadvantage.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As for the sentiments Marco and Cat-thulhu have shared, consider me a +1. I get it, Paizo has had a heck of a Summer, with website availability and PF2 Playtest issues being paramount. But the Previews still offer your potential customers a chance to see the product you are pushing.

As crazy as it sounds, this Battles Previews section was actually a major reason for my decision to sign-up as a Battles Subscriber in the first place. There is something to be said for product previews, beyond the practical information it offers for prospective buyers. It speaks to a consumer that you are actually excited yourself about the product you are putting out. At least that's what it said to me.

In truth, this section once set you apart from your main competitor. Shortly after they started with their own WizKids line of miniatures, they couldn't even be bothered to share more than the renderings found on the then-forthcoming miniature boxes. It wasn't until a week or so before each release a flood of product images flooded their social media. This was too little too late for many folks that had no clue what to expect if they purchased an entire case or a couple of bricks. And based on the quality of the miniatures in those early sets, it certainly felt like to me it was done on purpose that way to "hide" the product from consumers.

But here was Paizo, coming through almost every week with a preview showing off a few new pieces in a line not due out for another few months. "Come check out our product", it seemed to shout.

Recently that has changed. It almost seems like things have flip-flopped. I still believe Paizo is a half-step better in miniature quality than the main competitor, but the previews have been coming less frequently. Some of that is natural after scaling back Battles releases to just two sets a year. But we've since gone entire months without word about when we can expect a new set of miniature previews. Even now, with so few days before release of Kingmaker, the previews section seems sporadic at best.

This might not seem a huge deal, and perhaps it's really not on the grand scale of all things Paizo. But it's added to other little frustrations that have crept up with regards to the Battles line. At least that's the case from the conversations I've had and comments I've seen here, elsewhere online, and even in person.

For example, WizKids seems completely unwilling to include Huge pieces as part of a main set for the Pathfinder Battles line. With the competitor's November set due to include another round of Huge pieces--not to mention the random Huge Elephant in the most recent release--I'm a bit confused. If my count is correct, this will the third set of theirs to prominently feature Huge miniatures. In the past we've been told it's WizKids decision--but surely the competitor's success in this field would be enough for WizKids to give the OK to the Pathfinder Battles line, again? Especially now that it appears a method has been discovered that works. Perhaps it's just a matter of waiting until miniatures are made for Pathfinder 2? Regardless, it's frustrating; Pathfinder has some amazing artwork throughout their Bestiary books that would have made for some great Huge miniatures. The competitor's seem to be through most of their Huge Giants, and that opens up the forthcoming Huge spots for them to bring in the types of creatures the Pathfinder Battles line could have been giving us.

Perhaps most depressing is the inclusion of that Huge Elephant in the most recent release from the main competitor. It suggests that even if the larger-sized Huge miniatures were not an option, those on the smaller side of the Huge-scale could have just barely found their way into a few Pathfinder Battles sets.

While set piece Incentives like the Cemetery of the Fallen look great, I simply have no use for them. This, combined with dungeon dressing essentially replacing 8 PC or Creature miniatures I'd rather have in each release, is another issue. It seems to me that Dungeon Dressing pieces are a hit; they often seem sought after on the secondary market. While they are likely an overall success, it still creates a bit of polarization among Battles subscribers. Perhaps it's time, with Pathfinder 2 miniatures on the horizon, to begin a separate line of Pathfinder: Dungeon Dressing? Surely there is enough of a developed market that could support a Dungeon Dressing line? It might have to consist of smaller sets, or larger sets released at a less frequent pace. But I would think it is at least worth some consideration.

Even if you find there aren't enough interesting Gargantuan creatures that could sustain the Incentive releases, I'd much rather have two very well done Huge creatures than more set dressing. Especially if there is no other way for Paizo to get Huge creatures made.

It's a shame we never got a Huge Blue Dragon or Huge Green Dragon in any Pathfinder set. Their old Wizards counterparts from last decade aren't exactly cheap to obtain.

Dark Archive

I'll be a little more frank:

The lack of previews for this set was what kept me away from ordering a full case.
You are in danger of loosing customers by not doing previews early enough & on a regular schedule.
The competition have stepped up their game by sending out bricks to a few people and let them do unboxing videos early enough to order.

If you don't have the staff atm for doing weekly previews i understand that, send the render pics to me and i'll be happy to do a weekly blog for free - no kidding.
Kor or Berk the Black could certainly do it too. ;-)

The other issues seem to be coming from Wizkids side:
As far as i understand it, they are unwilling to do huge minis as part of regular Pathfinder Battles sets, but have done so twice so far for D&D full sets (Storm King's Thunder & Monster Menagerie III) & are gonna do so again in february 2019 with "Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage".

They also have their own unpainted dressing lines for both D&D (Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures) and Pathfinder (Pathfinder Deep Cuts) and that could be the reason they are reluctant to do more prepainted dressing pieces.

Erik Mona once explained that the six different (8 in all) dungeon dressing pieces we get in a case are the only way to get any.
Yes, we could get 8 more duplicate creature minis in a case, but a lot of people seem to like the dressings, as is evident by the D&D case incentives: They seem to be almost exclusively dressing sets now, where as PFB has more huge creature case incentives (four elementals & the Hydra).

The quality of the Pathfinder minis is still much better than that of the D&D ones, but the differences are getting smaller.
The huge minis are certainly a factor, but i play Pathfinder and not D&D 5 (the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist hardcover isn't up with a Pathfinder AP quality-wise, i already read it) & will cherry-pick the minis i want from the Icons of the Realms sets.

It seems strange, since they’re both made by Wizkids, but the competition between Icons of the Realm and Pathfinder Battles has improved both lines. I do think Pathfinder pioneered some of the things with biggest impact (case composition, dungeon dressing, consistent warbands within and across sets, and female versions of, well, everything).

As a D&D 3.5 player, I find that Pathfinder is sometimes closer than D&D for minis of the right size. D&D artwork used to match better, but two editions later even that has dimished. So, I find having two sources for PPM helps out a lot filling in the gaps in my collection.

The biggest problem nowadays is keeping up with the pace of releases. Between the two and the ancillary wizkids stuff, it becoming difficult to keep up. I may actually have to get more choosy about what I purchase. And, Marco is right, lack of advertising can really make an impact on my decisions. I do hope will start seeing more spoilers for Kingmaker, even if they don’t come from here.

Dark Archive

Here are pictures of all 11 companions from the Kingmaker video game.

We have already seen that three of them will be in the set as rare minis (and Tristian will be an uncommon), so it's safe to assume that everyone else but Amiri will be in it, too.

The fact that the video game blog was written by Mark Moreland too, shows that it's more important than the minis, which is understandable from a financially viewpoint.
But why not write a combined blog with artwork plus mini render for cross-marketing purposes? ;-)

I have wondered about the inclusion of huge minis in the D&D line of minis but not in the Pathfinder offerings.

My guess is that volume of sales is the determining factor. I suspect the D&D minis are experiencing the same boom that 5E is across the board. If they’re selling (and therefore producing) four or five times as many D&D cases as PF cases, it may well have driven the cost per unit of the medium, small and large minis down to the point that they can subsidise the huge minis).

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Berk the Black wrote:
It seems strange, since they’re both made by Wizkids, but the competition between Icons of the Realm and Pathfinder Battles has improved both lines. I do think Pathfinder pioneered some of the things with biggest impact (case composition, dungeon dressing, consistent warbands within and across sets, and female versions of, well, everything).

I agree. It appears Wizkids are moving away from “super rares” and invisible versions in their D&D sets and getting closer to the “nearly always a complete set” model of PFB.

I wish dungeon dressing was spun off into its own line (irrespective of branding). I’m considering dropping one of the lines and whichever has fewer dungeon dressing pieces will be the deciding factor.

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Berk the Black wrote:
It seems strange, since they’re both made by Wizkids, but the competition between Icons of the Realm and Pathfinder Battles has improved both lines. I do think Pathfinder pioneered some of the things with biggest impact (case composition, dungeon dressing, consistent warbands within and across sets, and female versions of, well, everything).

I agree. It appears Wizkids are moving away from “super rares” and invisible versions in their D&D sets and getting closer to the “nearly always a complete set” model of PFB.

I wish dungeon dressing was spun off into its own line (irrespective of branding). I’m considering dropping one of the lines and whichever has fewer dungeon dressing pieces will be the deciding factor.

Icons of the Realms has zero dressings in the boosters (the animated door doesn't count), but their case incentives are mostly dressing sets nowadays ("Tomb of Annihilation traps set", "Kraken & Islands" - with gargantuan creature, "Graveyard" & the upcoming "Halaster's Laboratory").

Pathfinder Battles has 8 dressing pieces in a case (6 different, 2 doubles), but their case incentives are mostly creatures (the only exceptions being the "Rusty Dragon Bar", "Court of the Crimson Throne" - with four minis & the upcoming "Cemetary of the Fallen" - of which not all pieces are shown above).

Dark Archive

Personally i have bought full sets of the last 7 Pathfinder Battles sets (since Legends of Golarion), but didn't order a case of Kingmaker because of the missing previews blogs.
I settled for two bricks & the incentives.

With Icons of the Realms, i have bought 6 full sets (since Rage of Demons), but bought only one brick (including the huge elephant) & the "Graveyard" incentive of "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" (because i have so many human(oid) minis already and 38 of the 55 minis are humanoids).

But i have to say that the quality of the D&D minis has come very close to that of the PFB ones.
Pathfinder has better common & uncommon minis, but the quality of the rare mediums from Waterdeep has surpassed that of the medium rare humanoids from the last two PFB sets (which had badly painted faces).

I still prefer the Pathfinder minis (because i play Pathfinder & not D&D 5 and the quality is better), but the lack of huge minis and the many "repeated creatures" (third male hill giant) are a problem.

D&D is also doing a better job of filling out the holes in their monster books, but there is progress lately with Pathfinder battles.

So far 191 of the 311 creatures in the Pathfinder Bestiary (1) have received minis.
Subtracting the 14 gargantuan & colossal creatures (most of which exist as toys in the exactly right size) that leaves about 100 minis to be made if i also subtract the huge animals.

Dark Archive

I just checked the D&D 5 Monster Manual, it has 399 creatures of which 275 have already been made into miniatures in the Icons of the Realms series... :-o

Dark Archive

5 weeks/35 days until street date!

Dark Archive

Mark, any news about the four prepainted Starfinder packs would be much appreciated. ;-)

Dark Archive

I just noticed that D&D 5e decreased the size of many creatures (Aboleth from huge to large, Phoenix from gargantuan to large, Tarasque from colossal to gargantuan).
Colossal does not exist anymore and only very few creatures are gargantuan.

This makes very much sense for a game where all opponents are represented by pawns (up to huge size) or miniatures (up to gargantuan size - 1 colossal Red Dragon excluded).

The Playtest Bestiary didn't change the monster sizes, but i wonder if the PFB 2.0 Bestiary will do this.
Let's be realistic, there is often no way to represent a colossal creature on the table, nor does this happen very often.

Huge creatures can be easily portrayed by pawns or minis.
Gargantuan dragons are no problem either, but not many other gargantuan creature minis exist (Rune Giant, Deskari & Shemhazian).

Also it seems that Wizkids won't produce any gargantuan creature minis for the foreseeable future and has shifted it's case incentive content in favor of huge minis or terrain pieces.

What do all of you think:
-Should colossal Pathfinder creatures become a thing of the past and be downgraded in size to large, huge or gargantuan size?

Personally i am at least in favor of eleminating colossal size - except Kaiju. ;-)

Dark Archive

These are the huge creatures which have to be produced as part of Pathfinder Battles or they won't be produced at all:

-Aboleth (large in 5e)
-Bebilith (large in 5e) D&D Lords of Madness version exists.
-Black Pudding (large in 5e)
-Bulette (large in 5e) D&D Giants of Legend version exists.
-Cauchemar (doesn't exist in 5e)
-Dragon Turtle (gargantuan in 5e)
-Giant Flytrap (doesn't exist in 5e)
-Nalfeshnee (large in 5e) D&D Lords of Madness version exists.
-Retriever (large in 5e)

Argueably the Aboleth is the most-used creature in Pathfinder & D&D 3.5.
Please make it part of the case incentive for PFB set #17 in the fall of 2019 (unless 2.0 changes it to large size). ;-)

Silver Crusade Contributor

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I personally quite like Colossal size. If I could, I'd bring back the somewhat-forgotten Awesome size (from Polyhedron Magazine's brief attempt to recreate the Spelljammer setting) for kaiju and such. But I do agree that it's rather inconvenient for miniatures combat (even if I do bust out the Colossal Red Dragon).

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
I personally quite like Colossal size. If I could, I'd bring back the somewhat-forgotten Awesome size (from Polyhedron Magazine's brief attempt to recreate the Spelljammer setting) for kaiju and such. But I do agree that it's rather inconvenient for miniatures combat (even if I do bust out the Colossal Red Dragon).

I too have the "CRD", but so far, i havn't had to use it.

Back in the 90s and early 00s we had some colossal or supercolossal (using the Starfinder nomenclatur) enemies, but that was before we used minis.
While there are some toys out there to use as really big creatures, they are mostly suitable for giants & dragons.
Phoenix, Linnorms & Sea Serpents are out there too, but what's the point in creating a monster of such a high challenge rating & size (like the Iathavos Qlippoth, Mu Spore, Nightwave or Sard - to name only the colossals from Bestiary 2 which have a very special look), that maybe 1% of all the people playing the game will ever face one?

I mean i like the IDEA of battling such creatures, but it won't ever happen for multiple reasons - one being the ridiculous size, which makes miniature representation impossible apart from building them yourself.

Dark Archive

January 2019 will see the release of the "Pathfinder Battles: Playtest Heroes"!

The only thumbnail available online is that of Seoni, but it's a safe bet that all 12 Iconics will be part of this set, certainly "Fumbus? the iconic Goblin Alchemist".

I don't know if this will be a boxed set, as 12 minis would be massive...

Dark Archive

Regarding the "resizing" of huge, gargantuan & colossal minis:
It seems that some thought is indeed given to this for Pathfinder 2E.
What final form these potential changes will take will probably only be seen in august 2019 or when the PF 2 Bestiary releases.

Personally i think some kind of downsizing will happen and "colossal" creatures will probably be a thing of the past.

I also think that "gargantuan" will be reserved for the highest CR creatures possible, like the oldest Dragons & the Tarasque & such (after all Pathfinder Battles managed to produce all five chromatic dragons as case incentives!) or (unlikely but possible) be eliminated too.

Huge minis will very very probably stay a thing, but many huge creatures may become large in size.

Interesting times!

Silver Crusade Contributor

Wait, there was a Gargantuan Black Dragon in Pathfinder Battles? Remind me what set that was.

Silver Crusade

The only GBD I know of is the one from the DnD Miniatures Icon's line.

Dark Archive

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@Kalindlara & @Rysky
You are both right, i meant the Gargantuan Black Dragon from the D&D Icons line.
Pathfinder did the blue, skeleton, white, green & red gargantuan dragons.

Dark Archive

Here is a 24 minute video of Wizkids upcoming products:

Game Trade Media

At around minute 12 you'll see the unpainted gargantuan Red Dragon & around min. 13 something they show a Kingmaker booster & unbox the "Huge Earth Elemental" case incentive!

You can see that the box it's in is much larger than the mini (it has to be so big because the "Huge Water Elemental" will be in a box of the same size, as it is much bigger than the Earth Elemental).

It also pays to watch until the end...

Silver Crusade Contributor

I can't access videos on this device. Is this Gargantuan Red Dragon from the Dungeons and Dragons line? I'd love another big red dragon from them...

Dark Archive

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Kalindlara wrote:
I can't access videos on this device. Is this Gargantuan Red Dragon from the Dungeons and Dragons line? I'd love another big red dragon from them...

Nope, it's the exact same as the painted case incentive from "Dungeon's Deep" only unpainted and for half the price. This one and the Gargantuan White from "Reign of Winter" & the Gargantuan Green from "Legends of Golarion" will be part of the "Pathfinder: Deep Cuts" line (wave 6 i think).

Sorry if i was unclear.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Ah, fair enough. It's okay ^_^

I just prefer the visual design of many of the D&D dragons. Especially the red and blue dragons.

I love the look of that Time Dragon! I can't wait to add it to my shelf o' Dragons!

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