Dirty, Cheating Halflingsesss

Friday, March 3, 2017

Good Afternoon and Happy Friday!

This week in the lead up to Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs, I will regale you with tales of second breakfasts, elevensies, and supper, along with a miniature that would likely enjoy man flesh (if it wasn't a miniature). To start, we have the Halfling Rogue. This dapper fellow is based off of art from the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path, and was a member of the Bellflower Network. But whether you are battling the house of Thrune, or merely picking your party member's pockets, this miniature is highly versatile for any small folk character or NPC. The Halfling Rogue is a small common.

Next, we have the Halfling Archer. This miniature could be used as a ranger, hunter, rogue, druid, or fighter. If you like playing small characters, and want one that looks more adventurer than "I miss the Shire", this is the miniature for you. The Halfling Archer is also a small common.

Finally, we have Ury Sevenskulls, the leader of a tribe of undead hunting orcs. If you are familiar with the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, then you know this NPC for the machine of death that he is. If not, you are in for a pleasant surprise. Thank me later. While he is an Orc, one could use him as a miniature for any half-orc character as well. Ury is a medium rare.

Stay tuned for more miniatures reveals next week!

Michael Kenway
Director of Licensing

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles
Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

While I'm uncertain about the straw hat I do like both of the halflings, plus one is a female warrior at last. Both look to have potential, although bring small I fear much of the detailing may be lost, I know this is not always the case but both of these are common minis.

Ury is fantastic. I truly hope his colour matches the previous orc releases, the lost coast ones. My issue will be the rarity. It's spot on but I suspect I'll want more than one.

Please, please tell me there is at least one more orc in the set. An axe or spear wielding warrior to match the bow orc and swords weilder we already have. The half orc from the module, Ulwar(?), would be prefect. Female in armour with shield and axe. This would round out the orcs perfectly.

Thanks again Mike.

All 3 are nice minis! I think all of them will be popular (though I see what Cat is saying about the hat.)

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Im also a little curious as to why small males always seem to have overly large heads, is it a gnome and halfling thing? Oddest example of sexual dimorphism I've seen

Silver Crusade

I really like that halfling archer. Will have to pick that one up.

I love the hat on the Halfling rogue. Gives some character! I hope Pathfinder continues to add little "extras" to many of the PC type minis as it makes them much more interesting than a simple Halfling rogue with leather armor and a dagger ready to stab. GREAT job in my opinion. The beard is an extra plus as well! It's my favorite of the three!

Now, I do have a question about the head size of gnomes and halflings in general. If you look back at previous halfling and gnome minis made the heads go from rather large to very tiny. This goes for dwarves as well. I don't think Pathfinder or WotC have decided what they want to do with the head sizes of these races. It appears from the pictures that the head size of the archer and rogue may once again fall into that inconsistent category of uncertainty. What gives?

You put an NPC in and it's from Hell's Vengeance? Come on, guys. There's so many amazing NPCs in Crimson Throne!

I like both Halflings, down to their furry bare feet.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I love all three of these. Great job!

I think the straw hat is great. I agree with Arbados, it really gives the piece character. The halfling rogue from the Icons of the Realms sets just seems way too bland to me. I'm glad Paizo is adding flavor to their pieces. I also love that this piece can serve as a ranged-style character.

As for the actual ranged halfling, I love her. I love the pose and her bow. And like Berk the Black said, I love the furry bare feet.

But yes, we will have to wait for release to see how well these turn out. Small common pieces have been done well before by Wizkids; I feel the Goblins turned out great, for example. Hopefully these halflings will follow suit. While I like the "flavor" of things like the straw hat, I sometimes get nervous at how "busy" a piece is. That is, sometimes it has so many things going on with it, the piece can come off a bit cluttered. Not necessarily a bad thing, but when this happens on a small, common miniature, detailing does indeed get lost.

Regardless of where it's from, I love the undead hunting orc. It seems to be a bit more grey than green, likely as a result of being undead. Or is he a living orc that leads a tribe that hunts undead creatures? If the latter is true, he seems a bit too grey compared to previous orcs from Paizo. But I love the pose for sure, and the nice big sword. It makes me think a bit of He-Man, if he were an orc. And while I can see him being used as a half-orc player character, he'd be just as fine as an orc player character.

As for including a Hell's Vengeance character, I think it makes sense. We've gone from a set with plenty of Hell's Rebel's characters in it to one from the Crimson Throne release, so it makes sense to toss in a few from the Vengeance series. It's also possible Ury is a holdover from the initial lineup of Deadly Foes but didn't make the cut.

I can't wait for this set. Is it still coming in April? It'll be here before we know it!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For those interested, I've also just posted a video review of the Pathfinder Battles: Deadly Foes set. I know I'm pretty late to the party on this one. I shot one back in early January (still late), when I did the Monster Menagerie 2 review. But due to some technical difficulties, I decided to shoot it again. I'm replacing all the floors in my house, so that's been taking up massive amounts of my free time. But I was finally able to due a decent review. Of course there were still some issues, so I had to split it into two sections.

Regardless, it's now done and posted. It's a review of the complete set, not an unboxing video. So if you're interested in seeing some close-up, high-def video of all 52 pieces in the Deadly Foes set, please check it out. I've put timestamps down in the comments section of the videos for those who don't wish to listen to more of my rambling than necessary.

Here is the link to Part 1:

Here is the link to Part 2:

I also do statue reviews. So far I've only done 1/6-scale statues from the two Batman lines ('66 TV series; Classics Collection inspired by the '45-55' Dick Sprang artwork) from Tweeterhead. But more are coming.

I'll be giving away some statues and Pathfinder miniatures (Iconic Heroes sets 1-3; maybe a brick of Crown of Fangs miniatures) to random subscribers. So hit the Like and Subscribe buttons for a chance to win.


Dark Archive

I´m not very excited about any of these minis to put it mildly.

The reason:

While we only had "The Eel" from Skull & Shackles as male halfling before, this male Halfling´s head is way too big and i imagine it will be hard to see his face under the hat if placed on the Flip-mat.
The dagger looks strange and why would he use a handcrossbow when he could use a "halfling sling-staff"?
What´s worse: this mini looks so unique, that i can´t use the 4-5 which will be in a case.

The idea to include a female halfling in the same set as the male is great, but as she is proportioned normally, these don´t look to be from the same species. Also the pose is not very dynamic and the weapon should be a halfling sling-staff to differentiate her from the dozens of female (and about hundred of male) halfling minis i already have from D&D.
Again, 4-5 of these will be too much, as i can´t cut away any parts to make some look different from each other.

Both minis are likely leftovers from another set and i hope these will stay the only halflings EVER in PFB (until they have sling-staffs)!

While this one is actually from Curse of the Crimson Throne, i would have prefered a female orc, as we already have Oloch, half-orc warpriest from Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Set #5, who doesn´t look too different and has a much more dynamic pose. Still this one isn´t so bad looking, BUT there are many unique great looking medium creatures in the CotCT AP that would have deserved to be in the place of this one.

As these are the first three minis i consider a "fail" out of 23 revealed ones (50% revealed - yay), i´m not too disappointed, but the rarity of all three being moved to "uncommon" would have made much more sense.

I mean no offense, but is seeing his face so important to you and your players in a game Marco? I sometimes pass around a mini because it looks so great, but at my game we are not commenting on whether we can see a face or eye detail? It all comes down to the mini representing the creature well and if it looks good overall we're good! I understand I may be (and I say maybe)in the minority about face detail, but how much time is each mini on your table for a battle where eyes are that important? Don't get me wrong, I love detail, but these are NOT display pieces and sometimes I think role playing collectors think they are?!?

Dark Archive

arbados wrote:
I mean no offense, but is seeing his face so important to you and your players in a game Marco? I sometimes pass around a mini because it looks so great, but at my game we are not commenting on whether we can see a face or eye detail? It all comes down to the mini representing the creature well and if it looks good overall we're good! I understand I may be (and I say maybe)in the minority about face detail, but how much time is each mini on your table for a battle where eyes are that important? Don't get me wrong, I love detail, but these are NOT display pieces and sometimes I think role playing collectors think they are?!?

You are right about the face of a common mini not being too important.

The problem with this mini is, that it looks so unique with the hat and beard, that i can only see it being used as either a PC or as a distinct NPC, which makes the face looking good important.
I actually think the mini looks cool, despite the too large head and the (to me) strange weapons, but the rarity is wrong.

Face painting detail of common or uncommon humanoid creatures may be kept simple imo, but not to the point of them looking inhuman or grotesque.

No offense taken by the way - in the end these are only painted plastic pieces and not something to argue about. ;-)

The orc is nearly perfect for my half orc dragon diciple player character.
just a shame about the rarity as I'm not re-painting a rare to match the looks.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
we already have Oloch, half-orc warpriest from Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Set #5, who doesn´t look too different

I think Oloch is too overloaded by equipment and details to be used as anything other than what is written on the base.

The halflings:
Uncommon would have done for the big straw hat ;-)
otoh this is a perfect "crowd of commoners" type.

Re: halfling sling staff.
A Rogue is not automatically proficient with it, so giving it a crossbow is ok IMO.
The girl as Ranger, Hunter or Fighter would be proficient, so I agree there is a missed opportunity here.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

You know what, clip hpthat knife off and add claws to each hand and that halfling is a perfect halfling wolverine/Logan!

Silver Crusade Contributor

Just out of curiosity, how much actual art is there of halflings using such staves? They generally like to have a reference piece.

Just asking is there lizardfolk characters like Grazzle the Oracle?
Allso there not seems to be too Many ratfolk characters.

Kalindlara wrote:
Just out of curiosity, how much actual art is there of halflings using such staves? They generally like to have a reference piece.

With digital sculpts it should be fairly easy to just swap the weapons.

Without changing the pose of the mini: Swap in a buckler instead of the bow and place a sling staff in the other hand, ready to throw* instead of reaching for an arrow.

*or bash while in melee.

Hannibal_pjv wrote:

Just asking is there lizardfolk characters like Grazzle the Oracle?

Allso there not seems to be too Many ratfolk characters.

I'm also on board for more Lizardfolk minis. Catfolk minis too. We haven't had any since the Catfolk Rogue.

I've never really needed more than one of any halfling sculpt. There are enough halfling miniatures out there to build a small army without duplicates. That being said, I'll take any halfling that is unique, whether by garb, gender, equipment, or unusual features. I usually end up trading the multiples away, although my extra halflings have been node to stow-away in trade boxes when I'm not looking.

The Eel is currently being used by one of our players for his pyro halfling. What a great mini!

MGX wrote:
I'm also on board for more Lizardfolk minis. Catfolk minis too. We haven't had any since the Catfolk Rogue.

I second the recommendation for more Catfolk! So few of them are available compared to the core races. We need more of the Featured and Uncommon races as well.

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
Just out of curiosity, how much actual art is there of halflings using such staves? They generally like to have a reference piece.

There is NONE (that i know off).

That's the problem - it's the best weapon for a halfling in Pathfinder, yet no one uses it.
Is the female archer based on any art?
I have about 20 different halfling minis and maybe 200 all in all, i really don't need more generic ones. ;-)

Erik had mentioned that there would be some orcish-goodness in this set, and he certainly did not disappoint with this reveal!

Ury Sevenskulls is an awesome looking orc!

"For Gruumsh!" *cough* *cough* I mean, "For Rovagug!"

As for the male halfling, I am really not overly impressed for a couple reasons. The head (as several have mentioned) is just too big for the body. While it is a very unique sculpt (especially with the hat), I only want/need 1 of these. Because of this, I wish this halfling was a rare (and with a little smaller of scale head).

The female halfling looks great, and a very versatile sculpt.

Original blog post wrote:

{. . .}

Ury is a medium rare.

Every time I see something described like this, I keep wanting to look for one that is well done . . . .

Dark Archive

Cat-thulhu wrote:

While I'm uncertain about the straw hat I do like both of the halflings, plus one is a female warrior at last. Both look to have potential, although bring small I fear much of the detailing may be lost, I know this is not always the case but both of these are common minis.

Ury is fantastic. I truly hope his colour matches the previous orc releases, the lost coast ones. My issue will be the rarity. It's spot on but I suspect I'll want more than one.

Please, please tell me there is at least one more orc in the set. An axe or spear wielding warrior to match the bow orc and swords weilder we already have. The half orc from the module, Ulwar(?), would be prefect. Female in armour with shield and axe. This would round out the orcs perfectly.

Thanks again Mike.

I think the possibility for one more orc in this set is strong.

If there is, it will be UKWAR, a female with shield & axe from page 293 of the CotCT hardcover. ;-)
Hopefully she will be an uncommon.

Just wanted to post that the female Halfling reminds me of a "warrow" in the books by Dennis McKiernen. The Iron tower trilogy. Halflings that use bows and were not wimps like they were in the Tolkien collection.
I know this is unrelated to most of what is being discussed, but just to the fantasy readers out there, look it up and enjoy.

Scarab Sages

Kalindlara wrote:
Just out of curiosity, how much actual art is there of halflings using such staves? They generally like to have a reference piece.

Not so much for PF, but there'll be a ton of such art for D&D, specifically for the Dragonlance setting, where it was an iconic weapon of that world's halflings.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I suspect that Erik would not be terribly comfortable using Dragonlance art to make Pathfinder minis. Just a guess. ^_^

Liberty's Edge

Blog wrote:
"...the Halfling Rogue. This dapper fellow is based off of art from the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path, and was a member of the Bellflower Network."

Well, of course he is. Good fellow!

I think the hat makes him look swell. His outfit's a bit drab, but sometimes you have to dress down, to do the dirty jobs, like taking out the trash (in every sense of the term).

The only thing that would make this guy indispensable is a lute, preferably silver-stringed, wrapped in red devil leather.
Nothing that couldn't be cured with a cocktail stick and a blob of Milliput.
But of course, that would mean he was rare, as in 'unique'.

Dark Archive

I just want to say that a few from the "Pathfinder Deep Cuts" unpainted minis (release date march 22nd) will be useful to people who don't have the talent or time to paint them (like me).

Especially the "Hellhounds" 2-pack, as it contains 2 completely translucent medium hellhound minis which could be used as ghosts or invisible animal companions.

The only other completely translucent mini in this set (i think) is the bat in the "Familiars" 3-pack.

Many of the humanoid minis have translucent effects on them (like a clear torch flame or flaming weapon).

The large "Unicorn" could probably be used unpainted, as it is all-white.

All of the 18 different blister-packs are €3.99 srp, but are offered for $3.50 in some places.

I'll buy some, but nonetheless hope that they will be available as painted versions sometimes in the future. ;-)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Marco Massoudi wrote:
The large "Unicorn" could probably be used unpainted, as it is all-white.

The non-translucent parts of the Deep Cuts minis actually have a grey primer applied.

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