Magic and Mystery—Oracle Class Deck Preview

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, the oracle is a divine spellcaster driven by devotion to an ideal rather than to a particular deity. The specific source of an oracle's abilities is a mystery, and each oracle is burdened with a curse of some kind, for power has a price. When we designed the first version of Alahazra the Oracle for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, we found ourselves drawn to the idea of prophecy and foresight. That idea carried through into the new character designs for the Oracle Class Deck.

In the Skull & Shackles Base Set, the blind Oracle Alahazra wielded the power of storms against her enemies, while using her divine abilities to open a brief window into the party's future. In her new incarnation, the Bride of the Sun calls down the daystar's light on anyone who gets in her way, and that dazzling illumination makes many things clear to even those who lack eyesight. (She also has a sweet hat.)

No, we don't know how she gets dressed like that without sight either.

That last role power works in combination with the second power, so Alahazra can provide a long term strategic view of what's to come by peeking at the bottom two cards of a deck. Cartmanbeck gave you a preview of her other role, Wandering Prophet, two weeks ago.

For the two new characters in the Oracle Class Deck, we decided to get freaky with our divination methods. Ramexes, as mentioned in that "Class Decks Update" blog, is a haruspex. That means he guts things and sees what's to come in their entrails. Since we're fully into fantasy stereotypes here at the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, we knew Ramexes had to be a pitborn.

He's not bad, he's just drawn that— ...well, actually, he's pretty bad.

Ramexes has a straightforward "kill 'em, cut 'em open, see what's coming" mechanic in his first character power. My favorite power of all time is his third character power, in which he cuts open his allies to gain prescience and bonus explorations. I cackle every time I play him, and he's one of my playtest characters for Season of the Runelords, so I play him a lot. The other folks in the office have gotten used to the frequent cackles that emanate from my cubicle. Or at least they've stopped asking about it.

The final character in our clairvoyant trio is Grazzle, a lizardfolk life oracle who practices ossomancy, or bone divination. He's slightly more fastidious/carnivorous than Ramexes, and prefers to use the whole kill rather than just the entrails.

Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog... wait, wool of bat?

As you can see, Grazzle's focus isn't on scrying, but rather on healing his party through a little self-sacrifice. He can automatically recharge his spells, so he fights like a sorcerer, and the Bone Diviner can still do a little divination where his friends are with a mechanic similar to S&S Alahazra. The Bone Diviner also has a power that works with the variety of new diviner items that we've put in the Oracle Class Deck—but you'll have to wait and see those another time!

I showed off this deck to a playtester of mine, and he shuffled through the deck and gave me a look full of shock and misery. "Where's Augury?" he asked plaintively.

That's right, kids, the Oracle Class Deck doesn't contain the Augury spell. Doesn't have it, doesn't need it. Between the new items and powers we've jammed in there, these oracles will be examining decks like it's their jobs; they'll want to save their spell slots for other things. We encourage you to pick it up and try it out, and see what you think.

Until next time, Pathfinders.

Tanis O'Connor
Adventure Card Game Designer

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Adventure Card Game Designer

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You're welcome.

Oh these 3 look fun. Espesh Ramexes.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Tanis O'Connor wrote:
You're welcome.

What does it say about me (us?) that I didn't need to click the link to know what it was going to lead to, and that it was already in my head from my first reading of the blog's title?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The link is slightly broken though. And I do not get the reference,

Just now: the pitborn pretender Ramexes challenges the Iconics for the title Best Character Ever!

And for those special moments in your life - namely, its last ones- healing doesn't get any better than Grazzle!

Pathfinder ACG Developer

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Zaister wrote:
The link is slightly broken though. And I do not get the reference,

It's a lyric in the song that this corrected link leads to.

"Magic and mystery,
Are part of their history,"...

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I got to play Grazzle at Winter Fantasy. I saw the lizardfolk and was like I'm playing this I don't care what it does. Just like my first rpg char, my first ACG char turned out to be a life oracle.

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

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I think I'm going to really enjoy how Grazzle plays.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Mark Moreland wrote:
What does it say about me (us?) that I didn't need to click the link to know what it was going to lead to, and that it was already in my head from my first reading of the blog's title?

That we are excellent people?

Adventure Card Game Designer

John Compton wrote:
I think I'm going to really enjoy how Grazzle plays.

I think he's really fun, but he is very easy to accidentally kill.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Grazzle's my favorite for the artwork, but Ramexes is my favorite for the mechanics. I'm okay having tough decisions like that :)

Silver Crusade

Despite his evil tendencies, Ramexes is looking like my choice for SotRu.

One of the few class decks I like all the characters! :)

I just love how Grazzle doesn't have to be in the same location to heal.

Is the total number of cards shuffled for Grazzle's shuffle power that heals each other character the number of cards total among the party, or the total each player may heal?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Tyquaius wrote:
Is the total number of cards shuffled for Grazzle's shuffle power that heals each other character the number of cards total among the party, or the total each player may heal?

It is divided among the party. So if you discard one card from top, someone can heal two, or 2 people can heal one.

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Tanis, I have heard a bit about the whole "why no Augury" thing.

I'm going to be amused at seeing the decklist for the Oracle now.

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I like S&S Alahazra so I was looking forward to the Oracle deck. After getting to mess with it last month at Con of the North, though, I was a bit disappointed. The two new characters just don't do anything for me, so I may end up passing on it.

The new term "invokes" got a mixed reaction after one of the other members of our regular group and I guessed its meaning. (In our minds "invoke" doesn't evoke its definition.) Something new to get used to.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I want miniatures of Ramexes and Grazzle! When are these coming? Pleeeaaaaase!

Parody wrote:

I like S&S Alahazra so I was looking forward to the Oracle deck. After getting to mess with it last month at Con of the North, though, I was a bit disappointed. The two new characters just don't do anything for me, so I may end up passing on it.

The new term "invokes" got a mixed reaction after one of the other members of our regular group and I guessed its meaning. (In our minds "invoke" doesn't evoke its definition.) Something new to get used to.

Yeah I was wondering why you started to used invoking in the terminology on the cards while it is not used in any ruleset. It seems to be different from the typical "your check that has the X trait". Or will "invoking traits" rid us from "adding traits" which was really confusing ever since the rules differentiated used and added skills. That might be nice.

By the way, the post miss the PACG tag. I almost missed it because of that.

Longshot11 wrote:

Just now: the pitborn pretender Ramexes challenges the Iconics for the title Best Character Ever!

And for those special moments in your life - namely, its last ones- healing doesn't get any better than Grazzle!

Yooooooo. Ramexes looks a little one note compared to the characters I'm used to playing, but it's a <i>real good</i> note! Just reading over his role card, I'm suddenly doing a lot less dithering about what character I'll try out in Season of the Righteous.

I'm curious about the wording of Grazzle's healing ability. I'm assuming this tangent I'm going off on is wrong, but what's the mechanic of his (+1 card) checkbox? Would that allow him to discard zero cards and still heal someone for one card? (I assume no--I feel like here have been other semi-similar instances of this, but I'm drawing a blank for examples).

For that matter, I'm reading it like the additional card comes after you multiply, because the sentence doesn't seem to imply it's part of the total before you multiply. However, if that were the case, I would expect the power to read "twice the number of cards you discarded ([] plus one)" The odd position of the power box is what's tripping me up, but even with that being said, I can't find any way to put the power as it currently stands into any equation but "1+(2X)" So I'm curious about other people's opinions.

Parody wrote:
(In our minds "invoke" doesn't evoke its definition.)

A+++++++++++++++++++ :D

Scarab Sages

I actually think I liked Alahazra's S&S roles better than the class deck ones. The class deck Alahazra (as well as the other two) seem highly dependent on having cards in-hand to trigger card-examination powers - e.g., Spyglass or Augury.

But then, there's no Augury in the deck...wonder if Scrying makes an appearance. Somehow I get the idea that the designers might be trying to get rid of those cards, just like Holy Candle shall never be seen again. It's become part of the PACG equivalent of MtG's "Power Nine."

Dave Riley wrote:

what's the mechanic of his (+1 card) checkbox? Would that allow him to discard zero cards and still heal someone for one card? (I assume no--I feel like here have been other semi-similar instances of this, but I'm drawing a blank for examples).

Тhe way it's written - yeah, 0 discard for 1 heal sounds correct. It's probably NOT the intention, but considering it's once per turn, doesn't sound that much OP (though it is admittedly strong ability in low-player-count games).

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Interesting that Grazzle's Bone Diviner has the text ([] and during this examination, you may ignore any powers on the examined card).

Something tells me that Mummy's Mask is going to hurt a lot of Augury and Scrying users.

-- S.

Longshot11 wrote:
Тhe way it's written - yeah, 0 discard for 1 heal sounds correct. It's probably NOT the intention, but considering it's once per turn, doesn't sound that much OP (though it is admittedly strong ability in low-player-count games).

What's tripping me up is I feel like there's examples of optional effects with similar wordings, and this is probably a case of "not paying a cost means you don't activate a reward," but I'm not finding any of the ones that are on the tip of my tongue.

Either way, yeah, it's not the craziest power on the block, and it's looks like it'd be one of the most useful start-of-turn heals either way... only consideration being how many Cures you'd feel obligated to stack in your deck in case you were the sole healer and had the misfortune of discarding your only Cure. Then again, as Seelah convert, I enjoy the mild card-counting some characters in PF require.

Both Ramexes and Grazzle seem super fun either way! And, down as much as I am with scouting, it's 1000% an Oracle for me in our next PF run. <3

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Tanis O'Connor wrote:
John Compton wrote:
I think I'm going to really enjoy how Grazzle plays.
I think he's really fun, but he is very easy to accidentally kill.

Physician, Cure thyself, then heal the rest of the party while the Cure is on the bottom of your deck.

I'm very excited to get my hands on this deck! I will admit that I'm a little sad to see there won't be Augury/Scry as I was really looking forward to a 4 card peak with CD Alahazra. Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of other ways of looking into the future with allies/items and the various character powers. Also will be very exciting when they come up as potential spells to grab from the location stacks. Also maybe I can convince a friendly cleric to hand me the spell during OP...

Community & Digital Content Director

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Gilou wrote:
By the way, the post miss the PACG tag. I almost missed it because of that.

Sorry about that! Should be there now :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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"Invokes" is explained on the rules card:

A check invokes a trait if it has or is against a card that has that trait.
A bane invokes a trait if it has that trait or deals only damage of the type that matches that trait.

(This is not the first time that new mechanics have come into play before they were introduced in a new rulebook. Ranzak introduced plunder before the Skull & Shackles rulebook did, and the Iconic Heroes cards introduced the Owner mechanic before the Wrath of the Righteous rulebook did.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dave Riley wrote:
I'm curious about the wording of Grazzle's healing ability. I'm assuming this tangent I'm going off on is wrong, but what's the mechanic of his (+1 card) checkbox? Would that allow him to discard zero cards and still heal someone for one card? (I assume no--I feel like here have been other semi-similar instances of this, but I'm drawing a blank for examples).

We're still finalizing the wording on this addition to the Mummy's Mask rulebook:

When something refers to "any number" of cards, that number must be at least 1.

Vic Wertz wrote:
A bane invokes a trait if it has that trait or deals only damage of the type that matches that trait.

So if a bane x does not have the Poison trait, but it has the power "All damage done by x is Poison damage", then it invokes the Poison trait.

If a bane does not have the Acid trait, but does 1d4 BYA Acid damage and deals Combat damage normally for a failed check, it does not invoke the Acid trait. Correct? (I would have thought it did.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Correct—your first example invokes the Poison trait, and your second example does not invoke the Acid trait.

There's a slightly scary phrase hidden there:

Grazzle's role card said wrote:
...during this examination you may ignore any powers on the examined card

I've not yet seen any cards that do trigger when examined, have I?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

There's a least one in Wrath. It's a late-adventure-deck monster that makes you bury any cards used to examine it.

elcoderdude wrote:
There's a least one in Wrath. It's a late-adventure-deck monster that makes you bury any cards used to examine it.

Any Boons, so you wouldn't have to bury any cohorts that you used to scout it or your character/role card if you used a power on that to scout it.

Leryn says "Woof."

(translation: "What's up. d('.')b")

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The_Napier wrote:

There's a slightly scary phrase hidden there:

Grazzle's role card said wrote:
...during this examination you may ignore any powers on the examined card
I've not yet seen any cards that do trigger when examined, have I?


zeroth_hour2 wrote:

Tanis, I have heard a bit about the whole "why no Augury" thing.

I'm going to be amused at seeing the decklist for the Oracle now.

Can't wait to see the drooling charming pleading eyes of my oracle-daughter when someone else encounters Augury.

Anyone that didn't play the Charity "it's pretty it's mine" character during the beta-testing of Whacked in 2002 (one of the very first Xbox games) just can't imagine what she will look like.

I am really excited about this deck! I think my wife and I will be fighting over who gets to play an oracle in our next new adventure path.

(She once collected all the spyglasses in RotR just within her own character deck.)

Vic Wertz wrote:

"Invokes" is explained on the rules card:

A check invokes a trait if it has or is against a card that has that trait.
A bane invokes a trait if it has that trait or deals only damage of the type that matches that trait.

(This is not the first time that new mechanics have come into play before they were introduced in a new rulebook. Ranzak introduced plunder before the Skull & Shackles rulebook did, and the Iconic Heroes cards introduced the Owner mechanic before the Wrath of the Righteous rulebook did.)

Yes, but Alahazra's card says it's a check that invokes a trait - so does that mean a check invokes a trait if the card that produced the check invokes it?

Grand Lodge

zeroth_hour2 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
A check invokes a trait if it has or is against a card that has that trait.
Yes, but Alahazra's card says it's a check that invokes a trait - so does that mean a check invokes a trait if the card that produced the check invokes it?

If the card the check is against (bane or boon) has the trait, then the check invokes the trait. Also, if the check HAS that trait (usually from cards played to affect the check which apply their own traits, or as specified in powers, for example), it invokes the trait.

(Not trying to sound condescending. I think lots of people are going to have a similar question, so I figured more explicit lingo is better.)
Also, SQUEEEEEEEEEE Shipment e-mail!!!

Grand Lodge

I was really hoping that "invokes" would be reevaluated and reconsidered, but here it comes. I'm not a fan, personally. I think it needlessly complicates things just for the sake of freeing up a few characters on the word count.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
I was really hoping that "invokes" would be reevaluated and reconsidered, but here it comes. I'm not a fan, personally. I think it needlessly complicates things just for the sake of freeing up a few characters on the word count.

It's playtested well enough; I suspect the confusion will mostly be dispelled or at least as clear as the entire full sentence could possibly be after a few sessions of using it.

And saving a couple lines of text on a card is _amazing_.

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Just got my deck in the mail today and it looks to be a really good deck. The spell selection is FANTASTIC, a lot of the new items are really interesting, and the two new blessings really make me eager for Mummy's Mask. My Monday group just finished up WotR this week and plan on going through Season of the Shackles next. I think I'm gonna try Grazzle; I think his healing power is really neat and his skills seem tailor-made for S&S.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oracle Class Deck:
Okay, so there's a lot of new cards in this one, and besides the lack of more than one basic Cure, it looks really cool, and now I have another Class Deck I'll be getting a lot of use out of.

That being said, hello new blessings. So, when's Mummy's Mask going to be out? I want to recharge Blessing of Osiris now.

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Having just played a spellcasting Cleric with the Cleric deck (WotR Kyra), I am pleased with the selection of Attack spells in the Oracle deck.

Silver Crusade

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elcoderdude wrote:
Having just played a spellcasting Cleric with the Cleric deck (WotR Kyra), I am pleased with the selection of Attack spells in the Oracle deck.

This makes me happy. I was concerned that Ramexes seems weapon focused but only starts with two, but if there are attack spells, he can make do for awhile.

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:

This makes me happy. I was concerned that Ramexes seems weapon focused but only starts with two, but if there are attack spells, he can make do for awhile.

I think given his power, recharge a divine card to add 1d8 plus the fire trait, that you should be able to sit with one weapon in hand and when needed add a little demon fire to make the check. Helps that his favored card type is weapon, so that should be pretty easy to accomplish. Opens up those spell slots for utilities. Fortunately there are a number of pretty good utility spells as well.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I noticed after I posted that favored card type is weapon, which helps a lot. I still prefer to have at least 3 cards in my deck for combat.

Grand Lodge

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Got mine today! O.o

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