Gen Con 2016 Call for Volunteers!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

As we gear up for this year's convention season, it's time again to solicit volunteers!

Paizo is once again a co-sponsor of Gen Con 2016. As with last year, we will have a booth & card game demos in the Exhibition Hall, seminars in the Convention Center, and Pathfinder Society running in the Sagamore Ballroom.

Last year saw the culmination of several years' growth, during which Pathfinder Society at Gen Con expanded from a side room to all of the Sagamore Ballroom. While we aren't adding any space this year, we're changing up some of the programming. The Adventure Card Guild (ACG) will have 20 tables in its own area of the ballroom, where they are going to run Season of the Runelords. In addition, the ACG Open returns to test the mettle of our Card Guildees, and the Friday night interactive will include an ACG component. There are a few other programming related plans to finalize, and we'll reveal more information on those on the blog sometime in Febraury.

On the Roleplaying Guild (RPG) side, we're offering scenarios covering the second half of Season 7 and the first few of Season 8, as well as bringing back a few favorites. We have several special events planned, including an all-new interactive on Friday evening! In addition, a new series of quests will debut, and there are a few other things up our sleeve to be announced in February.

One of the biggest changes this year is the new "Pathfinder Society Academy" (PSA). Encompassing the Kid's Track offered in prior years, it expands to a third lesson track focusing on transitioning to full scenarios. With 10 tables in their own area of the ballroom, the PSA includes space for our younger GMs and players to have an experience tailored just for them. Games in PSA are family-friendly and sure to bring a smile to our younger players' faces.

The Gen Con lead volunteers and the PFS team worked together to determine a scheduling method to cover volunteer needs for slots while also maximizing free time (allowing folks to join in some of the fantastic Gen Con activities). One of the changes you'll see is the additional of a break between the morning and afternoon slots. This year, games in the Sagamore Ballroom will be run in three slots (8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM), with the exception of Sunday (9:00 AM to 2:00 PM). The Exhibition Hall demos will be run from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with the exception of Sunday (10:00 AM to 4:00 PM).

Volunteer slots are scheduled as follows:

SlotRPG/ACG GMsPFS HeadquartersAdventure Card Game Demos
Thursday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Thursday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Thursday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Friday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Friday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Friday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Saturday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Saturday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Saturday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Sunday Morning8:30 AM to 2:00 PM8:30 PM to 5:30 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Sunday Afternoon12:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Based on the above schedule, volunteer time commitments are:

TierRPG/ACG GMsHeadquarters VolunteerAdventure Card Game Demos
Tier 18 Slots5 Slots7 Slots
Tier 27 Slots
Tier 36 Slots4 Slots6 Slots
Tier 45 Slots3 Slots5 Slots
Tier 54 Slots2 Slots4 Slots
Tier 61 Slot1 Slot

The breakdown of what benefits are available for each tier are:

TierBadgeHotelHardcover BookT-ShirtsStore CreditBoon/Reward
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6

The details of each benefit are as follows:

  • Badge—A free 4-Day Gen Con 2016 badge
  • Hotel— 1/4 of a room at the Westin in downtown Indianapolis
  • Hardcover Book—A free copy of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures
  • T-Shirts—4 limited release t-shirts in purple (GMs)/orange (HQ) for new volunteers
  • Store Credit— store credit per slot volunteering ($10 per slot GMed slot and $20 per HQ slot)
  • Boon/Reward—An exclusive tier-based boon (RPG) or reward (ACG)

Gen Con badges go on sale Friday and the housing lottery starts Sunday. As in prior years, housing in downtown Indianapolis is at a premium. Gen Con works to house as many people as possible through their housing lottery. We are opening registration today so attendees that plan on volunteering may plan badge purchase and housing lottery involvement accordingly. All folks that complete the registration process by midnight Saturday will have an answer before the lottery goes live Sunday morning.

To register for volunteering, complete this Gen Con questionnaire. You can send any questions to

Thank you to all our volunteers and players who make the Pathfinder Society so fantastic! The team and look forward to seeing you at Gen Con 2016! Let's roll some dice!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

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trollbill wrote:

That's what you get for having 5 Stars.

Of course, I am running all 3 PreGen, gotta have 4-stars to GM, Specials. So I guess that's what I get for having 4 Stars.

The 4-star 5-star rule for special goes into effect after GenCon. I have two stars, almost three, and I have run the all the specials for the past few years. I just can't run the 'exclusives' after GenCon.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

Here are some of my questions presented in no particular order.

  • I already paid for a badge. UndeadMitch already answered the question that I could contact Gencon customer service to get a refund. But how does this impact my ordering of event tickets?
  • How do I prove to them that I am getting a GM badge from Paizo?
  • I have access to 2 of 3 Evergreens. Should I purchase the one that I don’t have so I can prep for it?
  • I may not be in town by Wednesday at 6PM. What time will HQ open Thursday morning so I can get what I need to get from them? I think 7:30 but want to make sure.


The GM badge from Paizo will drop into your account in the next day or so Tonya has said. That will show GenCon that you are being paid for by Paizo.

As long as you have A badge on your account, you should be fine with buying tickets...that might be a question to ask to GenCon itself though.

If you want the 3rd evergreen, then sure buy it. If not, prepping one of the 2 you have should be fine.

HQ was usually open at 7:30 at the latest the last few years. I think that's what they're quoted times are, but the HQ leads tend to show up a little early too, especially the first day of the con.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

You can always keep the badge you bought and get a refund at the show. I did this two years ago and it wasn't very difficult to do.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

Thanks Sniggevert!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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In addition to scheduled events, we are asking all GMs to be prepared to run the evergreen scenarios (5-08 The Confirmation, 6-10 The Wounded Wisp, and 7-10 The Consortium Compact) should the situation arise.
Fromper wrote:
Does this mean we have to be prepared to run ALL of these, or can we just pick one, and use that as our "go to" should we need it?

We consider the three evergreens to be something that all GMs should be familiar with and ready to run at any time. Of course, having the materials for those three on top of your regular schedule can be a challenge especially if you are flying to GenCon. So, I am trying to get a few materials boxes built for them that would be stored at HQ and eligible for sign out by GMs who have to run them as an alternative to their normal sessions. No guarantees, but since we are asking you to prep extra stuff, the least we can do is have the maps, pawns, and handouts for them. Of course, if any of those scenarios are actually on your schedule, do not depend on HQ to provide the materials.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Gary Bush wrote:
  • I already paid for a badge. UndeadMitch already answered the question that I could contact Gencon customer service to get a refund. But how does this impact my ordering of event tickets?
  • As long as there is a valid badge on your account at all times, there is no problem. Once the free badge drops in, you can petition GenCon suctomer service for a refund of your purchased badge. Any event tickets you buy are attached to your account, not the badge. It is just required to unlock event registration.

    Gary Bush wrote:
  • How do I prove to them that I am getting a GM badge from Paizo?
  • Once the free badge is processed, it will appear in your account as a 2nd badge. You won't have to prove it to them because they can see both of them on your account.

    Gary Bush wrote:
  • I have access to 2 of 3 Evergreens. Should I purchase the one that I don’t have so I can prep for it?
  • This is a question I will forward to Tonya. We cannot pre-emptively just drop all three evergreens into the account of every GM and since we don't know who might need them, its harder to deal with. Buying them yourself is certainly an option. They are only $4 afterall, but I would encourage you to work with your VO team to be a GM at a local event that is receiving prize support whether that be a regional event or a convention. That would get you access to the the scenario you are running.

    Gary Bush wrote:
  • I may not be in town by Wednesday at 6PM. What time will HQ open Thursday morning so I can get what I need to get from them? I think 7:30 but want to make sure.
  • No problem. Any GM packets not picked up on Wednesday afternoon will b available at HQ during normal hours. We typically open the room about an hour before the first slot starts and will be available all day. Stop by anytime.


    Bob Jonquet wrote:
    Gary Bush wrote:
  • I have access to 2 of 3 Evergreens. Should I purchase the one that I don’t have so I can prep for it?
  • This is a question I will forward to Tonya. We cannot pre-emptively just drop all three evergreens into the account of every GM and since we don't know who might need them, its harder to deal with. Buying them yourself is certainly an option. They are only $4 afterall, but I would encourage you to work with your VO team to be a GM at a local event that is receiving prize support whether that be a regional event or a convention. That would get you access to the the scenario you are running.

    Last year I contacted the PFS Coordinator about the evergreens that I didn't have at that time. At some point The Wounded Wisp was added to my account. I expect that if they are not added automatically to my account this year, I will ask again.

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    Another question, this time about GM rewards.

    The blog post says t-shirts are for "new volunteers". I actually got 4 of these when I GMed at GenCon a few years ago, but I've since given away one of mine. I'd actually like to get extras, if possible, so I can give them away as an encouragement to new GMs at our local store.

    Am I not allowed to get more shirts since I already got them once? As I said, I already gave away one, so I only have 3 for myself, and I'm scheduled to GM all 4 days this time around, so I could really use one more, at least.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

    Bob Jonquet wrote:
    ... I would encourage you to work with your VO team to be a GM at a local event that is receiving prize support whether that be a regional event or a convention. That would get you access to the the scenario you are running.

    This is how I was able to get The Confirmation. Not sure what other cons there are in my area but will look into that.

    I got the Wounded Wisp from the Humble bundle.

    As you said, it is only $4 so not a big deal.

    Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

    GM Wulfson wrote:
    Jordan Agudelo wrote:
    Got The Sun Orchid Scheme all weekend. Already ran it once local. Gonna love seeing peoples reaction to this scenario.
    I got Bid for Alabastrine all weekend. Hasn't even come out yet.

    Venture Agents just received the scenario. Somewhat odd during the middle of month.

    I've got a few pointers for Sun Orchid Scheme. Just message me and I'll reply to questions or queries.

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    I've just finished sending out the schedules for HQ volunteers. If you don't receive yours by tomorrow morning and think that you should have, please contact me directly at

    The Exchange 4/5

    schedule and badge dropped. Thanks for all the hard work!!!!

    Shadow Lodge 4/5

    Will we be e-mailed room assignments just like in previous years?

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

    For those who are watching ticket sales, we are shifting tickets for the Friday night special to adjust for demand. That means some GMs will have their tier assignment changed to meet the demand. This change will occur long before you will need to actually start prepping.

    Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

    Fromper wrote:

    Another question, this time about GM rewards.

    The blog post says t-shirts are for "new volunteers". I actually got 4 of these when I GMed at GenCon a few years ago, but I've since given away one of mine. I'd actually like to get extras, if possible, so I can give them away as an encouragement to new GMs at our local store.

    Am I not allowed to get more shirts since I already got them once? As I said, I already gave away one, so I only have 3 for myself, and I'm scheduled to GM all 4 days this time around, so I could really use one more, at least.

    We issue T-shirts every two years, on an as needed basis. So if you got yours a few years ago, you are eligible for a new batch. Please send an email (with number and size) to, so that I can update your info.

    Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Daniel Knipfer wrote:
    Will we be e-mailed room assignments just like in previous years?

    Yes. It won't happen until June though.

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    Tonya Woldridge wrote:
    Fromper wrote:

    Another question, this time about GM rewards.

    The blog post says t-shirts are for "new volunteers". I actually got 4 of these when I GMed at GenCon a few years ago, but I've since given away one of mine. I'd actually like to get extras, if possible, so I can give them away as an encouragement to new GMs at our local store.

    Am I not allowed to get more shirts since I already got them once? As I said, I already gave away one, so I only have 3 for myself, and I'm scheduled to GM all 4 days this time around, so I could really use one more, at least.

    We issue T-shirts every two years, on an as needed basis. So if you got yours a few years ago, you are eligible for a new batch. Please send an email (with number and size) to, so that I can update your info.

    That email address didn't work.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

    I see on the GenCon website that each events could have a GM assigned. Will the GenCon events be updated with actual GM names?

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

    Doubtful. We've never done that before and with periodic cancellations and changes from now til the event, not really worth the effort. Besides, it's not critical that the names of each GM be published.


    However, there is a tradition of some GMs posting their schedules on the GM boards for all to see so people can seek out their favorites, though there is no guarantee you will get a particular table. I started the thread for this year this afternoon.

    edit: here

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So, we've experienced some cancellations and have some availability for more volunteers, mostly RPG GMs, but also ACG and Quests. If you have not already done so, scroll up to the top of this page, read the open call information and follow the link at the bottom to the online application. I will be getting a change log report from Tonya this week that will include added volunteers. If you are on that list, I may be able to find a suitable place for you. A couple of hotel room spaces have opened up but they will go quickly (first come first serve) so get your application submitted ASAP for consideration.

    This is my first year, I am all in and Tier 1. So in it, to win it! But, don't worry. I will bring filler games we can play on slow times. :D

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    Bob Jonquet wrote:
    For those who are watching ticket sales, we are shifting tickets for the Friday night special to adjust for demand. That means some GMs will have their tier assignment changed to meet the demand. This change will occur long before you will need to actually start prepping.

    Looks like it's about time to shift them again. Lots of tickets available for tier 1-2, and the others are almost sold out.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

    Bob, Tonya, and team have been on the ball getting this balanced out.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

    Looking at the current offers on the Gencon event finder, I see that there is a fair amount of available seats for the scenario I have been assigned.

    Do assignments have a possibility of being changed (ie, being assigned another scenario) before the con?

    I already understand I need to prepare the Evergreens.


    Silver Crusade 4/5

    Event tickets have only been on sale for 2 days. The die hards have signed up, but I'd expect lots of casual players, or those trying to keep a flexible schedule, to buy tickets at the last minute, or just show up on game day with generic tickets.

    To my knowledge, they won't re-assign your scenarios, other than maybe pulling you to do an evergreen if necessary.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

    Ok good to know.

    How common/unusual is it for a table not to fire?

    When mustering are tables set at 4 players or set full at 6?

    Are tables allowed to go to 7?

    Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

    Last year if your table didn't fire, sometimes you ran an evergreen or kids academy, if I remember correctly. All my tables were full except one, which was 7. The one with 7 people, I was asked first if I wanted a 7th.


    Fromper wrote:
    To my knowledge, they won't re-assign your scenarios, other than maybe pulling you to do an evergreen if necessary.

    Last year, a few weeks into ticket sales, some of the scenarios offerings were adjusted. Affected GMs were notified that their assignment had changed. I'm not sure how many this actually affected, but it was probably less then ten tables per slot.

    If tables/scenarios are adjusted based on ticket sales this year, I actually expect this may have a bigger impact on GMs. That's because it appears that Bob has done an excellent job assigning GMs a minimum number of scenarios to prep for. As I am only preparing for one scenario to run at GenCon, if Bob changes my schedule, he'll be doubling my preps :-) But, realistically, I'd rather prep a scenario that is in demand than sit at an empty table.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

    Over the last couple of years, it seemed like about ten or so tables didn't make per session, specials excepted. That may be better or worse this year, it is hard to say. All of mine happened last year, though one was a last second switch to The Confirmation!

    Silver Crusade 5/5

    It depends on a number of things. From my own observations (which are admittedly anecdotal and should be taken with about a shaker of salt), when players are getting assigned to tables it tends to go alphabetically, so depending on where you fall in the alphabet you might have a better or worse chance of a table making. Additionally, Sunday tables have in my prior experience been pretty fickle, out of two GenCons I have both of my Sunday slots not go off.

    Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

    UndeadMitch wrote:
    It depends on a number of things. From my own observations (which are admittedly anecdotal and should be taken with about a shaker of salt), when players are getting assigned to tables it tends to go alphabetically, so depending on where you fall in the alphabet you might have a better or worse chance of a table making. Additionally, Sunday tables have in my prior experience been pretty fickle, out of two GenCons I have both of my Sunday slots not go off.

    LAst year, if you had a table of yours not fire, you were put on a priority list for your next slot so you would be one of the first to get a table. This way, you didn't end up getting all of your slots off.

    Silver Crusade 5/5

    Makes sense. I figured HQ probably had something like that in place, but it never really mattered with my two slots that didn't make.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

    The other risk was higher tier stuff, excepting the specials. Anecdotal evidence made it seem that be 7-11s were less likely to get sold.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

    Thank you all for the responses.

    Sorry if my questions are noobish, but hey, I am a noob to GenCon! :)

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

    Traditionally, 7-11 scenarios are more likely to cancel than lower level stuff, but we have some ideas and new procedures to mitigate some of that. Cancelled tables don't help anyone and could put our ownership of the entire ballroom at risk.
    Its interesting to note that for specials, to opposite is true. 7-11 have a much higher demand than normal scenarios. Just one of those things we have to watch and manage in real time. Predicting how many tickets are needed for each scenario/slot/table is as much luck as it is science.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

    Bob Jonquet wrote:
    Predicting how many tickets are needed for each scenario/slot/table is as much luck as it is science.

    And this what you get paid the big bucks for right!? :)

    Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/5 *

    since there was a call for more volunteers any idea when we may hear about if we were accepted as volunteers?

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

    I will be pecking at it a little bit, but to be honest, my focus is back on PaizoCon. When I return home from Seattle, my attention will return to GenCon.

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    Fromper wrote:
    Tonya Woldridge wrote:
    Fromper wrote:

    Another question, this time about GM rewards.

    The blog post says t-shirts are for "new volunteers". I actually got 4 of these when I GMed at GenCon a few years ago, but I've since given away one of mine. I'd actually like to get extras, if possible, so I can give them away as an encouragement to new GMs at our local store.

    Am I not allowed to get more shirts since I already got them once? As I said, I already gave away one, so I only have 3 for myself, and I'm scheduled to GM all 4 days this time around, so I could really use one more, at least.

    We issue T-shirts every two years, on an as needed basis. So if you got yours a few years ago, you are eligible for a new batch. Please send an email (with number and size) to, so that I can update your info.
    That email address didn't work.

    It was supposed to be, with no S before the @. I have edited it. (And our postmaster has made it a viable alias anyway.)

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    I'm assuming we'll get the scenarios we're supposed to GM added to our downloads for free. When can we expect that to happen? I've got one that's already available, and pretty complicated, so I was hoping to start reading it very early, hopefully within the next week or two.

    The Exchange 5/5

    Fromper wrote:
    I'm assuming we'll get the scenarios we're supposed to GM added to our downloads for free. When can we expect that to happen? I've got one that's already available, and pretty complicated, so I was hoping to start reading it very early, hopefully within the next week or two.

    Generally; in the past, it's happened w/in a couple weeks of the show. That might change this year, but err on the side of caution and assume it won't happen early

    Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Fromper wrote:
    I'm assuming we'll get the scenarios we're supposed to GM added to our downloads for free. When can we expect that to happen? I've got one that's already available, and pretty complicated, so I was hoping to start reading it very early, hopefully within the next week or two.

    Granting scenarios and the timing thereof are more the purview of the organized play coordinator; because she's out for a few days enjoying some time off, I'll give a provisional answer.

    The intention's to get scenarios out to Gen Con GMs with considerable time to prepare, and it definitely makes sense to drop already-published adventures to GMs once we have the files ready. This might already be the policy. I'll discuss it further once the team's all back together later this week.

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    John, should I message Tonya or someone else about con support while she's off? (Meant to ask during the weekend, since the con in question is Thursday.)

    Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

    Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
    John, should I message Tonya or someone else about con support while she's off? (Meant to ask during the weekend, since the con in question is Thursday.)

    Email her, CC me, and it might be possible to resolve the matter. I understand she resolved pretty much every pending request before PaizoCon in anticipation of taking a short vacation this week.


    I hate that I found out about volunteering so late. I have never been to Gen Con before though I've always wanted to go. This is likely my last opportunity to go for quite some time as I'll be having my first child in December and I doubt I would be able to make this kind of time after that. Please consider my volunteer application if it's not too late!

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    dumptruckman wrote:
    I hate that I found out about volunteering so late. I have never been to Gen Con before though I've always wanted to go. This is likely my last opportunity to go for quite some time as I'll be having my first child in December and I doubt I would be able to make this kind of time after that. Please consider my volunteer application if it's not too late!

    You should definitely go to the convention, even if they don't need you as a volunteer. It's something worth experiencing at least once.

    And congrats on the upcoming child!

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    John Compton wrote:
    Fromper wrote:
    I'm assuming we'll get the scenarios we're supposed to GM added to our downloads for free. When can we expect that to happen? I've got one that's already available, and pretty complicated, so I was hoping to start reading it very early, hopefully within the next week or two.

    Granting scenarios and the timing thereof are more the purview of the organized play coordinator; because she's out for a few days enjoying some time off, I'll give a provisional answer.

    The intention's to get scenarios out to Gen Con GMs with considerable time to prepare, and it definitely makes sense to drop already-published adventures to GMs once we have the files ready. This might already be the policy. I'll discuss it further once the team's all back together later this week.

    Thanks for the quick response.

    I intentionally waited until after PaizoCon to ask. And as I said, I was hoping to start reading in a week or two. Definitely not a rush yet, with Gen Con still over 2 months away. But the earlier, the better.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

    John Compton wrote:
    Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
    John, should I message Tonya or someone else about con support while she's off? (Meant to ask during the weekend, since the con in question is Thursday.)
    Email her, CC me, and it might be possible to resolve the matter. I understand she resolved pretty much every pending request before PaizoCon in anticipation of taking a short vacation this week.

    Email sent in regards to 2D Con

    Thank you, John, for helping out with this!

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