Advanced Class Guide

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just a few weeks ago, we announced the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide, an exciting new addition to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game due out next summer. While we talked about it a fair bit at Gencon, this blog post is here to get you caught up on all the news!

This 256-page rulebook will contain 10 new classes, each a mix of two existing classes, taking a bit from each class and adding new mechanics to give you a unique character. Around the office we're calling them "hybrid classes." You can think of the magus (from Ultimate Magic) as our first test of this concept. It takes some rules from the fighter, some rules from the wizard, and then adds its own unique mechanics.

At this point, you're probably wondering what new classes you can expect to see in the Advanced Class Guide. So far, we've announced five of the ten classes.

Bloodrager: This blend of sorcerer and barbarian can call upon the power of his blood whenever he goes into a rage. He also has a limited selection of spells he can call upon, even when in a mindless fury!

Hunter: Taking powers from both the druid and the ranger, the hunter is never without her trusted animal companion, hunting down foes with lethal accuracy.

Shaman: Calling upon the spirits to aid her, the shaman draws upon class features of the oracle and the witch. Each day, she can commune with different spirits to aid her and her allies.

Slayer: Look at all the blood! The slayer blends the rogue and the ranger to create a character that is all about taking down particular targets.

Warpriest: Most religions have martial traditions, and warpriests are often the backbones of such orders. This mix of cleric and fighter can call upon the blessings of the gods to defeat enemies of their faiths.

Of course, those are just half the classes in this book. There are four more we have yet to reveal.

"Four?" you say. "But I thought there were ten!" And you would be right—because I'm about to let you in on another of the classes that will appear in this book, which we haven't announced until this moment!

Swashbuckler: Break out your rapier and your wit! The swashbuckler uses panache and daring to get the job done, blending the powers of the fighter and the gunslinger! For those of you who don't use guns in your campaign, fear not—the base class is not proficient in firearms (although there will certainly be an archetype in the book that fix that).

But that's not all! This book will also contain archetypes for all 10 new classes, as well as a selection to help existing classes play with some of the new features in this book. There will also be feats and spells to support these new classes, as well as magic items that will undoubtedly become favorites for nearly any character. Last but not least, the final chapter in this book will give you a peek inside the design process for classes and archetypes, giving you plenty of tips and guides to build your own! Since class design is more art than science, this won't be a system (like in the Advanced Race Guide), but rather a chapter giving you advice on how the process works.

So, there you go. That's six of the 10 classes that will appear in the Advanced Class Guide and an overview of what else you can expect from this exciting new book. While it's due to release next August, you won't have to wait too long to get your hands on these classes, because we're planning to do a public playtest here this fall! Check back here for more news as the playtest draws close!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Rashagar wrote:
I really don't like the idea of calling the Warpriest class Crusader or Templar, those have far too many negative connotations for me.

Not at all like Inquisitor or Witch? (or Ninja for that matter).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Dragon78 wrote:

Depends on wich version, not all of them go naked for there transformations, not all them fight evil though that would be a useful in this game. Though I would like it to be a d8HD, bard spell progression, two good saves(ref, will), 4-6 skill points/level. I could see them getting the ability to "transform"(or summon) a different costume(s) with abilities related. Maybe even chosen during character creation that determines your abilities and theme. I would prefer healing/ curative, some light based and good aligned based spells, some abjuration and boosting spells, and some extra spells known based on theme. Maybe stat boost and other buffs for there transformation wich would last like rage or bardic music limited use mechanics. Some "themes" could be healing, light, fire, water, air, lightning, earth, ice, time, plant, animal, purity, dragons, illusions, taro etc..

Examples of magical girls
Sailor Moon
Rainbow Brite
Jem(kinda but tech based)
Cutey Honey(Android version)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Devil Hunter Yoko
Princess Tutu

I now want a class with a soul-sword summoning skill so I can create the world of Utena in Pathfinder.

(Dear universe: please don't let DQ create the world of Utena in Pathfinder, for the sake of universal sanity.)

Dragon78 wrote:
I would like it to be a d8HD, bard spell progression, two good saves(ref, will), 4-6 skill points/level. I could see them getting the ability to "transform"(or summon) a different costume(s) with abilities related. Maybe even chosen during character creation that determines your abilities and theme. I would prefer healing/ curative, some light based and good aligned based spells, some abjuration and boosting spells, and some extra spells known based on theme. Maybe stat boost and other buffs for there transformation wich would last like rage or bardic music limited use mechanics.

You should look at the synthesist summoner archetype. It's one good save and a couple skill points away from being exactly what you're describing.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Rashagar wrote:
I really don't like the idea of calling the Warpriest class Crusader or Templar, those have far too many negative connotations for me.
Not at all like Inquisitor or Witch? (or Ninja for that matter).

Inquisitor also does. Not so much the other two.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Depends on your culture. Witch is still used as an insult and substitute for a similar sounding word with a B, and Ninja still has connotations of assassin or dishonest person.

Speaking of which, why not assassin? Or Thug?

a combat class that could summon armor/weapons for combat might be nice and fit the "magical girl" niche (as well as others), although I suspect it might be too specific for a new base class.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Be a soulknife!

They can even share their mother's health...

Spiral_Ninja wrote:
Zark wrote:

- Mythic waitress going adventuring with the rest of an adventuring party and whacking things with a frying pan through most of the story. I guess it would be more fitting if she hit things with knives, forks and spoons. Perhaps she dishes out damage with the dishes, but most likely she use her serving tray.

But I'm the waitress, not Stab Girl, not the Murderer!

Shut up and go back to work.

My hope and wish is for a Magus x Summoner. A class that forms an arcane bond with a weapon that grows in abilities. Much like a Black Blade but the weapon can eventually become a walking construct or armor.

"Devil's Advocate" wrote:
Zark wrote:
Dennis Baker wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
I dunno, the war priest sounds pretty close to that. Especially if it happens to be full BAB. It's a holy warrior of any alignment.
I can't see any 6 or 9 level casting class having Full BAB. Particularly not if it has abilities other than casting. Not even if it's using the cleric spell list. It just doesn't make sense in terms of balance.

One big problem with BAB ¾ is the fact that so many feats that is useful for a Warpriest have a +1 BAB prereq. I’m thinking of feats like: Quick Draw, Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Cleave, Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Step Up, etc.

This is one reason I don’t like BAB 3/4, but perhaps the Warpriest can pick those feats without meting the prereqs?

That would be cool, but it's already the same issues that the Cleric faces. So limited on feats, and for the combat ones, when they qualify, they are too far behind to really make them worth it a lot of the time.

I kind of hope this class is not a Paladin of any alignment, but instead a Warrior Priest. One that can be used to sort of play a paladin-like class that's not LG, ok, but the inference should certainly be on Cleric + Fighter, and not Paladin. Strong spellcasting rather than Mercy's or Auras. Part of me actually kind of wants it to be a "divine magus", as that's one archtype I've really wanted for a while.

Agree, I too hope this class is not a Paladin of any alignment, but instead a Warrior Priest/warpriest. I also want it to be a cleric fighter, not a Paladin light with some cleric fluff and bonus feats.

I really don’t like the “Paladin of any alignment”. I can see a LG or CG (or a CE or LE anti-Paladin) but NG seems a bit lame. The Paladin should be extreme.

I hope they call it a Warpriest and not a Templar or Crusader. Crusader would really be awful. Warpriest sounds really brutal and I like that.

Shadow Lodge

I like all three to be honest. Crusader, while probably the best, might be too confusing with either the in setting crusaders (Mendev and others), or the already existing Crusader Cleric Archtype.

On the other hand, Warpriest (I seriously hope) says exactly what the class is and does. I honestly would mind it just being called the straight up BattleCleric (no space ha ha)

Chaplain might be a good fit. (Chaplain where the Christain Priests inside the Knightly Orders whom were trained for battle.)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I would love to see a shapeshifting focused class. One of the major problems with shapeshifting in PF/previous versions was the tie to Druids and the feeling that they were done.

The Druid is a horrible model for shapeshifting since it basically is about finding the one shape and making it work. I would rather have a class with a limited base ability to change shape and spell-like resources that enhance it. Given PF did one of the best ideas in not letting caster shapechangers get away with dump stats it is a great system for putting an excellent system into place.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Chaplain might be a good fit. (Chaplain where the Christain Priests inside the Knightly Orders whom were trained for battle.)

Chaplain is any member of clergy associated with a militarily they are also noncombatants

Taenia wrote:

I would love to see a shapeshifting focused class. One of the major problems with shapeshifting in PF/previous versions was the tie to Druids and the feeling that they were done.

The Druid is a horrible model for shapeshifting since it basically is about finding the one shape and making it work. I would rather have a class with a limited base ability to change shape and spell-like resources that enhance it. Given PF did one of the best ideas in not letting caster shapechangers get away with dump stats it is a great system for putting an excellent system into place.

You mean like a hybrid class who shapechanges parts of himself indepentently from the rest? Just suddenly tentacles. =D


The Etymology of the Word "Chaplain"

Posted on: May 10, 2011

By Dr. Hugh H. Morgan, Director of Chaplains Ministries

The word Etymology is not one most of us use everyday. It is difficult to pronounce; but, it is a word I choose to use for this special edition of Evangelism USA to spotlight our chaplains. I have just completed doing the research and writing for the script for a promotional video for Chaplains Ministries which Dr. Ronald W. Carpenter, Sr. asked me to do. While doing this project, I rang across a lovely story that illustrates the meaning of the word etymology -- which is the derivation of a word or an account of the history of a word.

The story is told about St. Martin of Tours, a compassionate fourth century soldier, who encountered a shivering beggar on a cold winter night. Having no money in his purse, this soldier took off his cloak and slashed it with his sword to give half of it to the beggar. Later that night he saw a vision in which Jesus Christ was wearing the half-cloak. As a result of this experience he became a Christian and was baptized. Ultimately he left the army to devote his life to the church. In time he became the patron saint of the French kings of the Middle Ages. St. Martin's cloak (cappella) was carried into battle by the kings as a banner signifying "the presence of God." But since the cappella was a sacred relic of the church, a priest went along as custodian. This keeper of the cloak, or cappellanus, also tended the king's religious needs, and from his office was derived that of "chaplain." The depository for the cloak became the "chapel," the place of worship.

From this website: Etymology of Chaplain

On a less whimsical note, what classes do you actually believe will be in the Final Four?

I mean, when you get down to it the classes that have not been merged at this point include the Cavalier, the Paladin, the Monk, the Wizard, and the Bard. Of them, the Wizard is iffy because the Magus is the first mashup and used the Wizard for this. (Likewise, I consider the Ninja to be a partial mashup of the Monk and the Rogue, while the Samurai appears to be a variant of the Cavalier.)

One of the Mashups could be a Holy Brother - a combination of the Monk and Paladin, that uses Unarmed Strikes combined with the Smite Ability. I suspect it would be Lawful-only, but would allow Lawful Evil and Lawful Neutral.

I almost wonder about a combination of the Cavalier and the Bard, who would use songs and the like to inspire allies along with Teamwork-style Feats and abilities... but I'm not exactly sure how that would work, or if it's even viable.

There might also be a Fighter/Rogue combination... I especially like the concept as it's another magic-free mixture. However, it might be too close to the Ranger and the Hunter to be a viable alternative. Still, working off of the Duelist prestige class to merge the Fighter and Rogue could be workable.

Finally... considering some of these classes appear to be expansions on the prestige classes... the Theurge, who combines Divine and Arcane magics. This would be a most difficult class to balance and effectively run. But I do admit I've a sneaking suspicion we may see something along this line.

Wait are we going based on the Protestant or Catholic Definition? And what do they mean Etymology isn't a word we use a lot these days?

Most Chaplains were Priests who were former soldiers who chose to bring the faith to the warriors and give them peace in death via last rights. They actually were named based on the fact that they typically conducted services in a Chapel which was an enclosed shrine.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Guys, historical paladins didn't summon prancing intelligent horsies out of nothing, didn't cast spells, and weren't immune to diseases.

Warpriest is a fine name.

I was just saying that Chaplain would be a good fit.

So, any word on the Arcanist? I don't really get the "trade spell slots for spells per day" description.

Cheapy wrote:

Guys, historical paladins didn't summon prancing intelligent horsies out of nothing, didn't cast spells, and weren't immune to diseases.

Warpriest is a fine name.

Eh, I really don't like the "two words to make a name" method of class naming. Doesn't really sound iconic. I'd honestly prefer Templar or something than Warpriest.

As for offensiveness, well, we have a class called the wizard and I don't feel offended. Hard to be offended by names that happened generations before I was even born. Although if the wizard iconic had a white, pointed hood, I'd probably change my tune ;)

Cheapy wrote:
The problem is that class names need to be descriptive... You generally know what you're going to get from the classes (although a part of that is socialization). Magus runs into this problem pretty hard. Warpriest at least gives you the right mental image straight away. Bloodrager too!

Idk, I think Templar describes it well. I think templar or crusader and I envision a holy warrior, not unlike a paladin.

Bloodrager is another name I dislike, but I honestly can't think of an adequate name to call it.

Warpriest just seems too made up. I am not fond of Magus true, but I think Templar or Chaplain would be better names in general for the class

Berzerker, Reaver, Ravager, etc.

And when I think of Magus I think of the Magi from Finnish(?) Lore. Warriors who practiced magic to destroy their foes easier.

Templar makes me think of the Paladin. That is a Holy Knight who is on the front line. The vibe I get more from the Warpriest class is more like who the Chaplain were. They would be on the 3-4th ranks in armies and would support the Paladins on the front line. Then outside of mass combat they would be the Guards in Temples and would cater to the Warriors who come for worship &/or Counsel.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Rashagar wrote:
Taenia wrote:

I would love to see a shapeshifting focused class. One of the major problems with shapeshifting in PF/previous versions was the tie to Druids and the feeling that they were done.

The Druid is a horrible model for shapeshifting since it basically is about finding the one shape and making it work. I would rather have a class with a limited base ability to change shape and spell-like resources that enhance it. Given PF did one of the best ideas in not letting caster shapechangers get away with dump stats it is a great system for putting an excellent system into place.

You mean like a hybrid class who shapechanges parts of himself indepentently from the rest? Just suddenly tentacles. =D

No more one that uses shapechange as its primary ability. A caster uses spells to cover a variety of situations a shape shifter should use shapes to do something similar but of more limited scope. Need to cross a canyon, turn into a large flyer, need to track down a bad guy go bloodhoud. Just have to set it up so that it is balanced while still having shapeshifting flavor from level one.

Odraude wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
The problem is that class names need to be descriptive... You generally know what you're going to get from the classes (although a part of that is socialization). Magus runs into this problem pretty hard. Warpriest at least gives you the right mental image straight away. Bloodrager too!

Idk, I think Templar describes it well. I think templar or crusader and I envision a holy warrior, not unlike a paladin.

Bloodrager is another name I dislike, but I honestly can't think of an adequate name to call it.

Berserker, conquerer, destroyer, demolisher, vindicator, vanquisher, juggernaut, hulk... Now I have comic book characters running through my head.

This book looks exciting and I am excited about it!

Virgil Firecask wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
The problem is that class names need to be descriptive... You generally know what you're going to get from the classes (although a part of that is socialization). Magus runs into this problem pretty hard. Warpriest at least gives you the right mental image straight away. Bloodrager too!

Idk, I think Templar describes it well. I think templar or crusader and I envision a holy warrior, not unlike a paladin.

Bloodrager is another name I dislike, but I honestly can't think of an adequate name to call it.

Berserker, conquerer, destroyer, demolisher, vindicator, vanquisher, juggernaut, hulk... Now I have comic book characters running through my head.

While those sound awesome, they really only describe the barbarian side of it. Not so much the sorcerer side.

Also, anything on the Arcanist? I don't really understand it's mechanics.

Shadow Lodge

Disciple: A Cleric/Monk, sort of going the poor, unarmed style religious pilgrim, aimed at perfecting more than just mind and body, but also spirit and soul. I kind of hope for this much more than Paladin/Monk. Jesus + Kung Fu (Inquisitor/Monk might also work)

needs a name that's not "the Knight": Cavalier/Paladin, really building up the synergy between either Mount or signature Weapon, and truly being the knight in shining armor, (but still very able to get off their horse and be useful when not on a big open field).

the She's F' Crazy: Alchemist/Bard, that uses their alchemy not as a weapon but a rather hilarious method of party buffing, and the new angry girlfriend class. (hurls infusions and offers newfound inspiration by tossing mutations at the party from the back ranks, . . . along with dishes and the telephone)

And the Adventurer: a Alchemist/Bard/Barbarian/Cleric/Ex-Druid/Favored Soul/Fighter/Inquisitor/(3.5)Knight/Monk/Ninja/Paladin/Ranger/Sorcerer/Wiza rd

Dualist: Cleric/Cleric that heavily focuses in both Positive and Negative Energy, a lot.

I really would like to see the Disciple honestly.

Shadow Lodge

The true Horse Chopper: Rogue/Ranger with a taste of Barbarian, but only good against colorful talking magic ponies.

Shadow Lodge

Virgil Firecask wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
The problem is that class names need to be descriptive... You generally know what you're going to get from the classes (although a part of that is socialization). Magus runs into this problem pretty hard. Warpriest at least gives you the right mental image straight away. Bloodrager too!

Idk, I think Templar describes it well. I think templar or crusader and I envision a holy warrior, not unlike a paladin.

Bloodrager is another name I dislike, but I honestly can't think of an adequate name to call it.

Berserker, conquerer, destroyer, demolisher, vindicator, vanquisher, juggernaut, hulk... Now I have comic book characters running through my head.


Strong Guy!

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

"Devil's Advocate" wrote:
the She's F' Crazy: Alchemist/Bard, that uses their alchemy not as a weapon but a rather hilarious method of party buffing, and the new angry girlfriend class. (hurls infusions and offers newfound inspiration by tossing mutations at the party from the back ranks, . . . along with dishes and the telephone)

There can be no other name than "Fury".

TOZ wrote:
"Devil's Advocate" wrote:
the She's F' Crazy: Alchemist/Bard, that uses their alchemy not as a weapon but a rather hilarious method of party buffing, and the new angry girlfriend class. (hurls infusions and offers newfound inspiration by tossing mutations at the party from the back ranks, . . . along with dishes and the telephone)
There can be no other name than "Fury".

Funny. I was just going to call her Danielle ;)

Tangent101 wrote:

One of the Mashups could be a Holy Brother - a combination of the Monk and Paladin, that uses Unarmed Strikes combined with the Smite Ability. I suspect it would be Lawful-only, but would allow Lawful Evil and Lawful Neutral.

I do that combo in a Gestalt - MAD as all heck (can get by with decent abilties and pumping Wis and Cha) but flurrysmite is just too much fun. And ohh the saves.

Paladins and Monks are my most played classes, I'd love to see an official hybrid of them myself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Odraude wrote:
Funny. I was just going to call her Danielle ;)


Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Wait are we going based on the Protestant or Catholic Definition? And what do they mean Etymology isn't a word we use a lot these days?

Most Chaplains were Priests who were former soldiers who chose to bring the faith to the warriors and give them peace in death via last rights. They actually were named based on the fact that they typically conducted services in a Chapel which was an enclosed shrine.

i was just say that a i did not think Chaplain was a good name because they are noncombatants. to me it will have the same feel as the Healer class from 3.5 yes it was a kinda a cool class but not very many people are going to want to play a pacificist in a game that is very much about combat.

Silver Crusade

Actually, most of my characters hate having to fight and would rather use Diplomacy. You might be surprised.

However, with a (initial) name like the WARPriest, I'm kind of hoping that they are not looking to keep pacifism as an option for this one.

How about just War Priest? Simple. Straight forward. Elegant. Not a two word mash-up to make a fake name. All you need to know.

Dark Archive

Odraude wrote:
So, any word on the Arcanist? I don't really get the "trade spell slots for spells per day" description.

My impression is that you have a spellbook full of spells, and then you prepare X number of them per day, and can cast them flexibly like a sorcerer. So, prep fireball and haste, and then cast either 1 fireball and 1 haste, or 2 fireballs or 2 hastes.

Ignatious the Seeker of Flame wrote:

Actually, most of my characters hate having to fight and would rather use Diplomacy. You might be surprised.

However, with a (initial) name like the WARPriest, I'm kind of hoping that they are not looking to keep pacifism as an option for this one.

How about just War Priest? Simple. Straight forward. Elegant. Not a two word mash-up to make a fake name. All you need to know.

right any that's well and good but the healer from 3.5(i not sure that was the name of the class) would lose all her powers if she harmed any one besides undead. oddly enough IRL if a Chaplain similar things happen will happen legally.

as far as a name i am pro Zealot it fits regardless of the aliment or god

Set wrote:
Odraude wrote:
So, any word on the Arcanist? I don't really get the "trade spell slots for spells per day" description.

My impression is that you have a spellbook full of spells, and then you prepare X number of them per day, and can cast them flexibly like a sorcerer. So, prep fireball and haste, and then cast either 1 fireball and 1 haste, or 2 fireballs or 2 hastes.

Interesting. I'd honestly prefer that over the wizard. I've always preferred spontaneous casting to prepared, though I do like the fluff of having a spell book, Very interesting..

Dark Archive

I love the idea of this magical girl class. I thought of someone asking me what class I was playing and pictured myself, a fat beard, proclaiming in a real gong sounding girLY girl voice, "I'm a MAGICAL GIRL!" I couldn't stop laughing. I could feel heat in my face and pressure in my head from all the hood rushing to my head from continuous laughing. I can get all into he type of class someone described they wanted with 3/4 bab, bard spell progression(but with some exciting blasting spells, not just charms and reactionary divine healing stuff), 4 skills a level. I thought I would never play an Inquisitor again unless I got the first 4 levels for free xp but now, just the concept alone to try it again. I am almost a parody class of it with abilities like FEMALE LOGIC, the ability to.counter any rational argument based solely on emotional feelings, in game terms, something like gain a bonus to diplomacy /intimidate checks.

I wonder if a monk type, worthy of.calling itself "The Master" will be done.

Dark Archive

Odraude wrote:
Set wrote:
My impression is that you have a spellbook full of spells, and then you prepare X number of them per day, and can cast them flexibly like a sorcerer. So, prep fireball and haste, and then cast either 1 fireball and 1 haste, or 2 fireballs or 2 hastes.
Interesting. I'd honestly prefer that over the wizard. I've always preferred spontaneous casting to prepared, though I do like the fluff of having a spell book, Very interesting..

Bear in mind that this is me talking out of my butt. If there's one thing I have a special talent for, it's being dead wrong about what the fine folks are thinking... :)

Set wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Set wrote:
My impression is that you have a spellbook full of spells, and then you prepare X number of them per day, and can cast them flexibly like a sorcerer. So, prep fireball and haste, and then cast either 1 fireball and 1 haste, or 2 fireballs or 2 hastes.
Interesting. I'd honestly prefer that over the wizard. I've always preferred spontaneous casting to prepared, though I do like the fluff of having a spell book, Very interesting..

Bear in mind that this is me talking out of my butt. If there's one thing I have a special talent for, it's being dead wrong about what the fine folks are thinking... :)

Never the less, this is something I'd like as well.

And I have the same talent for misinterpreting what the good folks at Paizo are up to.

If only MY ideas were -just once- better. Sigh.

I still don't like the names for warpriest and bloodrager.

I hope the playtest is soon, I really would like to find out what the other classes will be.


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