Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Gang's (Almost) All Here!

Friday, January 25, 2013

The brand-new Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures officially released on Wednesday of this week, and reactions from those lucky enough to have received them already have been very positive!

Speaking personally for a moment, I always love that tipping point where all of the hard work we've put into a Pathfinder Battles set finally gets shared for real with you guys, so that you can see exactly what we've been so excited about week after week here at Paizo, as we work with WizKids to make Pathfinder Battles the coolest line of prepainted plastic gaming figures available. Hearing your comments (and your criticisms, too!) makes us feel like all that hard work was really worth it, and the back-and-forth definitely makes each Pathfinder Battles release even stronger than its predecessors. I can't thank you enough for the interest and support you've shown our line since the very first day we announced it.

You guys are awesome!

Here at Paizo HQ, we've been crazy busy finishing up Ultimate Campaign so it can go to the printer in a couple of weeks, launching the Reign of Winter Adventure Path, finalizing Visions of WAR: The Art of Wayne Reynolds, designing and finalizing the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, and hatching schemes for 2014 and beyond.

All of that effort has put a huge burden on our art department, who are trying like mad to stay on top of all of our projects as we catch up from the holiday break and ramp up to make sure all of our big summer releases come out on schedule.

That means that while I'd intended to celebrate the release of the hattered Star set with a complete reveal of high-quality photos of every figure that previously had to settle for iPhone shots taken at my desk, in fact it's taking the art team longer than anticipated to clean up all of the images, and I won't be able to show off all of them just yet.

I think we'll simply plug the photos missing after this blog into each figure's individual product page, rather than making a big to-do out of it here in the Friday preview. This space is better used for revealing cool, exciting figures you don't already own, after all, so I only want to stretch this out as long as necessary.

(At this point I should also add that the art team is ALSO cleaning up and finalizing photos of some brand new figures from an upcoming release we have not yet announced, so next week we're ready for some awesome new reveals anyway.)

But before that happens, let's take a final look at some of the Shattered Star figures you've probably only seen sitting on my desk, in early computer render form, or under some other less-than-optimal condition. (Assuming you're not currently holding them in your hand, of course.)

Here we have Koriah Azmeren, complete with a cool glowing sword just like in the Wayne Reynolds image that inspired her. Koriah has been around Pathfinder for a long time, first appearing as an author of the Pathfinder Chronicles in Into the Darklands, an early Pathfinder product written by our own James Jacobs. She's an amazing figure, from the sculpt to the paint details, and we absolutely love her. Koriah is rare figure.

Next up is Xin, the legendary founder of Thassilon, precursor to the dreaded Runelords! This guy has been lurking around Varisia for more than 10,000 years, and when the PCs finally catch up with him I think it's fair to say he probably looks rather different than this, his "original" appearance (for how he looks today, see another figure in this set, though spoilers prevent me from saying which one!). This is one of those figures that works great as a specific NPC as well as a stand-in for just about any kind of diabolical high-level wizard you need to throw at your player characters. Xin is a rare figure.

Speaking of the insidious Runelords, up next we have Runelord Sorshen, who makes a surprising appearance in the Shattered Star Adventure Path. When combined with Runelord Karzoug, we've now released two of the seven Runelords, covering the sins of greed and lust. Perhaps future Pathfinder Battles releases will allow you to complete the set! Runelord Sorshen is a rare figure.

Most of you likely recognize our next figure, the lovable Lem, Halfling Bard! Lem is our "iconic" bard, and has appeared in Pathfinder products ever since he graced the covers of Curse of the Crimson Throne, our second-ever Pathfinder Adventure Path! (As a bit of trivia, Lem gets his name from Lemmy, the lead singer of the heavy metal band Motörhead, on account of their similar sideburns.) Lem is a rare figure.

Here's another figure with roots that go back to Curse of the Crimson Throne. That campaign introduced the Gray Maidens, an all-female order of knights from the city of Korvosa. Eva Widerman's original armor concept for these warriors was so cool we put it on the back cover of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. When it came time to revisit certain Varisian themes in the Shattered Star Adventure Path, we knew we wanted to revisit this iconic group. Here we have Oriana, a Gray Maiden Commander, with Eva's original costume design filtered through Wayne Reynolds. We think this rare figure looks awesome!

Let's move on to some monsters, shall we? Here we have the Medium Air Elemental, a common figure cast in clear plastic and touched up with some white highlights. Getting the colors right on this guy took several rounds of approvals, but I'm pleased with how he finally turned out. It's always been a major goal of mine to produce elementals at all the sizes in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, and the Shattered Star set covers us for Medium and Large versions of the core four elemental types.

Speaking of which, the set also includes this Large Air Elemental, who frankly pushes the boundaries of a Large figure and starts hedging into quasi-Huge territory. An actual Huge will have to wait for a future set (as will the Smalls), but as I said above, Shattered Star certainly sets us off on a great start.

Last up this week we've got the enormous Troll Champion, which is one of my favorite figures in the entire set. This guy REALLY pushes the limit of a Large figure, and he absolutely is as large as we envision trolls ever getting. Yes, he towers over even some giants we've already released, but this guy is a CHAMPION. An upcoming set will feature another type of troll that's more in line with what we consider a "regular" troll to be, size-wise. Our original Troll, in Heroes & Monsters, was a bit too small. This guy is a bit too large (on purpose, because he's so awesome). More trolls soon!

And that's it! By my count that leaves four figures remaining for high-quality photos (the Grub Swarm, Glass Golem, Natalya Vancaskerkin, and Sheila Heidmarch). We'll sneak them onto their respective singles pages later this week, clearing the docket for something genuinely new next week.

Until then, I hope you enjoy opening and admiring your new Shattered Star figures as much as we've enjoyed creating them for you!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star
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Liberty's Edge

Great work on the set. I picked up a pack at my FLGS today while I wait on my case. My favorite bit about this set is probably the elementals. I got a medium fire in my pack and I love it. I can't wait to get my hands on the golems.

Time to speculate on the next set? Huge White Dragon, Gargantuan Green Dragon, Animal Companions, mounts, Heroes & Monsters 2, maybe Kingmaker?

Grand Lodge

As I read and write I am holding my Troll Champion. He is fantastic. The glossy red of his tongue looks moist. And the length...oh my. I am sure he is popular with the female Trolls. This is truly a well done sculpt. There is a lot of character in his face. The hammer head is the size of a Halfling. I will have to look up the crit from his giant Katana. It should be devastating.

My case is here. I have opened only four boosters so far, and I am blown away. These are better in hand than the images. The detail and quality is the best I have seen in prepainted miniatures. I have painted a lot of miniatures, and I could not paint the face of the Gray Maiden Commander as well. It is amazing that these are mass produced.

Thank you Paizo, Wizkids, and most of all to you Erik. It is really cool how much you really get it.

Nice to see the set on the main page too. ;)

My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

Silver Crusade

Really great work, all involved. You're providing for a real need in the community, and doing it with flair.

Any hints as to when the next set will be announced?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Pretty sure Erik said he had slated a gargantuan green for the future. He's stated in one other blog if I recall he intends to get all dragons of each size into the line. So I'd say relax, it's coming. Even better, all the elementals and dragons means HUGE minis so perhaps all those other huge mini holes can now be filled (and my wallet emptied)

Now Erik, on another blog I see you stated the Frogemoth isn't open game? Please tell me will can get a mini despite this.

Well done on these last previews. You guys have excelled, so hats off to you and wizkids on this one. Makes me extremelly hopeful for the future of the line. Can't wait to see the next blog - awesome newness, maybe an encounter pack or HUGES!!!

Once again, you guys keep setting the bar higher with each set, keep up the good work.

The Cleric of Zon Kuthon's face painting is a little suspect, but that's my one and only gripe on the main set. (my comments on the case incentive are better left to that thread).

I too hope we get a Garg Green, but I know Erik has stated they intend too. I'm also excited for huge Water elemental, which I don't believe has been done.

Reasonable facsimiles exist for earth (earth titan), fire had one in DDM and there was some kind of tornado mob that fit as a huge air elemental.

Still variety in sculpts will be fun too.

I was originally skeptical on the whole AP minis thing, but having run half of Runelords so far, I could not have been happier to have the key villains. Though I wish the lamia matriarch looked a little more like the named version in the module. Trying to avoid spoilers.

I know reaper made one, but it felt off buying one when I had something that worked fine.

OK,now I'm rambling. Long story short, AP sets is fine as long as you have a good mix of npc and monsters, and Shattered Star nailed it. And that's from an npc naysayer :P

Good job Erik and everyone else who's name I don't know for sure but appreciate too <3

Freaking fantastic. I received my box in the mail today and I am so glad to have all 55 figurines. Missing one would have been disappointing. The intricate details of the painting is incredible. When I compare those to the ones our regular GM has... the quality doesn't compare. My only problem was to assemble the Dragon. The tail but mostly his left wing would just not insert fully into the hole. I had to use a blade to trim the inserted tip. It worked in the end perfectly but I am still uneasy to have to do this to a $40 figurine. So my advice: Make sure the parts fit without having to use a blade.

3 figurines broke but nothing some glue will not fix.

Are the minis depicted proofs or the final product? I noticed that none of these images show figures on foot pads... so I am just wondering if the final product will be as depicted or on footpads? Can anyone with figures in their hands please confirm.

These look great. :)

The set is a big thumbs up just for all 4 elementals in medium and large sizes alone. And its fantastic to hear you plan on doing smalls.

As for people screaming for a gargantuan green dragon....Why doesnt anyone ever cry out for a gargantuan red? There isnt one yet you know.
The only red we have is colossal and he is bigger than what a colossal red should even be so hes kinda worthless.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Jason Grubiak wrote:
The only red we have is colossal and he is bigger than what a colossal red should even be so hes kinda worthless.

I don't find him worthless. I actually used him with my party a few years ago when we were nearing the end of a campaign. Since colossal is bigger than gargantuan and up, there really is no limit on how big they should be.

But I agree with you; a gargantuan red would be fantastic!

I notice lots of people complaining that there hasn't been a "gargantuan green dragon" yet...
Erik, I hope that these people don't drown out all the other fans. I love every miniature that I've gotten so far, and I have NO gargantuan dragons (except for the blue that was just released).
Pathfinder Battles isn't just for old fans. It's for old AND new fans.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I love that the Troll Champion is the Troll character from "Song of the Serpent" (whose name escapes me at the moment).

Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.


Although I watched in annoyance as WotC bumbled their way through their miniatures line and format changes, I must say one thing I feel they did right was offering the larger sized miniatures as either stand-alone products or part of an encounter set. I addition to Paizo's current format, it would be great is something similar could be done for gargantuan creatures. This would really help to get more dragons out quicker.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Are the minis depicted proofs or the final product? I noticed that none of these images show figures on foot pads... so I am just wondering if the final product will be as depicted or on footpads? Can anyone with figures in their hands please confirm.

No foot pads in this set. The feet have drop pins into the base for the smaller figs and possibly also for the large ones too. Either way they are flush with the bases now.

WampaX wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Are the minis depicted proofs or the final product? I noticed that none of these images show figures on foot pads... so I am just wondering if the final product will be as depicted or on footpads? Can anyone with figures in their hands please confirm.
No foot pads in this set. The feet have drop pins into the base for the smaller figs and possibly also for the large ones too. Either way they are flush with the bases now.

Great news! Thanks.

Silver Crusade

Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

I agree 100%, and more to the point the selection of monsters needs some work... I still don't understand why we are still getting some crappy version of DD mini make 10+ years ago. The price point is poor and the Blue dragon is okay at best. And don't get me started on the Lovecraften creatures...

I found the elements good, some only okay, but useful.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Thehigher cause wrote:
Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

I agree 100%, and more to the point the selection of monsters needs some work... I still don't understand why we are still getting some crappy version of DD mini make 10+ years ago. The price point is poor and the Blue dragon is okay at best. And don't get me started on the Lovecraften creatures...

I found the elements good, some only okay, but useful.

This is not a continuation of another minis line...

Please keep in mind, not everyone started their minis collection when you did. If you don't like the stuff in this set, don't buy it. I don't think there is a reason for that kind of language though.

If you are looking for something specific that's missing in your collection wait till it's published and pick it up then. For the gargantuan green for example there have been several confirmations that it WILL get made... patience is a virtue ;)

@Erik and everybody else involved: good job (even though my case hasn't arrived yet), keep up the good work.

*looks at Sorshen Mini*


The eyes look rather off compared to this one.

Sovereign Court

Come on "Ace of Blades".

In_digo wrote:

I notice lots of people complaining that there hasn't been a "gargantuan green dragon" yet...

I think what people are reflecting on here is that its never been done. If you want one, you have to make it yourself. There are actually quite a few monsters that NEVER had existing miniatures made of them, except perhaps in the days of Ral Partha and Granadier. To me, this seems like a horrific oversight. Sure, you want to appeal to new collectors...but throw us old ones a bone and get us on board too. We already have satisfactory minis of most of these, and more is nice but not really a motivating factor. I guarantee the release of a gargantuan green will cause a big spike in mini sales across the board, not just for the green dragon, but it may reawaken us slumbering old collectors that have given up on seeing any classics that we don't already have.

And as far as "We are planning it." For us Gargantuan Green hunters, we heard that before. At yet, the pinnacle of my miniatures collection is still one color no incarnation of this creature has ever been minted.

Sovereign Court

Man, people get upset about things that I really don't get. It's been said in multiple posts that all the sizes of dragons will be made. This is only the third set people, give them a chance. Compare the 1st 3 sets of DDM to the 1st 3 sets of Pathfinders and compare what has come out.Paizo is doing a remarkable job with it.

The Frogemoth is available to be made (it's in one of the books) and I have seen several references that it will be made sooner then later.


Don't let the haters sway you, Erik! Bring on the Lovecraft! I can't wait to get my hands on that shiny gug, and I have a small army of denizens of Leng in my collection already. >: )

To paraphrase those above, "We want it all and we want it now!" :). But Shattered Star certainly went a long way to making me happy. Kudos on a great selection of pieces in this set and a great distribution of pieces within a case. And the AP themes to the sets dosen't seem to be harming anything. I'm hooked, and can't wait to find out what is coming next.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

How much did you pay for your Colossal red?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Cat-thulhu wrote:

Now Erik, on another blog I see you stated the Frogemoth isn't open game? Please tell me will can get a mini despite this.

The skulk is not technically open, either.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Shalafi2412 wrote:
Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

What did you pay for your Colossal red?

I want to get a permanent record, here. ;)

Erik Mona wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

What did you pay for your Colossal red?

I want to get a permanent record, here. ;)

I know that wasn't directed at me, but mine was 99.99 about 4 years ago new and unopened. To be fair though, it had been rotting in a small alaskan towns hobby shop for years, so they never raised the price despite the fact that they're running about 200 bucks these days.

Erik Mona wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

What did you pay for your Colossal red?

I want to get a permanent record, here. ;)

Around seventy preorders already.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Sheesh people. We'll get a garg green. Matter of time is all. If not the next set (Froghemoth?) then maybe the next or the one after that. I know there is a huge cloud giant in the wings and a huge white, bith cut form Runelords, so to tell you the tructh I'm more interested in the fate of huge minis than a garg green - he'd, or she'd be nice but I have faith it's coming.

My colossal red cost $75. I don't think I'd pay that for a garg green, the red is very, very large. The price point on the gargantuan figures is about right, around 40 is a good price for a gargantuan green. Having seen the blue, my hope is you can continue with the intelligent well equiped look Cadrilkasta has.

Cat-thulhu wrote: to tell you the tructh I'm more interested in the fate of huge minis than a garg green...

Yeah me too. I'm hoping the "...we've got some non-set "interesting stuff" in the works I expect to be able to announce very shortly." remark from Erik is relating to that (and some new encounter packs). :)

The Exchange

I am excited for all the miniatures you all are making because I just started my collection with wizkids minis so I need every color dragon, I need drows, hellion knights, the works. I hope you do miniatures for all past and present adventure paths because that would be a dream come true. Congratulations guys on succcessful miniature line. Keep them coming!


Dark Archive

I would buy a Gargantuan Green Dragon and a gargantuan Red Dragon,
but only if it would NOT look like Cadrilkasta.
I like Dragons better without tattoos, runes and magical gadgets and i also like them better on 4 legs or at least not walking around like humanoids on hind legs.
The images in the Bestiary are fine, they should look like that.

Sad to say it, but the "Young red Dragon" from the ROTR Minis looks awful - i didn´t buy it, because i had 2 better ones from WotC already.

Also the "eyes problem" with the human figures needs to get fixed - some of them look like they are sitting on the toilet... =)

Even if the Elementals are nowhere near as good as the clear plastic ones from WotC, i applaud them - small and large in one set is great and very useful!

I would suggest a vote for a line of gargantuan minis with one made every 3 month for $40. The first one should and would definitely be
the Green Dragon...

From the Shattered Star set i am only interested in 6 minis:
Gray Maiden, Amiri, Gray Maiden Commander, Alchemical Golem, Clockwork Reliquiary and Troll Champion.

Erik Mona wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Emberion wrote:
My god, why can't we get a gargantuan green dragon? I am sick of settling for a modded McFarlane or a substandard toy version. Can we start a petition or something? People have been waiting for this one for nearly a decade when WotC first started making the Gargantuans. When Paizo picked up the torch on this, I was overjoyed...and yet they make other colors again and again. I don't care who makes it or how much it costs, just freaken make it already. At this point, I'd easily pay twice what I payed for my colossal red, and I know about 3 dozen other people who feel the same way.

What did you pay for your Colossal red?

I want to get a permanent record, here. ;)

I believe I paid around $80. I like the Colossal red, but it doesn’t have the detail of the dragons WizKids has put out, their sculpting is MUCH better than the D&D Icon line. However, the colossal red, as well as the Gargantuan white ‘does’ have the size I associate with a dragon of that size category. For the person that said for the Colossal red “it’s too big for it’s size category”, I disagree. That is why I feel the dragons we have received so far are a bit small for their size categories.

I felt the huge black dragon and large red dragons were a bit on the small side. In the case of the reds it worked out, because between them and other existing large reds different age categories can be represented. The black, while a fabulous sculpt, was a little disappointing.

I won't pay $150 (2 x what I paid for my colossal red) for a gargantuan green. The utility of such a mini is just too limited to shell out that much for it. In fact. I haven't got $75 worth out of my red yet, either. But I'd certainly pick up a green if the Shattered Star pricing model is continued. That pretty much holds true for any gargantuan figures, not just dragons.

BTW: I do like the dragons to look like they can and do wield magic like pros. They fit how we use the in the game so much better than the traditional "plain" dragon look. So I'm in for any color, not just green.

Grand Lodge

Erik Mona wrote:

What did you pay for your Colossal red?

I want to get a permanent record, here. ;)

$74.99 plus tax at a nearby Hobby Store at release. :)

The Exchange

Erik my blue dragon broke off his base during shipping. Luckily the figure wasn't broken so I am just going to glue it back on the base. The dragon is truly awesome looking, but they need to change how they package these things. The packaging was just awful, and I am not sure the dragon needs to come in parts, but that is just a minor complaint. I just hope I can get it to stay on the base because it is top heavy.

Thanks again for an awesome set.


Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I think they pack the dragon in multiple parts to avoid breakage on delicate parts like wings and tails, and also so they can use a more efficient box.

Sorry to hear yours came off its base, but I'm pleased it can be glued together without too much evidence of the problem!

The Exchange

Erik it glued on the base with no problem and looks great on my glass table. Now just waiting on my case. Can't wait to open it. Thank you for an awesome looking piece.

Mine actually had one foot come off the base too, but it was easy to glue back on.

Perhaps in the future garg minis that have a narrow foot width could be perched on a very short rock outcropping or some other texture to give them a solid adhesion point?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
AlgaeNymph wrote:

*looks at Sorshen Mini*


The eyes look rather off compared to this one.

My thoughts exactly … hope that's just a minor mistake here?

The Exchange

Lorian wrote:

Mine actually had one foot come off the base too, but it was easy to glue back on.

Perhaps in the future garg minis that have a narrow foot width could be perched on a very short rock outcropping or some other texture to give them a solid adhesion point?

So you got your case in? How does the figures look in person? I can't wait for mine. I will get my case Thursday.

I had the same problem with the Blue Dragon. One foot had come off, but while trying to get the tail in, she completely came off the base. We had to trim a little plastic off the tail nub to get it to fit in, but now it fits nice and snug. Love the look, and managed to get her glued back down hopefully.

The Exchange

wxcougar wrote:
I had the same problem with the Blue Dragon. One foot had come off, but while trying to get the tail in, she completely came off the base. We had to trim a little plastic off the tail nub to get it to fit in, but now it fits nice and snug. Love the look, and managed to get her glued back down hopefully.

It is a sweet sculpt. Glad you got it fixed.

Received a case today. I like the minis a lot, but I have a big but (teehee)

But, seriously...

7 minis in the case were broken. The most disappointing break was the Amiri. I just emailed Paizo and hope for replacements of the broken ones.

Here is a run down of the breaks:
Amiri broke at her elbow (short hand) and the base of her spears broke when the accompanying Fire Giant must have smashed into her in transit.
Mite on Spider lost two legs in an in-box battle vs. a Wrath Demon.
I'm unsure how the Iron Golem lost his arm from the elbow joint to the fist while sharing a box with Shadow Hound, Lem and Cleric of Z-K, but somehow he did.
Portique and Tower Girl were broken off at one knee and one foot by a Hill Giant on the loose in their box.
Shriezyx lost a leg to a second Wrath Demon. It appears the Wrath Demons win the award for destruction across multiple boxes.
Medium Air Elemental was broken off his base in a loss vs. a Troll Champion in their box.

The legion of minis that made it to my door unscathed are great. So many of these will be usable for gameplay which was my main hope when ordering. Thanks for the great sculpts on so many of the minis. The rares are simply amazing. I will enjoy these for years to come.

Thanks to those who work on the sculpts and setting up the painting steps. They really pay off.

Please consider additional steps to protect the great minis you are making while in transit from production and packaging to the customers. This would be the icing on the cake.

I only had one break, one of my Shriezyx lost half a leg. But another booster was missing a mini. Still got the full set, so I'm happy (even though I wish some of the multiples were distributed differently).

Both my Mites On Spiders had multiple spider leg breaks. One was decimated by a Large Air Elemental. One of each Derro had broken weapons, a regular Mite had the tip of his weapon broken off, a Wrath Demon had his wings broken off, a Boggart lost his weapon arm and a head feather and lastly a Warrior Troll had his blade broken. That's a lot of damage. The mediums were either in a case with a heavy large, or had come out of the base mount and were free to rattle around. The Wrath Demon had likewise come out of the base. The troll blade was broken by a loose medium. The packaging seems to be at fault for all the damage. For the heavier larges, the wire securing them probably should be in the middle, not down at the base (or in both places). And the mediums need to be secured better, but the ones that weren't loose were difficult to remove, sous not sure what the answer would be. I just know it's not the current solution. I was amazed (and relieved) that the unique and fragile pieces like the Alchemist Golem and Mammesmatu made it through unscathed. I'm seeing the irony in this set's name now... It's too bad, because other than the travel damage it is a great set. Please do something about the packaging before the next release!

I'm really struggling to reconcile all these reports of damaged/poorly packaged minis with my set. I had two (I think) large minis come out of their packaging. Everything else arrived firmly ensconced and no mini was damaged at all.

Are the shipments within the US done by the same company? Is it a different "class" of freight if it's domestic vs international?

I think that the super-larges simply require more restraint than they got. They either rattled around because the flimsy plastic shell couldn't keep them still or they broke free of the shell and bounced around. And occasionallyit was the smaller mini that got loose, and bashed itself to pieces against the hulking brute.

I've had some loose minis, but none have been broken. Although I’ve only opened one brick of one of my cases (second case still hasn’t arrived).

I will say I do find all the reports of broken miniatures very disappointing and a bit surprising. I remember reading a quote from someone at Paizo that WizKids was unhappy with all of the broken miniatures reports coming from RotRL, and was going to take steps to remedy that in SS.

That was either not able to happen or the changes made it worse. I guess I will see what will happen with mine when I finish opening up the rest.

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