Pathfinder Society European Extravaganza!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Next month I travel to Europe for a Pathfinder Society whistle-stop tour of several exciting events. I start with an event in Copenhagen on July 9, head down to Wiesbaden, Germany for an Ulisses-Spiele event on July 11, swing over to Utrecht and Leiden in the Netherlands for a pair of back-to-back events on July 13, skip down to the south of France in beautiful Lyon for a Black Book Editions event on July 15, and then make my way north to Birmingham for a weekend of Paizo Con UK events from July 17 through July 18. Then, just when it's getting started, I wing my way back to Paizo on July 19.

Quite a trip—one that I'm very excited to embark on—but before I get down to the details of each stop, I'll give a little background on why Paizo is sending me through the European Union and the UK to participate in Society events.

When the Society first started, we knew we eventually wanted to build a dedicated network of volunteer coordinators—we call them Regional Coordinators. These folks would be our go-to men and women who could help organized local conventions, game days, and hobby store events as well as function as our core of volunteers at Paizo Con, Gen Con, Dragon Con, Paizo Con UK, Games Expo UK, Gen Con Australia... well, you get the idea. We are now ready to make a big deal about our coordinator system (watch for a blog post here next week), but before we can really get started I need to know where our largest communities in Europe are, and who among them are the most dedicated. I already had a good idea of who and where these folks were in the US, Australia, and Canada, but I had only a vague notion of our hardest-core European groups. Thus a trip was ordered, and now I head for Europe next month to participate in local events and talk to their organizers about possibly becoming a regional coordinator for their city or country.

Here are the details:

Copenhagen, Denmark—July 9, 2010
Støberiet, Blågårds
Plads 3, 2100
København Ø
Two slots, 12:00–17:00 and 18:00–23:00
Additional Details:
You must email Henrik Garde to sign-up. This event is free.

Wiesbaden, Germany—July 11, 2010
Nachilfeinstitut Faultier
Adolfsallee 59
65185 Wiesbaden
Tel: 0611-505870-7
Additional Details:
This event will be held at the tutoring center "Faultier" ("lazybones"). There are a large number of single rooms so groups don't disturb one another and enough tables and chairs for larger groups. The center has a microwave and an electric water boiler for Tea and instant coffee free of charge. The station across the center covers all the other needs (bakery, McDonalds, Asia Snack and Mr Doener). A big thank you in advance to Michael W. and the team of the tutoring center for giving us the permission to use their facilities. Across from the tutoring center there is the department store called "Lilien-Care" with a parking deck where you can park your car for a fee of only EUR 3.00 for the whole day. Around the center there are several more parking areas too but we recommend that you use the parking deck. You can find free parking lots behind the Wiesbaden main station in the direction of the Schlachthof and behind the Motel One. Finally, we recommend that you come by public transit. The center is in only 2 minutes walking distance from the Wiesbaden main station and from the central bus station. This event is free.

Utrecht, Netherlands—July 13, 2010
Oudegracht 207
11:00–16:00 (the event might run later—I leave at 16:00)
Additional Details:
This event is free.

Leiden, Netherlands—July 13, 2010
Café 't Keizertje
Kaiserstraat 2-4
Two slots, 12:00–17:00 and 19:00–24:00 (I arrive at 18:00)
Additional Details:
This event is free.
Sign up can be done at:

Lyon, France—July 15, 2010
25 rue Sébastien Gryphe
69007 LYON
Two slots, 14:00–19:00 and 20:00–01:00
Additional Details:
This event is free.

Birmingham, United Kingdom—July 17–18, 2010
Aston University Business School
Birmingham, UK
Several gaming and panel slots on the 17th and 18th—see the Paizo Con UK website for details.
Additional Details:
This event requires the purchase of an event badge. See the Paizo Con UK website for details.

If you live in Europe or plan to be there during my trip, stop by one of the events and say hello! I hope to see you all there!

Joshua J. Frost
Events Manager

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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
J.J.Frost wrote:
I'll give a little background on why Paizo is sending me through the European Union and the UK

*cough* UK is a part of EU too *cough*

Other than that, great to see Paizo give some much needed love to the Old World ! Come more often ! Drink more beer ! Bring Mona and James with you so we can poke them with pitchforks !


Sounds like fun.

Question about the Copenhagen event: Who is Henrik Garde and what is his e-mail?

Also, are these gaming sessions, or more general get-to-know-you meetings?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

See you at PaizonconUK, Josh. Hope this trip to the Sceptred Isle doesn't hit you with anything serious like your last official visit.

Yes ..looking forward to meeting you at PaizoconUK..

Sovereign Court

Wish I could join you guys. Come next year and i'll be there

Please let us know (in this thread or by emailing me) if you intend to join us at the in the Netherlands


JaceDK wrote:

Sounds like fun.

Question about the Copenhagen event: Who is Henrik Garde and what is his e-mail?

Also, are these gaming sessions, or more general get-to-know-you meetings?

Henrik Garde a.k.a. Entropi on the board.

You can also e-mail me at, as I work with Henrik on this project.

The event is two actual gaming slots with a total of 8 scenarios.
Aside from that we also have high expectations of the event being a good networking opportunity.
We introduced PFS at a convention in Odense this winter and are already making plans to visit other venues in the coming year.

This could be fun. Wiesbaden, here I come. But why o why does this have to be on a sunday?

is it just a pathfinder society event or will there be the opportunity to buy stuff? it is getting harder and harder to buy pathfinder products in germany :-( I would go there just to buy things

Dark Archive

You should come to Spain, specially to Madrid hehehe

aeglos wrote:
is it just a pathfinder society event or will there be the opportunity to buy stuff? it is getting harder and harder to buy pathfinder products in germany :-( I would go there just to buy things

No info yet. But my guess is that Ulisses Spiele will sell some of their Pathfinder products there


The Grandfather wrote:
JaceDK wrote:

Sounds like fun.

Question about the Copenhagen event: Who is Henrik Garde and what is his e-mail?

Also, are these gaming sessions, or more general get-to-know-you meetings?

Henrik Garde a.k.a. Entropi on the board.

You can also e-mail me at, as I work with Henrik on this project.

The event is two actual gaming slots with a total of 8 scenarios.
Aside from that we also have high expectations of the event being a good networking opportunity.
We introduced PFS at a convention in Odense this winter and are already making plans to visit other venues in the coming year.

What tiers? I have a PFS membership number, but I have never made a char.


Casimir wrote:
What tiers? I have a PFS membership number, but I have never made a char.

We will probably only be having Tier 1-2 games. Of course, if APL demands we play tier 3-4 we will be ready for that as well. Thing is, that we do not expect most of the players to have played extensively with their characters.

IF you show up with a 1st lvl character you will be fine.

What an awesome itinerary. I weep for Frost.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Three or four of us heading to Utrecht. Can't wait!
Looking forward to meeting Josh too, I heard he had a forked tongue and horns like that Chinese woman!

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

I'm looking forward to meet Josh at Paizo Con. It should coincide with my very first star as GM. Just need to get him to draw the star on my membership card. Not the same as the fifth star that Doug got - but at least I also could claim I got my star from Josh. And you have to start small.

Wiesbaden sounds good too. I won't be there this time but I'm often in the Frankfurt area (my parents live there) and maybe some day I could drop by to play or GM.

I will also let one of my players know about the Utrecht games. He's Dutch and is visiting the area soon. Not sure it fits- but if a Dutch player from GB shows up then I might have send him.


Gorbacz wrote:
*cough* UK is a part of EU too *cough*

I know a bunch of folks in the UK who would disagree with you there. ;-)

JaceDK wrote:

Sounds like fun.

Question about the Copenhagen event: Who is Henrik Garde and what is his e-mail?

The mailto tag was left off for some reason. You can now click his name in the blog and email him.

Sovereign Court

Gorbacz wrote:
*cough* UK is a part of EU too *cough*

Now then, now then; less of that talk.

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
*cough* UK is a part of EU too *cough*
I know a bunch of folks in the UK who would disagree with you there. ;-)

If we get enough European players at PaizoCon UK can we say that the EU is part of the UK? :-D

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sheesh, the Brits. The fact that you are living on an island, driving on the wrong side of the road, using some arcane measurment system and using some obscure currency doesn *not* make you the new USA. Yet. Quite. Especially with how your economy looks like now :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
*cough* UK is a part of EU too *cough*
I know a bunch of folks in the UK who would disagree with you there. ;-)

"Anyone is entitled to their own opinion. They are not entitled to their own facts."

As French resident of England enjoying the country's healthy dose of eurosceptiscim, I applaud those who say "UK and EU".

As an aside the UK is not "part of" this Chelaxian bureaucracy, it is "a member state of"... and long live the Pound Sterling!

And of course on a geographical point of view, the UK is based on the British Isles, Europe being "The Continent".

Gorbacz wrote:
Sheesh, the Brits. The fact that you are living on an island, driving on the wrong side of the road, using some arcane measurment system and using some obscure currency doesn *not* make you the new USA. Yet. Quite. Especially with how your economy looks like now :)

Geez, I wish they still did use a measurement system that made actual sense, instead of an abstract system useful only for easy math. ;P

Gorbacz wrote:
... doesn *not* make you the new USA.

Wait, wouldn't they quite technically be the old USA?

Gorbacz wrote:
J.J.Frost wrote:
I'll give a little background on why Paizo is sending me through the European Union and the UK

*cough* UK is a part of EU too *cough*

Other than that, great to see Paizo give some much needed love to the Old World ! Come more often ! Drink more beer ! Bring Mona and James with you so we can poke them with pitchforks !

I thought the UK was part of the EEC. I have no idea what new fangled nonsense this 'EU' is of which you speak... ;)

But yes, please Josh, bring James Jacobs with you. The poor man needs to have some time off to play some serious Arkham Horror.

Gorbacz wrote:
Sheesh, the Brits. The fact that you are living on an island, driving on the wrong side of the road, using some arcane measurement system and using some obscure currency doesn *not* make you the new USA. Yet. Quite. Especially with how your economy looks like now :)

And yet, somehow, we are still here. ;)

(And note that across the sea the citizens of the Irish Republic, with superhuman fortitude, are still there too. I salute the resolution with which they have been extracting themselves from the pit into which the global banking crisis dropped them. Their courage, persistence, and determination is astounding. In their steadfast determination in weathering this financial crisis the Irish are truly an inspiration to the world.)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Geez, I wish they still did use a measurement system that made actual sense, instead of an abstract system useful only for easy math. ;P

You mean this?

Unit of measure equal to 1/36 yard...Source

yard: (Abbr. yd.) A fundamental unit of length [...], equal to 3 feet, or 36 inches (0.9144 meter).
A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen. Source

or this?

A certain measure of distance, being equivalent in England and the United States to 320 poles or rods, or 5,280 feet. [1913 Webster]

Note: The distance called a mile varies greatly in different countries. Its length in yards is, in Norway, 12,182; in Brunswick, 11,816; in Sweden, 11,660; in Hungary, 9,139; in Switzerland, 8,548; in Austria, 8,297; in Prussia, 8,238; in Poland, 8,100; in Italy, 2,025; in England and the United States, 1,760; in Spain, 1,552; in the Netherlands, 1,094. [1913 Webster]Source

"Easy maths" is just ignorant.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

You gotta be kidding me! I leave Frankfurt, Germany on July 9th. I can't believe the unfortunate coincidence that I'd have been 35 min away from an event taking place two days after I leave. Aarrgh! I wish I had not read this. Ignorance would have been bliss.



Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Rene Ayala wrote:

You gotta be kidding me! I leave Frankfurt, Germany on July 9th. I can't believe the unfortunate coincidence that I'd have been 35 min away from an event taking place two days after I leave. Aarrgh! I wish I had not read this. Ignorance would have been bliss.


Felt the same when I left Germany, But never fear.. this year Not flying from Germany to GenCon should make that experience even better! This time I can get drunk with Adam and Mark and Not be half asleep when I do it!!

Sovereign Court 4/5

Ingeniously you manage to miss the largest RPG event in the Nordic countries, Ropecon. Event is organised 23rd to 25th of July. :) (We have Keith Baker, yay!)

Talks of rebooting PFS in Finland have been around.

Deussu wrote:

Ingeniously you manage to miss the largest RPG event in the Nordic countries, Ropecon. Event is organised 23rd to 25th of July. :) (We have Keith Baker, yay!)

Talks of rebooting PFS in Finland have been around.

I would love to attend RopeCon. I think you guys might not let me leave the country alive, though. :-)

Sovereign Court 2/5

Are there tickets available yet for the games in Lyon ?

Stereofm wrote:
Are there tickets available yet for the games in Lyon ?

All the informations on the organization on the event in Lyon the 15th and in others cities on the 17th are on our website:

So there's no tickets, it's a free "release" event :)

If you're not french and want some infos or just want to stop by because you spend some time in France, you can email us :

See you on the 15th :-)

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Deussu wrote:

Ingeniously you manage to miss the largest RPG event in the Nordic countries, Ropecon. Event is organised 23rd to 25th of July. :) (We have Keith Baker, yay!)

Talks of rebooting PFS in Finland have been around.

I would love to attend RopeCon. I think you guys might not let me leave the country alive, though. :-)

We would make you drink yourself to death! ;P

Scarab Sages

Deussu wrote:
Ingeniously you manage to miss the largest RPG event in the Nordic countries, Ropecon.

Maybe he stayed clear, because he thought it was a BDSM event?

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Snorter wrote:
Deussu wrote:
Ingeniously you manage to miss the largest RPG event in the Nordic countries, Ropecon.
Maybe he stayed clear, because he thought it was a BDSM event?

Wait, what sort of roleplaying are we talking about?

Scarab Sages

Wintergreen wrote:
Wait, what sort of roleplaying are we talking about?

<hushed tones>

"The diceless kind...."

<knowing look>

Asgetrion wrote:
We would make you drink yourself to death! ;P

As someone who consumes maybe 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks in a year, this is exactly what I was talking about.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
We would make you drink yourself to death! ;P
As someone who consumes maybe 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks in a year, this is exactly what I was talking about.

Ehem...what makes you think coming to Denmark makes you any safer in that regard?

The good thing about Denmark is that I'll be so jet-lagged my two days there I won't (a) know what I'm saying or (b) have any idea where I am, what I'm eating, or what I'm drinking.

So yeah.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just empty a bottle of Gammel Dansk into Josh's throat (you might want to restrain him with, um, ropes first) and I can guarantee he will never leave Europe.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Joshua J. Frost wrote:

The good thing about Denmark is that I'll be so jet-lagged my two days there I won't (a) know what I'm saying or (b) have any idea where I am, what I'm eating, or what I'm drinking.

So yeah.

I know what that is like, was in the same situation when I flew to GenCon from Germany least year, people kept handing me drinks... here drink this..

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

The good thing about Denmark is that I'll be so jet-lagged my two days there I won't (a) know what I'm saying or (b) have any idea where I am, what I'm eating, or what I'm drinking.

So yeah.

Sovereign Court 2/5


Well I, for one, look forward to saying 'Hi' in Birmingham in couple of weeks.

See you all then.......
Paul H

PS Any chance someone from Paizo will come to Conception next year?


Joshua J. Frost wrote:

The good thing about Denmark is that I'll be so jet-lagged my two days there I won't (a) know what I'm saying or (b) have any idea where I am, what I'm eating, or what I'm drinking.

So yeah.

Don't worry. We will be taking good care of you in Copenhagen.

Its no secret that we hope to talk a lot with you and have a couple of beers, but we have no intention of busting you up on your first day on the Euro-tour. :)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Suddenly, revivification!

At least by Ropecon PFS will restart in Finland. Many will rejoice etc!

And I know Humon depicts all Finns are murderous mutes, but judging by the former and constant boardtalk we're anything but mute!

Dark Archive

Deussu wrote:

Suddenly, revivification!

At least by Ropecon PFS will restart in Finland. Many will rejoice etc!

And I know Humon depicts all Finns are murderous mutes, but judging by the former and constant boardtalk we're anything but mute!

Wonderful news! I'm moving to Helsinki on the beginning of August. Where will you guys be running PFS games?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Asgetrion wrote:
Deussu wrote:

Suddenly, revivification!

At least by Ropecon PFS will restart in Finland. Many will rejoice etc!

And I know Humon depicts all Finns are murderous mutes, but judging by the former and constant boardtalk we're anything but mute!

Wonderful news! I'm moving to Helsinki on the beginning of August. Where will you guys be running PFS games?

That was one of the reasons the circles died; no sure place to play. It was always at someone's home or a semi-public "kerhotila" (society room? heck if I know).

Rumors of possibly holding some games at some game shops loom overhead, but those are just rumors. For now we have to stick to GM's homes.

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