Gallard Stormeye wrote: *I am decidedly anti-apes with weapons. But they...! You did it. You cut up his brain, you bloody baboon! You did that to him, damn you! You cut out his memory! You took his identity! And that's what you want to do to me! Take your stinking glaive-guisarme-ranseur mancatcher combi-weapons off me, you damned dirty ape!
Mikaze wrote:
There's very little difference between a male hand and a female hand. At least, that's what I was told by my CO, when we were camped in the bush.
Stop it, now! This is all getting silly!
And on that serious note, I must point out that the Summoner gets Ride as a class skill; not something that is given willy-nilly to just every Tom, Dick and Harry.
uncleden wrote: The onus is really on a paladin to figure out a rationale to coexist since almost every pathfinder mission involves stealing treasure from their current owners. It is a morally gray campaign. It's not really stealing, if the current holders of an item are a bunch of thieves, though, is it? Donating works of cultural significance to a museum is one way of ennobling the spirit of man, to reach the pinnacle of their potential, as exemplified by the great Aroden, blessed be his name.
Aubrey the Malformed wrote: Maybe it's British thing. "Pull yourself together man and drink your tea, what what!" I'd make the blighter dig holes, in the mid-day sun. Then I'd make him fill them in again, just for the sheer bloody-mindedness of it.Depressed? I'll give him depressed. He'll be too damn tired to be depressed. I could have been depressed, walking to el Alamein, with a full pack on my back, and no heel on my boot.
But no, we were built of sterner stuff.
Not like today; bunch of bloody pansies the lot of 'em.
Gone to the dogs, this place has... <snore>
OK, just had to read 'The Gruffalo' again. I feel as if it's an iconic creature now, like the Owlbear.
But who is this creature with terrible claws,
Oh, help!