Iconic Heroes Set 4, Part 1

Friday, July 17, 2015

Last week, WizKids announced the release dates for the next two Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes boxed sets of premium-quality prepainted plastic figures for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This week, I'd like to take a closer look at three of the figures from Iconic Heroes Set 4, which features familiar faces from the Advanced Class Guide and Ultimate Combat.

I want to start with Lirianne, Half-Elf Gunslinger today, because I had a chance to review the paint master for this figure in-hand last week, and I was really impressed with the overall improvement since Lirianne's first miniature, which appeared in the Skull & Shackles set.

The original Lirianne is a perfectly acceptable miniature, even a good one when you consider the amount of detail on her outfit. But I was never completely thrilled with the way her face came out, and overall the pose wasn't terribly exciting. With the Iconic Heroes Set 4 version, Lirianne appears to be aiming or even firing her gun, and overall the pose is much more dynamic and interesting. Coupled with the superior paint jobs that are the hallmark of Iconic Heroes sets, this figure is well-positioned to end up looking really spectacular.

The iconic skald Hakon has always held a special place in my heart. I had a chance to write his "Meet the Iconics" backstory, where I not-so-subtly made him the brother of my long-running character in Paizo Creative Director James Jacobs's office Pathfinder campaign. So, in a way, Hakon is family, and it's been very important to me that he get an amazing miniature!

I'm pleased to report that WizKids definitely delivered on that score. Of the six paint masters we reviewed in-hand last week, Hakon was my second favorite (after Shardra, whom we'll see up close next week). Hakon definitely works as a skald, as a barbarian, as a ferocious villain, or really as just about any axe-wielding maniac.

Last up this week is our iconic swashbuckler, Jirelle. When Wayne Reynolds's original art first came in to Paizo I was thrilled and terrified, all at the same time. Thrilled, because here we had a fully clothed, fully ass-kicking woman warrior. Terrified because her costume was so complex I wondered how we were ever going to do justice to it in miniature form. I shouldn't have worried. That was before the advent of WizKids's super-premium Iconic Heroes sets, which are more than up to the challenge. Once again, the paint master for Jirelle looks wonderful, and is a great representation of the character and the digital sculpt revealed above.

"Hey," I can hear some of you asking. "If you've already seen paint masters, how come we only get to see digital sculpts? Why are you holding out on the real thing, Mona?"

That's a fair question, and the answer is that the final figures in all cases have sooooo many tampos—stamped-on details like face tattoos, clothing adornments, and so on—that the paint masters wouldn't reveal an accurate look at what the final figures will look like. They're very much a part of the process, in this case, and I want to wait until I have samples with the tampos finished before we show off actual minis. In the meantime, the digital sculpts I've revealed today do a very good job of showing what we're shooting for.

Iconic Heroes Set 4 hits stores and ships to subscribers in November. I'll reveal the last three figures in the set next week, and after that we're deep into Gen Con territory, and to see new Pathfinder Battles figures you'll have to track me down personally on the convention floor, get them as a $50+ sales incentive at the Paizo booth, or play one of the Pathfinder Society Specials.

Until then, I remain,

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Hakon Iconic Heroes Jirelle Lirianne Miniatures Pathfinder Battles


Still no magnus? Looks like will have to wait to 2016 for class that has been out for years before Advance class.
Oh well. :(

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oooh, Lirianne is joining Mavaro in representing the thicker among us. Very inclusive, thank you!!

Liberty's Edge

Unless I am misremembering, Liranne is a Half-Elf, not a human...

They look really nice. I can't wait until we see the final product.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zexsudel wrote:

Still no magnus? Looks like will have to wait to 2016 for class that has been out for years before Advance class.

Oh well. :(

While an Iconic Heroes version of Seltyiel will be coming, there was a version of him in the Skull & Shackles set.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If the final minis come anywhere close to these digital sculpts, they will be fantastic.

Dark Archive

I am assuming that the con figures will once again be available on the site at some points?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
graywulfe wrote:

Unless I am misremembering, Liranne is a Half-Elf, not a human...

Oops! Fixed.

Jirelle looks amazing! Can't wait to add her to my collection. Hakon also looks very good. Nothing wrong with Lirianne, but I don't use firearms in my campaigns, so she'll be of little use to me.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
I am assuming that the con figures will once again be available on the site at some points?

They usually are... but that doesn't keep me from having a little anxiety attack every year, either. ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Zexsudel wrote:

Still no magnus? Looks like will have to wait to 2016 for class that has been out for years before Advance class.

Oh well. :(
While an Iconic Heroes version of Seltyiel will be coming, there was a version of him in the Skull & Shackles set.

Very true! But if that doesn't tickle your fancy (and you'd rather not wait until 2016 as you say) then check out of the Reaper Bones version licensed by Paizo. Granted it doesn't come pre-painted but it's a fantastic sculpt, it's cheap, and it's available now.

As a matter of fact, for those unaware, there are several Pathfinder iconics which many fans have been clamoring for in future box sets that are/have been available in Bones format for some time now. If you've never tried your hand at painting before then the Bones material is a great place to start! Trust me, you might surprise yourself at how well the results turn out :)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Kubla Kraus wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Zexsudel wrote:

Still no magnus? Looks like will have to wait to 2016 for class that has been out for years before Advance class.

Oh well. :(
While an Iconic Heroes version of Seltyiel will be coming, there was a version of him in the Skull & Shackles set.

Very true! But if that doesn't tickle your fancy (and you'd rather not wait until 2016 as you say) then check out of the Reaper Bones version licensed by Paizo. Granted it doesn't come pre-painted but it's a fantastic sculpt, it's cheap, and it's available now.

As a matter of fact, for those unaware, there are several Pathfinder iconics which many fans have been clamoring for in future box sets that are/have been available in Bones format for some time now. If you've never tried your hand at painting before then the Bones material is a great place to start! Trust me, you might surprise yourself at how well the results turn out :)

And if you prefer to paint metal...

Prepainted Plastic is the way to go for me! The prospect of having a highly detailed metal figure unpainted collecting dust on a shelf just can't compare.

Hey there

So, earlier today I tweeted Erik Mona and he responded as follows:

Dave @AkodoDave
Jul 18
@paizo @erikmona As there will be a Hakon mini, I assume there will be s bonus PACG card, will Hakon be a playable character by November

Erik Mona
Jul 18
@AkodoDave @paizo Good question. I actually don't know the answer to that. Please ask on the PFACG boards at paizo.com!

Does anyone have an answer to my question?

Will Hakon be a playable character by November?


Stay cool


Fairly sure we've had all the products announced for this year in the ACG, and I've seen no mention of Hakon.

Think the next AP is due early 2016, which would be the first real opportunity, although I don't think they've confirmed all the characters yet.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My guess is Hakon will first appear in a Skald class deck, depending on how quickly we shoot to ACG class decks. Doubtful he will be in Mummy's Mask, but you never know. The next adventure base game hasn't been announced yet so that could be an option depending on the theme.

Samy wrote:
Oooh, Lirianne is joining Mavaro in representing the thicker among us. Very inclusive, thank you!!

I believe that's just her coat, I'm afraid

Grand Lodge

Hakon would go well in a Jade Regent game. Just sayin.

Silver Crusade

One of these day, Reiko and Hayato, one of these days...

Dark Archive

Samy wrote:
Oooh, Lirianne is joining Mavaro in representing the thicker among us. Very inclusive, thank you!!

More to love...

Grand Lodge

I am running a Lirianne clone PC in a Skull & Shackles campaign. And though the SK Lirianne is perfectly acceptable, this one absolutely rocks. Now I just need the GM to not kill off my character before November. And the way it has been going of late, that could be likely. :(

On Guns, I used to be totally against them. After playing a Cutlass wielding Gunslinger for a few months, I have changed my mind. Paizo has done a great job introducing them without disrupting game balance. Bravo!

Dark Archive

I do apologize if I missed this (as I am skimming through the article and comments at work), but will these be accompanied with PACG promo cards for their associated Iconics?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Promos have already been created through set 6. (We hope we get to do a 7th!)

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