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Iconic Heroes Set 5—THE REAL DEAL

Howdy, minis hounds! Last week, while I was trapped in the dreaded Paizo Conference Room (CR 23), the able Chris Lambertz took the wheel to show off digital renders of WizKids' incredible Iconic Heroes Set 5 for the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted plastic miniatures.

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Tags: Adowyn Enora Iconic Heroes Kess Miniatures Oloch Pathfinder Battles Zadim

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Out Adventuring, Be Back Soon

Hey, Pathfinder Battles fans! Erik is currently sequestered in meetings and other important Paizo happenings, so I'm stepping in to take the blog wheel this week.

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adowyn Enora Iconic Heroes Kess Miniatures Oloch Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn Zadim

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