[Outpost VIII] PFS 1 #8-19 Treacherous Waves by GM 7thGate

Game Master 7thGate

RPG Chronicles Link

Treacherous Waves | Ancient's Anguish

Hello everyone, and welcome to Treacherous Waves!

Go ahead and dot in. Feel free to introduce your character, what they're good at, and if there is anything particularly interesting or unusual that they can do.

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome Warpriest 4 | AC 17/12/16 | HP 35/35 | F+6, R+2,W+7 | CMD 15 | Speed 20’ | Init+7, Perception+5, Sense Motive+8 | Lowlight vision.

Hey GM! Dotting in with Perrine, my warpriest of Desna! I have dotted and deleted in the gameplay thread.

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

i dotted in with my toon...if we have to go lower tier, i have other toons available

Treacherous Waves | Ancient's Anguish

The slides and rpgchronicles links are up in the Campaign Info tab. Please fill out your information on the RPGChronicles link and the tokean and roll info on slide 2 of the slides.

You can do character introductions in gameplay, and we'll get started on March 2nd.

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome Warpriest 4 | AC 17/12/16 | HP 35/35 | F+6, R+2,W+7 | CMD 15 | Speed 20’ | Init+7, Perception+5, Sense Motive+8 | Lowlight vision.

Could you please copy my photo over, GM? I’m a phone poster.

Also, Perrine is level four, not level three as I put on the chronicle submission. It won’t let me edit it, so I wanted to be clear.


Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

are we trending low or high tier? i can change my toon...

Silver Crusade

grimdog73 wrote:
are we trending low or high tier? i can change my toon...

I would like to know as well. I signed up with a L7 Inquisitor but that looks like a bad call. With the (currently) three L7s, 5, 4, and 3 the math would put the group in the 6-7 subtier.

My opinion: I don't like pulling, in particular, a 3 and a 4 'up' to the 6-7 subtier.

@GM: Sending a PM.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf - Arcanist 5 - AC(17)/T13/F10/CMD14 |HP 26/26| Fort:+3;Ref:+5;Will+5 |Percept.+6 | Init.+5 | { mage armor} Arcane Pool (0 of 11 used)

Unfortunately my other 7th is tied up and my next two closest are 8th. But at 5th level, either tier is fine with me.

Silver Crusade

@GM: I'll wait and see if the L7 wizard checks in and what they want to play.

So I have other characters.

I have a Lv7 wizard.
Lv 3 cleric.
Lv 3 gunslinger.

Silver Crusade

GM DocHoliday45 wrote:

So I have other characters.

I have a Lv7 wizard.
Lv 3 cleric.
Lv 3 gunslinger.

The important thing is to play what you want to play. It's just the situation with the APL can be problematic. With just one L7 PC in order to avoid the 6-7 subtier grimdog73 and you would have to go with L3 PCs if I stuck with my L7.

Or if you want to play your L7 wizard I can drop from the table and the group can remain at the 3-4 subtier but grimdog73 would also have to switch to a L3 PC.

We just need to make a decision as soon as possible since Outpost VIII has officially started.

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

as much as i hate to say it, SD is right...if i go with my lvl 6 guy, we're gonna run with a bunch of 3-4's in high tier...not good idea...if i bring in a lvl 3 and SD drops, that wouldbe better...as much as i dont want Sd to drop...

I’ll bring in my gunslinger lv 3. Is that enough to lower the tier?

Treacherous Waves | Ancient's Anguish

3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7 would put us at APL of 4.166, rounding to 4. So if Doc and Grim both bring level 3s, you will be low tier with shadow's level 7.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf - Arcanist 5 - AC(17)/T13/F10/CMD14 |HP 26/26| Fort:+3;Ref:+5;Will+5 |Percept.+6 | Init.+5 | { mage armor} Arcane Pool (0 of 11 used)

Ah crud. Just as I was reading the intro...I was thinking I played this with another PC - but I played this with Ecthelien (5 years ago).

Shoot. I will have to drop I believe as my others are too high level. I am sorry all. Dang it! :(

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay with Echtelien dropping that gives us this possible lineup:

My L7 Inquisitor
L3 Sorcerer
L4 Warpriest

For a total of 14. We can add 8 total levels to stay in the lower subtier. 22/5=4.4; but even adding 1 more total level moves it to 4.6.

So between grimdog73 and DocHoliday it would be 8 total levels so 1 3rd and 1 5th or 2 4ths.

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

i have lots of lvl 3's...i'll bring in a cleric...or an archer if DH brings in a healer...

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

going archer...using cleric in another game

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Male Human Inquisitor 7 | HP 52 / 52 | AC 19 / 15 T / 14 FF | CMD 21 | Fort + 8, Reflex + 8, Will + 9 | Init + 10 | Perception + 13 | Speed 40 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: | Judgement: 3/3 | Spells: 1st Level (5/5) , 2nd Level (4/4), 3rd Level (2/2) | Bane: 10/10 |

GM: I'm sending a PM with Gaius's most recent purchases.

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