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Quite unexpectedl, each of you receives correspondence from a Pathfinder Society courier; upon opening, you see it is a summons:
To the Pathfinder agent who holds this message...
You are hereby summoned to appear at Heidmarch Manor, in Magnimar, on Thursday next, at 10 AM sharp, for a briefing of great import to the Society. You have been selected as your special skills have been identified as particularly suited to this mission. Please do not delay in securing passage here. Safe travels.
Explore, Report, Cooperate,
Sheila Heidmarch
Venture-Captain, Magnimar Lodge
Upon arriving at the manor, you are greeted by a servant who escorts you into a banquet room, with eight chairs and placements set upon them. Once everyone is seated, a tall rugged-looking man, with brown hair and beard, enters; some of you may recognize him as Sir Canayven Heidmarch…
He nods as he welcomes you. ”Good morning agents, welcome to Magnimar. Sheila will be here shortly; she had some final investigations to perform before briefing you for this mission. In the meantime, I’ve had brunch prepared for you while we await her.”
He makes a motion with his hand and several servants enter the room, carrying several trays of food, including eggs, bacon, breads, and fruit, in addition to beverages ranging from coffee and tea to wine…
Once the table is set, Sir Canayven sits down at the table with you, saying simply ”Dig in…”
As he wolves down some eggs and bacon, he looks around the table, then nods, asking, ”So, while we wait for Sheila, tell me about yourselves…”

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A flamboyant halfling enters the manor and accompanies the servant to the prepared banquet hall, his missive from Venture-Captain Heidmarch tucked safely into his chest pocket. Having heard stories of unfortunate Pathfinders coming under attack even in the briefing room, he made sure to come prepared. Levin stands no more than three feet tall, a shirt of tiny silver links poking out beneath his embroidered finery that marks him as a noble-- or at least it would, if he were one. A small sword and hunting bow appear to be his only weapons, both of which are either very well-tended or haven't seen much use.
He notices to his satisfaction that a chair has been prearranged with a stepstool and extra cushion. It's the little things, really. Setting down his pack next to him, he hops up to the table, sweeps his large feathered hat off his head, and sets it on the back of his chair. "Don't mind if I do!" He wastes no further time filling up his plate.
"My name's Levin Hessel," he says between bites of food and sips of tea. "Priest of Shelyn, enjoyer of the finer things in life. Pass me that butter dish, will you, love?" he asks the Society agent next to him.

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Slightly late to the gathering, a hooded figure in a black cloak steps out of the shadows.
You can tell that he is humanoid, but bears the talons of a bird of prey instead of feet, and has several exotic blades on belts.
With a deep eastern bow, he addresses the group with a cackle.
"Caw...Waki...Waki Huro am I. Great honor to serve with you it is.
Korvosa and Nidal my last missions occurred. Very untidy affairs indeed. Stealth and blades my speciality are.
Assuming needed such skills will be or poor Waki not invited here sure I am."

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Another small adventurer joins the table. He is hafling-like but somehow more angular and with less, well, less color. It's more than the Osirian garb of light grey. Color seems to have been washed from him. Chain armor glints from under his robes and his weapons include bow and crowwbow and spear. And more curious are the dozen or more of pouches that contain all manner of vial and jar. A Bandolier crosses his chest busy with more such containers and all sorts of alchemical apparatus.
My thanks for your hospitality Sir Heidmarch. I am called Greyveil by those who call me friend and I practice the noble and rewarding profession of alchemy. Greyveil will take a seat and help himself to fruit and tea.

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"We are Janus Grey" says the lean, pale, androgynous human clad in black-and-white chequered travelling cloaks. "We make endings."
Held under Janus' arm is a small crocodilian creature of unusual cast. Its scales are a black-and-white chequered pattern akin to the human's cloaks, and its eyes are the exact same shade of ice-blue as those of its bearer.
The crocodilian is set down on the ground. Its unfeasibly long neck extends and it waddles over to the table slowly. It grabs a kipper from the table top and then retreats under a chair. The human sits upon the chair and sets their weapons down - chief among them a sinister double flail.
"Have you ever visited our home town of Uringen, master Greyveil? The alchemists there are unsurpassed. We have a small supply of their wares for use on Society missions."

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A figure that has been reading quietly in the corner closes the big tome of her and start dusting off the crystalline dust around her. After making herself presentable, she stands up from her seat to give a proper introduction. "Patchouli of the Rosenthal family, priest of Milani, at your service. May the Everbloom guide your path."
She wears purple pajama (Full Plate but with Sleeves of Many Garments) and have a big ironbound tome with her. Her skin is literary golden color, and mysterious golden crystaline dust flows around her, which suggest her otherworldy heritage.

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"My name's Levin Hessel," he says between bites of food and sips of tea. "Priest of Shelyn, enjoyer of the finer things in life. Pass me that butter dish, will you, love?" he asks the Society agent next to him.
"Of course." An immaculate white glove slides the platter within Levin's reach, before reaching for the glass carafe of water. Careful not to let a single drop wet the gold embroidery, the nagaji lifts his cup to his lips, considering the Pathfinders before him. "It seems we are a collection of faiths this day. I can only imagine what our mission requires such breadth of knowledge for, Sir Canayven."
Selecting a few slices of simple toast, he nods his head to the team, the only part of his body not covered by gold and white cloth. "Ushi Goroshi, Prophet of Kalistrade. I have read some of your names in the chronicles, but I look forward to learning more firsthand."

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"Have you ever visited our home town of Uringen, master Greyveil? The alchemists there are unsurpassed. We have a small supply of their wares for use on Society missions."
Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Indeed I have. Though I know it not as well as I might wish. If you have unique alchemicals on your person I would greatly appreciate the chance to study them. Greyveil produces a strange funnel. This is a formula alembic. With it I can distill any alchemical to its base components and discern the methods of its concoction. The little man looks quite excited at the prospect.

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"Korvosa and Nidal my last missions occurred. Very untidy affairs indeed."
The Venture-Captain nods as he looks more closely at Waki. ”Ah, yes of course, I recall that mission…Onyx Alliance…Cairn of Shadows…very nasty…and I recall you now…your service was essential as I recall…and much appreciated,” he says as he raises a glass of wine to toast the Tengu…
My thanks for your hospitality Sir Heidmarch. I am called Greyveil by those who call me friend and I practice the noble and rewarding profession of alchemy. Greyveil will take a seat and help himself to fruit and tea.
”No worries, mate…I absolutely detest attending briefings on an empty stomach…”
"It seems we are a collection of faiths this day. I can only imagine what our mission requires such breadth of knowledge for, Sir Canayven."
Sir Canayven grunts as he unceremoniously downs the last of his wine. ”Indeed…but I should remain silent on that for now, wouldn’t want to steal my wife’s thunder. It is her briefing after all…and if Momma ain’t happy, I’m not happy,” he says with a wink.

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"The feelings of partners should be respected, be they marriage or business indeed. And it would be crass not to enjoy the efforts put to making the wait a pleasant one."

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Waki nods to the Venture-Captain and raises his glass with a chirp.
An honor serving it was, Venture-Captain. A good team had we.
He listens to the backgrounds and conversations at the table.
Very religious group assembled have we. Very ecumenical it is.
Sadly, have not found one of the gods yet for my following. Irori closest to my tenants seems to be.

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"The feelings of partners should be respected, be they marriage or business indeed. And it would be crass not to enjoy the efforts put to making the wait a pleasant one."
"What's that old saying? Happy spouse, happy house, eh?" Levin takes another sip of the excellent tea.
A figure that has been reading quietly in the corner closes the big tome of her and start dusting off the crystalline dust around her. After making herself presentable, she stands up from her seat to give a proper introduction. "Patchouli of the Rosenthal family, priest of Milani, at your service. May the Everbloom guide your path."
"I thought I recognized that button-nose of yours! The Hessels of course go way back with the Rosenthals, darling, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. I left the noble life behind for one of adventure; seems I'm not the only one!" This comment seems directed toward the others at least as much as to Patchouli herself.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Patchouli Rosenthal wrote:A figure that has been reading quietly in the corner closes the big tome of her and start dusting off the crystalline dust around her. After making herself presentable, she stands up from her seat to give a proper introduction. "Patchouli of the Rosenthal family, priest of Milani, at your service. May the Everbloom guide your path.""I thought I recognized that button-nose of yours! The Hessels of course go way back with the Rosenthals, darling, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. I left the noble life behind for one of adventure; seems I'm not the only one!" This comment seems directed toward the others at least as much as to Patchouli herself.
A calm smile gracing her lips as she addresses Levin. "I’m afraid there’s been a slight misunderstanding, my friend. While it’s true that a few Rosenthals have earned minor noble titles over the years, our family has never truly been rooted in the aristocracy. We’re adventurers at heart—a legacy built on exploration, not courtly intrigue."
She dismisses the illusionary gown to reveal the battle-hardened full plate beneath, "My father, Venture-Captain Colin Rosenthal, embodies that spirit. He commands the Argama, a mobile marine Pathfinder lodge that sails the Inner Sea, serving Pathfinders and aiding those in need. He was there during both attacks of the Grand Lodge and shot down THE black dragon, so you might have heard of him before." If not, keep a eye on next month monthly Paizo blog's 5 star GM section...
Yes, my -1 character is a Venture-Captain, confiscated a ship from the Shackle pirates, and paid 25pp to found his own Pathfinder Lodge on it.
I make all my PFS characters part of this big family. Things start to get tricky as I get more and more exotic race boon via GMing and trying to get them all fit in...
And yes, I just got my 150th GM credit last Sunday, ran 10+ specials, and passed my Venture-Captain's evaluation earlier this month. If Alex is up to speed this those thing, I should see my name on the blog next month. Took me exactly 2 years to go from newbie GM to 5 star.

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Very religious group assembled have we. Very ecumenical it is.
Those assembled who are knowledgeable in such matters note the silver clasp securing Janus' cloaks - two hands clasped together at the forearms, bending back on each other to form a single loop. It is the holy symbol of Imbrex: Eldest of Twins, Statues and Endings.

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The sound of footsteps echoes down the hallway outside of Heidmarch Manor’s cozy dining room. Venture-Captain Canayven Heidmarch sets down his fork and rises from his chair by the hearth. The stern Venture-Captain’s eyes brighten a bit as he says, “Sheila’s footsteps.”
Moments later, the door to the dining room swings open, and Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch enters the room, taking a seat at the head of the table opposite the hearth. Canayven pours her a cup of hot tea as he addresses her, “Welcome back. The Pathfinder agents you requested have been fed and are ready for their briefing.”
“Splendid,” Sheila replies as she sets a folded piece of parchment down on the table. She smiles and gracefully takes a small sip of the steaming tea, savoring the flavor.
“Thank you, Canayven. And Pathfinders, thank you all for coming to Magnimar on such short notice. I’ve specifically requested your presence here because I believe that you’re uniquely suited to helping the city of Magnimar with a problem that seems to be spreading in recent weeks. As you’re likely aware, Magnimar is known across the Inner Sea region as the City of Monuments for the dozens of monuments within city itself and the surrounding region. These monuments are well known for their sacred properties—performing any number of respectful acts at their bases provides a pilgrim with a minor boon. Adventurers and mystery cultists by the droves make pilgrimages to Magnimar for a chance to experience the touch of the divine. But recently, something appears to have changed with several of these structures.
“A friend of mine in the Varisian Council, one of Magnimar’s governing bodies, has alerted me that several key monuments—namely, the Mistress of Angels in Ordellia, the Founder’s Flame in Naos, and the Cenotaph in the Capital District—have all been sites of strange supernatural occurrences ranging from eerie wailing and spectral lights to magical conflagrations. Lord-Mayor Grobaras appointed a sleuth specializing in the supernatural, a man named Theodorus Ichonvarde, to investigate. However, my contact reports that Ichonvarde’s attempts have borne little fruit thus far, and the council has accused Theodorus of badgering Varisian witnesses. Moreover, several innocents have been harmed in the occurrences at the Founder’s Flame. The implication that someone—or something—has tampered with Magnimar’s legacy leads me to believe that this is a case best suited to our interests and your abilities."
Sheila picks up the folded piece of parchment next to her teacup, “I’ve secured an official writ from the Varisian Council to grant you legal permission to investigate. If you’re willing to help Magnimar, I can also lend you some supplies.”
Canayven adds, “Davorge. If anyone would know what’s been going in the district of Ordellia, it’d be him. He’s a mystery cultist. He’s also an expert in supernatural matters, particularly those tied to Ordellia. Look for him in the tavern next to the Rose and Rake Theatre. He eats lunch there often. If he’s not there when you arrive, you might find someone who knows where to find him.”

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She dismisses the illusionary gown to reveal the battle-hardened full plate beneath, "My father, Venture-Captain Colin Rosenthal, embodies that spirit. He commands the Argama, a mobile marine Pathfinder lodge that sails the Inner Sea, serving Pathfinders and aiding those in need. He was there during both attacks of the Grand Lodge and shot down THE black dragon, so you might have heard of him before."
Levin takes another sip of tea to mask his reaction, his eyes darting around the table for any indication from the others that they knew or suspected any of this. What in Gozreh's windbags sort of company have I gotten myself into? Thankfully, he's saved from having to respond by Lady Heidmarch's approach.
* * * * *
"Innocents harmed at the Founder's Flame, eh? What happened to them?" And by extension, what might happen to us?

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Greyveil listens attentively and drinks the content of a flask before pondering a moment, obviously trying to recall information. Heightened Awairness
Knowledge Local, Davorge: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 2 = 12
Knowledge Local, Theodorus Ichonvarde: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 2 = 26
And what of Theodorus Ichonvarde? Is he still working on this problem? Might an interview with him be arranged?

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Waki listens intently to the briefing and description of the events.
A writ most helpful will be. Of supplies, what nature available you do have?
kn:local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
None of these events have I heard. Investigation definitely in order is.

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"Is there any noted connection between the specified monuments?" Janus asks. "Or the places they stand in?"
"Is there any history of conflict between the mystery cultists, or rivalry?"

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"Innocents harmed at the Founder's Flame, eh? What happened to them?" And by extension, what might happen to us?
Sheila furrows her brow as she speaks, “Currently, my best guess is that this is some sort of supernatural haunting. The bouts of supernatural activity and the ghostly wailing coming from the Cenotaph seem to support this theory, but ultimately no one’s truly sure what’s going on.”
And what of Theodorus Ichonvarde? Is he still working on this problem? Might an interview with him be arranged?
While Greyveil has heard nothing about the fellow named Davorge, he distinctly recalls that the Inspector Theodorus Ichonvarde is a favorite of the Lord-Mayor due to his ability to solve a string of small supernatural crimes over the past year...
Lady Heidmarch answers Greyveil's query directly. Shelia ponders the question a moment before responding. “I have heard of Ichonvarde before. He’s closed several cases attributed to occult phenomena over the past few months, and in so doing earned the trust of the lord-mayor. Whether or not you choose to work with Theodorus is up to your discretion and his willingness, I suppose. Regardless, it would be unwise to antagonize him,” she says as she hands over the writ. "If you show him this, he should be cooperative..."
Varisian Council Writ of Authority
"Is there any noted connection between the specified monuments?" Janus asks. "Or the places they stand in?"
The Lady answers. "As most of you might know, Magnimar is home to dozens of monuments, typically erected to honor Magnimarian deities, folk heroes, and historic events. Most monuments can grant a unique boon to those who pray before them. There appear to be 3 monuments involved in this case...as to any connection, that will be up to you to investigate...
"The Cenotaph is a memorial to Alcaydian Indros, one of Magnimar’s founders. Originally designed as an empty tomb, residents of Magnimar pay significant sums of money to be entombed near or within the Cenotaph, as doing so is seen as a postmortem status symbol.
"The Founder’s Flame is in Naos, home to many of Magnimar’s prosperous merchants. Erected by Antholus Kaddren shortly after the city’s founding, the monument is said to sport a constant halo of multicolored fire.
The Mistress of Angels is in Ordellia, a district located on an island on the Yondabakari River. It was built in honor of Ordellia Whilwren, one of Magnimar’s most beloved founders, just outside of her former townhouse."
"Is there any history of conflict between the mystery cultists, or rivalry?"
Sir Canayven jumps in here. "All that we know is that they follow the empyreal lords who watch over Magnimar. They’re private about matters of faith, but we've found them trustworthy.”
A writ most helpful will be. Of supplies, what nature available you do have?
Patchouli is going to accept the supplies from the VCs and goes over them.
The Heidmarches provides each PC with a potion of cure serious wounds. They also supply the group with two potions of protection from evil, three oils of magic weapon, and a wand of lesser restoration (7 charges). In addition, the Heidmarches also lend the PCs a +1 longspear. Sheila adds, "If you are successful, I’ll consider these items part of your compensation..."

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The information the Lady reveals about the three monuments encourages you to think if you can recall anything else about them that might be helpful...
care of the Church of Pharasma, its catacombs are open to the public. Over the past few years, Sheila Heidmarch has been entombing fallen Pathfinder agents from all walks of life in the Cenotaph out of respect for their sacrifices, to the displeasure of some local elites.
Dunno why but these require three different checks, on for each unique monument...

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Waki bows as he accepts his items for the mission.
kn:local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Centotaph
Nothing recall do I on the last two. The Centotaph a tomb is. Some fallen Pathfinders within its stone walls to rest lay.
kn:local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 Founders Flame
kn:local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 Mistress

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Cenotaph Knowledge: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Founder's Flame Knowledge: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Mistress of Angles Knowledge: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
"The Church of Pharasma may be able to assist further with the Cenotaph, although we will not need permission to enter thanks to it being open to the public. Lady Heidmarch's efforts to honor fallen Pathfinders with interment in the catacombs have caused some ill will among the other nobles." Ushi nods in acknowledgement to the venture captain.
"Which is their own problem, not reflective on the righteousness of the effort, but we should approach with that in mind. As for the other monuments, I am aware that the Founder's Flame is a marvel of scintillating fire, with a mysterious fuel source that appears unending, while I am uninformed on the last. Have any of you experience with the Mistress of Angles?"

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Knowledge Centotaph: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Knowledge Founders Flame: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Knowledge Mistress: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Pathchouli will share what she recalls about the Mistress of Angles to the group. She distributes the oil of Magic Weapon to the oracle, the alchemist, and the bardcleric, just in case the team run into incorporeal threat. The +1 longspear could goes to the inquisitor, and the wand of Lesser Restoration will comes in handy for the oracle.

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Knowledge Centotaph: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 2 = 22
Knowledge Founders: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 = 9
Knowledge Mistress: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 2 = 19
Greyveil also knows something about the Centotaph memorial and shares/discusses what he knows.
I would like to carry one of the potions of Protection from Evil as I can duplicate it if truly needed. Greyveil states. Also I am quite good at activating wands so if it becomes necessary I too could likely restore someone with that wand of lesser restoration, though I do not need to carry it.

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"It seems folly to us, to spend gold in this world for the sake of drawing the attention of strangers to one's passage to the next" the lean Ulfen frowns. "Whosoever dies with the most toys, still dies."
Such expenditure demonstrates an absence of knowledge of the Three Tenets.
"We have some magical training, but we already possess an enchanted weapon and a scroll capable of bestowing temporary enchantments. We do not need the spear." Two inquisitors in this party ;)
"We can venture an opinion on the Founder's Flame - a fire that does not go out likely has some Elemental connection, for fire elementals need no fuel to live."
Janus is trained in Arcana, Nature and Religion.

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Patchouli will points out that the longspear is a magical reach weapon therefore has its niche use, and between Patchouli and Janus, the human is better at Bane-ing things since Patchouli can only enchant her book.
She has no preference on which location/monument the team visit first.

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"We have some magical training, but we already possess an enchanted weapon and a scroll capable of bestowing temporary enchantments. We do not need the spear."
"Oh come now, my friend," Levin interjects, happily accepting both the potion and the oil allotted to him. "I certainly hope we won't need an enchanted weapon, but if previous Society missions have taught me anything, it's that they are rarely safe."
Levin will vote for whichever monument is closest to them geographically at this moment.

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"The spear has tactical advantages, it is true. But we prefer to fight in close quarters, where the quarry has no hope of escaping our flails."
Janus has the Step Up Feat, as well as Press to the Wall that lets them flank with inanimate objects. They usually want to get in close and full attack with flanking.
"You may take the spear. We do not need it."
Janus speaks in first person plural, referring to both the human and the crocodilian ;)

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Janus, with you flank or another I would appreciate. Long spear forte not mine. Blades for me.

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Patchouli shakes her head at the those whose weapon is weaker than her book, but will not make any further comment. The spear will betray her disguise as a casting focused cleric so she will not carry it.

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Lady Heidmarch smiles. ”Do you have any more questions before you set off on your mission?”

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Waki bows low and shakes his head.
Only the question not asked until the answer is needed moments before the question asked. The paradox it is.
The cloaked tengu gathers his gear and prepares to depart.

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Sheila nods to Ushi as she speaks. "Hmmm...just remember this as you investigate. You’ve been deputized by the Varisian Council, and that will be enough to earn at least a measure of cooperation from the average citizen. That being said, the Lord-mayor has officially cast his lot with Theodorus, and as a result there’s the possibility that some authorities might not recognize you as an official legal presence in the matter...”

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"Then we will be judicious in its application and diplomatic where it does not impress. I have every confidence in Master Hessel's and my own abilities in that realm. Thank you for your time and wisdom Lady Heidmarch." Ushi gathers his own equipment to set out.

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Levin will vote for whichever monument is closest to them geographically at this moment.
Ushi concurs.

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Janus offers the enchanted spear to Ushi, but if the weapon is refused then the ulfen simply nods and stows it.
"We have an Uringen tanglefoot bag should you wish to examine it, Master Greyveil" Janus says, recalling the alchemist's earlier request. "The glue is more potent than anything you could obtain in Magnimar, or Absalom; we understand that it is made from the sap of plants found only in the First World."
"Janus, with you flank or another I would appreciate. Long spear forte not mine. Blades for me."
The Januses nod simultaneously at Waki.
Nearest monument works for me. We'll probably be visiting all of them anyway.

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Yes, I have heard of those tanglefoot bags. The normal ones are expensive enough. What did that one cost? And yes, I would love to examine it.
No monument preference.

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"One hundred gold crowns" Janus answers master Greyveil. "Twice the rate of Absalom alchemists' produce. But we brought down a dragon with the last one of these we purchased, and so we must consider the price a fair one."
Uringen alchemical supplies are from a particular chronicle sheet, as you may be aware. Save DCs are +2 over the norm for the item, but purchase cost is double.