GM Otha’s Mysteries Under Moonlight Campaign

Game Master Otha

Mysteries Under Moonlight

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight

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Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight

Quite unexpectedl, each of you receives correspondence from a Pathfinder Society courier; upon opening, you see it is a summons:

To the Pathfinder agent who holds this message...

You are hereby summoned to appear at Heidmarch Manor, in Magnimar, on Thursday next, at 10 AM sharp, for a briefing of great import to the Society. You have been selected as your special skills have been identified as particularly suited to this mission. Please do not delay in securing passage here. Safe travels.

Explore, Report, Cooperate,

Sheila Heidmarch
Venture-Captain, Magnimar Lodge

Upon arriving at the manor, you are greeted by a servant who escorts you into a banquet room, with eight chairs and placements set upon them. Once everyone is seated, a tall rugged-looking man, with brown hair and beard, enters; some of you may recognize him as Sir Canayven Heidmarch…

He nods as he welcomes you. ”Good morning agents, welcome to Magnimar. Sheila will be here shortly; she had some final investigations to perform before briefing you for this mission. In the meantime, I’ve had brunch prepared for you while we await her.”

He makes a motion with his hand and several servants enter the room, carrying several trays of food, including eggs, bacon, breads, and fruit, in addition to beverages ranging from coffee and tea to wine…

Once the table is set, Sir Canayven sits down at the table with you, saying simply ”Dig in…”

As he wolves down some eggs and bacon, he looks around the table, then nods, asking, ”So, while we wait for Sheila, tell me about yourselves…”

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