Tournament Champion

Levin Hessel's page

283 posts. Organized Play character for SodiumTelluride.

Full Name

Levin Hessel




Bard Cleric 4 | AC: 20/14/17 | HP: 30/30 | Fort +3, Ref +8 (+1 vs traps), Will +5 (+2 vs fear) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +8






Chaotic Neutral


Common, Draconic, Halfling

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Levin Hessel

PFS #: 89635-6
XP: 9
Prestige: 13
Fame: 15

Halfling bard 4 (not a cleric but he pretends to be)
Alternate race trait: Fleet of Foot
Class archetype: Sandman (bard)
Init +5
AC: 20/14/17 (+5 armor, +1 shield, +3 Dex, +1 size)
HP: 30
Defensive abilities: +4 on saves vs performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: shortsword +8, 1d4+1 Arcane Strike (19-20/x2)
Ranged: shortbow +7, 1d4+1 Arcane Strike (20/x3)

Spells known:
0th (unlimited, DC 14): dancing lights, daze, detect magic, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation
1st (4/day, DC 15): charm person, silent image, sleep, vanish
2nd (2/day, DC 16): blindness/deafness, suggestion

Bardic performance 17/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 16], stealspell [DC 16])
Master of Deception (bonus to Bluff/Sleight of Hand/Stealth, trapfinding)
Sneakspell (+1 DC of spells/performance vs flat-footed opponents)
Well-Versed (+4 on saves vs bardic performance/sonic/language-dependant effects)
Trap Sense +1 (bonus to Reflex saves vs traps and AC vs traps)
Base Atk +3

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Arcane Strike

Traits: Maestro of the Society, Reactionary

Skills (total armor check penalty: -0):
Acrobatics +8 <2 ranks>
Bluff +12 <3 ranks>
Climb +4 <1 rank>
Diplomacy +10 <3 ranks>
Disable Device +8 <3 ranks>
Disguise +8 <1 rank>
Escape Artist +7 <1 rank>
Knowledge (arcana) +5 <1 rank>
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 <1 rank>
Knowledge (local) +5 <1 rank>
Knowledge (religion) +5 <1 rank>
Perception +8 <3 ranks>
Perform (sing) +10 <3 ranks>
Sleight of Hand +9 <1 rank>
Spellcraft +5 <1 rank>
Stealth +15 <3 ranks>

Equipment: sleeves of many garments, +1 mithral chain shirt, mw short sword, mw buckler, shortbow, 18 arrows, wooden holy symbol [all 20 core deities], wand of cure light wounds (50), mw thieves' tools, 346 gp + ToW Chronicle

Temporary Equipment: potion of cure serious wounds, oil of magic weapon

Items sold: thieves' tools (30 15 gp)

Level advancement: +1 Wis (4th)