GM Chadius presents: 2-23 An Agent's Obligation

Game Master chadius


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2-23 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ |

Another day aboard the Sixwing Dixie brings more singing from the crew. You'd love to celebrate the trip, but the bottomless bag and the missive from Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin remind you of your quest.

"We'll be in Hinji by the morrow." The dwarven captain speaks. "Chileax is nice this time of year. Not too hot, if you catch my drift." She grins.

Ambrus Valsin's Missive:

Experienced Pathfinders,
We recently made inroads with Lady Victiria of House Junianis, a noble family in Cheliax based in the city of Hinji. She gave us the opportunity to catalogue a series of their ancestral heirlooms that survived the Chelaxian Civil War. We sent a team of novice Pathfinders to perform the assessment, as it seemed a simple enough assignment for fresh agents.

Unfortunately, the assignment wasn’t as simple as it seemed. After the novices’ first day of examination, they did not return to the Junianis manor. Lady Victiria attempted to contact them using the resources at her disposal, and then reported to the Grand Lodge that our agents were missing.

Your task is to find our four missing Pathfinders and, if someone was responsible for their disappearances, make sure they are no longer a danger to the Society. If you find any of our agents, bring them to the Junianis manor. Lady Victiria has agreed to harbor any Pathfinders you find until your investigation is complete. Although the Junianis family has many connections in Hinji, it is important that you do not visit the Junianis manor except to drop off the missing agents for protection. You can go to Lady Junianis for additional information as a last resort, but relying on her for help might jeopardize our future relations. If the worst has happened and you find that the agents have died in the field, be sure to respectfully retrieve their remains and belongings.

After you bring the missing agents to the manor, complete the cataloguing of the heirlooms and report back to Absalom with the agents or their remains. Included with this letter are basic dossiers on each of the agents sent to Hinji, as well as a bag of holding and scrolls of gentle repose that are only to be used for the missing Pathfinders should they prove necessary. It is important that you use discretion—they were likely targeted for being members of the Society, so don’t go about flashing wayfinders and demanding answers.

Begin your search at the Waypoint Inn, where the agents were staying. The innkeeper is expecting you.

Explore, Report, Cooperate.
Amburs Valsin

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