[Gameday XIII] #8-00 The Cosmic Captive (3-4) by Mustaparta

Game Master Mustaparta


Silver Crusade

5-07 #8-00 Special

Pathfinder 1st edition special #8-00, tier 3-4 OOC thread. After you have signed on spreadsheet, submit your character information on RPG Chronicles.

Liberty's Edge

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13

Hello, I have followed the instructions, and it seemed like you still had slots available but I just wanted to double check. If there isn't a spot available, please let me know and I will try for another recruitment while there is still time for sign ups.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade

5-07 #8-00 Special

Yes, you're on spot #3. Welcome in!

Grand Lodge

Male Elf - Arcanist 4 - AC(17)/T13/F10/CMD14 |HP 26/26| Fort:+3;Ref:+5;Will+5 |Percept.+4 | Init.+5 | { mage armor} Arcane Pool (8 of 10 used)

Signed up with Ecthelien as 4th - but would be burning a replay (with some other retired 1E character - I cannot remember which but can look it up). If you get new players, I can drop.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Male Human - Warpriest 3 - AC 25/T 11/F 25 - HP 27 - Fort : +5, Ref +1, Will : +7 - Perception +5 - Init +0

Wasn't expecting to play it but given I've been told the table might use some frontline plank, here I am

Burning a replay (wrote so on rpgchronicles)

I need to see how I can show character abilities before the post, but that's how it roughly looks :

EDIT : I think I guessed the idea

Silver Crusade

5-07 #8-00 Special

All energy types are possible choices for planar adaptation, but cold is most obvious here.

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