[Gameday XIII] PFS1 #8-00 The Cosmic Captive

Game Master cmlobue


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Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1 | HP 6/12 | AC 18

Frozen City? Sure.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Clone Batch | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

The Engines benefit is tracked entirely on my side, but basically the environment is less severe.

An immense, frozen subterranean lake lies beneath the ruins of the Iovian city. This area has no natural illumination and is severely cold. Powerful gusts of warm air howl through these twisting tunnels of ice. The passages turn upon themselves and end in sudden precipices. The footing is treacherous, and a step to either side drops into chasms clouded by freezing mist.

First question: how is everyone seeing? Darkvision helps, but low-light does not unless someone provides a light source.

One of you will need to climb to the top of a bluff to proceed. This requires two successive Athletics or Survival checks. Assuming someone brought a rope, once one of you has reached the top, you can lower the rope to make the climb trivial for the others.

Grand Lodge

N (she/her) human brawler (wild child) 1 || HP 13/13 || AC 17/12/15 || Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 || Perc +4 || Stealth -1 || Speed 30 || Init +6 || Active Conditions: Planetary Adaptation

Koli shivers as the wind seems to cut through even the space suit she's wearing. "I had no idea any place this cold existed outside of the frozen hells." Teeth chattering, she lights a torch and skewers it onto the scizore, preventing it from doing damage, but keeping that hand a whole lot warmer.

Koli needs light, Thor has low-light. Cold and dark are pretty much her worst nightmare.

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