Protecting the Firelight from the Cataclysm of Oracles

Game Master Michael Hallet

RPG Chronicles | Macros | Firelight Map

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Radiant Oath

LG Paladin of Ragathiel, Zeal Domain 92HP AC: 25 Fort +13;Ref +8; Will +13 +15 iniative 2 FP
Brekovi wrote:

Sorry, really hadn’t looked at your character sheet in any detail. I am surprised to see you have Reactive Shield, but I didn’t bother trying to reconstruct the character to figure out why.

Might think about getting a buckler someday so you have a choice between 1H and 2H operation with your sword.

In any case, you know your character better than I. Think if there is something you can do that would be more useful than swinging the sword.

You could try what I did at first, get outside the aura to figure out if that changes your luck. I have not attempted a RK check to try and find out, but the power does seem to be an aura. Might be something where any time you start a turn inside their area.

Also keep in mind when it has used the reaction to steal luck, since it means you can freely attack with your reaction without fear of feeding it good rolls.

Can you use a buckler wiyhba 2 handed weapon.

Did anyone tell us, ibbgame, and not rhe DM about the aura?

Radiant Oath

LG Paladin of Ragathiel, Zeal Domain 92HP AC: 25 Fort +13;Ref +8; Will +13 +15 iniative 2 FP
Brekovi wrote:

Sorry, really hadn’t looked at your character sheet in any detail. I am surprised to see you have Reactive Shield, but I didn’t bother trying to reconstruct the character to figure out why.

Might think about getting a buckler someday so you have a choice between 1H and 2H operation with your sword.

In any case, you know your character better than I. Think if there is something you can do that would be more useful than swinging the sword.

You could try what I did at first, get outside the aura to figure out if that changes your luck. I have not attempted a RK check to try and find out, but the power does seem to be an aura. Might be something where any time you start a turn inside their area.

Also keep in mind when it has used the reaction to steal luck, since it means you can freely attack with your reaction without fear of feeding it good rolls.

Can you use a buckler wiyhba 2 handed weapon.

Did anyone tell us, ibbgame, and not rhe DM about the aura?

Grand Archive

Male ysoki wizard 7| 35’ | Perc +11 Low-Light, Scent (imprecise, 30') | HP: 69/69 | AC: 25 (26 with Shield) | F: +11 R: +15 W: +13, Resist Neg 1| Focus: 1 | Exploration: Detect Magic | Drain Bonded: 4 3 1 | Hero Points: 0 | Status: Tailwind, Alarm, Wounded 1, Shield

As it turns out, the GM did tell us about the aura including the size of it. His description says when entering the aura. I would have to dig through the rules on auras, but I don’t think they affect you once you leave. Exact details is what I would need to research.

As for the buckler, my understanding is you basically need a mostly free hand in order to use a buckler. You couldn’t grip your bastard sword in two hands and raise a buckler, but you could if you were using it as a 1H weapon.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male ysoki wizard 7| 35’ | Perc +11 Low-Light, Scent (imprecise, 30') | HP: 69/69 | AC: 25 (26 with Shield) | F: +11 R: +15 W: +13, Resist Neg 1| Focus: 1 | Exploration: Detect Magic | Drain Bonded: 4 3 1 | Hero Points: 0 | Status: Tailwind, Alarm, Wounded 1, Shield
Xun Saburo wrote:

As you might have noticed Xun is actually not excelling at diplo ;)

I am waiting to break a total of 20 on my most recent dice rolls.

Most recent d20 rolls have been:
3, 2, 2, 5, 1

Pretty bad when you crit fail something only to Hero Point it and still Crit Fail. :(

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Sorcerer 7 | HP 62 | AC 24 | F +13, R +13, W +12 | Perc/Init +10 | Diplo +16 | Thievery +15 | Acro/Intim +14 | Arcana +13 | Nature/Underworld Lore +10 | Decept /Perf/ Stealth +11 | Athl/ Craft/Med/ Occult/Relig/ Society/Surv +8 | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆

I will be away Thursday through Saturday.

If necessary, BOT BakBat

Avoid melee.
Strike with Needle Darts unless they are undead, in which case use Vitality Lash.

Radiant Oath

LG Paladin of Ragathiel, Zeal Domain 92HP AC: 25 Fort +13;Ref +8; Will +13 +15 iniative 2 FP

There was a bomb threat today at my school.

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Sorcerer 7 | HP 62 | AC 24 | F +13, R +13, W +12 | Perc/Init +10 | Diplo +16 | Thievery +15 | Acro/Intim +14 | Arcana +13 | Nature/Underworld Lore +10 | Decept /Perf/ Stealth +11 | Athl/ Craft/Med/ Occult/Relig/ Society/Surv +8 | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆

I hope it was merely a threat. There's already too much craziness.

Radiant Oath

LG Paladin of Ragathiel, Zeal Domain 92HP AC: 25 Fort +13;Ref +8; Will +13 +15 iniative 2 FP

Thankfully nothing was found. They told us to go home since school was cancelled and then told us to come back after an hour and a half because it was a "contract day".

Dark Archive

Firelight Map

Busy few days getting ready for weekend event. I might not have an update until Monday.

Radiant Oath

LG Paladin of Ragathiel, Zeal Domain 92HP AC: 25 Fort +13;Ref +8; Will +13 +15 iniative 2 FP

DM, please see your messages. :)

Grand Archive

Male ysoki wizard 7| 35’ | Perc +11 Low-Light, Scent (imprecise, 30') | HP: 69/69 | AC: 25 (26 with Shield) | F: +11 R: +15 W: +13, Resist Neg 1| Focus: 1 | Exploration: Detect Magic | Drain Bonded: 4 3 1 | Hero Points: 0 | Status: Tailwind, Alarm, Wounded 1, Shield
Kidron Quintus wrote:
I apologize for trying to develop a plan of action.

I would like to apologize for coming off as harsh as I had.

I greatly prefer conversations such as tactics either be done in character or put in the discussion area if they are to be out of character. I don’t like diverting the in character description for discussions that are out of character.

Grand Archive

Male ysoki wizard 7| 35’ | Perc +11 Low-Light, Scent (imprecise, 30') | HP: 69/69 | AC: 25 (26 with Shield) | F: +11 R: +15 W: +13, Resist Neg 1| Focus: 1 | Exploration: Detect Magic | Drain Bonded: 4 3 1 | Hero Points: 0 | Status: Tailwind, Alarm, Wounded 1, Shield

Ouch! +20 Fort on an enemy is rough.

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Sorcerer 7 | HP 62 | AC 24 | F +13, R +13, W +12 | Perc/Init +10 | Diplo +16 | Thievery +15 | Acro/Intim +14 | Arcana +13 | Nature/Underworld Lore +10 | Decept /Perf/ Stealth +11 | Athl/ Craft/Med/ Occult/Relig/ Society/Surv +8 | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆

I will be away Thursday through Saturday.

Please BOT me if necessary.

Grand Archive

Male ysoki wizard 7| 35’ | Perc +11 Low-Light, Scent (imprecise, 30') | HP: 69/69 | AC: 25 (26 with Shield) | F: +11 R: +15 W: +13, Resist Neg 1| Focus: 1 | Exploration: Detect Magic | Drain Bonded: 4 3 1 | Hero Points: 0 | Status: Tailwind, Alarm, Wounded 1, Shield
Kidron Quintus wrote:
How doea gis reaction workith dazzled?

We are dealing with two different things here, the damage reduction and the ability to strike.

Your reaction is Retributive Strike.

Dazzled gives everyone concealment.

When you target a creature that’s concealed from you, you must attempt a DC 5 flat check before you roll to determine your effect. If you fail, you don’t affect the target.

Since nothing in the section about reducing damage for Retributive Strike indicates you are targeting a creature, I don’t think Dazzled applies. If it does, you would need to do the DC 5 check.

Since neither of the attackers is in your reach for either of the two possible Retributive Strikes, you will not have a chance to do an attack. If you were able to attack, that would be affected by Dazzled.

There is room for disagreement on if the damage reduction would be targeted. If our GM has a different reading, I would not argue with it.

Dark Archive

Firelight Map

Sorry for the delay. Busy weekend and busy day at work yesterday. I'll try to catch up after the kids are off to school.

Radiant Oath

LG Paladin of Ragathiel, Zeal Domain 92HP AC: 25 Fort +13;Ref +8; Will +13 +15 iniative 2 FP

So no respobse to my question that I asked last week?

Radiant Oath

LG Paladin of Ragathiel, Zeal Domain 92HP AC: 25 Fort +13;Ref +8; Will +13 +15 iniative 2 FP

GM please see my PM

Dark Archive

Firelight Map

Jason has chosen to leave the game. I will bot his PC so that we don't have to adjust the encounter on the fly. Please contact me by PM if you have any questions.

Vigilant Seal

"I am number four" | 820-2004 | Female Duskwalker Elf Ancestry Oracle 7 with Witch Dedication | HP 62/62 | AC 25 | F +9 R +13 W +13 | Perc +11 | 30/40) Speed | Focus 2/2 | Spells 1st 3/3 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 | Hero Points 0/3 | Campaign Coin 1/1 | Active Conditions: Darkvision; Resist Cold & Mental 2; Negative 1 ---

Hey Mike,

I don't quite get the map.

Is Wanikkawi on top of the roof of the house or in the house? They are occupying the same space.

Dark Archive

Firelight Map

Apparently I didn't have the map scrolled far enough to the left when I moved him. Those are just tents.

Position adjusted.

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