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Thesh's response falls flat.
Vomatian tags the green-clad Joro.
Will bot the others in about 12 hours if they have not posted.
Round 2 - bolded may go
Yellow (-9 HP)
Mizzrym’ (Outwit the Joro!)
Vomatian (-5+ SP, Outwit the Joro!)
Green (-13 HP)
Anock (-2 SP)
Ω-CloudChatI.Q.Prime (-8 SP)
Thesh (-2 SP)

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Irres can't land a hit on the one in yellow insignia.
Mizzrym hops behind the bar and fires on the Joro in green.
Heavy Laser: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Fire Damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
"Don't be a sap," the one in red stripe 'jokes' as they approach Thesh. "and I won't have to sap you."
Culture, Tricks CR ≤: 1d20 + 11 - 20 ⇒ (10) + 11 - 20 = 1
Light Sap: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Nonlethal Bludgeoning Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Trick Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Round 2 - bolded may go
Yellow (-9 HP)
Vomatian (-6 SP)
Anock (-2 SP)
Ω-CloudChatI.Q.Prime (-8 SP)
Thesh (-6 SP, Outwit the Joro!)

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"i Am gLaD tO SeE tHAt YoU mAnAgE tO PuT tHe 'PuN' iN pUnY..."
Ω-CloudChatI.Q.Prime blasts Yellow!
Holy Underwater Living Red Star Plasma Array: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23, for 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Electricity/Fire damage.

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"Joking around about hurting people? Really?! How can you convince yourselves you're not *horrible people*?!" Anock isn't interested in receiving an answer; she just enjoys pointing out their moral turpitude as a way of stroking her own ego. When the one with the red armband looks like he's about to retort with another pun, she shoots right at his mouth. "No one wants to hear you right now."
Azimuth laser pistol (F): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 51d4 ⇒ 4
She talks a big game, but she can't hit the side of a space station.

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Thesh grumbles, stepping back. Boring....
The only thing you'll be sapping is the acid I'm shooting at you...
bluff: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Actually I have something even better than acid.
mind thrust 2: 4d10 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 4) = 16
(will save 16)

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Omega's blast drops the Joro with yellow insignia to the ground.
The CommanJoro with blue insignia yells, "These guys will take the fall later, but for now, fall back!" They quickly retreat, where they will presumably find that their command structure doesn't exist any more.
Finbar and the others come out of hiding to thank you for protecting them. They tell you that the Joros have been more aggressive lately in enforcing 'discipline' against non-Joros, and your information from the processing facility provides most of the explanation why.
A group of Joros who do not seem to be affiliated with First Joro approach to ask what the kerfuffle was. You can choose to either explain to them what you found at the processing facility or come up with an alternate version of events (the latter requiring a cover story and a Bluff check).

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Anock is generally indignant at what First Joro has been doing, but also curious about the extent to which the other Joros know about it. After all, Roofer and Baker Joro seemed amiable enough, as did most of the Joros playing board games.
I'd like to conduct an experiment. She informs the group telepathically. I'll tell them the truth, and we'll all watch to see which ones like it and which ones don't. Without giving time for feedback on her idea, she launches into an explanation of the Starfinders' findings. "First Joro has been forcing non-Joros to become Joros against their wills! I understand this may be hard to belive. There's a whole lab set up where people's bodies and minds are broken down and remade, which we can show you as proof. I wonder how many of *you* were another person before, but your memories were wiped when you were forced to become a Joro. Doesn't that disturb you?"
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
About how many Joros seem to like this news? Dislike it?

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Omega quietly taps pout a short message for the non-Joros.
This could go bad, fast. Would you like to come with us? There is a whole world out there, where there are *no* Joros.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16.

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"I beg to differ!" shouts one who definitely does not know yet that they are going to become a Starfinder.

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And you can just jump the gun on the last two plot points as well...
Some of the Joros seem troubled by the revelation that they may have been something else before. The rest at least seem sympathetic to the others and try to comfort them while still listening to the words of the Starfinders.
None of the Joros still here are acting like co-conspirators.
By the end of the story, the Joros agree that the clone production complex is a site too powerful for any one Joro to possess. Once this sentiment has been voiced, there is a massive flicker of the lights from the holographic environment, and a robotic voice echoes throughout the vault: “Community vault test 341 completed. Sterilization and reset protocols commencing in 24 hours.”
Those of you who have been to Salvation's End before quickly realize that no one will be left alive here at this time tomorrow and contact Venture-Captain Kunoris Vex for further instruction. Kunoris expresses a strange mixture of bemusement and confusion upon hearing about the team's expedition and promises to help evacuate all the clones before the vault performs its reset. He congratulates the Starfinders on learning whatever they could and comments that clearly there’s something wrong with the guiding intelligence if it’s performing tests of this nature.
You can choose whether to help the CommanJoros, though whether you do or not has no mechanical effect.
Those of you who were hit my the morphogen occasionally feel the urge to do jigsaw puzzles, sing choral music, or play board games, though the feelings quickly pass...

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Anock watches Irres closely for signs of succumbing to the morphogen while "supervising" the evacuation of the residents of the Joro vault. In her report, she helpfully suggests monitoring her indefinitely. Also on the list for monitoring: the CommanJoros. They seemed to so deeply believe in their cause that she's concerned one or more of them will try to find a way to pick up where First Joro left off.
She refrains from criticizing her subordinates too much in her report. It's clear to her that they are newbies, so they deserve the opportunity to fail safely so they can learn to improve. She congratulates herself on ensuring that they survived this opportunity, preening as she dictates to the AI stenographer. (Yes, she knows that old-fashioned word; and no, she doesn't expect anyone else to be cultured enough to recognize it.) They obviously couldn't have succeeded without my expertise.
Thank you for putting up with this oblivious embodiment of ego, everyone. :)