The Journey of a Thousand Miles (Jade Regent AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: The Hungry Storm
Wherein the caravan traverses a Crown, and the heroes discover Utmost North.
Date: Starday, 18th Neth (XI) 4711 AR
Time of Day: Midday
Season: Autumn
Weather: 26° F (-3° C), Clear Skies, Gentle Winds

4711 AR Calendar

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Starday, the 19th of Arodus, 4711 AR

Even in the early morning, Sarenrae has blessed the town of Sandpoint with her potent presence, beating down upon the heads of those who have already begun their workday. The air is muggy, almost needing to be chewed before breathing, and even those whose jobs aren’t physically laborious are already finding themselves drenched in sweat on this unwholesomely hot late summer day.

The oppressive heat, however, is not the only concern the people of Sandpoint need worry themselves about. Though it has been four years since they were last a threat, the goblins of the Lost Coast have once again grown bold, as the last four caravans from Magnimar have reported. Specifically, the Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have been attacking merchants and travelers making their way between Magnimar and Sandpoint proper.

As a result, Sheriff Hemlock has (with the input of Shalelu Andosana) reopened the bounty on goblin ears - at 10 gp per ear, this is highly lucrative for any wishing to brave their territory. Further, the head of the Licktoads’ chieftain Gutwad will fetch a bounty of 300 gold pieces from the town of Sandpoint. For all this, new adventurers are necessary - fortunately for Sandpoint, it has potential heroes to spare.

Seishin of the Wheel:
Seishin is up and about shortly after sunrise, making his way through the daily tasks of living in Sandpoint. When he visits Sandpoint Savories, home to the best pastries in town, however, the young woman behind the counter looks very much distraught. One of the twin daughters of Alma Avertin, who owns the place, Seishin can’t quite tell whether she’s Arika or Aneka.

The young woman looks up as Seishin enters, and the priest can practically see the idea flaring in her mind. ”You’re… you’re Seishin, yeah? You… you know how to fight, yeah? Um…”

She hesitates before words rush out of her lips like blood from a wound. ”Arika’s missing, and mother doesn’t know, but she went out with an adventuring band to kill goblins in Brinestump, and I think mother will die if she doesn’t come back, and it’s my fault that she managed to go in the first place, so please will you look for her?”

Well, at least he can be certain of which twin this is now.

Torra Voliokerdam:

Torra is unsurprisingly active early in the morning, despite the heat. She awakens in her father’s home on Tower Street and prepares for the day. Surprisingly, Volioker is waiting for her when she finally emerges from her room. ”Mornin’ Torra. I ‘xpect you’ll hear this soon, but I wanted t’ let you know - Shalelu’s back from wherever her feet have taken her this past week.” He grins, clearly happy to share the news with his daughter. ”If you want t’see her, I think she’s at the Rusty Dragon.”

For her part, Torra knows that Shalelu has been busy hunting down rumors that Ripnugget, the chief of the Thistletop goblins who had invaded Sandpoint four years prior, was somehow still around after the Heroes of Sandpoint had slain him shortly after the goblin attack. Maybe she should go ask her mentor what she’d been up to?

Don’t feel the need to ape Volioker’s accent. I have no idea what I’m doing with it, to be honest.

Hana Tenko:

Hana awakens early enough in the morning before going about her daily routine to prepare for the day. Before she leaves her Church Street home, however, she hears voices from outside her window.

”- should send someone to look for them. It’s been a week.” This voice she recognizes as Father Zantus, the primary priest of Sandpoint.
”I know, Father, but Shalelu only just returned last night. Besides, they may still be hunting goblins out there. It’s not like there’s any lack of them…” This voice she doesn’t immediately recognize, though the accent sounds vaguely Shoanti.
”Does the Sheriff share your assessment, Cregan?” Father Zantus’ voice is fading into the distance, even with the relative quiet of this uncommonly hot day.
”Not… exactly, Father. You’d have to ask him. All I’m saying is that I don’t think the guard can afford to go out into Brinestump to look for adventurers. Maybe another group will go. That I’d be willing to help in any way I can… The voices trail away.

Well, if there’s anywhere to get more information on what’s going on, it’s at the Rusty Dragon…

Hirabashi Yuto:

It is dark, and warm. Safe, secure, even serene, a comforting embrace. Then, a voice, distant. ”Come.” A face emerges, a dread helmed death’s-head, a grinning skull with no reason to laugh. ”Come!” The voice echoes from between its gaping teeth. A claw shreds through the warm dark, reaching, grasping. ”COME!

Hirabashi Yuto snaps awake, drenched in sweat as the skeletal nightmare lingers in the dark corners of his mind. Before he can fully process what has happened, he hears a knock on his door.

”Yuto? Are you alright?” Koya Mvashti, his adoptive mother, asks from outside. ”Can I come in?”

Teruko Kaijitsu:

For the first time in weeks, Teruko’s father is silent when she first awakens. Oddly, rather than relief, this only provokes apprehension in the young woman, who has a sense that some great change is about to come down upon her.

After getting ready for the day (her deceased father still unnervingly silent), Teruko exits her room, only to find Velarie Neserin, one of the two remaining servants in this empty home of memories, waiting politely for her.

”Miss Teruko, good morning.” The steward of the manor greets her, though Teruko can see the faint sheen of sweat on her forehead, indicating she’s already been working at least somewhat in the dreadful heat of the morning. ”Miss Ameiko sent word that she’d like you to visit her today.” Teruko’s older sister had all but abandoned the manor even before their father died, and has made only occasional visits since, usually when looking in on Teruko.

Velarie looks around, as though to keep what she’s about to say a secret. ”I think it may have to do with the recent bounty on goblins. I know you wouldn’t go out into that dreadful swamp, but I suppose she’s afraid you might hold a grudge over the events of four years ago.”

Shockingly, Lonjiku doesn’t even respond to that, a near direct allusion to his death. What is going on here?

And here we go. Please keep replies in spoilers until you arrive at the Rusty Dragon.

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60' | Sanity: 36/36, Threshold 2, Edge 18

Torra Voliokerdam:
It was unbearable. The heat, yes, how the nightshift clung to her, how her skin itched and her body simply could not find a comfortable position in bed. She had tossed and turned for hours the previous evening, unable to sleep, before finally getting up, lighting a lamp and walking to the small chest that held her most precious possessions. She had squatted in front of it, flipping the lid open and examining the contents. Which one? They were all too familiar, every one of them, which one should she choose for tonight? Eventually, she reached for the well-loved, star-speckled dark blue tome of Irisseni folk tales. She turned it over in her hands, feeling the familiar shape of it, the satisfying crackle of the spine, inhaling the scent of paper and glue and something else she couldn't quite identify. She rocked on her heels for a moment or two, then leaned backwards until she was sitting on the floor in front of the opened chest, the book in her lap. She began to read.


Her father probably thought she had risen early; she had simply not gone to bed at all. She felt tired, but her head was full of the words and the pictures of the book. There was one she especially loved - three nymphs dancing by moonlight on the side of a pond filled with blooming waterlilies, a hideous hag watching from behind an ancient weeping willow. The lines of the illustration were etched in her brain, and if she had any talent with charcoal on parchment she could probably render it with her eyes closed. Her heart ached with how beautiful the nymphs were, their long flowing hair down to their heels as they held graceful poses in their simple white shifts.

Volioker's voice snaps her out of her reverie, and she deftly evades his attempt at a good-morning hug and kiss. "Thank you, papa, I will go see her." Torra really, really hoped that Shalelu had good news about the road towards Magnimar, it had been two months since Chask Haladan had gotten any new shipments. Despite the oppressive heat, she wraps herself in a cloak before heading out of the parental home. It was a long walk to the Rusty Dragon, and before long she is sweating, but the cloak is hiding that she's still wearing her nightshift - anything else would chafe unbearably against her skin.

Torra deliberately does not have a Dwarven accent. Her reason for adventuring is so she can get new books. :)

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

The smells of Sandpoint Savories never failed to stir a feeling of home in him.

--she smells much the same. Cinnamon and sugar and gingerbread mixing together and sending my mouth to watering. Tastes of sweetness... of belonging.

The priest shakes his head and pushes the memory away. The last time my wits wandered like that, I found myself at the mercy of at least a dozen goblins. It won't do to let my hunger distract me.

Seishin brushes off a stray bit of dirt from his chain mail as he reaches the door into the bakery, pausing for a moment to look in the window and see the different types of sweets and pastries on offer. It was a habit born of a need for belonging; whenever he visited other sweets shops back in Magnimar, he'd hem and haw over what sort of treat he wished to purchase, much to the irritation of any other customers in line behind him.

He steps through the doorway of the bakery and is about to order when he sees Aneka in distress. Before he has a chance to speak, her panicked words come tumbling out her mouth in a rush.

"...oh my." Seishin replies, the soft baritone of his voice filling the silence. "How long ago did she go out, Aneka?"

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

Hana Tenko:

Her and her’s mother home was a rather humble abode. A two-story house with all the essentials of a household barely packed within its walls. The relative thinness of said walls made it all the easier to listen in on the many idle conservations that would literally pass the Tenkos home on Church Street. And that was without a convenient window at its front face.

Hana could not help herself. The moment she hears Father Zantus and his companion walk by she immediately dashes towards the empty side of the wall just below the window and listens in on what they have to say, doing so without so much as making the faintest of noises. There was almost something instinctual about the way her ears seemed to perk up at the voices that were already becoming distant whispers. Like a beast that could hear the tell-tale sound of prey nearby. The moment the comparison comes to her mind, Hana peels yourself away from the wall as if it was suddenly on fire, still doing so without making a sound. Years of stealth training does that to a person and try as she might Hana found it difficult to let such ingrained instincts go.

She sighs to herself and goes back to getting ready to go to work. After she gets finished setting her hair, doing her makeup, and testing the strings of her shamisen, she checks in her mother one last time as always before heading to the Rusty Dragon. She finds her in the kitchen serving herself a cup of green tea from a pot that Hana had already made from waking up earlier in the morning. Hana causally walks up to her and embraces her a warm hug before making her morning greetings. “Morning! I’m about to head out for work but I have some extra time. Need anything before I go?”

Her mother responds in kind to the hug with one of her own and gives her a tired smile. She had just finished a long stint at Cracktooth's the previous night entertaining the local artists that frequent the tavern with her “exotic” Tien music. The work is good, as her mother always argues, but to Hana’s mind the hours themselves were far to taxing on her. Not that her mother would ever admit that.

“No, no. I’m fine, dear. Just try to get back soon once your shift is over, alright?” She asks, using her tried and true ‘I’m very concerned’ voice. “I know the Kaijitsu girl isn’t her father but I swear she’s managed to work you just as hard as that old slavedriver given just how many hours you give her tavern.”

Hana had to suppress the desire to roll her eyes at the hypocrisy of that, but she knew that her mother was just being worried about her. To think that she once considered such concerns a weakness on her mother’s part still manages to shock her every once in a while.

Of course, instead of admitting that and having a long conversation about their family’s past, Hana simply kisses her mother on the forehead and says her goodbyes. “Don’t worry, mom. I’ll try to get back as soon as I can.” And with that, and one last smile, she finally set out.

Steeping outside her door, Hana made her way to the Rusty Dragon with a strange eagerness as she thought of Father Zantus, the missing adventurers, and of course lovely Ameiko.

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HP 67/67 Sanity 34/34 [2] AC 26 TAC 12 FF 24 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Dark dreams, wet mornings:

"UahHaAaaaaah!" young Yuto pulls up the blanket to cover himself looking for protection, scared by the voice and the sudden beating, he falls from bed on his retreat, hitting the night table, that hits his desktop, that hits the library, making a bunch of books falling all over him "UahAAAAAH!" the young man removes the red book over his face and mumbles reading the title "There and Back Again. A Journey of Thousand Miles"

Suddenly realizing Koya is calling he discards the book to the side and quickly recollects himself "Wait mother!" despite the heat and sweat he stands up and quickly rolls the blanket around his lower parts "Y-Yes, no-now you can come in!"

"What is it mother?" as the door opens he suddenly realizes of the great mess around and tries to put back the books into the library, some falling, forcing him to go and pick them up again, only for some more to fall, until after a while he manages to make everything on place "So... Sorry mother. I had a terrible nightmare. A skull was calling me, it was... oh, good... good morning"

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Torra Voliokerdam:

Despite the fact that she stayed up all night, Torra does not feel especially weary as she travels across Sandpoint to the Rusty Dragon. Because I’m being nice and not making you fatigued because it’s entirely possible that you might end up exhausted due to the heat if you were fatigued.

On her way there, she sees a handsome Varisian man with a scimitar at his hip speaking with Daviren Hosk, the eternally grumpy proprietor of the Goblin Squash stables. It takes her a moment to recognize the man as Sandru Vhiski, one of Koya Mvashti’s many adopted children.

The two men are talking, and Daviren is unusually animated. ”You had some trouble with goblins, then?” He asks the caravaner.

”Just a bit.” Sandru replies. ”My new guard and his horse killed most of ‘em himself - barely left any for the rest of us, and only one of the others got injured.”

Daviren grins. ”You should’ve taken their ears, Sandru. Sheriff Hemlock has reopened the bounty on goblins, ‘cause of things like you just experienced. Damn, I’d go kill some myself if I had someone to watch over the stables.”

Sandru laughs at that. ”Well, that’s one chance missed. I’ll be sure to let my guards know that in the future.” The Varisian man glances up, noticing Torra, and gives her a friendly smile, but doesn’t attempt to beckon her over or call her.

She also sees a young human woman with Tian features whom she only vaguely recognizes, approaching from a different direction.

Hana Tenko:
Hana’s journey across Sandpoint is enough to make her glad that she has a human shape - if she was wearing her fur, she’d be dying in this heat. Even without it, she begins sweating soon after she exits her house, and the mugginess only makes it worse.

As she passes by the Sandpoint Theater, she sees that not even Cyrdak Drokkus, Ameiko’s longtime rival and the director of the plays performed there, is out advertising for his next play - a mark of how hot things truly are.

Nevertheless, she makes it almost to the Rusty Dragon before she sees a dwarf woman, as well as Sandru Vhiski (who she knows is an old friend of Ameiko’s) and Daviren, the proprietor of the Goblin Squash Stables, chatting with one another. Daviren looks surprisingly cheerful, given his usual dour disposition.

Hana and Torra are now in the same area, and can start posting together as they enter the Rusty Dragon.

Seishin of the Wheel:
Aneka’s eyes shine with tears. ”Four days ago. She said she was joining up for a day, and that she’d be back in time for dinner. Mother hasn’t realized it because she’s so busy with… other things, but I can only keep pretending for so long, and I’m taking both of our shifts now, which means other people are starting to notice that I’m not free any more…” Her words continue to to increase in speed, panic setting in.

Hirabashi Yuto:
Koya looks at him in concern as he opens the door, an expression that only grows deeper as he explains that he’d had a nightmare. ”Oh, poor child… Still, that is troubling. Did you notice anything else about the dream? The Song of Spheres sometimes shares our possible futures in our dreams.” As a priestess of Desna, she absolutely has authority to speak on the subject.

She steps forwards, enfolding him in a gentle embrace. Her familiar scent tickles his nose as her arms pull him close to her. ”But the future is never set, so do not worry too much, dear.”

Female LG Human Oracle (Psychic Searcher) 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception: +0 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Inspiration 7/7 | Active Conditions: None

The Kaijitsu Manor:
Teruko carefully finishes her makeup and studies herself in the mirror. Just a hint of blush to accentuate her cheekbones, a neutral shade of lipstick to plump up her lips, and subtle eyeshadow to make her eyes look larger. Hair artfully piled on top of her head and a casually-fashionable outfit complete the look. She didn’t actually plan on leaving the house today, but appearances are always important. Her father had taught her that.

As she exits her room she’s startled to see Velarie right outside her door. Fortunately the steward shouldn’t have been waiting long; she’s familiar with Teruko’s morning routine.

”Good morning Velarie.” As the steward delivers her news, (and her suppositions), Teruko’s mind wanders. (Not that you’d know it from the polite, neutral expression on her face.)

Teruko’s continued relationship with Ameiko was a sore spot for Lonjiku. The thought of his daughter traipsing through a swamp like (Ameiko) a common adventurer should have sent him into a rage. The merest hint of goblins should have left him sputtering.

She never thought she would find it more unnerving to not hear her father’s voice in her head.

Realizing that Velarie is waiting for a response, she pastes a smile onto her face. ”Thank you for delivering my sister’s invitation. I believe I’ll breakfast at the Rusty Dragon today.” She inclines her head in a silent dismissal, then watches as Velarie returns to her duties.

At least she’s already dressed for a trip to town. Connecting to Your Inner Divine: A Guide to Spontaneous Magic would have to wait.

She leaves the manor and heads for the Rusty Dragon. Time to find out what her sister wants.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Teruko Kaijitsu:

The moment Teruko steps out into the streets of Sandpoint, she is hit with a wall of heat and mugginess. Her father’s silence haunting her every step, she makes her way down the peninsula, looking at the map, the Kaijitsu manor is the middle house on the southwestern peninsula, occasionally stopping to rest in the shade of the trees.

As she crosses the bridge over Boggy Creek, a few birds call out from within the woods, dissonantly cheerful with regards to the uncommon heat of the day. Sarenrae’s light continues to bog down the young Kaijitsu’s steps, but she eventually makes it to the Sandpoint Bridge, where she sees Gaven Deverin, one of the Lord-Mayor’s cousins and a paladin of Abadar, speaking with one of the guards. ”Yes, I’ve heard that the goblin bounty has attracted a group of adventurers, but they left almost a week ago.” Gaven says.

The guard, a woman of Chelaxian heritage, frowns. ”You don’t think someone should go looking for them?”

”No, that’s not true at all. I just don’t know that your fine organization has enough people to spare to scour Brinestump for a group who went in willingly. I would go myself, but…” The paladin shrugs uncomfortably. ”It’s been four years since I lifted my crossbow for anything other than practice, and… I’m uncertain that I’d be suited to going into a marsh even at the best of times.”

Gaven nods to Teruko as she passes by. ”Miss Kaijitsu. Would you mind letting your sister know that her order of Buzzbarker is just about ready?” He offers her a friendly smile before letting her return to her journey.

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

Despite arriving at the Rusty Dragon after what felt like going several rounds with the sun, Hana’s dazzled eyes still immediately try to seek out Ameiko at the bar. Her heart ends up disappointed and she instead spots Torra, Daviren and Ameiko’s old friend Sandru.

The two were close, with Sandru having joined Ameiko on her year-long stint as an adventurer couple years ago. Hana was always a tad bit jealous of that connection though she never breathed a word of it and likewise never allowed such emotions to come across on her face whenever she encountered the Varisian. Today would be no different.

Talking up a stool at the bar, Hana put on her trademark glow and made her hellos to each member of the trio. “Morning everyone! Torra. How’s it going at Blue Stones? Jabyl doing alright? Sandru. Is the business doing well? When’s your next tour? And Daviren! You’re looking especially cheery today,” she says affably, even daring to nudge the oft gloomy man in the shoulder. “Did someone kill a dozen goblins today or have you finally found love in something that wasn’t horses or killing greenies?”

HP 67/67 Sanity 34/34 [2] AC 26 TAC 12 FF 24 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Dark dreams, wet mornings:

"Oh... I... I do not know..." Yuto reflects on the dream, pulling up the blanket to cover himself up to the chest now that Koya is looking at him "Yes... I do remember it was dark, but still I felt secure... even comfortable... oh! And there was a helmet too, yes, a dread helmet on the grinning skull"

"Do you think it is in the Song that I will fall into the darkness? Bu-but... who was the skull? It was scary but at same time I felt like home..." the young man let's the woman comfort him with her embrace.

When he feels more recollected he looks back at Koya "But... it seemed you came in to tell me something... what is it mother?"

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin reaches a hand out and puts it on her shoulder to comfort her. "Aneka, it will be alright. I'll speak with Sheriff Hemlock and see if I can get to the bottom of this. Just take a breath."

Diplomacy?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Sandru nods his greeting at Hana. ”Good morning Hana. Well, somewhat good. I just got in this morning, and, well… we had a bit of a skirmish with the goblins on the road. The Licktoads - I gather they’ve become something of a problem of late?”

Daviren nods, his eyes twinkling slightly - apparently his good mood is such that he’s willing to ignore Hana’s lighthearted jab - a true rarity. ”Sandru said one of his guards killed most of them little buggers.” He looks back towards the Varisian man. ”I’d like to meet them.”

Sandru looks momentarily hesitant. ”Lone-Pillar, uh… doesn’t much like people. But I’ll see what I can do. He’s outside Sandpoint right now. Said he wanted to ride around for awhile.”

Knowledge (local) DC 10:
”Lone-Pillar” sounds a bit like a Shoanti sobriquet.

Technically, you were both outside the Rusty Dragon, but it's fine to move the conversation inside. :P

Inside the Rusty Dragon, Ameiko is sitting behind the bar, and grins as Torra and Hana enter, as well as Sandru and Daviren. ”Sandru! When did you get back?”

He grins tiredly. ”Just this morning. Good to see you too, Ameiko.”

She blushes slightly, but it fades rather quickly. ”Welcome to the Rusty Dragon, folks. Good to see you all up and about despite the warm day.” Somehow, she even manages to sound energetic, despite the sheen of sweat on her face.

Bethana, the halfling steward of the Rusty Dragon also greets the group with a smile, but is currently busy wiping down one of the tables, and so doesn’t go to greet them immediately.

Sitting at the bar is a blond elf woman with solid blue eyes. Shalelu Andosana, the protector of the Lost Coast and most goblins’ worst nightmare, looks totally exhausted, and more than a little bruised.

Perception DC 15:
There are bits of reddened flesh on Shalelu’s fingers. It almost looks like she was burned or something similar.

She looks up at Torra, smiling a little, and raises a hand in greeting, but seems too tired to speak for now.

Hirabashi Yuto:
Due to the sticky heat, Koya swiftly lets Yuto go, though not without a wry smile, one that fades a little as he explains his dream. ”Hm… Desna teaches us that the dark is just as sacred as the light, dear. If it was warm and comforting, I suspect that it means no such thing.” She pats his cheek comfortingly.

”A helmet, though… I don’t know. A symbol of warriors and war, to be certain… but also a symbol of protection. On a skull, that could be a bad omen… but it could also be a warning for you to gird yourself for something momentous, but dangerous.” She looks at him, concerned. ”But I have confidence that you’ll do fine, my boy.” Her lips curve upwards in a smile.

At his question, she nods. ”Oh, right. I was just coming to invite you for breakfast at the Rusty Dragon. I believe that Sandru’s due in any day now, and I thought I might as well go visit Ameiko.”

Seishin of the Wheel:
Seishin’s touch calms the young woman, who blushes slightly, seeming more embarrassed that she’d been so flustered than embarrassed at the touch. ”I really don’t want to end up like Shayliss… alone. Mother is still mourning our brother from a decade ago, and she wouldn’t survive losing Arika.” Though Seishin doesn’t recognize the name Shayliss, it’s obvious that she lost someone recently, and Aneka’s afraid she’ll be losing her sister soon.

Her eyes fill with tears. ”I don’t know… I’m just so scared…” She puts her hand on his and squeezes gently before letting go and stepping away. ”I… thank you. I have to go tend the shop. Please bring my sister back…”

With that, Seishin is able to make his way towards the Sandpoint Garrison, where the Sheriff can usually be found at this time of day… he thinks.

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin nods and turns to leave.

No time for appetite.

Part of him wants to remain in the slightly cooler shopfront for a moment longer and spare himself the trial of marching through Sandpoint in full summer humidity, but necessity prevails.

With a quiet prayer to Tsukiyo on his lips, the samsaran sets off to find Sheriff Hemlock. As he walks, the oppressive humidity and heat of the day lifts as he completes his entreaty to his liege.

Casting endure elements on myself as I go.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Tsukiyo’s grace fills his priest with a gentle sensation of coolness. Though the heat remains, it is no longer oppressive, and the Empress of Heaven’s light shows mercy on her husband’s servant.

The Sheriff is indeed in the Sandpoint Garrison, and after a few polite questions, Seishin manages to find the assimilated Shoanti man. Hemlock is sitting behind a desk (a rarity, the samsaran is given to understand), and speaking with a dwarf that Seishin doesn’t recognize.

”Yes, I understand it is an expensive endeavor, Master Battlehorn, but is it not worth the fact that we won’t be overwhelmed with prisoners if something dreadful happens again?”

”Look, Sheriff, I understand where yer comin’ from. But I cannot put my men t’ work without fair pay, y’ understand?” The dwarf replies. ”Sure, keepin’ prisoners is noble work, but so’s killin’ goblins, it seems.”

Hemlock pinches the bridge of his nose, exasperated. ”Alright, I’ll speak with the lord-mayor to see if any more funds can be allocated.”

”I’m sorry, Sheriff. I wish I could help more…” The dwarf gives the Sheriff a brief nod before turning to leave, whereupon he pauses, blinking at Seishin, before he nods politely and leaves the office.

”I’m sorry you had to see that.” Hemlock rises and offers his hand to Seishin. ”You’re Seishin, yes? The man that Shalelu rescued recently. As you probably can guess, I’m Sheriff Hemlock. Can I help you somehow?” The last words are genuine, but there’s an air of tension behind them.

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

Ha! Missed that almost to the Rusty Dragon part. My mistake! Consider Hana's chat having happened outside.

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

The name Lone-Pillar sounded familiar but Hana could not quite place it. In the end, she drops the mental search and enters the tavern along with the others. It was there that she saw Ameiko. At the sight of her, Hana smiles. Truly this time. "Hey Ames," she says as she makes her way to the bar. "It's good to finally be in here and out of that inferno. I imagine a lot of people in town are gonna feel the same today, so at least business is going to be booming!" She laughs and takes a bar stool near Ameiko to sit. "Guess there's a silver lining to everything after all."

The kitsune is in such good spirits that her mind almost forgets the blush Ameiko gives Sandru. Not that she allows it to ruin her good mood. She just buries the bubbling feeling of jealously underneath all the butterflies in her stomach. Like always.

All those pleasant stomach butterflies though did not prevent her from noticing a very tired looking Shalelu at the bar. Old instincts and training made it easy Hana to pick up that the elf was even more injured than she seemed. Knowing that Shalelu would be to stubborn to admit her ailment if asked the customary 'Are you alright' question, Hana just comes out and forces the issue by stating the obvious in front of everyone.

"Have you been to Father Zantus or Hannahs about those fingers, Shalelu? Looks like you got burned pretty badly."

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin waits for the dwarven gentleman to finish before approaching the Sheriff.

"Sheriff? I understand that people have been setting out to hunt goblins in the swamp recently. Do they need to confer with you before heading out?" The priest folds his hands in front of him.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan


Hemlock looks surprised at the question. ”They don't need to, no. But that Battered Shield group that just left a few days ago? Yes, they did. I advised them to wait until Shalelu returned, so she could give them advice, but they left anyways. A bit foolish, if you ask me, but they seemed reasonably capable - at least of dealing with goblins.”

He frowns. ”Why do you ask?”

Hana: I’m waiting for Torra to have a chance to respond, which is why I’m not rushing forwards with the Dragon.

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin frowns. "Hmm. Did this Battered Shield include an Arika Avertin?"

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

Fine by me, GM.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan


”What?” Hemlock looks alarmed. ”No, not when they spoke to me. There were a pair of young men who looked like fighters, and an Ulfen woman who seemed like a mage of some sort. What’s going on here?”

Female LG Human Oracle (Psychic Searcher) 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception: +0 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Inspiration 7/7 | Active Conditions: None

On the Road:
Teruko pauses next to the pair. ”Of course, Mr. Deverin. I was just on my way to the Rusty Dragon, so I can let her know right away.” She starts to cross the bridge, then hesitates. If Ameiko does want to talk about the new goblin threat, she’ll no doubt be interested in hearing that a few adventurers had already gone.

”Pardon me, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. These people who went to explore the swamp; you said they’d been missing for about a week? Do you know if they were locals? I’m wondering if they might have said something about their plans to Ameiko. The Rusty Dragon seems to be the epicenter of all adventuring-related gossip.”

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60' | Sanity: 36/36, Threshold 2, Edge 18

Torra files away that little overheard tidbit as she pushes into the slightly cooler interior of the Rusty Dragon. Goblins. That would explain why Chask's shipment was late. And goblins didn't like to read, so they probably burned all the books! Torra's fists clenched and tears welled into her eyes as she thought of all those wonderful books, dying unread on a goblin campfire. She was so absorbed by this image that she almost didn't notice that Hana had greeted her.

"Hi." How were things at the House of Blue Stones? She spends a moment thinking about the answers to Hana's questions, but by then the flighty Tien had moved on to another topics, and Torra swallows her frustration. How could people talk so fast? The word "goblins" catches her attention again and she fixes her attention on Sandru. "Do you come from Magnimar? Do you bring books? Did the goblins burn the books?"

She notices Shalelu and wants to go over and talk, but this is more pressing. The burns on the ranger's hands are very curious though - Torra does not remember the elf ever getting accidental burns.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan


Gaven tilts his head. ”I didn’t see much fo them - I just saw the four of them leaving on… when was it? The fifteenth, I think. So not quite a week ago.” He looks at the guardswoman.

”Wait, four? Only three of them came to talk to the sheriff. None of them were locals. I think they came up from Magnimar, seeking fame and fortune in the old ruins that are about. Guess they figured goblins would be a good place to cut their teeth.” She looks at Teruko. ”If you want to know more, maybe ask the Sheriff? Your sister might also know more, I think they were staying at the Dragon.”

They have little else to share about the group, except that one of them was an attractive half-elf man, while the other two were a human man and woman.

Ameiko giggles softly at Hana’s comment. ”Well, I can hope, at least. Still, it is oddly hot - I don’t know what’s going on, but I hope people will take care of themselves today - especially people working on manual labor jobs - the docks might be better off than some, but the carpenters’ guild?” She shakes her head. ”I hope Teruko will make it over alright…” The woman muses to herself.

Hana Sense Motive DC 10:
Ameiko wasn’t blushing due to Sandru’s comment, but more due to the fact that she let her happiness at seeing him overwhelm her courtesy.

Sandru looks at Torra, smiling a little. ”I did bring a few books - not many, mind you, but the goblins did not get to them this time. They almost seemed berserk, actually. It was more than a little strange… Normally the horses would’ve scared them off, but…” He rubs his chin. ”The oddest thing is that they were using fireworks - like the kind used at festivals. They didn’t do more than sting and singe the flesh, but it was very odd.”

Meanwhile, Shalelu waves a hand at Hana’s question. ”Not yet, no. I healed most of the damage myself, and wanted a chance to rest. Besides, I can manage for at least another hour…” She flicks an ear.

Torra recognizes the gesture as the equivalent of someone rolling their eyes - something elves cannot visibly do, due to their monochromatic eyes.

Daviren approaches Shalelu. ”Did’ja find out whether that Ripnugget bastard was still around or not?”

The elf ranger’s face tightens into a grimace. ”Yes.”

”And?” The man pushes.

”He was around, after a fashion. He’d become some sort of undead thing. Hit me with cold and darkness.” She shakes her head, dismissing the memory. ”No matter, he’s dead in truth, now.”

Daviren clenches his fist in delight. ”Good! Now, I’ve gotta get back to the horses, make sure they don’t overheat, that sort of thing. Have a good day, folks.” He steps out the door with a lighter step than most have ever seen him take.

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60' | Sanity: 36/36, Threshold 2, Edge 18

Torra perks up at the news that the books survived. "Oh, good! But now I have to wait for you to give them to Chask, then I can look at them. But, fireworks? Goblins like fire, no? Fireworks is kinda like that? Maybe." She ponders the connection for a moment as her gaze wanders to Shalelu. Yep, her mentor was best left alone for the moment. When the ears were flicking, it was wise to be quiet.

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Hana nods along as Ameiko expresses her concerns about the local townsfolk. Immediately catching the specific worry in her voice about her sister as well, she leans in slightly closer on the bar table and softy speaks some words of comfort to her. "She'll be fine, Ames. A little sun won't be the end of her. No matter how much she spends shut-in in that manor."

Hana also took a moment to actually think over Ameiko's reaction to Sandru's appearance. The man had just come back from a trip from Magnimar and it was only normal for her to feel relived about his safe return given the recent rash of goblin attacks. Hana wasn't quite sure whether that knowledge made her feel any better in regard to her own personal feelings, but she at least takes solace in knowing that her crush is happy to see a friend come back in one piece.

Come to think about it, she was pretty happy to see good old Sandru too, despite the jealously in her heart. She almost says as much when she addresses Shalelu's slaying of Ripnugget.

"It's a good thing that goblin is well and truly dead. The little monster has been terror for the town these last couple years and the roads will hopefully be safer with him gone," she says looking Shalelu's way and failing to notice the meaningful movement of her ears. "The whole town owns you for this one, Shalelu," she declares earnestly before quickly transitioning to an easy smile. "Maybe Sandpoint will be able to pay you back for this in a thousand years after we've paid you back for all other times you've been our hero."

That's when an idea comes to her. "Or maybe we can start right now?" She coos mischievously. Taking out her shamisen, Hana strum a few cords of before launching herself into a song right there at the bar. It was an old Varisian ditty about a hero who nobly slayed a goblin warlord with a starknife thought to be blessed by Desna. It was appropriately a rather heroic song, if a short one, and hopefully one that even humble Shalelu could admire.

Perform (Sing): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Perform (Stringed Instruments): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Sandru nods to Torra. ”Yeah, but where would they get fireworks?”

Shalelu chimes in. ”They probably looted them from somewhere. Any goblin that’s skilled enough at alchemy to make such things wouldn’t bother sharing them. Of course, most goblins who try to make explosives tend to blow themselves up before getting any skill.”

Sandru laughs at that. ”Somehow, I can easily imagine that.”

Shalelu looks at her protege. ”Why don’t you go out into the swamp and see if you can’t track down the mystery? Kill a few goblins while you’re out there, maybe even grab Guttwad’s head?” She smiles slightly. ”Not alone, of course, but I’m sure you could find some brave fools willing to help out.” The elf winks, slowly and deliberately, but Torra’s pretty sure that she’s the only one to see it.

Ameiko grins at Hana’s words. ”Normally, I’d agree that she spends too much time in the manor… so I invited her over here this morning. She’s probably crossing the bridges over into Sandpoint proper now. At least, if she’s up and about.” She waves her hand at the door. ”In this heat, I hope she’s at least wearing something sensible.”

Shalelu looks back at Hana. ”Pfft. I do this ‘cause you lot would get into too much trouble without me to look after you. I don’t need any repayment.” That seems the all-too-literal truth.

Hana’s cheery tune has almost everyone nodding their head along - Shalelu mostly just watches, though there is a small, approving smile on her lips. When she finishes, Sandru, Ameiko, and Bethana all applaud.

”Masterfully performed, Hana. I’m not sure I could do better myself.” Ameiko says with a warm smile, before turning to Shalelu and Torra. ”Actually, there was a group of three would-be adventurers who were planning on going into Brinestump to hunt goblins. You just missed them by a few days.”

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60' | Sanity: 36/36, Threshold 2, Edge 18

Torra chews on Shalelu's words for a few moments. Did that mean that Torra was also a 'brave fool'? She didn't feel particularly brave, and she had trouble assessing her own foolishness, or at least what others thought of as foolishness. "Maybe they got the fireworks from another caravan. Too many attacks on caravans. Then they'll attack the town again." She nods. "We go out into the swamp and stop them before it gets worse."

She tries to think about it some more, but the song that Hana is singing is distracting, so she gives in and just taps her foot to the rhythm.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Shalelu nods at Torra. ”It is definitely possible. Whether they found them on a caravan or made them, the fireworks are probably the main reason that the Licktoads have been so bold lately.”

Ameiko frowns at Shalelu. ”Do you think that the goblins might attack Sandpoint again?” She asks. ”Would they be as threatening as last time without…” Her voice trails off. Four years ago, her half-brother Tsuto betrayed the town and let the Thistletop goblins in.

The elf woman puts a hand on Ameiko’s shoulder, squeezing it gently, before she releases it. ”I don’t know. The Licktoads have never been as strong or numerous as the Thistletops were four years ago. Brinestump Marsh is much less hospitable to goblins than Thistletop is, as a rule.”

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin's brow furrows. "Well, I just spoke with Aneka. She said that her sister went into the swamp with an adventuring party four days ago, and she hasn't returned. She went without telling her mother where she was going, and said she'd only be gone for a day."

Female LG Human Oracle (Psychic Searcher) 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception: +0 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Inspiration 7/7 | Active Conditions: None

On the Road:
"I'll certainly ask Ameiko. Maybe she'll have information the sheriff doesn't that she can share with him." Teruko is uncomfortably aware of the sweat trickling down her back and hurries to make her excuses so she can get out of the sun. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Deverin."

Fortunately the Rusty Dragon is only a couple blocks away from the bridge. Whatever Ameiko wants from her, hopefully it involves a cold beverage of some sort.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

”What?!” Hemlock slams his fist into the nearest wall, his expression stormy. ”Damn.”

He looks at Seishin, his eyes flashing with dark fury, but forces himself to take a deep breath. ”Sorry… but I owe the Avertins a great deal, and they don’t need to lose another child.” The sheriff begins pacing angrily back and forth. ”Don’t tell Alma about this, or…” He pauses, turning on his heel and walking back towards Seishin. ”You know Shalelu, yes? Go find her and tell her what you’ve told me. She’s the one who knows the goblins around here the best. Then, do what she tells you -“

Hemlock stops, before sighing. ”Sorry. I don’t have the authority to command you. Please, go see what Shalelu says, and help her find Arika - and the others. For all we know, they could be camping out there, but I won’t have this sort of thing happen to that family again.”

”Shalelu is probably over at the Rusty Dragon… actually, that’s where those blasted Battered Shield morons were residing, so Ameiko may also know more about them, if you ask.”

Teruko’s remaining journey is just as quick as she expects it to be… but it is also far quieter than it should be. Not even entering the Rusty Dragon (which normally causes Lonjiku to spout curses) causes more than a faint stir at the back of her mind.

As Teruko arrives, Ameiko looks up, a smile brightening her already-attractive features. ”Good morning, Teru.” She leaves her place behind the bar and walks over to embrace her little sister, before pulling back and examining her.

Bethana, apparently having anticipated this, arrives with enough mugs of chilled drinks for everyone. She puts one in front of each of the guests. Sandru grins cheekily at her and winks, while Shalelu simply graciously accepts it, sipping silently.

”You look dreadfully hot, little sister. Come, sit down.” She leads Teruko over to the bar, where she indicates that the younger woman should sit. ”Are you feeling alright?”

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin nods. "Of course, sir."

With that, he turns on his heel and starts heading for the Rusty Dragon. Time was of the essence.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Seishin’s journey doesn’t take him much time - of course, even if it had, his patron’s protection against the heat would have made it all the more tolerable. Without much trouble, he enters the Rusty Dragon, and sure enough, Shalelu is sitting near the bar, sipping a mug of some drink or another. Nearby her stands her protege, the dwarf Torra, as well as a handsome Varisian man.

Ameiko and a young woman who looks very much like her are near the bar, as well as a young woman with Tian features and scarlet hair.

Ameiko looks up and smiles briefly at Seishin as he enters from the outdoors. ”Good morning, welcome to the Rusty Dragon? Have a seat anywhere you’d like, and Bethana or I will be right over to take your order.”

Abruptly, she frowns, looking at Seishin’s expression. "No, you're not here for the food or drinks, I'd wager..."

Shalelu looks up. "Seishin?" Her tone is precise and questioning - she recognizes something about him that is different than usual.

Female LG Human Oracle (Psychic Searcher) 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception: +0 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Inspiration 7/7 | Active Conditions: None

Teruko looks significantly more disheveled than normal, with sweat stains on her clothing, strands of hair plastered to her forehead, and cheeks that most definitely did not need any extra blush. Still, she smiles as she hugs Ameiko back. "It is rather hot out there. Thanks Bethana, a cool drink is just what I needed." Propriety be damned, she takes a long sip before seating herself at the bar.

"I ran into Mr. Deverin on the way over here, and he asked me to tell you your order of Buzzbarker was ready." She takes another sip of her drink, eying Shalelu's hands with a raised eyebrow but choosing not to comment. "He also said a group of adventurers left for the swamp a few days ago and haven't returned. A half-elf man, a human man, and a human woman. The guard seemed to think there was a fourth person as well that went with them. Were they staying here? I think the sheriff might be interested if they mentioned anything about where specifically they might be going."

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin briefly takes in the scene before him before approaching Shalelu. "Shalelu?"

He nods at Ameiko before addressing the elven ranger. "Aneka's asked me to look for her sister, Arika. She said she joined up with an adventuring party to go goblin hunting four days ago--and she said she'd only be gone for a day."

"Sheriff Hemlock also mentioned a 'Battered Shield' adventuring party. How long ago did they depart?" The priest directs his second question towards Ameiko.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Ameiko nods gratefully to her sister. ”Oh, good. I’ve been waiting a week for that order to come in. Thanks for letting me know.” She frowns slightly. ”Oh, yes, the adventurers-to-be. They were planning on going into some Thassilonian ruins, I think. They ended up deciding to hunt goblins a bit first.” The Kaijitsu heiress grins. ”Mind you, I think they might be trying to imitate our homegrown heroes…”

”They mentioned they were heading into Brinestump Marsh. I recommended they go visit old Walthus Proudstump. He’s something of a warden of the area…”

Knowledge (local) DC 10:
Walthus Proudstump is a halfling hermit who lives on the coast of Brinestump Marsh. He’s pretty reclusive, but reputed to be hospitable enough to visitors.

Her smile falters abruptly at Seishin’s news. ”Arika left with them?” She goes pale.

Shalelu frowns darkly. ”That silly girl could get all of them killed. If they expect her to be able to fight, and discover in the middle of combat that she isn’t trained to do so…” She takes a breath, trying to calm herself.

Ameiko remains silent for a few moments, visibly collecting herself. ”The group that both you and Teru are talking about stayed here for about a week. Their leader, the half-elf named Koras, seemed to know something of fighting, as did his friend, Cyrus Talbot.” She takes a breath. ”Their companion was an Ulfen woman - she had a familiar, I think, a snake of some sort. She called herself Brunhild Frostmaiden. As you said yourself, they left about four days ago.”

Sandru looks grave as he speaks. ”That is bad.” He looks at Torra. ”You said you wanted to go kill some goblins. Maybe you can find some signs of the… Battered Shields, was it?”

Shalelu shoots the man a brief, baleful look. ”I also told her not to go alone. Unless others go with her, she shouldn’t go at all.”

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin nods. "Then there is no time to waste. We need to find her."

Knowledge (Local?): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

She knew exactly who Ameiko was thinking and understood why someone as stoic as Shalelu would try to comfort her at that moment. Seeing one’s own family turn to evil was one of the greatest heartbreaks one could face. Hana knew that better than most.

For a moment she was lost for words, a strange lump having suddenly found itself in her throat. Fortunately, the sudden arrival of Teruko and Seishin distracted from her sad wandering thoughts before they truly got the better of her.

Hana did not especially care for Teruko. Sure, she was reconnecting with her sister now, but Hana knew that their relationship had been fraught one not to long ago. Seeing firsthand how that had affected Ameiko didn’t exactly make it easier for Hana to like the woman.

As for Seishin, well, Hana simply did not know the man very well. He was a new sight in town and beyond a few hellos here and there she did not interact with the samsaran all that much.

Of course, none of that stopped her from greeting both newcomers. “Hello Teruko,” she says quietly before turning her attention to the samsaran. “And you’re Seishin, right? Good to see you at the Rusty Dragon. You know, despite the ill news. Care for a drink?” She asks, loping a slender finger at the drinks Bethana just brought forth for all of them.

Regardless of whether he takes her up on the offer, Hana looks towards Ameiko, Shalelu and Sandru in quick succession. Without even realizing it she makes up her mind about something and stands from the bar stool. "It sounds like those adventurers need some help now rather than later," she says with far more seriousness than she is usually known for. "I'm willing to go with Torra and anyone else if more people are needed for the search. I'm not as fragile as I look."

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin shrugs at the redhead. "I wouldn't say no--the heat's good enough reason for that."

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

"Don't go rushing off, Seishin." Shalelu reprimands him. "A few minutes won't make the difference between life and death at this point. Even if you run all the way there, you won't be in any condition to help if you find them." The elf rises and places a hand on his shoulder, gently but firmly restraining him. "While Torra could find any trails they might've left," her voice is genuine and confident in that fact, "I think that you may want more help."

Ameiko looks at Hana, arching a brow. "You? I guess there's more to you than meets the eye, hm?"

After a moment, she turns her eyes to her sister, and her expression darkens slightly. After several long moments, she sighs, before speaking rapidly in Minkaian.

"I think you should go, too, Teru. Make... well, make use of your talents. Maybe that'll help with some of the problems."

Teruko recognizes that her sister's not mentioning anything specific about Lonjiku (or even referring to him directly), because Hana is present, and understands Minkaian herself.

"Just... stay safe, okay?" She switches back to Common before stepping forwards and squeezing her sister's shoulders. Unstated but obvious is the fact that she doesn't want to lose any more family.

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

The priest pauses as Shalelu approaches him.

"...yes. Yes, that would be a good idea." He nods. "I've been on my own for some time now, so this is a bit new to me."

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

At Ameiko's question, Hana gives the tavern owner a wide coy smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Oh I'm quite a multi-faceted person, Ames. I thought you knew that by now?" She tells her with a wink. "Maybe I'll show you more about them one day?"

One day... When I'm no longer ashamed of what I've done.

The thought is distracting to say the least, but Hana does not fail to overhear Ameiko talk to her sister in their collective native tongue.

As far as she knew Teruko was just another aristocrat like her father. The idea that she had some hidden combat-worthy talents of her own definitively perked the kitsune's interest, if only because she'd be relying on them rather soon.

"I'll try to keep her out of trouble, Ames." Though her tone is light, but there is obvious determination in her blue eyes. "You can trust me on that."

Female LG Human Oracle (Psychic Searcher) 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception: +0 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Inspiration 7/7 | Active Conditions: None

Teruko opens her mouth to say what an absolutely terrible idea that is...then closes it without a word. Ameiko almost never asked Teruko for anything. (Not that she'd asked, exactly, but close enough.) If she's suggesting Teruko go along, she must suspect that people will be hurt badly enough for even a novice...whatever she is to be needed.

Given that this 'Battered Shield' had been gone for four days when Arika had claimed they'd only be gone for one, Ameiko's probably right about that.

She shifts uncomfortably, but despite her misgivings her pride is still pricked by Hana's sarcastic comment. "Sure, I'll go. I've been practicing with a crossbow ever since the last goblin attack." She hesitates, then offers information no one other than Ameiko knows. (Although Chask Haladan might have some idea, given how many tomes on magical theory she'd been perusing lately.) "Besides, I can cast healing spells. If anyone gets hurt, I can help."

In the back of her mind she starts frantically trying to figure out what kind of outfit she could wear that wouldn't be completely ridiculous for an excursion in this heat.

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60' | Sanity: 36/36, Threshold 2, Edge 18

Seishin was going to look for these people too? Torra feels suddenly a lot more motivated - not that a request from her mentor wasn't motivation enough! He hadn't been in town long, but Torra was already getting slightly obsessed with him; she had never met a samsaran before - that's what Sabyl had said he was, and explained about the cycle of reincarnation, which was really interesting to think about, just imagine that you could live one life after another and remember what had happened in each life and what you had learned, the possibilities were staggering, and not only that but.. ahem. She was getting side-tracked again.

"Go out into the marsh. Find the Battered Shields. And Arika. Take care of the goblins. Got it." She hopped off the bar stool, pretty much ready to go, forgetting entirely that she was most definitely not dressed for venturing into the wilderness. The cloak she wore despite the heat only covered her sleeping shift, and the light sandals on her feet were not exactly suited for trekking in swampy terrain. Fortunately, being around both Shalelu and Sabyl had taught her a most valuable technique: checklists.

"Um, are we going now? Because I need to go home and get my clothes and a waterskin and some food... and a pack to carry it all in."

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Ameiko grins at Hana. "Well, I'll look forwards to that, then." She winks, before growing serious and looking to her sister, Torra, then back to Hana. "I know how much risk there is involved in this sort of thing, and I'd rather you have someone who can fight well."

She looks at the priest of Tsukiyo. "Seishin, was it? I'm sorry, but I don't know much about you. Are you a warrior?" Her tone is genuinely concerned, with a hint of tension at the edges.

Channels: 3/5|Mad Touch: 7/7|Good Touch: 7/7|Male Samsaran Cleric of Tsukiyo 2|HP: 15/15|AC: 16/10/16|Saves: +4 Fort, +0 Ref, +7 Will (+2 vs. fear, stabilize, neg levels, +4 vs. death effects)|Init: +0|Perc: +11

Seishin looks down at the jade crescent moon around his neck before addressing Ameiko.

"I am a priest of the Prince of the Moon, sworn to do His holy will in this life and hopefully, all my lives to come."

Female CG "Human" Ninja 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 , T: 14, FF: 13 | CMB: +0, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6| Ki Pool (3) | Speed 30 Ft.| Active Conditions: None

Ameiko's return wink sends another fleet of butterflies coursing through Hana's stomach. She can't help it. She's helplessly blushing now even as she tries (and fails) to hide her reddening cheeks.

Fortunately, before she can embarrass herself further, duty and reality both rear their heads as Torra brings up something vital. "Same. I did come to work expecting to just entertain some barflies. Didn't think that adventure would come knocking instead," she chuckles.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Fortunately for Hana's embarrassment, Ameiko blinks at Seishin, before frowning slightly. "Prince of the Moon... Prince of the Moon... isn't he a god from Tian Xia? And you're..." Her dark eyes widen. "You must be one of the reincarnating ones! I forget the proper name, but many of your people live in Tian Xia."

The bard looks at Sandru, Shalelu, and the others, before looking back at Seishin. "I read about your people in an old book that my dear father left us." The word 'father' is delivered more like a curse than a name for a family member. She waves at Sandru. "Koya would love to meet you, I think, especially if you made your way to Avistan from Tian Xia."

Yet again, the youngest Kaijitsu feels... nothing of her father in her mind. Not even the slight tingle that she'd felt when she entered the Rusty Dragon. It's odd... like he's not paying attention to her present at the moment, or something...

Sandru nods firmly. "Koya loves tales of travel. She's not just Varisian, she's a Desnan priestess, at that - so she's got double the wanderlust of the average Varisian." He grins.

GM rolls:

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

HP 67/67 Sanity 34/34 [2] AC 26 TAC 12 FF 24 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage


"A symbol or warriors... and protection... that has sense" the young man seems comforted and let's Koya go understanding the ambience is too hot "Sandru is back? Oh! But that is great! I wonder if he found that last volume of the Adventures of the North Star he promised"

"I will go with you. Just... give me some minutes to pre-prepare..." the big tough boy smiles wide at Koya and once she is out of the room, he washes himself, removing the sweat of the night, and puts over a clean, lean, blue silken tunic and some linen trousers "Now mother, I am ready"

A tall and hefty young Tien man with well cared appearance makes his entrance into the Rusty Dragon. Both his hair and his well trimmed beard show a grizzled color uncommon for a man his age. Dressed in a silken tunic and a white linen trousers, he walks with an old Varisian woman by him.

When he spots Sandru, he smiles wide "Sandru! Brother!"

After a greeting that shows a great deal of confidence between both of them, with a lot of physical contact and strong pads, the man turns to greet everyone present one by one, making a small bow with the head "Ameiko Sama, Teruko Sama, Hana San" the big man halts and looks around when it comes to the dwarven woman "Uh... Oh Torra San" then to the elven woman "Shalelu San"

He then turns briefly and shyly at Seishin. He looks at the jade moon symbol that he is wearing, then nervously looks back to Sandru without saying anything to the obvious foreigner "Ho-how was the trip? ...did... did you find that new volume?"

Yuto blinks nervously, realizing he has gathered a lot of attention "Uuuuhhhh.... ooohhh... ha-have we interrupted so-something?"

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Koya smiles at her son as they walk to the Rusty Dragon.

Sandru stands and wraps the younger man in a brief hug. "Yuto, good to see you." He says with a chuckle. "Koya, you're looking well as well..." His smile fades somewhat.

"What's wrong?" Koya glances around the tavern.

Sandru looks away sadly, but Ameiko answers before any of the others can. "A group of adventurers went into the Marsh four days ago to hunt goblins, and haven't been heard from since. What's worse is that Arika Avertin went with them... and she doesn't know how to fight. She also said she expected to be back within the day."

Koya's eyes widen and she pales, before turning to Yuto. "My boy, I think this is a chance for you. To face the future, you must be ready when opportunity comes." She looks at him gravely. "With what the goddess has sent you in your dreams... perhaps this is a way to prepare."

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