xurumanga's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (733 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.


Não percebo nada deste site crl....
O meu bacano Keskodai tem um alias q é o Duncan e outro alias que é Keshkodai (com um h).
Entretanto eu acho que não estou na campanha e não vejo como me junto ou como é que ponho o Keskodai como alias meu.


Hey guys. Sorry I'm late to the party :)
I'll try to figure out how to make a character and so on.

It sounds like I should go with a Rogue instead of a Ninja...
So I'll look into archetypes, I don't know what is yet.

Hi all,

I'm fairly new to Pathfinder although I've been playing other RPGs for a while.

I'd like to play a Ninja-like character in an upcoming game but I honestly have no idea how to even begin. So far I've only played prebuilt characters.

My Ninja's strong points would be:
- Stealth
- Mobility (tumbling or even short range teleport?)
- Precise Striking (sneak attack)
- Poison
- Trap making/disarming

He'll start as a level 3 character with 25 points for stats and he can't have any stat below 8 or above 18 after racial modifiers.

I understand there's a ninja class in Pathfinder but a customized rogue would do as well. That was actually my first snag when I started thinking about the character.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


The link is good. Damn that guy looks sneaky!

"Fair enough sirs. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're very well justified in taking this course. All I want to know is, will we go to jail if we're caught?"

I'm getting lost in the amount of stuff on this website.
Can you point me to a place where I can see a list of character races, classes, etc, that I can pick?

Checking in