Hi all,
I'm fairly new to Pathfinder although I've been playing other RPGs for a while.
I'd like to play a Ninja-like character in an upcoming game but I honestly have no idea how to even begin. So far I've only played prebuilt characters.
My Ninja's strong points would be:
- Stealth
- Mobility (tumbling or even short range teleport?)
- Precise Striking (sneak attack)
- Poison
- Trap making/disarming
He'll start as a level 3 character with 25 points for stats and he can't have any stat below 8 or above 18 after racial modifiers.
I understand there's a ninja class in Pathfinder but a customized rogue would do as well. That was actually my first snag when I started thinking about the character.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.