Errtu's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (737 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


just testing dice rolls

testing: 1d20 + 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (13) + (4) + 5 = 22

My eyes are automatically drawn to the maps of Absolom and Magnimar and for a moment my mind drifts away while I dream about the knowledge and power that can be discovered or rediscovered across all Absolom ...

I look around and try to identify all the pathfinder banners

- Your faction is Osirion, correct?

- Your favoured class bonus is an additional hit point, correct?

- Your intelligence bonus allows you 5 extra languages - you have one too many;

- Your bonus to hit with the dagger in melee should be -1, due to your strength penalty;
changed STR to 10

- The "Drench", "Breeze", "Penumbra", "Scoop", "Jolt" and "Root" spells are not available to Pathfinder Society characters;

- In addition to the spells you know (in your spellbook), I need to have a list of the ones you have memorized;

- Your startting wealth should be 150 gold and not 70
didn't knew that ... nice

- The only allowed Animal Companions from Serpent's Skull are the dimorphodon and the quetzalcoatlus;
Changed to a scorpion

Pending questions:

- To have the trait "Ears and Eyes of the City" you need to be a follower of Abadar? Are you? Why?

Just a clarification.

We can all belong to different factions but we all receive orders from Ambrus Valsin?

Checking in