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Just a heads up to the table. I am attending a local convention this weekend with my son, so my posting may be limited--or even nonexistent--between now and Monday. Feel free to bot Athelsted as necessary.

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Hello Everyone. Apologies for any inconvenience my sudden disappearance caused.
Thanks Hope for relaying the message - I could log onto Discord when I updated you but I was having trouble logging onto the Paizo website from my phone.

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Hi Sorry for disappearing, Easter kinda got in the way...

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Apologies for 2 identical posts, had a bit of an issue with comms, to be fair it could have been more the number of times I pressed post.

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For a moment there I thought it was going to be perfect time to use scholarly recollection to roll twice on my seek check but I think the hag is too far away for me to spot and then try hit with a beacon shot. So stand still and let everyone else get closer seems the best option.

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Have we completed the encounter with the ratfolk and are now marking time before the next event?

GM Frost |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We are done with the ratfolks. Been thinking if I should bring the group to the next mission but it looks like the next event will happen in a few days time, like in one or two days.
Edit: I just found out the House GM Announcement for the 1-day warning after I posted this. We'll just have to wait then for the next event.

GM Frost |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yes, but that would be counted as separate checks and thus deal 2d8 damage each, noting that they are sharing HP.
A single PC can perform multiple checks but will take multiple damage as well, saved by the basic Fortitude, so plan accordingly among yourselves who rolls how many skill checks to achieve the 9 Rift Points needed.

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Will be posting tomorrow busy couple of days

GM Frost |

For the final part of the scenario, there are three "waves," each consisting of two missions. I would like you to choose, for each wave, whether you prefer combat or skill-based missions, so that we can proceed smoothly once the final part begins. I will select the mission for each wave once I see at least two votes for either mission type.
First Wave: Combat or Skills?
Second Wave: Combat or Skills?
Third Wave: Combat or Skills?

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I think my first vote at least would be for combat since we've been having some rotten dice luck with the last couple skill challenges.

GM Frost |

Let me know your preferences for the second and third waves so we can jump right into them when we get to that.

GM Frost |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'd like to inform everyone that I will be unavailable from April 27th to 30th (UTC +8) due to an out-of-town summer vacation. GM Bret will be running the game during this period.

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I have no preference between combat and skill waves

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Alternata between skill and combat (or skill skill if first combat really really rough)

GM Frost |

We will do skills during the second wave and combat on the third one then.

GM Frost |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

From this point until I return, GM Bret will take the reins in running this game. I have posted the mission for the second wave.

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I tend to use she/her for Fioriel but occasionally I forget and drop back to my own he/him pronouns. Fioriel is an aloof elf and not particularly keen on identifying her gender.

Chuffy be Chief |

Nikebei has no skills to help manipulate the arch so not sure what she can do if I need t bot nikebei again

GM Frost |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello, everyone! I'm back and slowly getting back into the games. I will update the game once I have a firm grasp of what has just transpired in this group.
Thank you so much to GM Bret for stepping in as the backup GM while I was unavailable.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Edda stabilised the arch and according to the gm Molly stole the credit ^^

GM Frost |

I would you to check your details in this Sign Up Sheet. I also need info from Edda. If you want to add Downtime to the Chronicle, this is your chance to do so. I will give everyone 24-48 hours before reporting the game to HQ and send the link to the Chronicles.

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Rolling for GM...
DC 15 Warfare Lore to Earn Income: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

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Athelsted sings for his suppers.
Performance: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

GM Frost |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here are your chronicles. The game is reported to HQ and might be reflected in a few days. Thank you so much for playing the game!

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Chronicle looks good! Thanks for running GM Frost! These special can be demanding on GMs!
All, thanks for bringing a fun group to the table. I look forward to sharing a table with each of you in the future!

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Chronicle looks great, thanks for being a fun table. I'll probably remember my Leroy Jenkins hijinks for much more time to come so it's been a good one!
And thanks fun running, Frost. :)

GM Frost |

The game has been reported, but it seems there is an issue with some players. There's a note indicating that Athelsted, Nikebei, and Fioriel have already played the scenario. I can't recall if anyone has informed me that they are replaying the scenario. If so, did you check the "Consume Replay" checkbox on the Sign-Up Sheet?
Please let me know so I can escalate it to HQ for necessary adjustments. The scenario is replayable in two tiers for players: Tier 1-4 and Tier 5-8.

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Athelsted is using a replay. I thought I had marked it on the sign-up sheet. I have done so now.

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I was unsure at first but then also checked he consume replay checkbox

GM Frost |

I have sent a private message to Nikebei, and will just wait for the player's response before I report back to HQ for the changes.