GM Frost |

Let's talk out-of-character stuff here.

GM Frost |
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to the game. Before we officially begin, I'd like to go over a few important instructions that will ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all:
1. Please sign up for the game on the provided Sign-Up Sheet (linked above) and enter the essential information your GM needs for your Chronicle: Player Name, Character Name, Organized Play Number, Character Number, among others. We will use the RPG Chronicles website for this purpose.
2. Please take a moment to fill out the required information on page 2 of Slides and Maps (linked above) for character tokens and marching order. Additionally, make sure to update the Macros (linked above) on any available Sheet between Player 1 to Player 6 for your character’s basic information, core stats, and skill modifiers. This will help us start promptly.
3. To facilitate easy reference, ensure your character's stat block/header includes the following information: Hit Points (HP), Armor Class (AC), Saving Throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will), Perception bonus, and Speed.
4. If you need area templates (burst, cone, emanation, line) for your spell or aura, they can be found on pages 3 to 7 of the Slides mentioned earlier. You can copy and paste them onto the Encounter Map (linked in the initiative tracker during combat/encounter). These templates are already adjusted for the Encounter Map we will use, so no resizing is necessary. They are also available under my alias GM Frost as Area Templates.
5. Please be active in the game and make a post at least once every day, and once on weekends. As per the Organized Play Foundation Community Standards and Expectations, we adhere to the principle of "Explore, Report, Cooperate." Therefore, any non-consensual character-versus-character conflict is strictly prohibited. Before including fellow PCs in damaging effects, players must obtain their consent. Violating this rule may result in Infamy points and potential consequences for your character's playability. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is under the control of an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
6. During combat, we will use a block initiative system. PCs in the active block can post their actions, which I will usually resolve in the order they are posted. Players can choose to delay their actions until after another character has acted.
7. To make things clearer during Encounter Mode, please use the following symbols when labeling your actions on your post: ◆ for a single action, ◆◆ for a two-action activity, ◆◆◆ for a three-action activity, ↺ for a reaction, and ◇ for a free action.
8. Above all, remember that the goal is to have fun and enjoy the game together! :)
Thank you, and let's embark on this exciting adventure!

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Turns out I have already played this special with Sev*, so I will be bringing this 4th level cleric instead.

GM Frost |

A note for everyone that S03-99 Fate in the Future can be played for credit once at levels 1-4 and once at levels 5-8.

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Turns out I have already played this special with Sev*, so I will be bringing this 4th level cleric instead.
I will be using a GM replay to play this with this 4th level cleric.

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I have no glyphs to give out extra hero points have played at tier 1-2 I thought could play at 3-4without needing to replay but will use one if necessary

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Somehow managed to miss all previous runs of this one despite having played the Starfinder side of it.
I have 2 glyphs I can hand out that I'll give to our two level 3 players first.

GM Frost |

So far, I have the following PCs signed up on Outpost VII Event Listing:
Black Molly (Summoner 3)
Althelsted Everwell (Cleric 4)
Hope (Ranger 4)
Fioriel (Cleric 4)
Nikebei (Barbarian 3)
I will be recruiting one more player. For now, I would like everyone to fill out the Sign-Up Sheet, Slides, and Macros that are all linked above:
Macros: Althelsted Everwell, Hope, Fioriel
Slides: Althelsted Everwell
If anyone has glyphs to share, this is your chance to do so. As of writing, we have 2 glyphs from Hope which will be given to those at level 3, namely, Black Molly and Nikebei. You can begin introductions of your characters to get it out of the way before we begin on March 4. I will allow using replay for those who have already played the Level 1-4 tier of this Scenario. Please note them on the Sign-Up Sheet.

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Hi Y'all,
This is my first play-by-post game, so forgive my ignorance as I sort out the unique facets of this style of game.
I'll be running Edda, my Changeling Lizardfolk Investigator 3
I do have two Glyphs to share and it turns out that I know Hope as well so blame them if I get anything wrong <_<

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Hi Edda and welcome
Painlords guide to PBP is good for any pbp Do I aply everything in it to my pbp games? Hopefully yes?.
This is a multitable special so expect the pace to be relentless
Which reminds me bot instructions are
!st round <>recall knowledge with ?scholarly recollection <><>Electric arc or Shoot bow twice if enemies more than 30 feet away and let people know what I know
2nd round <><>Electric arc or Shoot bow twice if enemies more than 30 feet away <>cast shield
react recognise spell then blood vendetta (i not used scholarly recollection previous turn

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HI, I have 2 glyphs to hand out.... in the UK so timing of posts likely to different from you guys in the US, especially west coast.

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2 glyphs here

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I am still 1 or 2 games shy of my first glyph

GM Hmm |

Hi, I'm GM Hmm. I will be backing up GM Frozen Frost a couple times in March!

GM Frost |

I will be away on March 9 and 10 for our company summer outing, and from March 14 to 18 for a family vacation. Thankfully, GM Hmm will take over the game during my absence on those dates.
From two glyphs each from Hope, Nikebei, and Althelsted, everyone begins with two hero points each.
@Althelsted, kindly fill up the Macros here, and also the Slides here for your token and marching order. Thank you!

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Edda will take the Lesser Antiplague and Lesser Antidote from Eando Kline and the Scroll of Burning Hands from Ashasar.
Edda will be taking a scroll of Dispel Magic for their Provisions.
Edda also has a Radiant Wayfinder in case that becomes relevant.
(10ft burst Faerie Fire centered on their Wayfinder)
Please note that Edda has up to 4 of the following that they can make per day. Feel free to call out for any of them as you feel might be helpful:
Eagle Eye Elixir (Lesser)
Energy Mutagen (Lesser)
Numbing Tonic (Lesser)
Silvertongue Mutagen (Lesser)
Smokebomb (Lesser)
Soothing Tonic (Lesser)
Quicksilver Mutagen (Moderate)

GM Hmm |

As your backup GM, can everyone please add a botting spoiler to your profile with your most common attacks and spells statted out as dice rolls? Specials run fast, and I'd like to make sure that we can keep moving!

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Hello, I'm Pip. You can look at me to see what a fully statted botting spoiler looks like!
Though feel free to skip skills and saves, since those should have been taken care of by the Macros sheet.

GM Hmm |

Thank you Althested and Hope for adding botting dice expressions to your profile!

GM Hmm |
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Frozen Frost is taking the game back for now. See you all in a few days!

GM Frost |
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Thank you very much, GM Hmm, for backing up the game.

GM Hmm |

My pleasure.

GM Frost |

Once again, I will be away from March 14th to March 18th (UTC +8) for a family vacation. During this time, I will not be available. I may occasionally check the game on my phone, but GM Hmm will back me up and take over the game in my absence.

GM Hmm |

This is my busiest day of work at the library, but I will try to move you forward during my lunch hour. If you want to roll on library explorations, do so now (or give me a post that indicates you don't have the library skills for this.)
GM Hmm

GM Hmm |
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Sorry I didn't update last night. I was GMing last night and was too brain-dead afterwards to give you a coherent update. But you have one now!

GM Hmm |

Edda is the only one with Thievery. If you want to try a creative solution involving Leeroy Jenkins and porridge (and some Fortitude Saves) go ahead and roll me some skills. I am here for it.

GM Hmm |

Althested, I'm assuming that you rolled your protective spell on Edda rather than Nikebei.

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Althested, I'm assuming that you rolled your protective spell on Edda rather than Nikebei.

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Edda would be thrilled to take a reroll on any of the disastrous things that have happened today. I will leave it up to the GM to determine which you think is appropriate and adjudicate accordingly.
Go back and try to prevent the bad things from happenning!?! Why, that could ONLY be done if time travel were somehow possible!

GM Hmm |
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And sticky porridge, don't forget.
My this has been an exciting section!

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Wow, that was a great bit of entertainment, it all happened so fast. Thanks GM for rolling my cooking.... and for going with the sticky porridge.
I'll look in again later...

GM Hmm |

So we've gotten through almost three sections. Who should get the next Hero Point?

GM Hmm |
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Actually, thinking about it, running through three active traps in a row to help the rest of your party get through was pretty darn heroic. Have a third Hero Point, Hope.

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Actually, thinking about it, running through three active traps in a row to help the rest of your party get through was pretty darn heroic. Have a third Hero Point, Hope.
I approve of this decision as its analysis is on point

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I don't know how I keep posting at the same time as you Hmm I swear it's not on purpose!
But thank you I'm sure that hero point will be useful soon enough...

GM Hmm |
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Heh, this group is keeping me on my toes. My post has been updated for your ninja. By the way, I have been enjoying GMing for all of you. Can you tell? This is such a lively group!

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Dc 15 flat check is made after you take the persistent damage at the end of your turn. If you make that persistent damage stops

GM Hmm |

Don't forget that you can spend an action patting down yourself or someone else to make the check easier. Persistent damage is the worst. I do think that you will all want to take a medical break after this fight.
Also I had Bot Buddy roll your persistent damage check from last turn just now. The robot succeeded, as usual. It is the luckiest robot ever.

GM Hmm |

The GM pokes the team!

GM Hmm |
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Hey all, it looks like GM Frost is returning shortly, so we will transfer the game back to him. It was a pleasure to run this table for you, as you are an amazing group! I hope you all have a wonderful game!

GM Frost |
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I am back from vacation and slowly updating the game. Thank you very much to GM Hmm for backing up this game twice!
I will backread what have transpired so far in this game, it might take me a while to post an update tonight.

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Thank for the fun ride GM Hmmm.
We keep cross posting, I must type faster....
Good to have you back GM Frost

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Head's up, Edda's player has told me they have some really crazy things going on at work so will need to be botted by the GM till the weekend.

GM Frost |

Head's up, Edda's player has told me they have some really crazy things going on at work so will need to be botted by the GM till the weekend.
Noted on this.

GM Frost |
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You previously received 6 splash acid damage from Statue #2 before that 8 splash acid damage from Statue 3.