Traviller - RPG - Asian Tails

Game Master Johnny_Panic


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Male Human | AC9CA7

As Boom closes in on the nearly-destroyed shuttle, he hears a sigh of relief over the comms. "Hello there, glad you picked up the signal. Thought I might have been done for. Uhh... you're not here to finish me off, are you? I sure hope not, your ship isn't the same as the one that tore my shuttle apart, anyway."

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

Sorry, wasn't really sure what to post
Frustrated that he wasn't aboe to get the airlock to link, Navarre shakes his head as he opens the panel. "AYA run please run a diagnostic on the airlock. Was something malfunctioning or is it just the damage to the other ship?" As he verified nothing wrong with the panel, he replaced the plate, occasionally looking out the window to see how Boom was doing.

AI - 000EC6


She says, then soon adds

"The ships airlock is working at 100% how ever the shuttles is not, its been damaged to a point it cant be linked with."

AI - 000EC6

BOOM I need a Vacc suit roll DC8 to get the air lock open so
Orion can get out.

Male Human AACBC6

Boom gets to the outside of the wrecked ships air lock and looks at it in dismay. Studying it for a moment he sees it isn't much more worse off then some of the doors he has delt with in some salvage work and opens the door without having to blow it off. He says over comms "Door is open. I didn't even have to blow it." There is disappointment in his voice with the second sentence.

Vacc Edu: 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 1 + 2 = 12

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion pushes off and drifts through the open door, acknowledging his rescuer with a grateful nod. "Thanks. Glad you all happened along. Or are you looking to get the bounty too? If you don't know what I'm talking about, I've got a hell of an offer to tell you about. Oh, I'm Orion, born and raised on a rock actually called The Rock, if you can believe that. Post City. Spent a lot of years training hard to get away from there and explore the 'verse, but my maiden voyage obviously didn't get off to a great start."

You take Orion back over to your STF and enter, going into the airdock and soon your in the cargo hold. Navarren pulls the ship away and soon your heading back.

The officer comes to see you Orion and ask you what happoned.
Your name the ship that is now feeling the Security forces.

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion sketches an awkward salute, clearly not used to dealing with military types. "Uh... sir. I'm sorry about the shuttle. When that ship appeared and hailed me, I didn't suspect what they had in mind. Whoever was manning the comms seemed pretty calm and reasonable - and by the time they started firing on me... well, I'm glad you all found me before I ran out of oxygen, is about all I can say. I can also tell you I'm pretty fired up about all this. Any chance this crew might need an extra hand?" He glances around hopefully. "It's a... uh... unique ship design too. Not sure I've ever seen anything like it."

The officer head back to the light deck and gets on the comms to report what has happoned.

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

Having heard bits and pieces of the conversation Boom had with the newcomer, Navarre waited near the airlock for the officer to stop speaking with the newcomer. As the officer headed back to the deck, Navarre extends a paw, "Welcome Orion, names Navarre, your right about the ship, an aslan model we found on the 'Rock'." He smiles, "That's where we're from as well."

He gestures towards the ship, "She's called AYA, well her actual designation is 'She who flies' Bet you didn't know the naming style we use on the Rock came from the Aslans did ya."

He paused looking at 'Boom', not wanting to make promises without talking to the others. "Can't promise anything about crew, we'll need to talk to everyone. But I can promise We'll give you a straight answer and a fair chance to make your point."

Not trying to be subversive, it's just Navarre can't promise without a proper vote, I'm sure Orion would understand.

AI - 000EC6

AYA bows to the new commer

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion grins at Navarre's introduction. "Is that right? Small 'verse, sometimes, eh? Well. AYA, huh? I know of the Aslans of course, but much to my mother's disappointment I never had much interest in cultural anthropology. Since we share a similar heritage though, back home I'm called call 'He Who Seeks'." He bows to AYA, studying the holo projection closely, though not long enough to be rude. Or at least, he doesn't think he did. "So, uh... you ARE the ship? AYA?"

Out of curiosity, is this something that is fairly common? An AI projecting as a hologram?

AI - 000EC6

"That is correct. It is standard in Alsan design AIs to have us linked to a location, be it home, a base or a ship. It gives us out identity. For want of a better Solamarny word."

She is TL14 and in TL14 yes they are common. Your from TL9 Rock and its sifi for you guys

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion shakes his head slightly in admiration. "Guess I've got a lot learn about life and tech beyond our little Rock. Pleasure to meet you, AYA."

9ACAC6 Doctor

"Aya ... could you and your holobot please escort the recovered crewperson to Medical? At the risk of sounding, oh, concerned or pragmatic or even maternal, many lifeforms who go through space combat benefit from medical treatment afterwards, some even have accute needs. I guess the rest of the crew really has their eye on the prize ... Cable out."

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

hearing Cable's direction to AYA, Navarre turns to Orion, "That was Cable, he's our captain and medic, I think he just wants to meet you." nodding to the holographic AYA "Follow her to medbay, I'll head to engineering." He winks at the new edition of the crew, "Gear up in case we catch this pirate."

As he moves to Engineering he asks, the AI, "AYA we'll need to keep moving to our destination, is there anything I should check, just in case?"

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion nods at Navarre. "Very well, though I've only got a few scrapes and bruises, I think. Still, it'll be good to meet the captain and see if there's a place for me with your crew. I wouldn't mind a little payback against those bastards." He adds with a grim smile, then follows Aya toward the medbay.

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AI - 000EC6

""Compliance, Please follow me Mr Orion"

And she leads you to the Medical bay.

She that flys deck plans HERE

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The officer comes on the comms.

"We are coming to the mining site. And will be in position for the ping soon. We cound dome old mining site, but not there are turists around."

Check out game slides at the top

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

Hearing they were coming close to he mining site, Navarre moved from the screen, checking all systems. Pausing for a moment he would grab a piece of gear, then go back to the screen checking information again. Eventually getting suited up and ready to be part of a landing party as he kept an eye on the systems.

Panic, do you need any rolls from Navarre to get us docked safely?

Can you all have a look at the games slides. There you will see the maps and sites that look like they may hold the stolen ship,

Navarre Eng roll please, CD 7 on a roll to activate the transponder, the higher the roll them more chance you find the location of the ship.

Male Human AACBC6

After bringing Orion on board Boom checks his suit and makes sure is pistol is strapped on and his shock stick is at hand. He then says over the comms, "Ready to exit when needed."

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

Activate transponder DC 7 (eng/ed): 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 1 + 2 = 6 Wow...

Hearing the officer on the comms, Navarre tabs the button on his radio. "Activating the Transponder now." As he activated the beacon, he heard the piece of electrical equipment, slight whirring sound and he smelled something burning. He waited for the incoming ping, hoping they had enough power to get a clear location.

The Transponder burns out but after a 30 seconds you hear a bing back , it pings 3 times then stops aprubily.

The officer lissons to comms then says to you all.

"We have it, its the larger of the two big basses. All ships are heading there now. We are to hold here as back up."


Something is off, you know its off, there single ping back as delayed. As you sit there waiting after 1/2 hour your curiosity gets the better of you and you start playing with the signael. Testing it on the scanner systems. Its then you realise what must have happoned, The other Transponder must be inside a base and its signl must have jumped to a close bandwith local realy to the bigger rock base. Your work and then make out its from...

[Roll Navigation or other skill working in the area of sencers, maps etc. DC5

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

dc 5 sensors/edu: 2d6 + 0 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 0 + 2 = 5 barely

Something is off Navarre told himself. there single ping back was delayed. As they waited the half hour Navarre's curiosity gets the better of him and he start playing with the signal. Testing it on the scanner systems, Navarre realized what happened. The other Transponder must be inside a base and its signal must have jumped to a close bandwidth local relay to the bigger rock base.

Taking an educated guess, Navarre tweaked the sensors, looking for where the ping originated...

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The main mini fleet of ships have gone into the main base with the skull. But Navarre relises thats not where the hop is. A smaller base really has the ship in it. Its in what looks to be the 'Outpost' rock with its two laser turrets on one side.

Its the bottom right rock in the game slides.


You look at it and think you can stealth yourselves to the side of the rock that the laser turrets do not cover. you would need to EVA then into the out post base.

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

His eyes widen, Navarre hops back on the radio, "Folks I think the smaller base has the ship in it." Pausing for a moment, he considered if there was anything he'd forgotten. Turning to the display he asks 'Shea that Flys' "AYA I can't see the back of that rock. Is there an open docking area, Or hatch to use the airlock, or are we going to have to 'space walk' over?"

Orion what sort of gear would Navarre have noticed on your person? We have extra weapons, which Navarre will happily offer if needed

AI - 000EC6

AYA comes into being. She has a habit of being in more then one place at once of late.

"Yes Navarre, the rocks information is on the mining Database we got form the officer. There is a living space outpost on the surface with defences, Then its hollowed out inside as a ship maintenance dock. There is docking bay on the side opposite with a three large air locks for entry from the outside. One for ship and two for organics. As we came in the outpost went dead, there is no power that can be seen."

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion has a slug gun and IR goggles, of note. Other than that, just the basics that everyone started with.

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The officer gets you all into the main area.

"The strike force has hit problems at the main base, so we are the only ones that can check out if she is with the ship she took. Its doubtful The pirate queens is still with the stolen ship, But we still have to act like she is. The Cr2mil bounty on her head, at this point it will be split across the civilians in this strike force, so if she is got you get a cut, if by chance we get her, the others out there fighting now will get a cut. That has been agreed on. With hazard pay we are offering you of Cr20k, and the Cr200k for your lead that got us to her base. It should be a good payday for you. So the plan."

He asks AYA to bring up a holo of the rock.

"We go in the dark side of the rock, they can't hit on that side with the out post weapon, so we should be able to get close. We EVA down to the smaller of the two air locks and bow it. Navarren tells me Boon that you can blast the airlock. Can you do that, it has to be fast so we can get in fast. One of the ships Vacc suits should fit me so I will be with you. I have my laser posiol and will use that. Teams will be. Boom and the new guy Orion point, Myself and Navarren, then Captain Nathan and Navarre take the rear. Any questions?"

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Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

As they gather to meet with the officer, Navarre approaches Orion, opening a duffle, showing him the Aslan laser pistol, laser carbine and a stun stick. "These were here on the ship, there yours if You'd like them." He nods towards the bag, 'There are two extra powercells total of three, ten shots each in the bag as well." Extending the duffle to Orion, he holds up his shotgun, showing the 'Rocker' that he was armed as well. Navarre is also wearing a belt that has a laser pistol and stun stick on it as well.

When the officer asks if they have any questions, Navarre smiles and shows his shotgun to the human, "Any chance I can get in the front, I don't thing anyone wants me firing this behind them."

Male Human AACBC6

Boom smiles when asked if he can blow the door and says "I've blown up a few things. I'll rig some explosives so I just place them and then blow them. Just remember if it's pressurized you'll need to give it a minute to decompress, you don't want blown off the rock by the atmosphere leaving." When the meeting ends he then goes and prepares the explosives.

Explosives Edu: 2d6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 + 2 = 15

"Yes I dont see a problem with that, I just want three teams of two. For when we get inside."

he says

As Boom tells him about the Explosives plan

"I will take your lead on this, We do as you say at the door."

Navarren says.

"AYA is flying we should be at the drop off point in 20 mins. If we all get ready at the air lock we can get close blow the door then doc of its done right, if not AYA can keep the ship away from the main guns."

The officer nods and says

"Clever ship you have here. Ok lets get ourselves ready."

Male Human | AC9CA7

Glad to be included in the assault, Orion grins at the vargr. "Nice! Laser carbine, eh? I'll take that and an extra power cell along with the stun stick. Could come in handy. Thanks."

Orion listens and nods as the officer lays out the plan. When his name is called, he gives another nod, and glances over at Boom, giving the fellow a tight grin and a nod as well. "I'll cover as you set the charges, in case anyone tries to interfere."

9ACAC6 Doctor

Nathan frowns, only slightly. There was a lot of risk here.

"Let me run to Medical for a few supplies, and my pistols. I want everyone focused on surviving please. We have a medical bay, not an autodoc."

Space had been good to them so far and he was grateful for that.
No sense pushing their luck though.

If your all ready its go time.
The Air lock gets you all outside the ship as it comes in, and slows.
Its a Vacc siut roll to get to the rock and its air lock

Vacc suit DC6 everyone who passes adds +1 to the others.

Then Boom, Explosives DC9 you get a +2 from your last roll.

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

Vacc suit DC 6(edu): 2d6 + 0 + 2 ⇒ (5, 3) + 0 + 2 = 10

Smiling as Orion took an extra power cell, Navarre nods to the 'carbine' "I was working on getting the pistols sized for our hands first. But as soon as were through this mess I'll get that carbine taken care of."

Nodding as Nathan headed to get his gear, Navarre, looked to the officer, "Won't hurt to wait a second and let Cable gear up."

Once the captain was back, Navarre shifted his shotgun and asked, "AYA, would you open the airlock doors please." As the doors open and the ship slows down, Navarre pushes off, aimed for the fortifications and the smaller of the two airlocks.

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion brings the carbine to his shoulder, testing the aim and feel of the weapon. "Yeah, it's definitely not meant to be used by humans, is it? Well, I'll probably rely on my pistol unless there's good cause to use the laser. Thanks."

Soon enough, he is activating his vacc suit to reach the asteroid and the air lock that will let them through...

Vacc Suit: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 1 + 1 = 10

GM, what's the ruling on using slug pistols (or rifles) in a spaceship or in an area where there is a metal wall between us and the vacuum of outer space? If we miss is there a risk of punching a hole in that wall? Or are they generally sturdy enough to resist the velocity of slugs? Just curious before we get into a firefight up here...

BOOM your up what to say how you blow the door

Male Human AACBC6

Boom places the explosives on the lock and moves everyone back and blows the door.

Explosives Edu: 2d6 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4, 5) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 15

Soundlessly the air lock door blows out, letting you into the a air lock everyone to gets past the closing inner air lock door.

The Officer and Navarren sprinting in past you all.
He comes over the vacc suit comms, moving..

"Hit them fast, while we have surprise in our side. Myself, Navarren will go ahead down here, Boom, Nathan check the left passage, Captain Nathan, Orion the passage on the right, shoot with intent, GO GO GO!!"

And off he and Navarren head off at full speed down the main passage.

There is a new map up, atmos comes back, so you can open Vacc suits helmets.

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion fixes the IR goggles over his eyes (if they're needed), then draws his pistol and nods to the officer. Then he heads down the right passage, on alert for any pirates that might be moving to investigate the source of the explosion...

Thought it was Boom and Orion?

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

It looks like the officer and Abebe straight, you and the Captain (Nathan "Cable") to the right and Boom and Navarre to the left.

As the 'Officer' gives direction and heads down the hallway with Abebe, Navarre flips the shotgun's safety, "Stay safe everyone." and heads down the left corridor moving as quickly and as quietly as he can.

skill stealth/dex: 2d6 - 2 + 0 ⇒ (6, 1) - 2 + 0 = 5

Male Human AACBC6

Boom follows Navarre to the left and attempts to move quickly and quietly as well.

Stealth Dex: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 + 1 = 14

Look at the game slides team, I have placed you in your rooms.

Capt Nathan + Orion ROOM:

You open the door and scan the dark room, its a VACC suit dressing room, there are 3 Vacc suits the the racks. A bench and Air Bottles.

Thats it , no CCTV lights are off and you try the switch... dead.

Boom + Navarre ROOM:

You open the door and are gritted with a cloud of dust, Booms blast coses a cave in, this was a tool room. Lost of tools for fixing things. Mainanace benches and such

There is a dead body under the rubble, looks like old male human, Mecanic, unarmed was holding a welder.

No power in the room, no other way out.

Then you hear shooting from down the hall way.

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

Frowning at the sight of the dead mechanic, a welder in hand, Navarre turns shaking his head. "Just a tool room, no exit."

Hearing the shooting from down the hall, Navarre curses, "Blast, we better move." Abruptly leaving the tool room, he heads towards the sound of fighting.

Male Human | AC9CA7

Orion activates his IR goggles then moves down the hallway with his pistol out, trying to be stealthy now that they hear gunfire...

Stealth (DEX): 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3, 1) + 1 + 2 = 7

Male Human AACBC6

Hearing the shots Boom turns around and heads back the way they came pistol in one hand and stun stick in the other.

As you run down the corridor, you enter what looks to be a sleeping space, and find a shocking site,
The Officer is laying his back to a wall, while an armed figure points a shotgun at him ready to fire. It seems he has already been hit once.

But the real shock is poor Navarren is bloody mess on the floor and a large matanace robot is stamping what is left of his head into the docking. You hear someone from another room say in pain.

"*%(& shot me Billy"

Male Vargr [STATS] B899C5 [Health] F+22 | Shells 24 18

Several things going through his mind at once, Navarre tries to figure out how they were going to let Abebe's mom know what happened as he tries to figure out who Billy is. Realizing the officers life is clearly in danger Navarre lifts his shotgun to his shoulder aiming it at the armed figure, squeezing the trigger the weapon roars in response.

Gun Combat: (Shotgun +2): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 5) + 2 = 8 damage: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 1) = 12

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