Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Looking ahead to Level 3, for flavor I'd love to take one of the Highhelm dwarven animal companions as a mount ... but I don't know if you'd allow them. Would that be OK? If not, I'm fine with going with one of the more practical blade or shield options for Divine Ally.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Also, do we have access to other resources, such as Advanced Player's Guide, for our Archetype options at 2nd level? What about other options from outside the Core Rulebook?
Luc Theriot |
GM, I went another route. I retrained Nature to Religion and took the Undead Slayer dedication (should be helpful in this AP). I hope that's allowed. My character is updated to 2nd level. From the treasure we just found, Luc took the +1 longsword and 1 potion of healing. I look forward to getting back to Otari so we can meet new players.
Looking ahead to Level 3, for flavor I'd love to take one of the Highhelm dwarven animal companions as a mount ... but I don't know if you'd allow them. Would that be OK? If not, I'm fine with going with one of the more practical blade or shield options for Divine Ally.
Can you tell which one specifically? Also, remember now that the Crypt is over, the Abomination Vaults is one large dungeon crawl, so animal companions, especially large, may have issues. But I am flexible.
With regard to your other question about the archetypes, yes, you can look outside the Core book for your options. Of course, they need GM approval, if you're looking for monster options, like ghoul, vampire, etc.
GM, I went another route. I retrained Nature to Religion and took the Undead Slayer dedication (should be helpful in this AP). I hope that's allowed. My character is updated to 2nd level. From the treasure we just found, Luc took the +1 longsword and 1 potion of healing. I look forward to getting back to Otari so we can meet new players.
Yes, it is fine. I apologize that I did not tell you at the beginning of the game that there would be a free archetype at 2nd level. Thus, you are allowed to retrain feats and skills to qualify for any archetype that you like.
Kam and Seren, please try to update your characters to 2nd level so I can get you back to Otari, so you can meet the new players. I feel bad that they're just waiting.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Can you tell which one specifically? Also, remember now that the Crypt is over, the Abomination Vaults is one large dungeon crawl, so animal companions, especially large, may have issues. But I am flexible.
The three options are Augdunar (mule), Goat, or Drake Lizard. All start at Medium, but would increase up to Large when they became Mature. Like I said, definitely not the practical choice, but they were interesting options. Looking at the archetype options, though, I'm thinking of going with Familiar Master Dedication, and gaining a familiar instead.
I considered going with the Shining Oath, since I assume we'll run afoul of undead, but the "Shining" thing kind of goes against my deity theme, and the bonus to Liberating Step is only useful if the undead are trying to grab us, so I figured it made more sense to have a way to replenish Focus Points to get some extra magical healing at this point.
I posted my in-game reaction to the treasure in the gameplay thread.
Tееla |
I feel bad that they're just waiting.
Uh, no trouble on my end. Take your time. I mean I'm ready, but don't rush things on my behalf. Not sure about Dax.
Serenllys |
Understood AV_DM. Will update today. Looking at Medic or Blessed One archetypes…
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
I do want to confirm that my understanding of lay on hands against undead is correct. There's no attack required to touch them? They get a fortitude save against the AC penalty (and, with my charisma, they have a good shot at avoiding it), but they just take the positive damage regardless, correct?
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Ooh, just noticed the Bastion archetype, and since I'm leaning toward Shield Ally that might make more sense. It's decent, but many of the best feats available for it have access limited to Knights of Lastwall. Still, some of these might prove useful at higher levels.
Tееla |
LoH doesn't have an attack trait, so it seems it just happens as long as you are in touch range? At least that seems to be the case.
You roll your d6 dice and mark off a focus point.
The target makes a basic fort save vs your spell DC, and takes damage depending on the success of the roll.
No damage on crit success
Half damage on success
Full damage and -2 status penalty to AC on failure
Double damage and -2 status penalty to AC on crit failure
Plus extra potential damage depending on weakness.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Yes, you can use lay on hands on yourself.
Serenllys |
Seren is basically done, I took the Medic Dedication, chose the Cat Fall skill feat and as Rogues get a skill increase I increased my Thievery to Expert. The Medic Dedication also moves Medicine to Expert.
I’m just having a dilemma about my Rogue class feat. Essentially, I’d like to get Overextending Feint, but I’m curious how Feint, Twin Feint and Overextending Feint work.
Currently I use Twin Feint, which uses two actions and doesn’t require a roll to succeed. It just imparts the Off-guard condition to the second attack.
Feint uses an action and requires Deception check. Success means the creature is Off-guard until the end of your next turn.
Overextending Feint isn’t so much an action as a rider on your Feint action that improves the Success effects to make you harder to hit by the victim.
So, can I roll a Deception check, as part of my Twin Feint, to increase the power of my feint? Or do I need to use another, separate action to “properly” Feint?
It’s one of those cases of mixed use of “same-same but different” terminology. Twin Feint seems to be a faux feint, whereas Feint is its own, separate action. But the combination of Overextending Feint and Twin Feint would seem to use all of your actions to both do the same thing, but different.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
The wording of Twin Feint doesn't reference the action Feint, so I'd say that it doesn't trigger Overextending Feint.
This seems a little more clear than the Battle Medicine situation. In Battle Medicine, it references Treat Wounds specifically, which is why there is often confusion.
Twin Feint, however, doesn't reference the Feint action. And they certainly could have said something like "Strike, Feint as a free action, and then Strike again" if that had been the intention. That would seem to be a reasonable way to house rule Twin Feint in a way that would allow it to synergize with Overextending Feint, if the GM were so inclined.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Looking forward to proceeding.
In the efforts of perhaps keeping players committed through the Adventure Path, I'd like to re-ask if the GM might consider awarding PFS chronicles/credit for participation. I'm looking forward to it either way, but also would never turn down advancement for my PFS characters if it's available. :)
Serenllys |
I agree Twin Feint isn’t a Feint, but a feint with two weapons that exists in its own mechanical box separate from Feint and Overextending Feint.
I think I’ll get Tumble Behind, which also sets up Off-guard, and might get me into flanking positions for the rest of the group to take advantage of.
Tееla |
Pretty sure twin feint is like you menacing with a hand, then suddenly kicking the opponent in the shin. Mechanically, at least. It's a free feint for the second strike, basically.
You have the option to get gang up later on, which is an automatic off-guard condition as long as there is at least one more ally in melee with your target.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Also, shifting the +1 from the explorers clothes to Seren’s armor - can that be done in Otari?
Probably, but it costs 10% the price of the rune. The +1 armor rune is 160 gold, so transferring it will cost 16 gold, which is part of the reason I was asking if we found any monetary treasure on any of the dead bodies we stumbled across. :)
Serenllys |
Well, given her absolute lucky save of two members of the party at the end of that last combat I was thinking it was definitely a pivotal moment for her. I was mulling whether her actions led to a divine epiphany (Blessed One) or whether she just got the healer's itch (Medic Dedication) and went with the latter...
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Out of curiosity, what deity were you considering being blessed by?
Serenllys |
Out of curiosity, what deity were you considering being blessed by?
I was going to leave that as a mystery, for the moment. Happily, it can remain as an even bigger mystery, that ultimately might never come into the light of... day. Which screams Sarenrae, but honestly, I was going to explore it as we went.
I do want to confirm that my understanding of lay on hands against undead is correct. There's no attack required to touch them? They get a fortitude save against the AC penalty (and, with my charisma, they have a good shot at avoiding it), but they just take the positive damage regardless, correct?
It states that it is a touch attack so there is a die roll to touch them. Also, the Fort save applies to the damage.
The 2x/1x/0.5x/0x modifier from basic saving throws only ever applies to damage,
Critical Success: Nothing
Success: Take half of 1d6 damage
Failure: Take 1d6 damage and a -2 status penalty to AC for 1 round
Critical Failure: Take double 1d6 damage and a -2 status penalty to AC for 1 round
Looking forward to proceeding.
In the efforts of perhaps keeping players committed through the Adventure Path, I'd like to re-ask if the GM might consider awarding PFS chronicles/credit for participation. I'm looking forward to it either way, but also would never turn down advancement for my PFS characters if it's available. :)
Never done this ever, so wouldn't know even how to do this.
Serenllys wrote:Also, shifting the +1 from the explorers clothes to Seren’s armor - can that be done in Otari?Probably, but it costs 10% the price of the rune. The +1 armor rune is 160 gold, so transferring it will cost 16 gold, which is part of the reason I was asking if we found any monetary treasure on any of the dead bodies we stumbled across. :)
There was no gold in the crypt. The mayor gives you each 20 gp for your role in ending the threat that the crypt posed.
Serenllys |
Just want to extend a big thank you to AV_DM for running us through Crypt of the Everflame. Am thoroughly enjoying PF2 and this game. Sorry to see Kelri and Marietta’s players are no longer with us, and wishing them both well.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
It states that it is a touch attack so there is a die roll to touch them. Also, the Fort save applies to the damage.
The 2x/1x/0.5x/0x modifier from basic saving throws only ever applies to damage,
Critical Success: Nothing
Success: Take half of 1d6 damage
Failure: Take 1d6 damage and a -2 status penalty to AC for 1 round
Critical Failure: Take double 1d6 damage and a -2 status penalty to AC for 1 round
Ah, I missed that it said "BASIC Fortitude save" ... You're right, the save is for mitigating damage and then also the AC penalty.
However, while lay on hands is a touch range spell, nowhere is it called an attack, even when it does damage to undead, nor does anything in the spell indicate a spell attack is needed. (It also doesn't increase multi-task penalties.)
The rules say, in describing touch range spells:
A spell with a range of touch requires you to physically touch the target. You use your unarmed reach to determine whether you can touch the creature. You can usually touch the target automatically, though the spell might specify that the target can attempt a saving throw or that you must attempt a spell attack roll. If an ability increases the range of a touch spell, start at 0 feet and increase from there.
So the touch doesn't require a roll, but the damage is likely to be mitigated unless they Fort stinks. Best to keep it as mostly a healing option, except in dire circumstances.
Dax Thura |
I thought I had posted it already.
Kazzi Kojoc Human sorcerer and archaeologist/dungeon delver.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion wrote:
Looking forward to proceeding.In the efforts of perhaps keeping players committed through the Adventure Path, I'd like to re-ask if the GM might consider awarding PFS chronicles/credit for participation. I'm looking forward to it either way, but also would never turn down advancement for my PFS characters if it's available. :)
Never done this ever, so wouldn't know even how to do this.
I am a Venture-Agent for Pathfinder Society and would be willing to help you. All it would take is from you is that you register for a Society number- free and very simple. After that, I could show you how to fill out a chronicle for the adventures.
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Just checking: Did the skeletal champion have armor that stuck around after it died?
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Luc - Given your Dex modifier, am I correct in assuming you wouldn't want the chain mail?
Everyone OK if I sell it so we each get 1 extra gp?
Kamau, Black Butterfly Champion |
Talismans are one-use magical items (consumables) that you affix to either a weapon or an armor (depending on the talisman). Here are the rules on Archives of Nethys. I bought an Owlbear Claw for my starknife, which I can activate as a free action when I critically hit with my starknife:
This claw set in an iron clasp and chain isn’t always the claw of an owlbear. When you activate the claw, the triggering attack gains the weapon’s critical specialization effect.
Then on my shield boss, I put a Potency Crystal, which I can activate as a free action before I attack:
This fluorite crystal glows with a strange phosphorescence. When you activate the crystal, the weapon becomes a +1 striking weapon for the rest of the turn, gaining a +1 item bonus to the attack roll and increasing the damage on a hit to two weapon damage dice.
There are other ones that help with various abilities ... the Jade Cat helps with Acrobatics, the Monkey Pin helps with climbing, the Bull Pendant helps with shoving ... Onyx Panther lets you move faster while Sneaking ...
Fun little things.
Serenllys |
Hmm. Interested in looking into those talismans, but I’m a little vague on how much we have in funds…and am I correct in assuming we are limited to talismans fro the Core Rulebook?
Kazzi Kojoc |
It only now strikes me that Teela and Kazzi could know one another. Kazzi is something of a tomb raider archaeologist. It's possible that they've done some dungeon delving together.
Serenllys |
If they are local, Seren and Luc would know them also, being known delvers and investigators of local ruins…
Tееla |
Ah. I'm running a live game this weekend, folks. I will be able to post tomorrow afternoon. Only on mobile now.