PFS2e 5-01 - Year of Unfettered Exploration - Take 2 (KS) (Inactive)

Game Master phaeton_nz

Tier 1-4
Challenge Points: 20
Subtier: 3-4
Hero Points: Voron-1; Ulvard-2; Magima-2; Eldryon-CC; Tristan-2; Eddie-2

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | PFS1e 8-07 | PFS1e 6-04

Discussion Thread

Envoy's Alliance

LG Human(1/2 O) Barbarian-2; THP 5/5; HP 30/38; hero 2/3; minor healing potion 2/2; AC 19 (18 when raging); Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7; Perc +7; Conditions:

Ulvard is here! And you can Hear!

Verdant Wheel

Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

Tonight I'll be sure to update Eddie with the new remastered Druid stuff, unlikely to be much.

As far as the PFS consumables I'll need to see what's changed on that end, previously I just went with a scroll of dispel magic.

Looking at the classes, should I mostly keep Eddie's spells towards healing? They are a caster build so I can lean one way or the other.

Verdant Wheel

Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:
phaeton_nz wrote:

Everyone has one Hero point - does anyone have glyphs?

Also, has any of you played the following scenarios: 4-01; 4-05; 4-10; 3-12; 4-14; 4-13

No glyphs for Eddie. Also Eddie has not played in any of those scenarios. I, the player, have.

Verdant Wheel

AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|

1 glyph.

I have done them all but Tristan has done 4-13.

Verdant Wheel

AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|

I give my hero point to Ulvard!.

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG Human(1/2 O) Barbarian-2; THP 5/5; HP 30/38; hero 2/3; minor healing potion 2/2; AC 19 (18 when raging); Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7; Perc +7; Conditions:

Because Ulvard is a Hero!


Map and handout aid Token.

I was sure i had posted the introduction! I will do it tonight!

Verdant Wheel

Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

I just realized/wondered: Are we high tier or low tier? If high tier are there characters that are getting a level bump? If so Eddie has the following boon, its not the best level bump boon but its better than nothing.

Worldly Mentor (Verdant Wheel): While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you help your less experienced colleagues recognize danger and withstand danger. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to Perception checks and Initiative rolls to 2. Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Perception modifier by 1. Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | PFS1e 8-07 | PFS1e 6-04

You are high tier, yes. The subtier is up where the Slides link is. And since Magima is level one, she gets the level bump.

Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
male elf wizard (unified magic theory, cleric) 4 | ♥️30 (pearly white spindle aeon stone)| ⛨19* (mystic armor) | F+8 R+8 W+11 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +8 | speed 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐dizzying colors ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor; spells 2 ☐blazing bolt ☐floating flame ☐revealing light | drain bonded item [1][2] | cleric spells 1 ☐heal | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none
phaeton_nz wrote:
Oh, and they fly 200 feet in a minute.

20 feet / round doesn't seem that fast. :P

Verdant Wheel

Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

No power, will post when I can, probably tomorrow.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male elf wizard (unified magic theory, cleric) 4 | ♥️30 (pearly white spindle aeon stone)| ⛨19* (mystic armor) | F+8 R+8 W+11 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +8 | speed 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐dizzying colors ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor; spells 2 ☐blazing bolt ☐floating flame ☐revealing light | drain bonded item [1][2] | cleric spells 1 ☐heal | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none

Hoping you get it back asap. Stay warm!

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

Its back and so is the heat and internet. Onward!

Verdant Wheel

Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

I'll be away the next couple days for the holiday. Bot as needed!

Envoy's Alliance

LG Human(1/2 O) Barbarian-2; THP 5/5; HP 30/38; hero 2/3; minor healing potion 2/2; AC 19 (18 when raging); Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7; Perc +7; Conditions:

I'm going to be on the road for a few days. Please bot as required.

Grand Archive

male elf wizard (unified magic theory, cleric) 4 | ♥️30 (pearly white spindle aeon stone)| ⛨19* (mystic armor) | F+8 R+8 W+11 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +8 | speed 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐dizzying colors ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor; spells 2 ☐blazing bolt ☐floating flame ☐revealing light | drain bonded item [1][2] | cleric spells 1 ☐heal | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none

I'm confused.

phaeton_nz wrote:
Wow! Hold your hostility, everyone. Especially you, my friend. We’ve only just met these folks! No need to come to blows just because we’ve found each other, right?

What hostilities?

phaeton_nz wrote:
PCs can Make an Impression on the two elemental outlaws, who share an attitude and are Indifferent to begin. The PCs can instead scold the wisps and make them apologize to the two elementals with Intimidation, Diplomacy, or an appropriate skill against the same DC.

Does Eddie's post not count or do you mean to say we need more successes, or to aid his roll?

His roll looked pretty good and I thought his post had a friendly vibe so I'm feeling like I missed something.

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | PFS1e 8-07 | PFS1e 6-04

The metallic looking one was talking to their wooden looking companion - the one with the spear arm. I guess they were afraid someone was going to attack.

Eddie's post certainly counted but I was hoping for others to get to roll too. They started off as 'indifferent'.

Grand Archive

male elf wizard (unified magic theory, cleric) 4 | ♥️30 (pearly white spindle aeon stone)| ⛨19* (mystic armor) | F+8 R+8 W+11 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +8 | speed 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐dizzying colors ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor; spells 2 ☐blazing bolt ☐floating flame ☐revealing light | drain bonded item [1][2] | cleric spells 1 ☐heal | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none
phaeton_nz wrote:
I guess they were afraid someone was going to attack.

Huh so it's just written in the scenario that way.

phaeton_nz wrote:

Eddie's post certainly counted but I was hoping for others to get to roll too. They started off as 'indifferent'.

I see. Voron can probably only hurt with his Diplomacy +0.

Verdant Wheel

AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|

Eddie and Ulvard

Verdant Wheel

Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:


HP: 2d5 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
Tristan and Ulvard

Grand Archive

male elf wizard (unified magic theory, cleric) 4 | ♥️30 (pearly white spindle aeon stone)| ⛨19* (mystic armor) | F+8 R+8 W+11 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +8 | speed 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐dizzying colors ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor; spells 2 ☐blazing bolt ☐floating flame ☐revealing light | drain bonded item [1][2] | cleric spells 1 ☐heal | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none

Hero Points:
Eddie & Tristan

Verdant Wheel

AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|

Verdant Wheel

AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|

gm, could give a reminder of the bless spell that i gived last round?

Verdant Wheel

AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|

I will post today.

Verdant Wheel

Fungus Leshy | Leaf Druid 4 | Fire Resist 2 | Poison Resist 2 HP 48/48 | AC19 | F +10 R +8 W +12 | Perc +12 | Shield: Hardness 3; 12/12 HP Speed: 30 | Focus: 1/1 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

Eddie teaches a class at the Society on just what it means to be Leshy..

Expert Leshy Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Verdant Wheel

AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|

I will retrain.

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