AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra (cool name, btw) - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
Critzible - Waterdhavian Nobleman who's bad at magic and a Bat Weretouched Shifter (Martial/Skill)
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
The Lobster - Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
Mark Thomas 66 - Half-Elf (Half-Drow?) Magus (Martial/Arcane)
AdamWarnock |
Sorry, everyone. I will not be able to submit my paladin idea. Work and home life have gotten busier, and I can't give this campaign the attention it deserves.
I wish the other applicants the best of luck.
I'm sorry to see you go. Take care of yourself. At least I'll be able to see what antics Wayilant gets up to. :)
GM of the Moon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
GM of the Moon wrote:I've got a twiddle-my-thumbs question... How many characters do you want in the party, if you have a number in mind?Loving all the submissions so far, lots of variety!
I haven’t missed any questions, have I? I think I got them all but want to be sure.
I’ll probably stick with the classic four. I’ve had experiences with even five, and that’s been too much for my liking.
GM of the Moon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Good question! The group will start right outside of Baldur’s Gate on route to the Inn, having received some info from the Selunite church before you left.
I wanted to avoid getting lost in the Gate or spending too much time in the city before you get started, so you’ll have just started your journey when the game starts.
GM of the Moon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Shaggar wrote:I’ll probably stick with the classic four. I’ve had experiences with even five, and that’s been too much for my liking.GM of the Moon wrote:I've got a twiddle-my-thumbs question... How many characters do you want in the party, if you have a number in mind?Loving all the submissions so far, lots of variety!
I haven’t missed any questions, have I? I think I got them all but want to be sure.
I had someone ask me what I meant by this, so I wanted to clarify a bit.
What I’d ultimately advise in character creation is to make the character and backstory that you want to make and play. If there’s a glaring lack of, say, divine casters, then sure it might be good for you to fill that hole. I won’t be picking my four party members based on some strict class role guidelines, but will instead aim to get a nice balance. If the party struggles in some circumstances because they don’t have a traditional rogue, all the more fun to be had in overcoming the occasional trap or diplomacy-ing their way through a locked door.
Make who you would enjoy playing!
Kiley Sherrow |
Posting here for convenience, but I've updated some things in Kiley's background and build. Biggest changes are swapping reactionary for criminal and talented for faithful artist (given that is a Desnan religion trait, I hope it fits well enough with Selune's faith. It seemed like it would fit, but I don't know Faerun lore like I do Golarion lore,) moving a skill point from climb to disable device, adding in some stuff to justify it, and adding in some family and a family friend.
Kiley Sherrow
Female rakshasa-spawn tiefling slayer 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 23, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3 (+1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . gladius +4 (1d6+3/19-20) or
. . greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20)
Ranged longbow +4 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1/day—detect thoughts (DC 14)
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Precise Shot
Traits criminal, faithful artist, honeyed tongue
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Appraise +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Bluff +2 (+0 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Climb +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Craft (painting) +5 (+3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Diplomacy +7 (+5 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Disable Device +6 (+4 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Disguise +8 (+6 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Escape Artist +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Fly +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Heal -1 (-3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Intimidate +2 (+0 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Perception +3 (+1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Perform (dance) +7 (+5 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Perform (percussion instruments) +2 (+0 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Perform (sing) +6 (+4 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Perform (string instruments) +2 (+0 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Perform (wind instruments) +2 (+0 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Ride +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Sense Motive +5 (+3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Stealth +5 (+3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Survival -1 (-3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
Swim +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
-- Racial Modifiers +2 Disguise, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, overprotective, prehensile tail[ARG], track +1
Other Gear chain shirt
arrows (40)
artisan's outfit (2)
cutting board
wooden (2 lb)
flint and steel
cutting (0.5 lb)
ladle (0.5 lb)
mess kit[UE]
painting tools
local (0.5 lb)
silver holy symbol of Selune
skewer (1 lb)
tinder packet (0.5 lb)
trail rations (5)
iron (3 lb)
waterskin (2)
5 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Overprotective -2 to attacks and skill checks when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
1. What is your character's name?
Kiley Sherrow.
2. How old is your character?
Twenty-four or there abouts.
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Kiley's short, about 4 feet 9 inches tall, and petite, at a little over 100 lbs. She has long auburn hair that's often braided and done up to keep out of the way; fair skin with freckles dusting the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders; and sapphire-like blue eyes that hold something strange yet alluring in their depths. She appears human. She wears a scarf around her head and covering her ears and another around her waist. Most of her clothing is big on her, but she manages with a combination of rolled sleeves, belts, cuffs, and tucks. She always has a blade on her, even when in town, carrying a shortsword and a dagger at the least. Around her neck is a silver holy symbol of Selune, a momento from her mother and father. She prefers clothing that has a little flash and flow to it so it'll compliment her dancing.
Some who are particularly keen of eye can tell that she isn't quite human. Her scarves hide her cat-like ears and tail, something she takes time to do every day when getting ready. (In otherwords, she takes 10 on her disguise checks to appear human.)
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Kiley's an animated speaker, using her hands and, more often than not, her arms while talking. She's a bright young woman with a silly sense of humor and a love of wordplay. She can be a little ditzy, though, often getting distracted and changing subjects as she notices things or has a thought pop into her head. She also has a tendency to fiddle with things if she can't pull out her sketchbook and draw when she isn't part of the conversation.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Kiley has no idea where she was born. Her first memories were being in service to the Zhentarim slavers that her mother and father rescued her from when she was about twelve or thirteen. They were a pair of adventurers that married and settled in Waterdeep. Her mother was a wizard named Analee Sherrow and her father was a priest of Selune named Fionn Sherrow who'd served as a mercenary in his younger years. Her mother taught her to about dancing and music and her father taught her about Selune and how to defend herself when her heritage became apparent. It was a happy time, but sadly not to last.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
The man and woman who conceived and gave birth to Kiley? Who knows? Analee and Fionn Sherrow, the ones who raised Kiley? Sadly they were killed when the Zhentarim took revenge for their meddling and raided their home. Many of the thugs died, but they still killed Kiley's parents and all of their servants before they took her as a slave again when they realized how valuable she could be in a few years.
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Shaggar, one of the few friends she's ever made in her life, having spent most of it either in chains or on her parents' estate in Waterdeep.
Melodi Sherrow, her eldest sister who moved to Baldur's Gate, but would visit Waterdeep from time to time. She's a priestess of Selune and knows of Kiley's secret, but has lept her word not to tell a soul. She liked Kiley, but she never could manage to be anything but aloof around her.
Calen Sherrow, her eldest brother who is magus that spends his time roaming about the Sword Coast and the Northlands. His heroics have lead him to many a woman's bed, and more than a few wound up with child after the experience. A fear of commitment and an utter lack of anything resembling a sense of responsibiliy has made it so he is never in any place for long and he avoids any place he learns is home to one of his many bastard children. He only met Kiley once or twice, and if they run into each other he's as likely as not to try wooing her before recognizing her.
Thames Sherrow, her middle brother. He is a scribe at the Great Library in Waterdeep. Always aloof, if not cold and distant, he lives for learning and cares for little else beyond his books. He's never liked Kiley that much, but Kiley still cares for him as her brother.
Blake Sherrow, her middle sister and a beautiful bard. She married a merchant's son and they've had several children since then. She started tutoring the children of Waterdhavian nobles in song and music after her youngest was weaned a few years ago. She's a sweetheart, always bright and welcoming to anyone from any walk of life unless they have earned her disdain. She loved Kiley and was hit hard by the thought that she died along with her parents and everyone else in the Sherrow Estate.
Zachery Sherrow, her youngest brother. He ran away from home at the age of fourteen and became a mercenary. After a harrowing escape from Calimport when a job went south in a very bad way, he came back to Waterdeep and reconciled with Analee and Fionn a few months before they were killed. That was the only time he and Kiley met. While he still has some of his personality from before, that of a confident, if not arrogant, swordsman and mercenary who lived a fast and furious life for thirteen years before almost losing his life in Calimport, he's become more introspective as he searches about for what he truly wants out of life. Learning of his parent's deaths only made his search more desparate in some ways. He's taken up a job as a bouncer in one of Waterdeep's many taverns to earn his keep while he figures things out.
Estella and Luna Sherrow, her youngest sisters, and twins. They are actually younger than Kiley by about six years, and were visiting with an aunt and uncle in Baldur's Gate when the Zhentarim raided the Sherrow Estate. The deaths of their parents and most of the people they knew shattered their world and the once vibrant young girls that loved to explore and learn all of the interesting places to visit any place they went. Much more somber now, they rarely leave their Aunt Sara Anne's and Uncle Zekiel's house. They got along well with Kiley, since she was the closest to them in age, and loved spending hours having punning competitions with her when they got older. They also adored Aunt Dora whenever she came to visit.
Zekiel and Sara Anne Doughtery, her closest aunt and uncle. Sara Anne was Analee's younger sister. Zekiel is a merchant with connections to Mithral Hall, Sundabar, Mirabar, Citadel Adbar, and Silverymoon. They were the aunt and uncle that Estella and Luna were visiting when the Zhentarim raided the Sherrow Estate. After learning of the tragedy, they took in Estella and Luna, letting the twins live with them in Baldur's Gate. They loved Kiley just as much as any of their other nieces and nephews, and the news that she likely died when the Sherrow Estate burned was a blow that took a long time to recover from.
Pandora McGee (Aunt Dora to Kiley), an adventuring companion of her parents. Pandora is a charming rogue that has made it her mission to make the lives of corrupt officials and nobles and Zhentarim agents as miserable as possible. Her favored weapons are deception and humiliation, using the former to allow to use the latter. She was good friends with the Sherrows and their deaths hit her hard. She checks in with Estella, Luna, Blake, Melodi, and Zachery whenever she's in the city they live in.
8. What is your character's marital status? Kids?
Kiley is single and as far as kids go, well, let's just say that no one's claimed her first kiss yet.
9. What is your character's alignment?
Chaotic Good.
10. What is your character's moral code?
- Help those in need.
- Do the right thing, laws be damned.
- Never judge a person on their appearance. It's what they do that matters.
- Enjoy life when and while you can.
- The only good Zhentarim agent is a dead Zhentarim agent.
11. Does your character have goals?
A few.
1. Find a place that she and Shaggar can call home.
2. Locate any family she has left in Waterdeep or Baldur's Gate.
3. Destroy the Zhentarim on the Sword Coast.
4. Learn to cook the recipes she's been collecting
12. Is your character religious?
Yes, she's a follower of Selune, but she mostly worships in private due to what happens when she's exposed to moonlight. She sees practicing her artwork (sketching, drawing, and painting) as part of her worship, but if she can manage to find someplace secluded, she loves to dance under the moon and stars.
13. What are your character's personal beliefs?
- Every good deed helps, no matter how small.
- Do whatever you can to make the world a more beautiful place.
- Laws that protect the wicked from justice are inherently unjust and not worth following.
- Life's too short not to enjoy the finer things when you can.
- Anyone that willingly works for the Zhentarim is an evil, rat bastard.
- The stars are the souls of those who watch over the loved ones they left behind.
- Anyone who finds out what I really am will want to either kill me or use me. (I am aware of the inherent contradiction in there considering that her brothers and sisters, Shaggar, and the Bedine tribe that took him in knows of her inhuman heritage.)
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
Oh you bet! She avoids moonlight when she thinks others are around or watching. She doesn't like to be touched unless she knows you really well and trusts you. She always likes to try new foods and drinks. She buys the most comfortable and well made clothing and gear she can afford. She rents the best room at the inn. She doesn't like to share her room and is incredibly protective of her privacy. If both she and Shaggar get in the game, she'll be singing his praises wherever they go as well as helping him adjust to the less harsh and wild places in Faerun.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
Mostly because she has no home to return to nor many skills to offer besides singing, dancing, and playing music (whenever she can get back into practice,) none of which are likely to make any coin in Anauroch. She may like napping in warm, sunny places, but she's no fan of the desert. She doesn't have many qualms about fighting, at least not after two years in Zhentarim chains, but she'd still like to try talking things out first.
As for why she accepted this job in particular, she wants to honor her father's and mother's memory. Both were worshippers of Selune, and she feels that this is the best memorial she can give them for now. She's also hoping that by helping out, she'll stop getting suspicious glares from every Selunite who finds out she avoids moonlight when they are around.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
As far as her role in the party is concerned, Kiley sees herself as an infiltrator and skirmisher. She's relatively stealthy, though her chain shirt makes her slightly less so. She's skilled with both blade and bow, and despite her easily distracted nature, she has keen eyes. Outside of combat, her musical talents can help earn some coin at taverns and inns along the way and she's a fairly savvy diplomat when needed.
If we're talking about how she views being an adventurer, she thinks it's a good way to meet new people, see new places, and try new things. Making sure the occasional Zhentarim agent is properly dealt with is just a bonus.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Besides the auburn-furred cat-ears and tail that she keeps hidden? Well, the markings on her ears and tail do glow white and glowing white markings cover her face, back, sides, arms, and legs when under moonlight.
And, there's also the freckles.
18. How does your character get along with others?
Pretty well, as long as they aren't part of the Zhentarim. She's friendly, but slow to trust.
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
The Zhentarim and the corrupt people that help them get away with their many crimes. Slavers and assassins of any bent, however, will draw her ire.
20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Several things. She fears being in cages or chains. She fears people finding out what she really is. She fears failing to free those in bondage that she runs across. She fears anyone tied to her demonic ancestor learning of her. Most of all, she is terrified of the undead.
Kiley spent the first ten years of her life with no name, bound in chains, and watching the world through bars. Her first memories were of that caravan of Zhentarim smugglers and slavers running the routes from the Dalelands and the Moonsea to Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate on the Sword Coast. How she wound up being a slave to the Zhentarim and what became of her parents were things she never learned, though if the slavemaster was to be believed, her parents had sold her to them to pay off their debts. She was small, and her fingers nimble, so the caravan put her to use breaking locks, though they were careful to never let her keep the picks after she was done. How she survived those years, half-starved and constantly battered and bruised, she doesn't know. Divine providence is her only guess.
One night, near Waterdeep, the caravan was attacked. The attackers were no bandits nor orcs, but Harpers and their allies. They slew the Zhentarim and freed their captives, including Kiley. A couple in their middle years, their children already mostly grown, took her in. They adopted her and named her Kiley when they learned that she had no name. It took a long time for the couple to gain Kiley's trust, but as they showed her love and compassion, Kiley began to love them and trust them.
The couple, Analee and Fionn Sherrow, were successful adventurers in their younger years, and lived on a small estate in one of Waterdeep's more well-to-do districts. As Kiley opened up to them, they taught her how to speak, read, and write both the common trading tongue used in the northern reaches of Toril and the elven tongue when Kiley expressed an interest in it after seeing some elven writing on Analee's desk. They taught her kindness, compassion, and selflessness. As she grew older, she told them of her desire to learn of their faith in Selune, and her father began teaching her the tenets of the faith. Her mother taught her to sing, to dance, and to play music. When Kiley met the artist they hired to paint her portrait, she became so enamored with the process that she asked if he could teach her, so she learned to draw and paint as well. Knowledge and love were the gifts her parents gave her, and Kiley did her best to return their love and take their lessons to heart.
But not all of the lessons were pleasant ones. When the full moon rose on her thirteenth birthday, the thirteenth moon of the thirteenth year, she started screaming in terror and agony. She babbled in a tongue she didn't know, but somehow understood. Pain wracked her body as it changed. She grew a long tail covered in auburn and black fur from the base of her spine. Her ears became pointed and furred, like those of a cat. her canines grew into sharp, if still small, fangs. Red markings glowed on her skin and in the fur of her new tail and ears. When her parents burst into her room, she begged them for help, begged them to stop the pain, begged them to not hate her.
She sobbed as her parents held her once the ordeal was over. The markings on her skin were no longer visible, so long as she didn't step into the moonlight where they glowed white. The markins on her ears and tail remained black and easily hidden, though they too glowed under the light of the moon. While they did not know what had happened to Kiley, it had become clear to her parents that she wasn't human. Analee, Kiley's mother, was a wizard, and she studied tome after tome and consulted with her colleagues skilled in divination and contacting beings from other planes until she found the answers they sought. Meanwhile, Fionn, Kiley's father, knew that her appearance would cause others to judge her and possibly attack her to either capture her or kill her. The next day, he began to teach her all he knew about fighting so she could defend herself. Months passed and Kiley learned how to use a blade and bow well under her father's tutelage. One night, after they had supper, her mother and father sat her down to tell her what her mother had learned.
In the past, someone from her birth mother's or father's line dallied with or made a deal with a powerful succubus, Chaan'ke Khoonalhe, The Bloodied Fangs of the Moon. That act tainted the line with her essence, and now it manifested strongly in Kiley. Depictions of Chaan'ke Khoonalhe often portrayed her with the ears and tail of a cat and markings similar to the ones that appeared on Kiley's skin when under moonlight. Kiley wasn't human, but a tiefling. The revelation rocked Kiley, but her parents loved her no less, though they were more cautious about who knew of Kiley and had a friend from their adventuring days, a half-elf known as Pandora McGee, or Aunt Dora as Kiley called her, come in and teach Kiley how to hide her ears and tail. As a year passed, then two, Kiley became more easy going and relaxed, even if the her youngest sisters sometimes teased her about her tail and ears.
Sadly, the Zhentarim had not forgotten the black-eye they'd received the night Kiley had been freed. Ten years after she'd been adopted, they were finally able to learn a few of the names of the people who raided their caravan. One was out of their reach, a powerful sorcerer that had gone on to claim his family's titles, but Analee and Fionn Sherrow were much easier prey. They came in night armed to the teeth and seeking blood to repay blood. They slew some of the servants and guards hired to help protect the house and a vile necromancer raised them as foul undead monsters. Kiley woke to screams of fear and pain as flesh was torn and bones were cracked. Her mother and father fought valiantly to protect their household and their adopted daughter, but valor would not be enough this night.
One by one the Zhentarim hunted down the servants and the Sherrows, though they paid dearly for it with their own blood. Kiley watched in horror as a pack of zombies overwhelmed her mother and tore her to pieces. Her father followed moments later, a trio of spears in his belly. He fell under tooth and claw, screaming for her to run. She ran, looking for a way out, but she was the last survivor, and the Zhentarim had her cornered. She saw her doom closing in as she stood on the landing overlooking the entrance hall to the only home she'd known in her life. It seemed she would die there when the clouds parted and bathed the house in moonlight, and revealed Kiley for something other than human. The leader of the raid called off the others, telling them not to kill this one. This one would sell well.
The next two years were a nightmare manifest for Kiley. Memories of before she had been adopted came flooding back, and she never seemed to stop shaking when in a cage or bound. Worse, the necromancer was always there, tormenting her with his undead toys. He would have them bash themselves against the bars of her cell or snap and snarl as he lead her past whenever he was bored or in a foul mood. He would wax poetic about how he'd turned everyone else in the household and set them on her parents. He gloated and boasted and taunted, showing off the silver holy symbol her mother had given her and he had taken, a trophy of his victory, and a reminder that Kiley was his prize.
It was a shame that Kiley didn't get to see him wet himself when the Zhentarim were transporting her to a client on the coast of the Moonsea and they were attacked by Bedine raiders and a gnoll named Shaggar. The wagon holding her broke open when panicked horses toppled it, and Kiley was able to squeeze out. Half out of her mind, she grabbed a sword from a fallen Zhentarim caravaneer and started tearing through any of the Zhentarim she found. Fate did smile on her, though, she got to see the necromancer's look of utter terror as she launched herself at him with the tip of a longsword leading. He died screaming on the sands as she drove the point home again and again until Shaggar pulled her off the corpse.
It took weeks for Kiley to trust the the Bedine and Shaggar, though freeing the other slaves and not turning her out for how she looked did a lot to help. Slowly, she became more like herself from when her parents were still alive. She found herself curious about the Bedine, Elah, their goddess, who seemed a lot like Selune, but especially about Shaggar. What she knew of gnolls did not paint a flattering picture, and Shaggar fit almost none of it. He was polite, well-spoken, and thoughtful, if a bit blunt. Despite her skepticism, she found herself liking him and slowly opened up to him about what had happened, how she was nameless for the first dozen years of her life, her adoption, the happy times with her parents, and when the nightmares started, the two years of hell she endured. She tired to get him to open up as well, but Shaggar proved to be a tougher nut to crack than that.
Some months ago, the shaman of the tribe told of something dark growing in the west. Others of the faith were in trouble, and Shaggar volunteered to help. Kiley wasn't about to let him go out there alone and told the others she'd go too, to be Shaggar's guide in the western lands and the Sword Coast. The matter settled, the two of them set off the next day, heading to the horizon where the sun sets.
Height: 4'9" | Weight: 100 lbs. | Hair: Auburn | Eyes: Sapphire Blue
Kiley is a short, petite young woman with long, auburn hair. Her eyes are like sapphires, almost glittering in the light and glow a pale blue when she is using her ability to see in the dark. Her fair skin is dusted with freckles on the bridge of her nose, her cheeks, and her shoulders. Her cat-like ears and tail are covered in auburn fur with complex black markings that are sharp with elegant and graceful curves. She spends some time each day hiding her inhumane features. Her tail is hidden under sashes, scarves, and skirts while her ears are kept under a scarf used to help pull her hair back.
When she's exposed to moonlight, the markings on her ears and tail glow a soft white as do the ones that appear on her face, shoulders, arms, back, sides, and legs.
Outfits and Accessories
- Silver Holy Symbol of Selune
This holy symbol was a gift from Kiley's parents on her eighteenth birthday. The necromancer who tormented her for years after the Zhentarim raided the Sherrow Estate constantly taunted Kiley with it. Kiley recovered it after killing him.[/b]
- blue scarf with golden yellow embroidery and trim
- red scarf with golden yellow embroidery and trim
- forest green scarf with golden yellow trim
- white scarf with blue embroidery and trim
- black scarf with scarlet embroidery and trim
- white and green patterend keffiyah
Explorer's Outfit #1
[i]A mishmash of clothing gifted by the Bedine that rescued Kiley and pieces scavanged from the Zhentarim caravan, this outfit isn't Kiley's first choice of dress, but it is rugged enough to handle traveling from Anauroch to the Sword Coast.
Artisan's Outfit #1
This simple shirt and dress was the first outfit that Kiley acquired after leaving Anauroch with Shaggar. She never did tell Shaggar she stole it after knocking out the young woman that was trying to extort more coin from her while she was taking a bath in a town they were passing through.
Artisan's Outfit #2
This outfit was gifted to Kiley after she and Shaggar fell into a river and were both soaked through.
AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra (cool name, btw) - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
Critzible - Waterdhavian Nobleman who's bad at magic and a Bat Weretouched Shifter (Martial/Skill)
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
The Lobster - Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
Mark Thomas 66 - Half-Elf (Half-Drow?) Magus (Martial/Arcane)
AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
Mark Thomas 66 - Lythrana Half-Drow Magus (Spell Dancer) (Martial/Arcane)
--- Missing: Background Questions
Critzible - Waterdhavian Nobleman who's bad at magic and a Bat Weretouched Shifter (Martial/Skill)
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
The Lobster - Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
The Lobster |
Partial submission for my TN Genasi Warpriest of Waukeen, Nibiru
But her birth was far less auspicious than appearance would suggest. It was quickly discovered that, no matter how shiny she might have been, she was flesh and blood. Children fall, and Nibiru was no different. From a single scrape, a drop of blood, proof of her mundanity. Sages were consulted, the truth revealed. Nibiru was earth genasi, geniekin, the end result from a dalliance between dao and dwarf many generations past, but all the same, Nibiru grew up with heavy expectations.
From infancy she was groomed to be something greater than she was. A figure of import, status. They would not just make a nun of her, not simply a priest, this was a child that would push the religion forward altogether. Or so they hoped.
The weight of expectation crushed the young girl. She'd been given every opportunity, but routinely, Nibiru failed and faltered in all efforts- except combat. She was good at combat. It was only here she excelled, only for this that she was excited. She had a quick and natural inclination for the Cloud of Coins, the fighting style of the Coinmaiden herself, and grew strong and sturdy in its practice.
A disappointment to herself, her mentors, and, she worried, her Goddess, Nibiru was ripped from her studies and pushed towards an altogether different avenue of the faith. If she could not serve as a leader nor even a convincing figurehead, she would be well used as a caravan guard, instead. Existing out there for all to see, as if to say, for those that follow Waukeen, even the meek and meager could be draped in gold.
She was always honest in all her dealings (when cash was involved) and would often help write contracts both legitimate and otherwise, or otherwise coordinate between buyer and seller. For several years, she would travel between Athkatla and Baldur's Gate, running freight between either city and the surrounding areas, and luckily, perhaps with the grace of Waukeen behind her, bandits and beasts tended to stray far from the caravans and ships she would accompany.
It was in this time that she struck a reliable working relationship with the priests of Moonhall, the Selunite temple in Athkatla. Because of both her history working for the faithful and her reputation for discretion, she was recommended for the job in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, and contacted while in the Gate.
Nibiru Jones
2. How old is your character?
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Nibiru stands at 5'2" and is built broadly, with shoulders and hips roughly two feet wide. By appearance, she seems to be a tall dwarf, except that she is seemingly made of glittering gold. Closer inspection quickly reveals that she is flesh and blood, her skin is warm and calloused.
She is entirely hairless, shaving her head, eyebrows, beard and body every morning and night to emphasize her shining golden skin.
Armored, but seemingly no weapons other than a pair of sticks.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Nibiru is curt and forward, sometimes blunt to the point of rudeness, and deadly serious about money. Often beset with doubt and anxiety, she tries to not let it show in her face and voice, but does stutter on ocassion.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Born in the far north, just out of Icewind Dale at the foot of the Spine of the World, but sent to the farflung south to be raised in Athkatla, the City of Coin in the merchant state of Amn. She was raised in Goldspires, the Waukeenar temple there, where they believed, for a time, her gold skin was the auspices of a new age.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Her parents were dwarven water sellers from the Spine of the World, bottling and selling glacial melt even as far as Baldur's Gate. After her birth, they trek to Amn after her birth to donate/abandon her with the Goldeye priests of Waukeen, hoping to be blessed in return. There has been no contact made, nor any attempted- at least, not to Nibiru's knowledge.
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Nibiru has business partners that she respects and enjoys working with or for. She lives in continual fear that those who raised her feel no love for her, but view her instead as a wasted investment. She keeps in regular contact with several of those priests but it is always too formal for her liking.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
She has neither a spouse nor a child.
9. What is your character’s alignment?
True Neutral
10. What is your character’s moral code?
Deal in anything you like, but deal honestly. You must never lie about money.
11. Does your character have goals?
She is always looking for new opportunity, but privately, she would like to make genuine connection with others but finds it hard to relate to people. Hopefully friendship beyond a business connection comes soon.
12. Is your character religious?
Deeply, but disillusioned. She has in part made her peace with the underbelly of her religion, but is reminded of her doubts every time she agrees or offers to help smuggle something
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
All business is good business (but is it?)
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
Deep fear of failure and heavy imposter syndrome
15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
Nibiru serves because she believes this is what God commands, but has accepted the charge to help the Selunites to honor their working relationship
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
Being away from home is deeply calming, all the pressure is gone. Until she f@!#s up, then it's like she's still being watched and tested and graded on every little thing.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Her hands are calloused and there is a long scar on the side of her head, but aside from that, she is blemishless and golden
18. How does your character get along with others?
Nibiru likes people but struggles to relate to them, and people who have not hired her struggle to like Nibiru
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
Cheating someone in a business deal
20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Never finding a greater purpose, being a fraud, becoming corrupt
AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
Mark Thomas 66 - Lythrana Half-Drow Magus (Spell Dancer) (Martial/Arcane)
--- Missing: Background Questions
The Lobster - Nibiru Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
--- Missing: Stats
Critzible - Waterdhavian Nobleman who's bad at magic and a Bat Weretouched Shifter (Martial/Skill)
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
Lythrana Bayle |
1. What is your character’s name?
Lythrana Bayle
2. How old is your character?
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Height: 5'8 Wt: 122lbs Hair: Silver Eyes: Violet Skin: Dusky Grey-lavender. Notably half-drow with a sleek dancer’s body, wearing light armor and carrying a beautifully crafted, silver bladed sword. In daylight she practically always has the hood of her cloak up and tries to stay out of the direct midday sunlight as much as possible.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
She moves like a dancer, every movement is fluid and elegant. Once in conversation with her for a while, she’s far more intelligent than her first impression might lead one to believe, since she can be rather impulsive.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Born in Waterdeep and raised by her parents.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Her mother is a Sword Dancer of Eilistraee, and her father a retired Cormyran War Wizard. Both are still alive, and it is partially at her mother’s request after dark dreams, that she is looking into the happenings in Silvermoon Glade
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
No other family. A few friends, and acquaintances, but between her study of magic, and adventuring, she hasn’t made any long-term attachments, meeting new people regularly.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Single. No children.
9. What is your character’s alignment?
Chaotic Good. Rules, and even laws don’t matter anywhere near as much as doing the right thing.
10. What is your character’s moral code?
Help those in need, embrace life and the inherent magic and beauty of movement. Loyalty to those that are close to her, or support her.
11. Does your character have goals?
Learn as much of magic as she can, grow and develop her study of spell dance. See more of the world and explore.
12. Is your character religious?
Yes, not extremely so, but her mother is a cleric, and she feels close to Eilistraee when dancing to embrace her magic. She sees magic, dancing, and combat all as a fluid meditation that connects to something beyond the everyday mundane world.
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
The weave is alive and through her movement, when she slips into a battledance and can feel the flow of it around her, she transcends the mundane. Movement is the key to influencing the forces of the world around her.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
Optimistic, definitely a bit hyperactive. She feels like she’s not fully living if she isn’t in motion.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
Her wanderlust and hunger for knowledge have led her to adventuring. This job is important to her, because her mother, told her about dark dreams she’s had recently involving the moon, and some sort of shadowfall.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
As a warrior-mage, she brings both arcane expertise and martial might to any group that she is a part of, and uses her expertise both to earn a living, and expose herself to the vast world of knowledge and experiences that exist.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Aside for the tell-tale incidental scars from the nicks and cuts associated with spending a long time working with the sword and various bladed weapons, the most notable would be the arcane sigil for “movement” tattooed in the small of her lower back.
18. How does your character get along with others?
Usually pretty easygoing, and generally looks to act in the best interest of others.
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
Extended periods of inactivity tend to leave her agitated. On a related note, she tends to find irritation with indecisiveness, or those who willingly choose inaction in situations that call for something to be done.
20. Is there anything that your character fears?
While not necessarily a fear, the idea of extended time in a wide open region like a desert, without shade or shelter, constantly exposed to the sun is stressful to say the least. The only real fear, at least one that she has acknowledged, would be a fear of losing either her magic, or her freedom to move.
AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
Mark Thomas 66 - Lythrana Half-Drow Magus (Spell Dancer) (Martial/Arcane)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
The Lobster - Nibiru Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
--- Missing: Stats
Critzible - Waterdhavian Nobleman who's bad at magic and a Bat Weretouched Shifter (Martial/Skill)
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
Critzible |
Neutral Good
Human female Age:21 Hgt:6' Wgt:145lb.
Hair: Raven Black EyesGolden Yellow Deity: Selune
Shifter(Weretouched:Bat) 1st
Init:+2 Perception +7
HP: 12
Fort: +2[+2+0]Reflex:+1[+0+1] Will:+6[+2+4]
Speed:20ft (30ft)
Str:14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 12Wis 16Cha10
BAB: +1
CMB: +3[+1+2]
Claws +3 1d4+2 crit x2 Pierce/Slash
Scimitar(15gp*)+3 1d6+2 crit 18-20/x2 8lbs. Slashing
Clubr (-)+3 1d6+2 crit x3 5lbs. Bludgeoning
Dagger(x2)(4gp)+3 1d4+2 19-20/x2 10ft 1lb Piercing
Sling +3 1d4+2 x2 50ft
Ammo:(1gp)Sling bullets(20) 2 lbs
Darts (20)(10gp)+3 1d4+2 20ft x2
Feat: Fast Learner, Cunning*
Skills: 6[4+1(Int)+1(race)+1(class)+1(Feat)]
Acrobatics +2(+6)
Disable Device
Handle Animal+4(+8 bats)
Perception* +7
Sense Motive +3(+3+1)
Languages; Common,Druidic, Slyvan
Rich Parents
You were born into a rich family, perhaps even the nobility, and even though you turned to a life of adventure, you enjoy a one-time benefit to your initial finances.
Benefit: Your starting wealth increases to 900gp
You are a scion of one of the warring noble houses and are well versed in maneuvering though the cutthroat world of politics.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Sense Motive checks
Special Abilities:
Ability Score Modifiers: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A shifter is proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. She is also proficient with the natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) from the shifter claws class feature and of forms she assumes with wild shape.
Shifters are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor. A shifter can wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as if it were steel. Shifters are proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only those crafted from wood.
A shifter who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to use her shifter aspect, shifter claws, wild shape, and other shifter supernatural or spell-like abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.
Bonus Languages
A shifter’s bonus language options include Sylvan, the language of woodland creatures, and Aklo, the tongue spoken by certain sinister fey or otherworldly denizens of reaches of the wild rarely explored by humanity. These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of her race.
A shifter speaks Druidic, a secret language known only to druids and shifters, which she learns upon becoming a 1st-level shifter. Druidic is a free language for a shifter; that is, she knows it in addition to her regular allotment of languages, and it doesn’t take up a language slot. Shifters are forbidden to teach this language to non-druids or non-shifters.
For the purposes of teaching and learning the Druidic language, shifters are considered to be druids—the nuances of the language are instrumental in teaching characters of both classes to use and control their abilities. While the rare druidic circle might bar shifters from its order, and while some eccentric shifters may view druids as competitors or even enemies, all shifters are assumed to speak it.
Shifter Aspect (Su)
At 1st level, a shifter gains her first aspect—a category of animal to which her body and soul have become supernaturally attuned. She can shift into her aspect’s minor form (see Aspects) for a number of minutes per day equal to 3 + her shifter level. The duration need not be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments. Shifting into a minor form is a swift action, while ending the effect is a free action that can be taken only on the shifter’s turn. Until a shifter reaches 9th level and gains the chimeric aspect class feature, she can assume only one minor form at a time. Shifting to a new aspect (or aspects, in the case of chimeric aspects or greater chimeric aspects) ends all minor forms currently manifested. The minor forms of aspects are not polymorph effects, and the shifter does not lose the benefits of a minor form while affected by polymorph effects.
As the shifter gains levels, she gains more aspects; she gains her second aspect at 5th level, a third aspect at 10th level, and a fourth at 15th level.
The aspect of the bat imparts mastery over darkness and the night. Though not as powerful in battle as some other aspects, those who take this aspect become adept at skirmishing and spying.
Minor Form: You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision with this range or greater, the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet. At 8th level, you gain darkvision with a range of 90 feet instead. If you already have darkvision with this range or greater, your darkvision increases by 30 feet. At 15th level, you gain the 8th-level benefit and gain blindsense with a range of 15 feet or, if you already have blindsense with a range of 15 feet or more, you increase its range by 10 feet.
Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a dire bat. While in this form, you gain a bite attack (1d8 damage), a fly speed of 40 feet (clumsy) and blindsense with a range of 10 feet. At 8th level, the fly speed increases to 60 feet (good), the range of your blindsense increases to 20 feet, and you gain the Flyby Attack feat. At 15th level, your fly speed increases to 80 feet (good) and you gain the Hover feat
Shifter Claws (Su)
At will, a shifter in her natural form can extend her claws as a swift action to use as a weapon. This magical transformation is fueled as much by the shifter’s faith in the natural world as it is by inborn talent. The claws on each hand can be used as a primary natural attack, dealing 1d4 points of piercing and slashing damage (1d3 if she is Small). If she uses one of her claw attacks in concert with a weapon held in the other hand, the claw acts as a secondary natural attack instead.
As the shifter gains levels, the power of her claws increases.
At 3rd level, her claws count as magic weapon ignore DR/cold iron and DR/silver. At 7th level, her claw damage increases to 1d6 (1d4 if Small). At 11th level, her claw damage increases to 1d8 (1d6 if Small). At 13th level, her claw damage increases to 1d10 (1d8 if Small). At 17th level, the damage die does not increase, but the critical multiplier becomes ×3. Lastly, at 19th level, the claws ignore DR/adamantine and DR/—.
While a shifter uses wild shape to assume her aspect‘s major form, her natural attacks gain the same benefits granted by her shifter claws ability. If the form she takes has claw attacks, she can use either the base damage of her shifter claws or the damage of the form’s claws, whichever is greater. If the form does not have claw attacks, she can choose up to two natural attacks that would deal less damage than her shifter claw damage and have those attacks instead deal the same damage as her shifter claws.
Lycanthrope Aspect (Su)
At 1st level, a weretouched gains the shifter aspect ability, except the animal aspect chosen is the only animal aspect the weretouched can gain. This alters her other class features, as detailed in each relevant class feature. Otherwise, this ability functions identically to shifter aspect.
At 5th level, a weretouched gains DR/silver equal to half her shifter level, to a maximum of DR 10/silver at 20th level. Additionally, a weretouched shifter becomes immune to a lycanthrope’s curse of lycanthropy.
This alters shifter aspect and all of its improvements.
Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex)
At 1st level, a weretouched gains wild empathy and a +4 bonus on wild empathy checks, but this ability works only on the type of animal she chose for her lycanthrope aspect.
This alters wild empathy.
Lycanthropic Wild Shape (Su)
At 4th level, when a weretouched uses wild shape, she can assume only the form of an animal of the same type as her lycanthrope aspect. However, instead of assuming a major form, she can assume a hybrid form that mixes the traits of her natural form and the major form of her aspect. While in a hybrid form, she gain a +2 size bonus to her Strength score, a +2 natural armor bonus to her AC, and all of the natural attacks and abilities listed by her major form. A weretouched also counts as being in her natural form for the purpose of determining whether she can extend her shifter claws. A weretouched’s hybrid form is roughly the same size and shape as her natural form, albeit with bestial qualities such as digitigrade legs or shaggy fur, so her equipment does not merge into her new form when she shifts between her natural form and hybrid form. In addition, the size of a weretouched’s hybrid form is the same as the size of her natural form. This otherwise counts as assuming a major form using wild shape.
Lamellar (Horn)
Eastern Medium Armor
Cost 100 gp; Weight 30 lbs.
Armor Bonus +5; Max Dex Bonus +3; Armor Check Penalty -4
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 25%; Speed 20 ft./15 ft.
Lamellar is a type of armor in which small plates of various types of materials are strung together in parallel rows using fine cord. Lamellar plates can be constructed from lacquered leather, horn, or even stone, though suits of iron and steel are the most common. Lamellar armor can be crafted into various shapes, including partial pieces such as breastplates, greaves, or even entire coats. The properties of specific suits and pieces of lamellar armor are determined by their material)
Heavy Wooden Shield: 7gp 10lbs +2 Armor -2 Armor Check Penalty.
Explorer’s Outfit: This set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.
Grooming Kit:1gp,2lbs. This pouch of toiletries includes a comb, scissors, a nail file, a sponge, a hairbrush, a miniature mirror, soap, a chewing stick, and tooth powder.
Pathfinders kit:
Price 12 gp; Weight 22 lbs.
This kit consists of a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week’s worth of trail rations, and a whetstone. For Small creatures, the weight of a Pathfinder’s kit is 7-1/2 pounds. Leaving the bedroll and rations at camp or on a mount reduces the weight by 12 pounds for Medium creatures and by 3 pounds for Small creatures
Shaving kit
Price 15 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
A shaving kit contains a straight razor, a whetstone, a small mirror, a brush, a cup, and enough shaving powder to last a Medium humanoid 50 shaves.
Masterwork Survival Kit:
50gp, 5pds.
A survival kit provides the necessary tools for day-to-day existence in a temperate wilderness. It typically contains a flint and steel, a mess kit, two waterskins (enough to hold water for 1 person for 1 day), very basic maps showing major landmarks, and a small utility knife.
A masterwork survival kit contains higher quality gear and a guide to identifying flora and fauna. It grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to get along in the wild, deal with severe weather, keep from getting lost, avoid natural hazards such as quicksand, and predict the weather
Gear Maintenance
Price 5 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This kit contains metal polish, a small file, a leather paring knife, conditioning oil for leather, two soft cloths, extra leather straps, a sewing needle, and a few buttons.
Noble’s Outfit(75gp)(10lbs)
These clothes are designed specifically to be expensive and gaudy. Precious metals and gems are worked into the clothing. A would-be noble also needs a signet ring and jewelry (worth at least 100 gp) to accessorize this outfit
Black silk and lace with a yellow and blue accents. It also have decorative sliver buttons of cresent moons.
Jewelry[100gp] a snow drop silver necklace and two ice and blue quartz snowflake sliver earrings
Signet Ring[10gp] Wands Family crest
Parasol[1gp]Black lace
Corsets:(x2)(10gp)(100gp)one is sturdy quality, the other is black silk with black pearl inlays.
Tattoos(x2) : Small of back tattoo of a Bat in flight.[10gp] Sternum tattoo of Seluns Holy Symbol[20gp]
Sash, Adventurer’s(×2)
Price 20 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This bandolier holds six pouches along its length and a satchel at the hip. Each pouch has a stiff leather flap that can be secured against jostling with a clasp (requiring a move action to open or close) or left unfastened for easier access. The pouches and satchel contain loops and ties for securing additional equipment.
The sash buckles at the shoulder, and in an emergency can be freed with a sharp tug as a move action.
Price 5 sp; Weight —
This leather belt is worn over one shoulder and runs diagonally across the chest and back. It has small loops or pouches for holding eight objects the size of a flask or small dagger. You can use the “retrieve a stored item” action to take an item from a bandolier. You can wear up to two bandoliers at the same time (any more than this and they get in each other’s way and restrict your movement)
Price 50gp Weight —
Silver Threaded black silk with opal droplets in the shape of snow flakes
This ornate hairnet, fashioned from silk, cloth of gold, and jewels, is most commonly worn by royal or aristocratic women.
Decorative Trim
Price 50gp; Weight —
This decorative set of collars, cuffs, and trim pieces attaches to otherwise plain clothes. Frequent travelers, such as merchants or entertainers, use trim to blend in with the local styles without buying a new wardrobe. A traveling noble keeps extra sets for use by temporary staff and loaned guards
Often attached to her Travelers outfit, when she cant formally change.
Pouch, Waist
Price 5 SP; Weight 1/2 lb.
This leather pack is supported by two straps that can be loosened or tightened to fit most body types. It can be adjusted to any facing along its wearer’s waist. The pack can store up to 1/2 cubic foot of material.
Gp- 220
sp- 5
AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
Mark Thomas 66 - Lythrana Half-Drow Magus (Spell Dancer) (Martial/Arcane)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
The Lobster - Nibiru Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
--- Missing: Stats
Critzible - Lady Embrelle Wands aka The Dark Lady Embre Female Human Shifter(Weretouched:Bat) (Martial/Skill)
--- Missing: Background Questions
Critzible - Lady Embrelle Wands aka The Dark Lady Embre Female Human Shifter(Weretouched:Bat) (Martial/Skill)
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
Critzible |
1. What is your character’s name?
Lady Embrelle Wands
2. How old is your character?
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
A tall statuesque woman, with raven dark hair, she has pale skin and toned muscles. She is graceful but often aloof. A real beauty. However she keeps most od it shadowed via a parasol of soild black. She dresses in well tailored yet durable clothing. As for weaponry she is often seen with bandoleers of darts, a scimitar and a knobble headed club.
Her most definitive mark is her Golden eyes. Those of a beast, as if two pools of gold staring back at you. She tend to hide it in shadows or old veils and scarves
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? She tends to avoid eye contact and uses her parasol or hair to hide it. She tends to be stoic and remain silent but always observing.
She is very controlled and concise, graceful and direct. Though she has a few twitches now and then as if reaction to subtle unknown stimuli.
She speaks ina Waterhavian Noble accent, though if pressed she may begin to devolve into slang terms and seems to.delight in the intimodating and abrasive nature.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? Born in Waterdeeps' Northward to Armon Wands and his then wife Ophelia Wands. She was raised in her early days at the Wands Family Tower. However when her "curse" manifested and her family failed to cure it she was shipped off to the Temple of Selune who then shipped her off to the Silvermoon Glade, there a Werebeast Ranger Holth Fangtooth and a few other druids . They raised her from age 6 to age 14. Holth showed her how to control it.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? Armon Wands and Ophelia Wands are her parents Armon is still alive but Ophelia died in childbrith. Bother are nobles and wizards. Especially of High end magical gear. Armon Battle Wands and Ophelia was of magical clothing
7. Do you have any other family or friends? Embrelle has alot of family as the Wands are an Extensive family and house with multiple magic users and magical might at there disposal and often for sale.
She has two younger siblings Oskar [14, a burgeoning Enchanter] and Ophelia [Fifi, age 10 Unicorn Blooded sorcerer] she loves them both and writes to them when she can.
Uncle Coulquin Wands the former early tutor and dottering 80 year old Master Mage is still kind and wise. But a bit scatterbrained now and then. He wrotes as well.
In Baldurs gate she lives and 'works' for Althimble Thul a Calishite Merchant Wozard and long standing who runs a Magic Shop the Wands own and operate in Baldurs Gate.
In Baldurs Gate Embrelle is good friends with the Noble born Amelia Vosk, a rough woman knownfor her proclivities with Alchemy and dealing with Adventurers. In Fact Embrelle often helps Amelia get ingredients.
Lastly her friend, ans confident is the lowly Animal trainer Urnst a youth of 16 who trains and cares for a cariety of animals. In fact Urnst and Embrelle have a pet named Grigori a large bat raised on fruit, nuts and bugs.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? Embrelle is single, though she has let the animal oit a few times. She has no children, and prefers to not have any in hopes to spare her progeny the curse.
9. What is your character’s alignment?
10. What is your character’s moral code?
To show kindmess to all, even the beggar.
To only let loose when nessecary
Must try and keep heirs of station
Protect those that cant protect themselves
Treat animals with respect
Punish those who hurt the innocent
11. Does your character have goals?
Embrelles first goal is to find the balance between beast and woman.
To repay the church of Selune for her followers help be it with her sword or her titles
To one day return to Waterdeep her own woman
Lastly to find a nice place to raise her bats ans enjoy a quiet life as Noble and Beast.
12. Is your character religious? Yes unlike her parents who worshipped Azuth and Mystra, She turned to Selune when she was found having an Affliction of Lycanthrope.
She took to having a tattoo on her clavicle, regularly donates to the church amd meditates on Moon Maiden at night usually under the moon and stars.
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
That nature is a balancing act, be it the wilderness, the urban sprawl, the people, the animals even the body within. Good and evil, law and chaos all need balance. She strives to tip the balance in favor of good. Though respects nature
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? She is quiet and contempaltive, to the point of frigidness in most situations. Smells, sounds and other stimuli can often cause her to flinch. Especially blood.
She also tends to hide her eyes from others. However at times she can be a bit more wild. These are contained to stories of her out adventuring or carousing, bur mostly she tends to be proper.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job? Embrelle adventures to get her out of the Noble circles and the city. To let her Beast comeout and play. It also gives her time to connect with the wilds of the world.
As for the job she takes in hopes of hearing word of her former home and especially see her master again. She also is ecstatic to aid Selunes church.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? She is there as muscle. Fighting what ever beast, creature, undead or bandit comes her way. She is the shield and sword. She is also a hunter and navigator through the wilderness!
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? Aside from her Golden eyes she has two tattoos one of Selunes holy symbol on her sterum and the other of a bat on her lower back.
Lastly she has dozens of scars fro. Her numerous training and combat from her training.
18. How does your character get along with others? at first she is reserved to the point of frigid. When she warms up she becomes more open and friendly though still a bit distant.
19. Is there anything that your character hates? She hates the intentional harm toninnocents including animals. She often has to restrain herself in noble society.
She also hates alot of the noble intrigue and games
20. Is there anything that your character fears? She ultimately fears losinf to the beast with in. Loosing control within herslef and harming those she wished to protect.
She also fears returning home without redeeming herself to her family
AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
Mark Thomas 66 - Lythrana Half-Drow Magus (Spell Dancer) (Martial/Arcane)
Critzible - Lady Embrelle Wands aka The Dark Lady Embre Female Human Shifter(Weretouched:Bat) (Martial/Skill)(Background Questions)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
The Lobster - Nibiru Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
--- Missing: Stats
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
Critzible |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Critzible wrote:We got some great characters in this. With several combinations in mechanics and in story elements. Should be funI agree, excited to see who ends up in the final party.
With that said, how goes the rest of the “in progress” or “ideas” applications? Not rushing, just checking in!
Right I love each character and the potential of how they would interact with my character or other characters
pad300 |
Critzible wrote:We got some great characters in this. With several combinations in mechanics and in story elements. Should be funI agree, excited to see who ends up in the final party.
With that said, how goes the rest of the “in progress” or “ideas” applications? Not rushing, just checking in!
I have my idea and my concept, but I am also on the road. Assuming you stick to the Oct 31 deadline, no problem at all...
Shaggar |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"One lump or two?" she offers the gnoll her liquid golden eyes falshing up at him with intensity, for a brief moment until she looks back down. As she does her nose slightly shifts, as does her parasol obscuring the light a bit kore.
Red eyes regard golden ones as Shaggar weighs the question... and sniffs the tea. "One lump, please. This smells neither bold nor strong. Two lumps might overwhelm the flavor or make it too sweet... and I am not a hummingbird." He accepts the lump of sugar with a polite nod of thanks, stirs the tea carefully with a single claw, then leans back in his chair and enjoys a sip of the hot drink.
In this curious waiting room, far from the tents of the Bedine, Shaggar appreciates the ritual of tea. "A pleasure to meet you, madam. I am Shaggar, once of the Bonecrack Clan."
Critzible |
Critzible wrote:"One lump or two?" she offers the gnoll her liquid golden eyes falshing up at him with intensity, for a brief moment until she looks back down. As she does her nose slightly shifts, as does her parasol obscuring the light a bit kore.Red eyes regard golden ones as Shaggar weighs the question... and sniffs the tea. "One lump, please. This smells neither bold nor strong. Two lumps might overwhelm the flavor or make it too sweet... and I am not a hummingbird." He accepts the lump of sugar with a polite nod of thanks, stirs the tea carefully with a single claw, then leans back in his chair and enjoys a sip of the hot drink.
In this curious waiting room, far from the tents of the Bedine, Shaggar appreciates the ritual of tea. "A pleasure to meet you, madam. I am Shaggar, once of the Bonecrack Clan."
She places her hand on the sugar spoon and pits one scoop in the tea and stirs. She sits her face beautiful but unexpressive.
" I am Lady Embrelle Wands, or as the locals tend to call me The Dark Lady Embre. I am a Noble and Adventurer. A pleasure to meet you Shaggar. Feel free to sit and relax. I have ordered a couple of brazed and bittered chicken." she answers not looking up. She slowly draws her hand back and then grabs her tea and sips it.
Kiley Sherrow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Profession(Cook) (Untrained): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
A young, small woman sweeps in with a platter of chicken and vegetables. She wears a mixture of clothing like Shaggar's and those styles favored by caravaneers on the routes between the Dalelands and the Sword Coast, a bisht instead of a cloak, a keffiyah wrapped around her head, but patched shirt, pants, and boots in more temperate styles. Everything looks big on her. She grins as she puts the platter down on the table next to the tea.
"Greetings, milady," she says with an exaggerated bow. "It does my heart good to see someone enjoying Shaggar's company. Don't let the claws and fangs fool you, he's sweet as sugar." She gestures to the ranger before straightening up. "I am Kiley Sherrow, your cook this evening."
The question of whether or not the rattlesnake she'd prepared on the road out from Anauroch was more from skill or luck is decided as Shaggar gets a whiff of the chicken. It was most definitely luck.
Critzible |
Embres nose twitches and then looks at the woman her eyes golden and the face that of a stern librarianthen looks at the food. She pulls out a dagger and a fork and begins to cut.
"Pleasure. Beasts nor Gnolls frighten me."She takes a bite and takes a moment. She chews and chews and then swallows. Immediately she takes a sip of tea.
"Besides my master was far more frightening." she had a hint of a smile before she takes another sip of tea.
GM of the Moon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
GM of the Moon wrote:I have my idea and my concept, but I am also on the road. Assuming you stick to the Oct 31 deadline, no problem at all...Critzible wrote:We got some great characters in this. With several combinations in mechanics and in story elements. Should be funI agree, excited to see who ends up in the final party.
With that said, how goes the rest of the “in progress” or “ideas” applications? Not rushing, just checking in!
No worries, I still intend to stick to the deadline. If I did decide to cut it short, I’d let you all know a week in advance at least.
Also, while I appreciate the in-character roleplay while we wait, that might be better suited to be held somewhere else. Don’t want to bog down the thread for any newcomers!
AdamWarnock |
Sorry, I failed my will save.
Worry not, fellas! I found us a place to hangout. (Everyone's invited.)
Guthlag Hardfoot |
MelvinVorthos here. I'd like to have you consider Guthlag Hardfoot, a half orc druid I played in a different game for a few months before the GM left.
I'd like to play more or less the same character. I'm leaving the alias page as is for now, but will update it in the next week or so. Feel free to take a look at what's there. I am going to focus my attention on the 20 questions at the moment.
1. Guthlag Hardfoot. Guthlaf is an Old English name meaning "survivor of the battle," which I think is pretty fitting for this character. I changed the f to a g so it would sound more orcish. Hardfoot is a given title, as Guthlag walks around without shoes and has large, hard feet.
2. 17. He often seems a lot older than he is because he's seen some stuff. Most of his time has been as more a victim than anything else, and I think it's fitting that he still be young and finding his way.
3. People see the scars first. Then the eyes, one a deep black, the other dyed a milky white color when Guthlag was still young. Shaggy hides cover a wide, thickly built half orc whose lips curl upwards in an attempt to smile. Most see the hardwood club he uses as a walking stick. Few notice the way his fingers brush the tender green leaves that still sprout near the middle.
4. Guthlag speaks with a mild accent.
5. Guthlag was born to a tribe of orcs. He lived a brutal, nasty existence, made worse by the fact that he has little taste for violence. Around adolescence, he displayed magical aptitude, and was given to the shamans. They dyed one of his eyes white, and gave him many scars across his face. Guthlag escaped by killing his trainer with a rock and running away. As he was one of the more promising shamans in training, he was considered an important asset. He fears that orcs are chasing him, and will one day capture him and return him to his former tribe.
6. Guthlag's mother was an orc who died in childbirth. His father was a human outlaw who took part in raids alongside the orcs of Guthlag's tribe. He was rarely around. Guthlag was raised by a communal caretaker alongside many other younglings in his tribe, and later by a brutal shaman who he killed with a rock. In the previous game, Guthlag also had a mentor, a druid who he met after escaping from his tribe.
7. Guthlag had been acquainted with other PCs in the previous game. He also had a mentor, a druid, who was killed before the game began. I also wrote that he had a childhood friend who he regretted leaving behind, although that never came into play. And he has an animal companion, Cann the wolf.
8. Unmarried with no kids. Guthlag is pretty hands off with his wolf, Cann, who will frequently spend days at a time hunting, without seeing him once.
9. Neutral on law chaos axis. Leaning good on good evil axis, but still arguably neutral.
10. Guthlag believes that the world is the way that it is, and that the key to happiness is to recognize how to fit into that world. Guthlag understands that there are things which are individually moral and immoral, but also that they fit into a wider, interconnected web that is both balanced and beautiful. Guthlag is also driven by an intense desire to survive, to live and to prosper in his own person. This pushed him to escape from the circumstances he was born into. Despite this, he also embraces his own heritage and history.
11. In the previous game, Guthlag was motivated in large part by a desire to learn more about druidic magic and druidic ways of life. His mentor was killed violently before he had a chance to pass on this knowledge, and Guthlag was hoping to find alternative teachers. I hope to develop goals specific to this game.
12. Guthlag is a druid. He believes in the spiritual power of the natural world, and venerates the natural world in all its forms. Guthlag is also familiar with nature deities, including the Lady in Silver.
13. Not sure what this question is about exactly. Guthlag is a gentle soul at heart, interested in studying nature and the ways in which the world achieves balance. Yet, he also believes that the world is a brutal place in which he needs to fight to survive.
14. Guthlag is anxious and has limited social skills. He becomes concerned when he has to go into town, does not like crowds, and will leave situations that become overwhelming. He will tend to focus on a smaller number of people in situations that are overwhelming. Guthlag tends to let a combination of optimism and pragmatism guide his actions.
15. He wants to learn more about druids, including those who live at Silvermoon Glade. Perhaps he just recently arrived near Baldur's Gate, and was looking for druidic activity nearby. When he heard about this job, it seemed like a good opportunity to both earn the money he needs to survive and perhaps gain the favor of the druids. As for why he adventures in general, Guthlag feels he has to keep moving in order to avoid the orcs of his village, who he fears may be coming after him. He also has a desire to grow stronger, so that he can better survive in a hard world.
16. Guthlag has not gone on many adventures. He views himself as someone with both magical and martial capabilities, and hopes that he can make friends who will help him navigate a world that can be bewildering. I'm not just talking about characters who have high charisma, I'm talking about characters with the life experience needed to navigate civilized society.
17. Guthlag has long, thin scars that run up and down his face. His left eye is completely, shockingly white, dyed the same color as the moon.
18. Guthlag is both shy and awkward, but has been able to form meaningful positive relationships with other people. In general, he assumes that it's going to be hard to befriend strangers, and will not invest in relationships unless he has good reason to do so. He is also willing to travel with others, and while he can be slow to trust, he is quick to ally himself with people who can help him. He tends to focus on trying to provide value for other people.
19. Guthlag hates bullies. He does not necessarily hate violence, but he does hate when it is perpetrated needlessly and for enjoyment. Guthlag also hates people who try to fundamentally change natural structures.
20. Guthlag is terrified of orcs. He is afraid that the tribe he escaped from is pursuing him, and will one day catch him and drag him back to his childhood home. He is also afraid of large groups of people, especially dwarves and elves, who might have a bad reaction to his appearance and general lack of social skills.
Atae |
Kemian Brightwhisper
Male elf cleric of Corelon Larethian 1
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init 4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 trait bonus vs. fear and death effects
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longsword +0 (1d8 S/19+)
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6 P/×3)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—faerie fire[D], protection from evil, ray of sickening[UM] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—guidance (at will), read magic (at will), stabilize (at will)
. . D Domain spell; Domains Sun (Light[APG] subdomain), Magic
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 12
Feats Combat Casting
Traits reactionary, reincarnated
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Craft (weapons) +5, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +5, Spellcraft +7 (+9 to identify magic item properties); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc
Other Gear studded leather, longsword, shortbow, arrows (20), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol
Special Abilities
Blinding Flash (1 rds, 5/day, DC 12) (Su) Creatures within 20' are dazzled. Those with fewer HD than your Cleric level must save or be blinded for 1d4r.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (3/day, DC 10) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Light)
Cleric Domain (Magic)
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Elven Immunities - Sleep
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Hand of the Acolyte (5/day) (Su) As a standard action, melee weapon strikes at foe in 30 ft. Use Wis for att bonus instead of Str.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Kemian Brightwhisper is a young gold elf who has a great devotion to the Father/Mother of the Elven People, Correlon Laranthian. Since elves do not truly die when they meet their earthly end and are reincarnated, Kemain's time to be reborn took place a century ago. He is the reincarnation of one of Correlon's priest who died a 1000 years ago defending a village of green elves from a group of attacking drow who had come to the surface looking for slaves and sacrifices to the Spider Queen. Being a cleric of their hated foe, he would have been a welcome prize for the Spider Queen. Unfortunately, they struck him with enough force to kill him before he could be sacrificed. His goal in life is to remake elven magical items (swords, magical armor) and to aid the elven people when possible.
AdamWarnock |
List of Characters
AdamWarnock - Kiley Sherrow Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-blooded) Slayer (Martial/Skill Focusing on face skills and stealth)
stormraven - Shaggar Gnoll Ranger (Martial/Skill)
Xyndar Illambra - Jack Eberheart Human Unchained Summoner (Arcane) (Background Questions)
Delightful - Marith Z'endi Female Drow Cleric of Eilistraee (Divine)
DeathQuaker - Aela Silverbrand Female Half-Elf Brawler (Snakebite Striker) (Martial/Skill, Planning on going Rogue)
Silas Hawkwinter - Viridiana Tal'voth'shalar Female Elf Wizard (Diviner) (Arcane)
Mightypion - Askold Sorenson Male Human Bloodrager (Abyssal Bloodline) (Martial w/ Face skills)
rdknight - Lisyil Itarild Female Half-Elf Witch (Mirror) (Arcane)
Mark Thomas 66 - Lythrana Half-Drow Magus (Spell Dancer) (Martial/Arcane)
Critzible - Lady Embrelle Wands aka The Dark Lady Embre Female Human Shifter(Weretouched:Bat) (Martial/Skill) (Background Questions)
In Progress
trawets71 - Trawets Aarock Wizard (Evoker) (Arcane)
--- Missing: Stats and Background Questions
The Lobster - Nibiru Warpriest of Waukeen (Divine)
--- Missing: Stats
MelvinVorthos - Guthlag Hardfoot Male Half-Orc Druid (Divine) (Background Questions)
--- Missing: Updated Stats
Atae - Kemian Brightwhisper Male Elf Cleric of Corelon Larethian (Divine)
--- Missing: Background Questions
CucumberTree - Mystery-flavored Druid (Divine)
Ogre_Watts64 - Halfling Charlatan, Human Monk, or Half-orc Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Martial)
Slowdrifter - Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Skill)
Simeon - Warpriest (Sacred Fist)/Inquisitor of Illmater (Martial/Divine)
Veegees - Cleric of Eilistraee with Bard VMC (Divine)
Atae |
1. What is your character’s name? Kemian Brightwhisper
2. How old is your character? 125
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? 5 ft 11 inches takkm about 120 lbs, black hair and bronze colored skin. He is not as muscular as a warrior, spending more time in study and archery practice, but he does know how to use a sword. He has a longsword on one hip and a shortbow in back. He wears the colors and holy symbol of his god, a blue cloak and a crescent moon.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? He tends to be very formal in his speech, preferring to speak elven but is not as haughty as most sun elves.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? He was born on Evermeet and raised with the clerics of the Seladrine.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? His parents are both alive. His mother is a cleric of Sehanine Moonbow and his father is an archmage.
7. Do you have any other family or friends? He is an only child.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? He is single.
9. What is your character’s alignment? CG
10. What is your character’s moral code? He follows the code of Corellon's faith. He tries to defend and protect the elven people from orcs and from drow as well as inspires them with magic.
11. Does your character have goals? To create magical items of elven make, perhaps to create a moonblade/
12. Is your character religious? Yes
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? The dogma of Corellon protects and guides the elven people. The Seladrine blesses their people.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? He tends to be optimistic about the elven people.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job? He wants to learn more and gain knowledge of divine and arcane magic to blend the two together to defend the elven people.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? To spread the word of Corellon in word and deed and magic and to provide aid to the elven people.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? None.
18. How does your character get along with others? He tends to be a quiet person, but can take leadership if necessary. While he prefers to communicate in elven he is friendly than the stereotypical sun elf.
19. Is there anything that your character hates? Drow and orcs and the other enemies of the elven people.
20. Is there anything that your character fears? Being sacrificed to the Spider Queen.
GM of the Moon |
Is it too late to join? I have been rereading the Evermeet novel and would love to play an elf cleric or wizard, maybe mystic theurge of one of the elven gods, since it looks like Eilistree is alreadypopular.
Absolutely not! Deadline is October 31st, so there's plenty of time. Get an alias up and we'll add him to the list!
Ogre_Watts64 |
I asked which of my three character ideas would be the most interesting to you before I started writing out or filling out the questions or if you prefer I can do all three if that'll help the choices. Sorry to bug or if I missed the choice that was made. I have been standing by excited as all get out, ready to write. I just wanted to save us time if there was one just generally unneeded. Thank you.