Ghartok, The Carrion King

Shaggar's page

929 posts. Alias of stormraven.




HP:20 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:17/16 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+4 ; Will:+2 | Init:+3 ; PER:+7 (Darkvision)

About Shaggar

Shaggar (ሻጋር) the Blackmaw
Mangrum's gnoll Ranger 2 (FCB: 2SP)
CG Medium humanoid (gnoll)

Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural)
HP 20 (2d10 +2/lv)

Fort +5 (+4 vs. fatigue, exhaustion, running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments ; Clothes +2 to resist heat OR Survival mod)
Ref +4
Will +2

Defensive Abilities Desert Raider

Speed 30 ft.

STAND: Greataxe +6 (1d12+6/×3) or
STAND: Primary Bite +6 (1d4+6) or
FULL: Greataxe +6 (1d12+6/×3) and
Secondary Bite +1 (1d4+2)

STAND: Shortbow +3 (1d6/×3) or
FULL: Shortbow +3 (1d6/×3) and
Secondary Bite +0 (1d4+2)

Special Attacks
Bite, Favored Enemy (gnolls +2 HIT / +2 DAM)

Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8

BAB +2; CMB +6; CMD 17/16

Feats Arisen (story) (1st), Combat Expertise (EitR), Deadly Aim (EitR), Power Attack (EitR), Cleave (CSF Ranger 2nd)

Traits Frontier-Forged, Indomitable Faith, Reactionary

Acrobat* +0
Appraise +1
Bluff -1 (+2 vs Gnolls)
Climb* +8 (2)
Diplomacy -1
Handle Animal +3 (1)
Intimidate +3 (1)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6 (+2 to navigate underground) (2)
Knowledge (geography) +5 (1)
Knowledge (local) +2 (+2 vs Gnolls) (1)
Knowledge (nature) +6 (2)
Perception +7 (+2 vs Gnolls) (2)
Profession (Baker) +5 (1)
Profession (Cook) +5 (1)
Ride* +4 (1)
Sense Motive +2 (+2 vs Gnolls) (1)
Stealth* +5 (2)
Survival +6 (+1 to get along in the wild, +2 to avoid getting lost, +2 vs Gnolls) (2)
Survival: Track +7 (+2 vs Gnolls)
Swim* +3
Wild Empathy +1

* ACP -1 included

Languages Common, Gnoll, Midani (Bedine)

SQ paranoid, track +1, wild empathy +2

hot weather clothing (Bisht & Keffiyeh)
MW lamellar (leather) armor
Wooden Holy Symbol of Elah (necklace)
Wooden Holy Symbol of Selune (necklace)

> arrows (20)

> bedroll
> camouflaged canvas (3 sq. yds. ; forest)
> mess kit
> pot
> grappling hook
> silk rope (50')
> trail rations (10)
> waterskin

> compass
> flint & steel
> whetstone
> literature (5 cp)
> 3 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp

Encumbrance: 78.9 of 100lbs ; 300lbs max (LIGHT)

Special Abilities:
Arisen (1/day) Activate to gain 1 temp HP/HD for 10 min. Die at -18 HP.
Bite (Ex) 1d4 Base as Primary Natural or Secondary
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Desert Raider (Ex) +4 to Con checks and Fort saves vs. fatigue/exhaustion, or ill effects from running, starvation, and temperature.
Favored Enemy (Gnolls +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. gnolls foes.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Paranoid Aid Another DC 15 for attempts to help you.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Rules regarding Weapon + Natural Attacks

His Rise...
"If these entrails speak true," acknowledged the grey-muzzled hag, deep in the burning wastes of Anauroch, "then a War Leader you shall be in your time. Yeenoghu favors you."

Shaggar (Shuh-GAR) eyed the patterns in the Suli's steaming rope of intestines and grunted, having no reason to doubt the seer's words. She spoke with the blessing of Yeenoghu himself. Even as a whelp, his strength and cunning were well known (High STR, good INT/WIS) - showing his worth to the clan and ensuring his future. He was a vicious combatant against the muzzle-less races, the cursed rag-draped Bedine, as well as other gnoll clans that competed for resources. But the hag's prophecy would be proved untrue by the young gnoll's arrogance, intellect, and - most especially - his naivete.

Destined to lead as he was assured, Shaggar turned his mind to the problems and needs of his clan: the struggle for food, the toil of constant raiding, and the cost of continuous skirmishes with their neighbors. The results were plain to see - their clan was growing weaker and smaller. He reached the logical conclusion. What would best serve his people was a truce with their closest enemies, one that provided a chance to study them to learn how they continued to flourish despite the warfare.

His Fall...
Shaggar advocated for the need for a truce in the Fire Circle. He trusted that the prophecy and his destiny would make this revolutionary idea take root. He expected that the hag-seers – having seen his glorious fate – would support his call for reform. He failed to realise that the seers were the power behind every War Leader. And he assumed they weren't charlatans that would twist any foretelling to serve their own purposes. He was monumentally mistaken.

Shaggar was denounced by the Circle, their War Leader, and most certainly by the hag-seers who declared that even mighty Yeenoghu stood against his heretical and cowardly ideas. Shaggar was branded an outcast and traitor - a Blackmaw - and driven from the clan's lands on pain of death. But the clan wasn’t satisfied, lest his heretical ideas fester. They hunted him down. Grievously wounded, only his cunning and desperation allowed him to escape… presumably to die alone in the desert.

The Blackmaw...
The moon rose and greeted him, providing Shaggar with some comfort that he wasn’t totally alone. Cast out by his people and betrayed by Yeenoghu through his feckless servants, Shaggar cursed his former god and questioned the stupidity of his people (and himself) while he bled out. He wanted vengeance and he wanted to live. But how? No gnoll (of any tribe) would take him in and he needed time to heal. There was only one desperate choice, trying to barter with the least vicious of his enemies. He crawled through the desert and dragged himself into a Bedine encampment. (Trait: Arisen) At least, they didn’t kill him outright…

It took nearly a year before Shaggar was allowed the freedom of the camp. Before that he was a prisoner, then a font of information, then a well-guarded ‘guest’. Finally, he was allowed to fight his own kind – under supervision. While many of the Bedine waited for him to show his true colors, Shaggar remained true to his word. He advised their elders, protected their encampment, and killed gnolls with remarkable skill. Since he had burned the bridges to his people, he determined to make a new life among his former enemies… and he found it wasn’t as painful as he expected. He learned to speak their language, engaged in their culture, became enmeshed in their community, and even took to wearing their loose desert clothing. He had to admit, he liked the clothes. And somewhere during those long months of learning what it was to be Bedine, his worldview shifted (Align shift to CG) and he began to appreciate their goddess, Elah (Selune).

More years have passed and Shaggar still works on understanding the odd nuances of the muzzle-less races. Their cultures have far more rules than his people. But the 7’ gnoll draws little undue attention among the tribe now - no more than any of the friendly lycanthropes that serve Elah do. Because of his height, the tribe’s smallest children demand rides on his high shoulders, sometimes hanging onto his ears. It is a strange life but not unenjoyable. While gnolls have a reputation for brutality, they do share something with the muzzle-less races, a fierce protective urge toward family and their whelps.

Shaggar is a thinker and very deliberate in his actions. If he has a temper, it is carefully hidden. Well aware of the fear his race and size engenders - like a wolf among sheep - he is careful to try to appear non-threatening - with mixed success. He finds the behaviors and choices of the smaller races a constant source of wonder.

Shaggar is a tall and well-muscled gnoll with a rangy build. His ruffed fur is in shades of patchy brown and dirty yellow. His muzzle is a deep black. His red eyes shine out in stark contrast. Concealing his well-tended lamellar armor, Shaggar wears a brown, ground-sweeping Bisht (outer cloak). A long black-and-white patterned Keffiyeh (head covering/scarf) loops loosely several times about his shoulders, neck, and head - covering his most hyena-like features.

7'2" | 270 lbs | 10 years old

Medium Size
30' Move
Darkvision 60'
+1 Natural Armor
Desert Raider (+4 on certain checks and saves)
Alternate Racial Trait: Bonecracker (Bite Attack)
John Mangrum's Gnoll

Background Questions:
1. What is your name?

ሻጋር፣ መናፍቅ ለዬኖጉ እና ለአጥንት ክላን ብላክማው
Translation: Shaggar, heretic to Yeenoghu and Blackmaw of the Bonecrack Clan

2. How old are you?

10 አመት
Translation: 10 years old

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?

A tall (7’2”) and muscled gnoll with a rangy build (270lbs). My ruffed fur is in shades of patchy brown and dirty yellow. My muzzle is a deep black. My red eyes shine out in stark contrast. I wear the bisht, the outer cloak of the Bedine. I also have a long black-and-white keffiyeh. It is a head-covering scarf. I find that hiding some of my hyena-like features makes you smaller, muzzle-less races more comfortable. Beneath that is my well-tended lamellar armor and my greataxe.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting you (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?

I am generally polite, well-spoken, and hard to anger. At least, the more common races are surprised by these qualities when they meet me.

5. Where were you born? Where were you raised? By who?

I was born and raised in the deserts of Anauroch by the Bonecrack Clan.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?

My parents were gnolls. They raided, they enslaved, they killed… and they died.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?

I am Blackmaw. My family cannot claim me even if they wished to. My littermate – a sister (Geela) – may yet live. I hope she does. I would see her freed from Yeenoghu’s lies and the schemes of the hag-seers. I would like us to be reunited, this side of death. I do have some friends among the Bedine and a rescued girl named Kiley.

8. What is your marital status? Kids?

I have no mate nor offspring. Both I would enjoy someday.

9. What is your alignment?

Chaotic Good

10. What is your moral code?

I follow the teachings of Elah. You call her Selune. I try to do that which is right and what benefits my community most.

11. Do you have goals?

Yes. To serve Elah, protect my tribe (the Bedine) and friends, and someday I will free some of my people from the yoke of Yeenoghu. I will build a future for gnolls. We will be a clan that lives, not wars, with our neighbors.

12. Are you religious?

I serve Elah.

13. What are your personal beliefs?

“Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse.” I joke. I am trying to learn your humor. Was I successful? Kiley said that would be funny.

14. Do you have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?

I am direct. Sometimes I have difficulty accepting help from others. (Drawback: Paranoid) I can be cold-blooded; I am trying to be less of that.

15. Why do you adventure? Why did you accept the job?

I go where I am needed. I do what needs to be done.

16. How do you view your role as an adventurer?

There are sheep. There are wolves. And there are shepherds that kill and skin wolves. I am that.

17. Do you have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?

[barks = laughter] I am a gnoll. Do I not stand out enough?

18. How do you get along with others?

I get along well with those that give me a chance. Some choose not to get along with me. This is understandable. My appearance carries many assumptions.

19. Is there anything that you hate?

I hate killing without purpose. I hate slavery because I have seen too much of it.

20. Is there anything you fear?

Yes, a meaningless life and a meaningless death.

OG Shaggar:

Shaggar the Blackmaw
Male Gnoll Ranger 7 (Favored: 5 skill pts, 2 HP)
CG Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)
Init +5 (+7 in Desert); Senses Darkvision; Perception +12

Languages: Common, Gnoll, Osiriani, Ancient Osiriani


Str 20
Dex 16 (+1 @ 4th)
Con 16
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 9


AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+6 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Natural)
CMD 25, flat-footed 22 (+7 BAB, +5 Str, +3 Dex, +0 Size, +1 Natural)

HP 69 (10, +6/level, +3 Con/level, +2 Favored Class)

Fort +8 (+5 Base, +3 Con)
Mods: +4 vs. fatigue, exhaustion, running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments (Desert Raider)
+4 vs hot/cold environments and suffocation (Endurance)
+2 vs hot environments (Hot Weather Clothing)
Ref +8 (+5 Base, +3 Dex)
Will +5 (+2 Base, +2 Wis, +1 Trait)


Speed 30 ft.
BAB +7/+2 [FE: +2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead]
CMB +12 (+7 BAB, +5 Str) [FE: +2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead]


+1 Greataxe +13/+8 1d12+8 (19+/x3)
+1 Heavy Flail +13/+8 1d10+8 (19+/x2)

'Bonecracker' Bite (as Gnoll)
As Primary Bite +12 1d4+7 (20/x2)
Secondary Bite +7 1d4+2 (20/x2)

+1 Mummy Longbow (@ +4 STR) +11/+6 1d8+5 (20/x3)
Composite Longbow (@ +5 STR) +10/+5 1d8+5 (20/x3)

Combat-Related Feats

Special Modifiers

  • Favored Enemy - Humans +2 ATT/DAM
  • Favored Enemy - Undead +4 ATT/DAM
  • Favored Terrain - Desert +2

Ranger Features
1st Favored Enemy - Humans +2, Undead +4
Track - + 3 (1/2 level) to Survival rolls to Track
Wild Empathy - Change animal attitude (1d20, -1 Cha, + 7 Ranger Level)
Feat: Endurance
Feat: Cleave
Feat: Furious Focus
Animal Companion Link - +4 on Wild Empathy
Share Spells with Companion Animal
Trackless in Deserts
Woodland Stride

Spells CL: 4
Ranger Spells Prepared 1st DC: 13 (12+Spell Level)
Resist Energy
Lead Blades

2nd DC: 14 (12+Spell Level)


The Rise...

"If these entrails speak true," acknowledged the grey muzzled hag, "then a War Leader you shall be in your time. Rovagug favors you."

Shaggar (Shuh-GAR) eyed the patterns in the Suli's steaming rope of intestines and grunted, having no reason to doubt the seer's words. Even as a whelp, his strength, speed, and cunning were well known (High STR, high DEX, good INT/WIS, and Trait: Reactionary) - showing his worth to the clan and ensuring his future. He was a vicious combatant against the muzzle-less races as well as other gnoll clans that competed for resources. But the hag's prophecy would be proved untrue by the young gnoll's arrogance, intellect (INT), and - most especially - his naivete.

Destined to lead as he thought he was, Shaggar turned his mind to the problems and needs of his clan: the struggle for food, the toil of constant raiding, and the cost of continuous skirmishes with their neighbors. The results were plain to see - their clan was growing weaker and smaller. He reached a conclusion. What would best serve his people was a truce with their closest enemies, one that provided a chance to study them to learn how they continued to flourish depite the warfare.

The Fall...

Shaggar openly advocated the need for a truce in council. He trusted that the prophecy and his destiny would make this revolutionary idea take root. He expected that the hag-seers, having seen his glorious fate, would support his call for reform. He failed to realise that the seers were the power behind every War Leader. And he assumed they weren't charlatans that would twist any foretelling to serve their own purposes. He was monumentally mistaken.

Shaggar was denounced by his people, their War Leaders, and most certainly by the hag-seers who declared that even mighty Rovagug stood against his heretical and cowardly ideas. Shaggar was branded an outcast and traitor - a Blackmaw - and driven from the clan's lands on pain of death.

The Blackmaw...

Cast out by his people and betrayed by his god through Rovagug's faithless servants, Shaggar has rejected his former god (Religion: Atheist) and the more reprehensible ways of his people. He now works to carve a place out among his former enemies. Being without clan, pack, or friends over the last two years has tested his mettle (Trait: Indomitable Faith - reskinned a little) and his worldview (alignment shift).

Initially, Shaggar moved quietly among Katapesh's muzzle-less citizens working as a Nighstall enforcer. The job proved unsatisfying but it did allow him to cross paths with a few Pathfinders who appreciated what a hard-hitting and desert-raised gnoll could bring to their sometimes questionable ventures. Now, Shaggar mostly works as a freelance associate of the Pathfinder Society when they need muscle and/or a desert operations specialist.

Shaggar is a thinker and very deliberate in his actions. If he has a temper, it is carefully hidden. Well aware of the fear his race and size engenders - like a wolf among sheep - he is careful to try to appear non-threatening - with mixed success. He finds the behaviors and choices of the smaller races a constant source of wonder.

Gnoll & Appearance

John Mangrum's Gnoll
Shaggar is a tall and well-muscled gnoll with a rangy build. His ruffed fur is in shades of patchy brown and dirty yellow. His muzzle is a deep black. His red eyes shine out in stark contrast. Concealing his well-tended lamellar armor, Shaggar wears a brown, ground-sweeping Bisht (outer cloak). A long black-and-white patterned Keffiyeh (head covering/scarf) loops loosely several times about his shoulders, neck, and head - covering his hyena-like features.

7'2" | 270 lbs | 10 years old

Medium Size
30' Move
Darkvision 60'
+1 Natural Armor
Desert Raider (+4 on certain checks and saves)
Alternate Racial Trait: Bonecracker (Bite Attack) - replaces the Carrion Feeder feat

Acrobatics +2 (ACP -1)
Appraise +2
Bluff -1 [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead]
Climb +11 (4) (ACP -1)
Diplomacy -1
Escape Artist +2 (ACP -1)
Fly +2 (ACP -1)
Handle Animal +7 (5)
Heal +6 (1)
Intimidate +9 (7)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11 (6) [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead]
Knowledge (geography) +11 (6) [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead, +2 Deserts]
Knowledge (nature) +11 (6) [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead]
Perception +12 (7) [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead, +2 Deserts]
Ride +7 (2) (ACP -1)
Sense Motive +3 (1) [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead]
Spellcraft +6 (1)
Stealth +12 (7) (ACP -1) [+2 Deserts]
Survival +12 (7) [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead, +2 Deserts]
-> Tracking +15 [+2 vs Humans, +4 vs Undead, +2 Deserts]
Swim +8 (1) (ACP -1)

Traits & Feats

Indomitable Faith - +1 Will Saves
Reactionary - + 2 initiative

Power Attack (-2/+4)
Boon Companion
Deathless Initiate


Desert robes
Smoked goggles
+2 Lamellar (Leather) Armor
Hieracosphinx skull Helmet
Lady's Fingerbone (1 d20 reroll)

Adventurer's Sash
--> Whetstone
--> Flint & Steel
--> Compass (+2 circum bonus)
--> (2) Alchemist's Fire
--> (5) Acolyte Ale (5 doses of CLW)
--> (2) Enlarge Person potions
--> (1) Holy Water
--> (0) Antitoxin
--> (1) Antiplague
--> (1) Acid Flask
--> Money

+1 Keen Greataxe
+1 Heavy Flail

Composite Longbow (@ +5 STR)
+1 Composite Mummy Longbow (@ +4 STR)
--> (40) Arrows

--> Spider Silk Rope 50'
--> Grappling Hook
--> (2) Grappling Arrows
--> (2) Waterskins
--> Crowbar
--> Bedroll
--> (7) Trail Rations

PP: -- | GP: 3 | SP: 8 | CP: 3

Load: 103 / 153 lbs (Light - personal equipment)
Load: +63 (Medium - carrying the backup supplies)

Added Gear

(4) Hot Weather Clothing [12 lbs] - distributed
(6) Wineskins [24 lbs] - distributed
(28) Trail Rations [28 lbs]
(5) Iron spikes [5 lbs]
(1) Large wicker shield [1 lbs]

Animal Companion - Hatyah

Rune Doom!

Rune of Subjugation
Rune of the Desert