[SFS_Aerondor] 05-99 Battle for the Bulwark Gameday XII (tier 3-4) (Inactive)

Game Master Aerondor

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Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female N android death touched operative 6 | SP 4/48 HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EA8C 21; KAC 21 | Fort +7*^; Ref +10`; Will +6* | Init: +7 | Perc: +13 | low-light vision; darkvision | Speed 40ft; 30 ft Fly | PRR: 20 | SAP: 20 | TRP: 21 | CF: 10/10 | HC: 1/1 | Active conditions: none


Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Survivors it is!

As you leave Y3 in the care of the medical team, who carefully don't put him anywhere near a vat, your communicators all buzz with a summons to meet Alora Cembar (a shobhad) in a recently reclaimed area of the Bulwark. It's a makeshift prison. As you arrive Alora explains things.

After driving the occupiers back through the corridors here, we recovered three Starfinder agents, who were in some of the adjacent rooms. We’ve confirmed that all three were serving at Sangoro’s Bulwark when the grioths invaded, but we don’t have any more information to go on at present.[”

All three claim to have escaped from laboratories where experiments were conducted on them. Unfortunately, each claims the other two are sleeper agents, conditioned to work for the grioths. We’ve detained all three until the truth can be sorted out.

We don’t want to keep anyone locked up and each is offering potentially valuable information, but we need to discern which source can be trusted and what information we can reasonably act upon. Unfortunately, this type of information gathering is outside of my area of expertise, which is why, I assume, Naiaj sent for you.

Rooms are all separate but on the same corridor, you can move between them as you see fit.

You each have three sessions, which you can spend with any one of the three Starfinders. Each session takes around ten minutes. While doing the interrogation, please note if you have any voidglass with you. To do an interrogation pick a skill (I'll be somewhat generous) that is appropriate for you to use in small room, post how you are using it, and give me a check. Oh, and who you are talking with.

Murthed (lashunta) is an archeologist who specializes in cultures and philosophies of the Vast.
Pelev (human) is a combat specialist and talented tactician who was frequently deployed on missions in war-torn regions.
Stadiba (vesk) is an applied biologist who tends to push the limits of legality and ethics.

Status: Harrying fire: unavailable; Bold to do round one interrogation.
Option-8 Weakened.
Ears weakened ; 3sp damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 15sp damage;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 6 sp damage; 8hp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 26sp damage; 2/3RP;

Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.

Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.

Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female N android death touched operative 6 | SP 4/48 HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EA8C 21; KAC 21 | Fort +7*^; Ref +10`; Will +6* | Init: +7 | Perc: +13 | low-light vision; darkvision | Speed 40ft; 30 ft Fly | PRR: 20 | SAP: 20 | TRP: 21 | CF: 10/10 | HC: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

I'm horrible at reading people. Twila-5 kinda dreads this assignment, but at least the odds are low that anyone on her team will die. (Unless an actual sleeper agent gets violent if they believe they've been discovered.) She enters the little known info about each one into her datapad and enters the first room with whoever chooses to join her.

Murthed (lashunta) is an archeologist who specializes in cultures and philosophies of the Vast.

"Hello Murthed. I'm Twila-5. What can you tell me about how the culture and philosophies of the grioth compare to various know peoples of the Vast?" As Murthed talks, she assesses the accuracy of the viewpoints stated and how the comparisons portray the various subjects in an attempt to ascertain whether or not there is a planted subconscious bias.

Culture: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Pelev (human) is a combat specialist and talented tactician who was frequently deployed on missions in war-torn regions.

"Hello, Pelev. I'm Twila-5. What tactical weaknesses have you observed in the grioth presence here?" She tries to match up what the Starfinders already know with what they say. Do they only divulge what is already known? Do they give false info? Do they claim total ignorance in one instance, but show knowledge in another?

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Stadiba (vesk) is an applied biologist who tends to push the limits of legality and ethics.

"Hello Stadiba. I'm Twila-5. My team and I just returned from a mission at a laboratory where the grioth were experimenting on our people. Do you have any idea how they did that, and what their goals were?" She listens for clues to show that Stadiba had a more detailed knowledge of the process than a captive should have or that they have a subconscious approval of those actions.

Medicine: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

I want you to all to stick to just one person each for the moment and a single check. For Twila-5, I'll go with her first one.

Twila starts off with the archeologist and makes some headway. "Is all the questioning really necessary? I'm a respected scholar! Well, I was before being abandoned here." Success #1. It will be harder to use culture for anything to continue the interrogation of Murthed now.

Manifold Host

Male Akitonian Human Giantblood Vanguard 4 | SP 44/44 HP 32/32 | RP 6/6 | EAC 20; KAC 22 (+1 with Shield Aligned) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +1 | Init: +6 | Perc: +7, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Entropic Pool: 0/4| Active conditions: none

"Listen, we're all respected scholars here," Dhomer looks around and when no one objects, he continues, "We want to hear your story and see if it checks out. If you talk to us, we can confirm your story."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Trying to be the good cop here.


2386108-701 Host NG Shirren Healer Mystic 5 EAC 16, KAC 18|SP 4/35 ♥️ 36/36|RP 5/6|Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8|Init: +2 | Perc: +12| Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 2/5, 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Jek tries a casual approach. In each room, Jek walks and takes a seat saying "I'm exhausted, bet you're hungry, eat up I need a quick break." Not waiting for a reply Jek puts a ration in front of them and then Jek immediately lays their head down on the table and takes a 2-minute break. Jek does this hoping that completely lowering his guard puts them at ease. When Jek stops their break, Jek takes out their com unit and places it on the table with music playing. "When this mission is over I got me a ticket to see Strawberry Machine Cake! What are your plans when you get out of here?

Murthed (lashunta) is an archeologist who specializes in cultures and philosophies of the Vast.

With Murthed Jek looks for cultural clues.

Culture: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Pelev (human) is a combat specialist and talented tactician who was frequently deployed on missions in war-torn regions.

With Pelev Jek looks for medical clues for signs of combat stress.

Medicine: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Stadiba (vesk) is an applied biologist who tends to push the limits of legality and ethics.

With Stadiba Jek looks tries to sense their motives.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

VC Australia - WA

House GM post

"Starfinders," lxthia announces. "We've nearly cleared Sangoro's Bulwark of foes. Finish your missions and regroup. The Voidglass Spire awaits."

Table GMs, this is your 1 day (5-minute) warning.


Male Human Soldier 1/Solarian 4 | SP 45 | HP 39 | RP 6 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +6 | Speed 20 | Active effects: none Soldier 1/Solarian 3

Dirk looks for signs of injuries.

"Anyone badly hurt"

Medicine: 1d2 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Then anything strange.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Then any deception amongst the group.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9


Male Android Technomancer / 3rd
Init: +6 | Perc: +3 | SP: 13/18, HP: 19/19, RP: 5/5 | EAC: 14 / KAC: 15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +3; Will: +3; Low-Light & Darkvision

Option-8 goes with the rest of the group to question Murthed. As everyone else is throwing questions, Option-8 tries to solicit info about their knowledge about Archeology trying to throw them off/trip them up from the rest of the questioning.

"What is your hypothesis on these Grioth and why they have come to the Vast invading the Sangoro’s Bulwark?"

Profession-Archeology: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Dhomer continues to work on Murthed, and the Lashuna starts coming around.
Option discusses archeology with him. "I am wondering if they are related or attracted by them. He leans closer "[b]You know, I found a whole stash of Founder artifacts before the place was invaded. " glancing around he checks to see if anyone can overhear. "I may have forgotten to report it.. I hope it is not too late. We should talk later, scholar to scholar."

Two more successes with Murthed. He is just a scholar with a dodgy secret. No sleeper there.

Jek starts on Pelev. The man has lots of scars, and has been badly experimented on. "I just want to get out of here. And never come back." he admits. [ooc]One success

I guess you are all in a hurry to post away, so lets run with it.

When Jek later on heads off to talk with Stadiba he gets a sense not so much that she is a sleeper agent, as perhaps she is a little too interested in the griths dodgy experiments. One success

Dirk does his best, but nobody really warms to him.

Twilia however is a convincing chatter and works her way into the confidence of the two remaining suspects.

Murthed (lashunta) is an archeologist who specializes in cultures and philosophies of the Vast. Cleared.
Pelev (human) is a combat specialist and talented tactician who was frequently deployed on missions in war-torn regions. 2 success: Already used sense motive and medicine checks, they will be harder if repeated.
Stadiba (vesk) is an applied biologist who tends to push the limits of legality and ethics. 2 success: Already used sense motive and medicine checks, they will be harder if repeated.

Status: Harrying fire: unavailable; Bold can still interrogate
Option-8 Weakened. 2 chats left.
Ears weakened ; 3sp damage;3/4RP; 3 chats left
Dhomer 15sp damage; 2 chats left.

Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 6 sp damage; 8hp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 26sp damage; 2/3RP;

Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.

Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.

Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.


Male Android Technomancer / 3rd
Init: +6 | Perc: +3 | SP: 13/18, HP: 19/19, RP: 5/5 | EAC: 14 / KAC: 15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +3; Will: +3; Low-Light & Darkvision

Option-8 will go to the next suspect, Pelev. "Hello Pelev. I hear you're a combat specialist. Tell me, do you prefer hand to hand or are you the type who likes blowing lots of things up from afar? Blowing things up can effectively take out a lot more of the enemy especially when charges are strategically set, don't you agree? How did you take on these Giroths when they invaded? How were you captured?"

Engineering-Knowledge Explosives: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Once the questioning is completed there, he goes with the others to speak to the last suspect, Stadiba. "Hello Stadiba. I hear you are an Applied Biologist. Tell me what you can about the physiology of these Giroth's who invaded. How do they differ from the other species here in the Vast? Have you witnessed their experiments on others? Do you know if they utilized any Voidglass in any of these experiments?"

Life Science-Knowledge Biology: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

There is something off about Pelev's knowledge of explosives... its not just that he has seen too many of them it.... he has been tampered with.

A sleeper identified!

He is not so sure about Stadiba though. Still too tough to tell one way or the other.

Ears and Dhomer still up, two shots each.


Male Ysoki Xenoseeker Technomancer 5
bot me:
1. Supercharge a good shooting ally's weapon. 2. Shoot pistols. 3. Appropriate grenade. 4. Melee with survival knife.
// Init +7 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 dark vision 60' // SP 32/48 HP 32/32 RP 7/7 EAC 22 KAC 23 // F +5 R +5 W +5 // Move 30 BAB 3 Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3

Ears excuses himself for a 'dental appointment' during the briefing with the shobhad, Alora Cembar.

He watches the interrogations carefully. This sort of thing is well outside his usual expertise, and he tries to pick up tips or techniques from the others. He engages Stabida in a conversation about how hard it is to get proper recognition for speculative scientific work, and tries to feel the vesk out about the use of mutagens to drive pseudo-evolutionary changes to improve subject's performance.

Life Science: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Also tries to get a read on Stadiba's professional history and the advantages of academic appointments as a platform for research and funding.

Profession( professor): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Ears is not able to get a read on your final suspect.

VC Australia - WA

House GM post

lxthia the Unbreakable addresses the Society via broadcast, "Starfinders, enemy forces have been driven back to the Voidglass Spire at the center of the bulwark. We've discovered the entrance, a lone bridge that leads to the spire. Resistance is fierce and they appear to be massing for a counterattack. All Starfinders still able to tight are ordered to report to the bridge to aid in the assault."

Table GMs, Part 3 has begun.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Dhomer: 2d20 ⇒ (1, 20) = 21

You finish up with the suspects, with Dhomer being reasonably confident that Stadiba is not under any hostile influences. As you depart Murthed thanks you for your intervention. It's kind of hard losing the scholar who spends quite some time talking about the Founders and their rituals with the plane of fire.

Radaszam briefs you in the upper reaches of Sangoro’s Bulwark, in a large room bustling with Starfinders. From the front of the room, Radaszam addresses the gathered teams:

“Sangoro’s Bulwark is ours, but this so-called Voidglass Spire remains an enemy stronghold. The Spire punches right through the center of Sangoro’s Bulwark, piercing through floors and other construction, out the roof and into the sky. The floors around these areas are highly unstable or are collapsed completely, which has made it tough to get close. Fortunately, we’ve found the entrance.

There’s an opening near the top of the Spire, connected to the nearest level of the Bulwark via bridge. We’ve deployed temporary fortifications along our end of the bridge, but as our foes can fly, they’ve got the advantage. Furthermore, intel indicates they’re preparing a counterattack, to drive us from the bridge and the upper reaches of the Bulwark. This is it, Starfinders! It’s on this bridge that the battle for the Bulwark will be decided!

We’re preparing a two-pronged counter-offensive. The bulk of our forces will remain on our side of the bridge, serving as an Anvil to withstand the brunt of their blows. Meanwhile, we ask for volunteers for a special mission to deploy behind the enemy, serving as a Hammer to shatter their ranks.

This second force will approach from the air, dropping through the broken roof of the Bulwark on the far side of the bridge, to flank the enemy attack force and seize the entrance to that blasted Spire.” Radaszam grins. “They get the big guns.” With a final nod, he brings the meeting to an end. “Hammer volunteers to the front. Everyone else, hit the walls and hold your ground.

First up... do you want to be the hammer... or the anvil?

Manifold Host

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Akitonian Human Giantblood Vanguard 4 | SP 44/44 HP 32/32 | RP 6/6 | EAC 20; KAC 22 (+1 with Shield Aligned) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +1 | Init: +6 | Perc: +7, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Entropic Pool: 0/4| Active conditions: none

"Oooh, oooh, the anvil, the anvil! I can take a hit."


2386108-701 Host NG Shirren Healer Mystic 5 EAC 16, KAC 18|SP 4/35 ♥️ 36/36|RP 5/6|Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8|Init: +2 | Perc: +12| Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 2/5, 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

" If by big guns you mean Mechs. I'm up to giving that a try."


Male Human Soldier 1/Solarian 4 | SP 45 | HP 39 | RP 6 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +6 | Speed 20 | Active effects: none Soldier 1/Solarian 3

"I can take a hit too but I have a small bruise now!"

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

You cna take a ten minute break while you plot tactics... that is decide a role... if you want.


Male Ysoki Xenoseeker Technomancer 5
bot me:
1. Supercharge a good shooting ally's weapon. 2. Shoot pistols. 3. Appropriate grenade. 4. Melee with survival knife.
// Init +7 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 dark vision 60' // SP 32/48 HP 32/32 RP 7/7 EAC 22 KAC 23 // F +5 R +5 W +5 // Move 30 BAB 3 Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3

"Anvil sounds like a safer option."

Ears likes the idea of lning up behind a wall of defenders and boosting their waepons, but -- how often do you get to play mechs? I never have. I think I'd like to give that a try.

Will, usually I don't like 'joke' characters, but Dhomer has been a real treat. So much fun.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Three votes for Anvil. Sorry Mech fans.

"You'll be defending the bridge and our makeshift fortifications" Radaszam, explains.

The bridge is formed from voidglass, is 100 feet wide and 300 feet long. The bridge has no rails or safeguards, and a fall from the bridge would result in, at best, a few hundred feet of free fall, with a painful landing on the debris of a broken floor—a situation best avoided...

[ooc]Mechanics. The grith attack in waves, during each wave you get to make a skill check with respect to how you deal with them.

example skills use:

Aid The Fallen (Medicine): The PC helps treat the wounds of critically injured Starfinders.
• Covering Fire (Attack roll): The PC lays down covering fire with their own weapons and munitions. A PC who selects this method must fully expend a battery or an amount of ammunition equal to their selected weapon’s full capacity (minimum 12 ammunition).
• Disrupt Psychic Emissions (Physical Science, Life Science, or Mysticism): After the assault begins, the PCs can disrupt the energies of the voidglass spire to destroy its psychic projections.
• Fire The Turrets (Piloting or Computers): The PC operates a mobile turret or other large artillery.
• Rouse The Troops (Diplomacy or Intimidate): The PC inspires other Starfinders with a heroic speech, or invokes terror in their foes with an intimidating display.
• Seal Breach (Athletics or Engineering): The grioths blast a hole through the fortifications, which the PC must rapidly repair
Feel free to make up your own along similar lines.

The first wave is approaching! a horde of grioth soldiers charges across the voidglass bridge and collides with the Starfinder defense.

Status: Harrying fire: unavailable; Bold to indicate how they are being the Anvil
Option-8 Weakened. 2 chats left.
Ears weakened ; 3sp damage;3/4RP; 3 chats left
Dhomer 15sp damage; 2 chats left.
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 6 sp damage; 8hp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 26sp damage; 2/3RP;

Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.

Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.

Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.


2386108-701 Host NG Shirren Healer Mystic 5 EAC 16, KAC 18|SP 4/35 ♥️ 36/36|RP 5/6|Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8|Init: +2 | Perc: +12| Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 2/5, 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Jek tries to Disrupt Psychic Emissions
"The voidglass spire seems to be the source of the psychic projections. I'll try to take it out."

Mysticism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23


Male Ysoki Xenoseeker Technomancer 5
bot me:
1. Supercharge a good shooting ally's weapon. 2. Shoot pistols. 3. Appropriate grenade. 4. Melee with survival knife.
// Init +7 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 dark vision 60' // SP 32/48 HP 32/32 RP 7/7 EAC 22 KAC 23 // F +5 R +5 W +5 // Move 30 BAB 3 Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3

"I'll help. I can trace how those projections manifest, and maybe interrupt the process."

Life science: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Can we aid on these rolls?

Manifold Host

Male Akitonian Human Giantblood Vanguard 4 | SP 44/44 HP 32/32 | RP 6/6 | EAC 20; KAC 22 (+1 with Shield Aligned) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +1 | Init: +6 | Perc: +7, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Entropic Pool: 0/4| Active conditions: none

"I know we're scared and hungry, I know we just want to go to the bar at the end of the day, and have a delicious beer. There's only one thing that stands between us and home! Let's go kill them!" Dhomer shouts in front of a wave of Starfinder agents.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Ears, I have had a lot more fun role-playing in Society since I've decided to make my characters a little silly. Dhomer is probably the most silly character that I have, and in general my Starfinder characters are sillier than Pathfinder. But, having a silly character makes it a little easier to improv and its easier to do that in public with strangers than try to do a serious, nuanced character.


Male Ysoki Xenoseeker Technomancer 5
bot me:
1. Supercharge a good shooting ally's weapon. 2. Shoot pistols. 3. Appropriate grenade. 4. Melee with survival knife.
// Init +7 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 dark vision 60' // SP 32/48 HP 32/32 RP 7/7 EAC 22 KAC 23 // F +5 R +5 W +5 // Move 30 BAB 3 Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3

Yep. Totally see your point. And Starfinder does lend itself to silly easier than Pathfinder.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female N android death touched operative 6 | SP 4/48 HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EA8C 21; KAC 21 | Fort +7*^; Ref +10`; Will +6* | Init: +7 | Perc: +13 | low-light vision; darkvision | Speed 40ft; 30 ft Fly | PRR: 20 | SAP: 20 | TRP: 21 | CF: 10/10 | HC: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

"Skinny unit wants the big gun." Twila-5 plunks herself into the control seat of a turret gun and goes to town on the grioth's front line.

Piloting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26


Male Android Technomancer / 3rd
Init: +6 | Perc: +3 | SP: 13/18, HP: 19/19, RP: 5/5 | EAC: 14 / KAC: 15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +3; Will: +3; Low-Light & Darkvision

Option-8 takes over on the controls of a large artillery battery and targets the enemy.

Computers: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17


Male Human Soldier 1/Solarian 4 | SP 45 | HP 39 | RP 6 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +6 | Speed 20 | Active effects: none Soldier 1/Solarian 3

Dirk grabs some rocks to seal the breach.

"Ugh...thats heavy"

Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The team ploughs through the first wave of Giroth. It's like a hot knife through butter. Well, apart from Dhomer. For some reason his words of encouragement get drowned out during the battle. Maybe it was due to the stray crossbow bolt he took to the back of the neck. Why are they using crossbows?
ouch: 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (7, 3, 3) + 5 = 18

Many grioths perish, but as they die, their psychic essence is pulled from their corpses and absorbed into the walls of the Voidglass Spire, which begins to glow a bright blue.

You pause to catch your breath for a moment as a second wave appears. There are more of them this time, and some of your guns are starting to run a little hot. This won't be as easy as that first wave.

Status: Being the anvil! Harrying fire: unavailable;
Option-8 Weakened.
Ears weakened ; 3sp damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 33sp damage;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 6 sp damage; 8hp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 26sp damage; 2/3RP;

Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.

Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.

Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.


2386108-701 Host NG Shirren Healer Mystic 5 EAC 16, KAC 18|SP 4/35 ♥️ 36/36|RP 5/6|Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8|Init: +2 | Perc: +12| Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 2/5, 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Jek sees the Voidglass Spire starting to glow a bright blue. "I got a bad feeling about that Voidglass Spire." Jek continues to disrupt the mystic powers of the spire.
Mysticism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12


Male Android Technomancer / 3rd
Init: +6 | Perc: +3 | SP: 13/18, HP: 19/19, RP: 5/5 | EAC: 14 / KAC: 15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +3; Will: +3; Low-Light & Darkvision

Option-8 also lends his knowledge and tries to disrupt the mystic powers of the Voidglass Spire along with Jekcedo.

Mysticism: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Manifold Host

Male Akitonian Human Giantblood Vanguard 4 | SP 44/44 HP 32/32 | RP 6/6 | EAC 20; KAC 22 (+1 with Shield Aligned) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +1 | Init: +6 | Perc: +7, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Entropic Pool: 0/4| Active conditions: none

"Gah, puk, fuh," Dhomer gasps and stares in disbelief at the crossbow bolt lodged into his chest. He pulls it out with an annoyed grunt.

"Listen, you little punks, this is no more time for Mr. Nice Guy!" Dhomer starts before eventually devolving into almost primal howls in front of the troops.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female N android death touched operative 6 | SP 4/48 HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EA8C 21; KAC 21 | Fort +7*^; Ref +10`; Will +6* | Init: +7 | Perc: +13 | low-light vision; darkvision | Speed 40ft; 30 ft Fly | PRR: 20 | SAP: 20 | TRP: 21 | CF: 10/10 | HC: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

"Come on, baby. You can do this." Twila-5 mutters to the turret gun as she takes aim at the incoming wave.

Piloting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32


Male Ysoki Xenoseeker Technomancer 5
bot me:
1. Supercharge a good shooting ally's weapon. 2. Shoot pistols. 3. Appropriate grenade. 4. Melee with survival knife.
// Init +7 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 dark vision 60' // SP 32/48 HP 32/32 RP 7/7 EAC 22 KAC 23 // F +5 R +5 W +5 // Move 30 BAB 3 Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3
Jekcedo wrote:

Jek sees the Voidglass Spire starting to glow a bright blue. "I got a bad feeling about that Voidglass Spire." Jek continues to disrupt the mystic powers of the spire.

Ears also notices the increasing glow. "Yeah. Me too."

Looks like it's feeding on life energy. Got to be a way to break that connection.

Life Science: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Again, can we aid?
Do the mysticism/life science skill checkers receive any feed back about how they're doing?

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Everyone did okay in that first wave apart from Dhomer. Just going to wait for a check from Dirk for round 2. I'll bot him in a few hours if he doesn't post.


Male Human Soldier 1/Solarian 4 | SP 45 | HP 39 | RP 6 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +6 | Speed 20 | Active effects: none Soldier 1/Solarian 3

Dirk tries to move some rocks again.


Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

No aid checks available in this as you are all effectively aiding the cause.

Jek tries to disrupt the mystical powers of the spire, but gets a nasty case of feedback as he does so. Just as it is about to overwhelm him Option channels it away into some technomagical storage. Hopefully they will use it later.

Dhomer makes it more than clear that crossbows are not supposed to be a part of his future. He scares half a squad of grioth off the bridge. These ones however appear to be psychocorporeal projections of grioths you have already slain. Interesting how even the dead fear him.

Twila-5 commands a portable ammunition storage unit to hook up to her turret. This one even has a spare cooling unit. Hurrah. High energy particles rip through projections, sending them back to the void.

Ears tries to work out how the spire is feeding off the life, or is it death energy, in the area. Unfortunately his own life energy is sapped as he gets too close to a tendril.

All around the starfinders start to get pushed back from their walls. Dirk charges into the fray rocks in hand as he singlehandedly recovers an important turret. Although not without picking up a few bangs in the process.

The fight is starting to get desperate!

Jek damage: 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (1, 1, 8) + 5 = 15
Ears damage: 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (1, 3, 8) + 5 = 17
dirk damage: 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (3, 8, 1) + 5 = 17

Status: Being the anvil (3/3)! Harrying fire: unavailable;
Option-8 Weakened.
Ears weakened ; 20sp damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 33sp damage;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 21 sp damage; 8hp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 0/32sp; 17/28HP; 2/3RP;

Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.

Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.

Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.

Manifold Host

Male Akitonian Human Giantblood Vanguard 4 | SP 44/44 HP 32/32 | RP 6/6 | EAC 20; KAC 22 (+1 with Shield Aligned) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +1 | Init: +6 | Perc: +7, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Entropic Pool: 0/4| Active conditions: none

Dhomer groans as he sees his teammates plugged by crossbows. "Why are they using crossbows? Don't they know we have laser guns now?"

Seeing a number of Starfinder agents hit by the Grioth attack, Dhomer becomes an ambulance service, dancing, dipping, dodging across the battlefield and dragging them to safety where others can treat them.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female N android death touched operative 6 | SP 4/48 HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EA8C 21; KAC 21 | Fort +7*^; Ref +10`; Will +6* | Init: +7 | Perc: +13 | low-light vision; darkvision | Speed 40ft; 30 ft Fly | PRR: 20 | SAP: 20 | TRP: 21 | CF: 10/10 | HC: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Confident after her last salvo, Twila-5 hopes she hasn't used up her good karma. She looks for areas where here turret gun could undermine the assault most effectively.

Piloting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27


Male Ysoki Xenoseeker Technomancer 5
bot me:
1. Supercharge a good shooting ally's weapon. 2. Shoot pistols. 3. Appropriate grenade. 4. Melee with survival knife.
// Init +7 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 dark vision 60' // SP 32/48 HP 32/32 RP 7/7 EAC 22 KAC 23 // F +5 R +5 W +5 // Move 30 BAB 3 Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 3/3

Ears jumps back. "There's some kind quasi-quantum entanglement going on here. I think it's feeding power back to the grioth."

Ears keeps looking for a way to disrupt the link.

Life Science: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21


2386108-701 Host NG Shirren Healer Mystic 5 EAC 16, KAC 18|SP 4/35 ♥️ 36/36|RP 5/6|Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8|Init: +2 | Perc: +12| Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 2/5, 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

"Hang in there I can heal everyone when the battle is over, but we got to stop that spire from working."
Jek tries to regain their concentration and disrupt the mystic energy of the spire.
Mysticism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20


Male Human Soldier 1/Solarian 4 | SP 45 | HP 39 | RP 6 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +6 | Speed 20 | Active effects: none Soldier 1/Solarian 3

Dirk throws another rock.

Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25



Male Android Technomancer / 3rd
Init: +6 | Perc: +3 | SP: 13/18, HP: 19/19, RP: 5/5 | EAC: 14 / KAC: 15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +3; Will: +3; Low-Light & Darkvision

Option-8 uses his Engineering skills and the use of the Psychokinetic Hand spell to lift 10lb debris and the Mending spell to seal any holes blasted through their fortifications.

Knowledge-Engineering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Any bonus for the use of Psychokinetic Hand and Mending?

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The battle is really heating up. Dhomer hauls wounded Starfinders to dressing station, but gets a rock to the back of his head for his trouble.
ouch: 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (3, 1, 8) + 5 = 17

Seeing this Twila-5 ensures that particular projection won't be bothering anyone again, cutting it in two with her overcharged turret. Ears realises the entanglement of psychic and life powers might be short-circuited with an appropriate application of recently freed up life forces. Twilia-5s victim is the perfect candidate and she starts to short-out the incoming waves of grioths. It's good, but not enough. That is when Jekcedo realises that the fifth principle of mystical harmonization would dictate that the energy coefficient of the released life force must be countered by the reciprocal mystical forces. He nudges them in just the right manner.

Dirk tosses a rock. It hits one of the grith at just the right time, knocking it off the bridge. As it falls it grasps for another, who grasps for another. All up five of the creatures fall in what would in other situations be an almost comical display of ... something.

Option tries to shore up the barrier, but as he is working, another grioth creeps up hind him, smashing him over the head.
ouch: 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (8, 8, 1) + 5 = 22

The fight grows desperate as the enemy forces begin to capture portions of the wall and even the fiercest Starfinder counterattacks are unable to drive them back. Just as all seems lost, the Starfinder Hammer arrives, crashing through the domed ceiling in battle mechs and devastating the rear of the grioth forces in a flurry of gunfire. Under this onslaught, the grioths panic and break ranks, scattering as they flee.

And time for a quick rest if you want one!

But not much time. "Still missions avaialble inside the spire Starfinders..." And on the slide deck, your choice of three of them.

Status: Recovery Harrying fire: unavailable;
Option-8 Weakened. 18sp damage; 4hp damage;
Ears weakened ; 20sp damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 33sp damage; 17hp damage;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 21 sp damage; 8hp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 0/32sp; 17/28HP; 2/3RP;

Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.

Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.

Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.


2386108-701 Host NG Shirren Healer Mystic 5 EAC 16, KAC 18|SP 4/35 ♥️ 36/36|RP 5/6|Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8|Init: +2 | Perc: +12| Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 2/5, 2nd 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Jek triages the team and then casts Healing Channel as a full action to heal everyone that has at least some HP damage.

This affects anyone with at least 1 HP of damage and will restore stamina after all HP has been healed first.

"That was a tough battle lets get everyone wounded patched up."

Healing Channel: 4d8 ⇒ (5, 4, 8, 3) = 20

Jek votes for Spire Controle Center for next misssion.
"I'm curious to see what's in the spire."


Male Android Technomancer / 3rd
Init: +6 | Perc: +3 | SP: 13/18, HP: 19/19, RP: 5/5 | EAC: 14 / KAC: 15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +3; Will: +3; Low-Light & Darkvision

"Indeed that was a tough fight. I surmise the worst is yet to come." He inspects his gear and makes ready.

"Thank you, Jekcedo. I too would like to enter the Spire and see what transpires."


Male Human Soldier 1/Solarian 4 | SP 45 | HP 39 | RP 6 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +6 | Speed 20 | Active effects: none Soldier 1/Solarian 3

"Thanks Jek! I needed that." says Dirk. Her turns to Option-8 "Sounds like a plan now that we're healed. I'd like to take the fight to the grioths!" He checks his gear.

I'll get an extra frag grenade

Manifold Host

Male Akitonian Human Giantblood Vanguard 4 | SP 44/44 HP 32/32 | RP 6/6 | EAC 20; KAC 22 (+1 with Shield Aligned) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +1 | Init: +6 | Perc: +7, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Entropic Pool: 0/4| Active conditions: none

Dhomer definitely takes a quick nap.

He snores.

spending a resolve point to get back to full Stamina. With the healing channel, I believe Dhomer's at full

"I know a little about magic, not a lot, but a little," Dhomer says, rubbing his elbow sheepishly. He'll follow Jek if that's what Jek wants.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female N android death touched operative 6 | SP 4/48 HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EA8C 21; KAC 21 | Fort +7*^; Ref +10`; Will +6* | Init: +7 | Perc: +13 | low-light vision; darkvision | Speed 40ft; 30 ft Fly | PRR: 20 | SAP: 20 | TRP: 21 | CF: 10/10 | HC: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

Twila-5 cracks her knuckles. "Let's go to the Spire."

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