
Twila-5's page

718 posts. Organized Play character for Warah.

Full Name



| SP 0/40 HP 16/34 | RP 4/6 | EAC 19; KAC 19 | Fort +5*^; Ref +9; Will +5* | Init: +7 | Perc: +12 | low-light vision; darkvision |


PR: 16 | SA: 8 | TR: 24 | CF: 9/10 | HC: 1/1 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: Haste, Cloaking Field


Female N android death touched operative 5



Special Abilities

low light vision, darkvision






Akitonian, Castrovelian, Common, Eoxian, Shirren, Vercite, Vesk, Ysoki

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 15
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Twila-5


SFS information:

SFS # 289224-702
Experience 14
Slotted Faction Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Reputation 41 Global Reputation
Reputation with Acquisitives: 2
Reputation with Dataphiles: 1
Reputation with Exoguardians: 2
Reputation with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo): 28
Reputation with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif): 1
Reputation with Wayfinders: 2
Reputation with Advocates: 1


Str 12 (+1); Dex 20* (+5); Con 15 (+2); Int 15 (+2); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 8 (-1)
*Synaptic Accelerator MK 1: Dex, purchased when leveling up to 5th.
Speed 40 ft. (10 ft. bonus from 3rd level Quick Movement)
Female android death-touched operative 5
NG Medium humanoid (android)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Languages: Akitonian, Castrovelian, Common, Eoxian, Shirren, Vercite, Vesk, Ysoki
Other Abilities constructed, ghost specialization, quick movement (+10 ft)


SP 40 HP 34 RP 6
EAC 19; KAC 19
Armor: Lashunta Tempweave, Basic
Fort +5*^; Ref +9; Will +5*
* +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.
^mk 1 ring of resistance


BAB: +3
Melee survival knife +8 (1d4+3 S; thrown [20 ft.], analog, operative) or
. . tactical baton +8 (1d4+3 B; thrown [20 ft.], analog, operative)
Pinhole rift rifle +9 (1d10 S) [60 ft; sniper 250 ft] (Special: force, unwieldy; Critical: corrode 1d6; Usage 4, Capacity: 20 charges; 2 hands)
Tactical rotating pistol +9 (2d4+2 P) [20 ft.] (conceal, analog)
Static arc pistol +9 (1d6+2 E) [50 ft.] (Special: stun; Critical: arc 2; Usage 2)
survival knife +5 (1d4+2 S); thrown [20 ft.], (analog, operative) or
tactical baton +5 (1d4+2 B); thrown [20 ft.], (analog, operative)
Offensive Abilities trick attack +3d8; DC = 20 + Target’s CR


Operative’s Edge: +2 insight bonus included in every skill

Acrobatics +16 (5 ranks)
Athletics +9 (3 ranks)
Bluff +6 (2 ranks)
Computers +12 (5 ranks)
Culture +11 (4 ranks)
Diplomacy +2 (1 rank)
Disguise +1 (0 rank)
Engineering +12 (5 ranks)
Intimidate +1 (0 rank)
Life Science n/a
Medicine +12 (5 ranks)
Mysticism +11 (5 ranks)*
Perception +12 (5 ranks)
Physical Science +10 (3 ranks)
Piloting +15 (5 ranks)
Profession (electrician) +9 (2 ranks)
Sense Motive +1 (0 rank)
Sleight Of Hand +15 (5 ranks)
Stealth +16 (+17 when using trick attack) (5 ranks)
Survival +3 (0 rank)
*(use Perception instead of Mysticism to recall knowledge about undead and negative energy effects)

Gunnery: +10 (1d20 + the gunner’s base attack bonus or the gunner’s ranks in the Piloting skill + the gunner’s Dexterity modifier + bonuses from computer systems + bonuses from the captain and science officers + range penalty)


Skill Focus (Acrobatics; level 1 bonus class feat)
Skill Focus (Stealth; level 1 bonus class feat)
Weapon Focus (small arms; level 1)
Great Fortitude (level 3)
Weapon Specialization (Operative weapons; level 3 bonus class feat)
Skill Synergy (Mysticism, Physical Science) (level 5)

Class Features:

Cloaking Field (5th level bonus exploit)
Holographic Clone (1/day) (level 1)
Uncanny Mobility (level 3)

Debilitating Trick (4th level): If both the trick attack and the weapon attack hit, you can choose whether to make the target flat-footed or off-target until the start of your next turn.

Gear & Wealth:

Combat Gear: mk I serums of healing (2), medpatch (2), Mk 2 Holo grenade
Weapons: tactical rotating pistol, small arms rounds, pinhole rift rifle (PR) with 1 battery, static arc pistol (SA) with 1 battery, survival knife, tactical baton, Mk 2 frag grenade
Scenario Gear:

Tool kits: engineering tool kit, hacking kit, med kit (basic), navigator's tools, trapsmith's tools
Worn Items: basic Lashunta Tempweave armor (Targeting Computer upgrade), Diadem of Desna, mk 1 ring of resistance

Other Gear spare batteries (2, 20 charges each), datapad, industrial backpack, field rations (1 week), hygiene kit, manual crowbar tool, professional clothing (electrician), party clothes, cold climate clothes, titanium alloy cable line (50'), grappler, canteen, radiation badge

Party clothes description: silky indigo outfit with a high collar, an open back, and a short skirt, finishing it with navy gladiator sandals (with a half inch wedge heel) and a violet hat to cover most of her hair.

credstick 9052 credits

Current Bulk: 5.52/10
Encumbered: 7/10
Overburdened: 13/10


Boons Slotted This Adventure:
Ally: Dream Whispers (see Chronicle #3)
Faction: Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Champion
Social: Knowledge of Forgotten Military
Starship: Weapons of a Lost Civilization (Chronicle #9)
Slotless: Memories of the Past

☐ ☐ ☐ Contractor’s Respect (Social Boon; Limited Use) (Chronicle 2): By successfully completing a mission to investigate an abandoned outpost in Near Space, you also earned the esteem of a prominent organization within the Pact Worlds. You can call upon the resources of this organization by slotting this boon. The organization loans you a set of armor or a nonconsumable weapon (but fully loaded with conventional ammunition) for the duration of the adventure. The loaned equipment must have an item level equal to or less than your character level + 1, up to a maximum item level of 8. The item must be returned to the organization at the end of the adventure. Whenever you slot this boon, you must check one of the boxes. This boon might have additional uses based on the organization you have inXuenced. How this inXuence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. When all the boxes are checked, you can no longer earn loaned equipment while slotting this boon, as your preferred standing with this organization is expended. For tracking purposes, your GM should mark the name of your hiring organization here: Xenowardens

Dream Whispers (Ally Boon) (Chronicle 3): Because you researched its dreamspun tales, the Liavaran Dreamer known as Whisperer of Solar Winds has taken an interest in you. When you slot this boon, the Dreamer imparts some knowledge to you in the form of a cryptic comment that may prove helpful later in your mission. Once per adventure, any time you miss an attack or fail a saving throw, you can call up on the Dreamer’s mysterious message. You immediately count this roll as being 2 higher, which may allow you to hit your target or succeed on your save. If you roll a natural 1 on your attack or save, you cannot use this ability.
Private Vault (Slotless Boon; Vanity) (Chronicle 3): The staff of the Communion Vaults takes note of your actions in helping to resolve Whisperer of Solar Winds’ dreamspun tales. The staff provide you with a reasonable space of your own within the Communion Vaults. This 20-by-20-foot square chamber can be used to store any major magical finds you’ve recovered or purchased during your travels. You can bring any number of creatures into this space whenever you like. While this chamber is mostly a personal accomplishment and an area you can show off to others, it does have one tangible benefit: the entire area within your vault is warded by a nondetection effect (caster level 10th).

Star Monster Slayer (Starship Boon) (Chronicle 2): You defeated a spacefaring monster known as a Besmaran whelp. Since this battle, you’ve mastered the art of battling against living starship-sized enemies when operating a starship of your own. While this boon is slotted, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks made in a starship combat against an enemy living starship. Any of your fellow crewmates who don’t have this boon slotted instead gain a +1 bonus to their skill checks against enemy living starships—the direct result of your guidance during the battle.

[ ] [ ] Memories of the Past (Slotless Boon): On the planet Akiton, you caught glimpses of life before the Gap and visions of the
distant future, thanks to the time-bending Eternity Arch. Residual magic from the Eternity Arch clings to you. You can check a
box that precedes this boon as a standard action to use one of the following spell-like abilities based on your character level.
For any spell-like ability, use your caster level as your character level.
Levels 1+: mindlink, share memory (Character Operations Manual 141)
Levels 3+: augury, predict foe (Character Operations Manual 139)
Levels 5+: haste, slow
Levels 7+: displace memory (Character Operations Manual 134), divination

Diabolical Hitchhiker (Ally): You picked up an unexpected passenger on your journey back to Absalom Station. What appeared to be an imprisoned bird from the holy plane of Elysium was actually the imp Kremzle in disguise, and he deceitfully (or invisibly) hitched a ride on your starship. After taunting you, he flew off to participate in his own machinations, but your paths may cross again. This boon may have an effect in a future scenario.

Ghibran Linguist (Slotless Boon): (Chronicle 9) So long as you have this boon, all of your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Ghibran language and can select it anytime they would learn a new language.

Knowledge of a Forgotten Military (Social Boon): (Chronicle 9) The weapons of Egoret Base are now available for use by the Starfinder Society thanks to your actions. You can slot this boon at the beginning of a scenario to represent further Starfinder exploration of the ghibrani base, as well as a deeper understanding of the destructive ghibrani weaponry. At the end of an adventure where you slot this boon, you can purchase any weapon with the radioactive weapon special property (Starfinder Armory 30) or a weapon with the irradiate critical hit effect (Starfinder Armory 31) at a 20% discount.

Weapons of a Lost Civilization (Starship Boon): (Chronicle 9) When you slot this boon, select one light weapon onboard your starship and replace that weapon with a tactical nuclear missile launcher (Starfinder Core Rulebook 302). Alternatively, select one heavy weapon onboard your starship and replace that weapon with a heavy nuclear missile launcher (Starfinder Core Rulebook 303). This new weapon must go in the same arc as the replaced weapon, and only one weapon can be replaced on a starship by a boon with this name. The modifications are somewhat jury-rigged, and as a result, all gunnery checks using this weapon take a –1 penalty. Anytime you fire this weapon during the course of a scenario, check a box for the corresponding weapon. Once all boxes for a weapon are checked, you can no longer gain the benefits of this starship weapon (though you can still benefit from the first part of this boon).
Tactical Nuclear Missile Launcher: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Heavy Nuclear Missile Launcher: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Near Space Tourist (Social Boon): (SFS #5-12: Envar's Expeditions; Chronicle 13) During your mission to track down Envar Tamm, you visited numerous planets as a tourist.
Check off the four planets you visited. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on skill checks to recall knowledge about these
planets and a +1 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information while on these planets. Once per adventure,
you can gain a +2 bonus on a single Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check you attempt when interacting with a citizen of one of
these planets or with a species from one of these planets.
[x] Daimalko
[x] Gaskar III
[ ] Nemenar
[ ] Pakahano
[x] Varturan
[x] Vesk-4

Bot Me!:

Combat dice rolls:

Preferred attack option:
Static arc pistol; (Special: stun; Critical: arc 2; Usage 2, range: 50 ft)
[dice=Static Arc Pistol]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Damage (E)]1d6 + 2[/dice]
She keeps a backup battery in her pack.

Secondary attack options:
Tactical rotating pistol; (capacity: 4, range: 20 ft)
[dice=Tactical rotating pistol]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Damage (P)]2d4 + 2[/dice]

Pinhole rift rifle; (Critical: corrode 1d6; Capacity: 20 charges, Usage 4; range: 60 ft, sniper 250 ft; force, unwieldy; 2 hands,)
[dice=Pinhole rift rifle]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Damage (S)]1d10[/dice]
She keeps a backup battery in her pack.

[dice=Tactical Baton]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Damage]1d4 + 3[/dice]

[dice=Survival Knife]1d20 + 8[/dice]
[dice=Damage]1d4 + 3[/dice]

[dice=Trick Attack (stealth); DC = 20 + Target’s CR]1d20 + 17[/dice]
[dice=Trick Attack (acrobatics); DC = 20 + Target’s CR]1d20 + 16[/dice]
[dice=Trick Attack damage]3d8[/dice]

See Uncanny Mobility for Twila-5’s movement that might trigger attacks of opportunity.

If she triggers an attack of opportunity, she'll activate her Diadem of Desna to gain concealment from it, then use the bonus on her next attack roll (not the roll for her trick attack).

In ship combat, she’s best suited to be a Chief Mate. However, if the party needs her in another spot, the following are her preferences, in order: Pilot, Engineer, Science Officer, Gunner.
[dice=Chief Mate (Acrobatics)]1d20 + 16[/dice]
[dice=Piloting]1d20 + 15[/dice] (Prefers to maneuver to avoid taking damage first, and set up nice shots for her gunners second.)
[dice=Engineering]1d20 + 12[/dice] (Prefers to bolster defenses, prioritizing the most damaged one, unless there is a different strategy in play.)
[dice=Computers]1d20 + 12[/dice] (Prefers to Scan first, then Target an enemy’s system that would most help her crew in that moment if it was offline or damaged.)
[dice=Gunnery]1d20 + 10[/dice]

In social situations, she usually hangs back and lets the smooth(er) talkers speak.


1. Year of the Data Scourge:
Adventure Summary: Your routine trip to Absalom Station was unexpectedly disrupted by a digital attack orchestrated by unknown enemies. After ☐ surviving a train crash or ☐ preventing a train crash, you made your way across Absalom Station terrorized by technological glitches and rampaging robots. Finally, you reached the Lorespire Complex to find it under attack by an army of unidentified robots. Celita of the Dataphiles debriefed you about the ongoing digital attacks, which authorities are already referring to as the Data Scourge.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) 2/2
Credits earned: 720

2. 1-12 Ashes of Discovery:

☐ ☐ ☐ Contractor’s Respect (Social Boon; Limited Use): By successfully completing a mission to investigate an abandoned outpost in Near Space, you also earned the esteem of a prominent organization within the Pact Worlds. You can call upon the resources of this organization by slotting this boon. The organization loans you a set of armor or a nonconsumable weapon (but fully loaded with conventional ammunition) for the duration of the adventure. The loaned equipment must have an item level equal to or less than your character level + 1, up to a maximum item level of 8. The item must be returned to the organization at the end of the adventure. Whenever you slot this boon, you must check one of the boxes. This boon might have additional uses based on the organization you have inXuenced. How this inXuence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. When all the boxes are checked, you can no longer earn loaned equipment while slotting this boon, as your preferred standing with this organization is expended. For tracking purposes, your GM should mark the name of your hiring organization here: Xenowardens
Star Monster Slayer (Starship Boon): You defeated a spacefaring monster known as a Besmaran whelp. Since this battle, you’ve mastered the art of battling against living starship-sized enemies when operating a starship of your own. While this boon is slotted, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks made in a starship combat against an enemy living starship. Any of your fellow crewmates who don’t have this boon slotted instead gain a +1 bonus to their skill checks against enemy living starships—the direct result of your guidance during the battle.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) 2/4
Credits earned: 733

3. 01-16 Dreaming of the Future:

Dream Whispers (Ally Boon): Because you researched its dreamspun tales, the Liavaran Dreamer known as Whisperer of Solar Winds has taken an interest in you. When you slot this boon, the Dreamer imparts some knowledge to you in the form of a cryptic comment that may prove helpful later in your mission. Once per adventure, any time you miss an attack or fail a saving throw, you can call up on the Dreamer’s mysterious message. You immediately count this roll as being 2 higher, which may allow you to hit your target or succeed on your save. If you roll a natural 1 on your attack or save, you cannot use this ability.
Private Vault (Slotless Boon; Vanity): The staff of the Communion Vaults takes note of your actions in helping to resolve Whisperer of Solar Winds’ dreamspun tales. The staff provide you with a reasonable space of your own within the Communion Vaults. This 20-by-20-foot square chamber can be used to store any major magical finds you’ve recovered or purchased during your travels. You can bring any number of creatures into this space whenever you like. While this chamber is mostly a personal accomplishment and an area you can show off to others, it does have one tangible benefit: the entire area within your vault is warded by a nondetection effect (caster level 10th).
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) 2
Credits earned: 720

4. 3-99 Perils of the Past:

This adventure qualifies you for a unique Achievement Point boon: Memories of the Past.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) 2
Credits earned: 750

5. 4-02 Settling Accounts:

Employed by corporate powerhouse Ilia Tamm, you traveled to the fractured planet Tio Major on the trail of her missing son, social media darling Envar Tamm. You found that his travels brought him into contact with a species called ixtli, previously unknown to inhabitants of the Pact Worlds. Envar's presence caused repercussions that upset the cultural status quo. You navigated this complex diplomatic situation while seeking clues about Envar's whereabouts and defeating an enormous starfaring predator that threatened the ixtli settlement. Your actions ultimately impressed the ixtli Triumvirate and established positive first contact.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) 2, Acquisitives 1
Credits earned: 750

6. 2-15 The Infernal Gallery:

Diabolical Hitchhiker (Ally): You picked up an unexpected passenger on your journey back to Absalom Station. What appeared to be an imprisoned bird from the holy plane of Elysium was actually the imp Kremzle in disguise, and he deceitfully (or invisibly) hitched a ride on your starship. After taunting you, he flew off to participate in his own machinations, but your paths may cross again. This boon may have an effect in a future scenario.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) 2
Credits earned: 1094

7. 3-15: Frozen Ambitions: The Preluria Connection:

Hired by the mysterious Xystrian Brotherhood to investigate a disappearance, you traveled to the Vault of Vorlath. Once there, you followed the trail of the missing agent, starting at a dive bar frequented by lowlifes and mercenaries. You recovered the coordinates for a facility in the desert where you encountered a laboratory processing kinwood sap and shimmerstone into an unstable combat serum. After fighting enhanced shobhads and chasing their leader in an armed delivery van, you confronted the mercenary scientist and ultimately killed her, captured her, or allowed her to escape.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, Second Seekers (EH) +1
Credits earned: 1091

8. 5-02: Road to Reconciliation:

You were sent as a diplomatic envoy to the Aerie of the Sun to return a sacred artifact to the strix community and to attempt to start making right a wrong committed by a famous Starfinder in the Society’s early days. During your mission, you were tested by the strix windspeakers and then sent to reclaim a sacred site, Shifting Nest. You defeated the predatory animals inside the site and discovered an ancient strix artifact. You □ did or □ did not attempt to steal the artifact.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, Dataphiles +1, Wayfinders +2
Credits earned: 1461

9. 1-21 Yesteryear’s Sorrow:

Ghibran Linguist (Slotless Boon), Knowledge of a Forgotten Military (Social Boon), [i]Weapons of a Lost Civilization[i] (Starship Boon): See Boons spoiler for details.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, Exo-Guardians +1
Credits earned: 1469

10. 06-02 Drift Scars:

After consulting a trio of researchers on Triaxus, you successfully used the Jatembe's Jaunt Drift Lane, stopping to help a captain under attack from pirates before proceeding to its end point at the Nebula Union. Finding the Union's councilors in disagreement about what to do with the Drift Lane, you helped them get closer to a decision before facing off one final time with the pirates. Ultimately, the Nebula Union decided to [X] use Jatembe's Jaunt freely, [ ] blockade Jatembe's Jaunt, [ ] wait to decide how to proceed with Jatembe's Jaunt.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, Wayfinders +1
Credits earned: 2834

11. 06-03 Project Dawn:

You were sent to Verces to infiltrate Dayside Inc. headquarters in Athalo and steal data that could incriminate the company and prove a connection to the mysterious Organization. During your investigation, you discovered an underground, off-the-books laboratory run by Dayside's CEO, Lubose, a dangerous member of the Organization. After defeating Lubose and their undead lab assistants, you escaped the facility with [x] incriminating data and [x] a sample of finitrium.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, Dataphiles +1
Credits earned: 2844

12. 05-99 Battle for the Bulwark:

In the heart of Sangoro’s Bulwark, above a magical cenote, the Starfinders battled the last of General Itharris’ army. You defeated [x] Lieutenant Ulgaran or □ General Itharris. At the battle’s end, a magical construct empowered by the souls of the Founders emerged from the cenote and destroyed the Voidglass Spire. Now, it sleeps again... The battle is over and Sangoro’s Bulwark belongs to the Starfinder once more!
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, Exoguardians +1
Credits earned: 1536

13. 05-12: Envar's Expeditions (II):

Requested by Ilia Tamm to track down her wayward son, popular v-log influencer Envar, you traveled to four planets in Near Space while following the trail of his data tags. After dealing with the results of Envar's shenanigans or other hazards of these destinations, you located all four data tags and Envar himself. The tags were on the following planets: [x] Daimalko, [x] Pakahano, [ ] Gaskar III, [ ] Nemenar, [x] Vesk-4, and [x] Varturan.
You [x] convinced Envar to contact his mother and tell her his hopes for the future or [ ] didn't convince Envar to make contact, but assured Ilia of his safety.
This adventure qualifies you for a unique Achievement Point boon: Near Space Tourist.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, Exoguardians +1
Credits earned: 1536

14. 06-13: The Beginning of the End:

You traveled to the planet of Relthune to find the Order of Dawning Fate and destroy their disaster machine before it levels the city of Izdria. You received some help from an old enemy, the ysoki Datch, who you [X] let go free in exchange for information, accidentally let escape, or captured. In the end, you destroyed or [X] shut down the disaster machine, and fought and killed Kebzec, one of the last remaining founders of the Order of Dawning Fate.
XP gained: 1
Reputation earned: Second Seekers (LE) +2, ADV +1, DAT +1
Credits earned: 4892


Height: 5’-6”
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair: left side clean-shaven, right side naturally wavy, ombre red-violet roots to deep indigo tips just past the shoulder
Eyes: Amethyst
Skin: warm light brown, with indigo and violet tattoos in delicate scrollwork and flowers to highlight her pale violet glowing circuits.
Clothing: Deep colors, but no black. Prefers navy, indigo, violet, burgundy, merlot, etc.
Voice: like warm honey, but flat.

Background and Personality:

Twila-4’s soul had a bit of trouble moving on when she died, and fought it hard. As a result of her deep frustration over her unfinished business, her soul took some detours before entering Twila-5’s body, causing her new incarnation to feel a bit of a connection with the undead.

Twila-5 remembers everything about Twila-4, and thinks of her somewhat like a tragic mother who died too soon. A part of her wants to honor her “mom” by living out her goal of dismantling the systems that keep the rich rich and the poor poor, but another part thinks that Twila-4 was an idiot to think that assassinating all the rich and powerful people in the galaxy was feasible or useful. So she works to try to even the score in smaller ways, spreading kindness where she can.

Unlike her "mother’s" goth aesthetics, Twila-5 hates black. Instead, she opts for rich colors, albeit dark ones that blend into shadows well. Her voice is soft and warm, though flat.