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After a quick rest you check your coms units. There is a message from Ixthia.
“Thank you for accepting this mission. We’ve identified a control center at the pinnacle of the Voidglass Spire. It is our belief that this is the core of the psychic transducer, which transmits thoughts and psychocorporeal foes across the battlefield via shadow beams. Investigate this control center and shut down the psychic transducer. If our luck holds, this will render their greatest weapon useless—the Voidglass Spire will be a hollow shell. Good luck, Starfinders. Our hope goes with you.”
Following your directions you arrive at an entrance... one that is covered by a shimmering barrier of solidified will!
You could try to hurt it physically (damage it)... or shut it down using mysticism... Any attempt in either manner is likely to have... repercussions
Status: Spire control center Harrying fire: available
Option-8 Weakened. 2sp damage;
Ears weakened ; damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 3/4 RP;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 9 sp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 9/32sp; 28/28HP; 2/3RP;
Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.
Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.
Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.

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Jek takes out a Turquoise Cube Aeon Stone and puts it into motion around Jek's head. "I think we're going to need all the luck we can get."Turquoise Cube Aeon Stone. Once per day as a reaction when you fail an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check by 1, this aeon stone can retroactively grant you a +1 bonus to the roll, turning the failure into a success.
Jek tires to learn more about the shimmering barrier. "This looks more dangerous than the other barrier we dealt with, best we try to learn all we can about it first."
Mysticism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Next Jek looks around to see if there are any signs of any control for the shimmering barrier or a way around it.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
"I don't think my compound eyes like this shimmering light." Jek sits down and closes their eyes for a bit trying to clear their head.

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Following behind Jekcedo, "I believe you are right, Jekcedo. We should not underestimate it."
Mysticism: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
"Everyone that can help should help."

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"Now, I don't know a whole lot about magicks..."
Mysticism: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
"End of Sentence." Dhomer says after considering it.

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Feeling in over her head, Twila-5 tries her best to help figure out the nature of this barrier.
Mysticism to Aid Option-8: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
She also looks around to see if there are any clues or control panels on either side of it.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

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Jekcedo starts to attune to the odd wall of force. With the help very timely of his stone he starts to disassemble it.
Dhomer, joining in, finds his will badly tested.
Dhomer will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Ouch, the headache: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6
Twilia tries to bolster Option's assault on the wall..... which after initial resistance, vanishes in a puff of logic.
With the barrier defeated you proceed to the control room, which looks vaguely like the interior of a geode - sharp voidglass shards point in all directions. Scattered among these growths are things that must be control panels.
Status: Spire control center Harrying fire: available
Option-8 Weakened. 2sp damage;
Ears weakened ; damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 27/33SP; 3/4 RP;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 9 sp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 9/32sp; 28/28HP; 2/3RP;
Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.
Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.
Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.

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Ears "They got a theme going. Let's see how all this works then."
Perhaps goaded by his uselessness at the wall, Ears looks for hazards, then, if it's clear, steps into the voidglass geode. He moves to one of the presumed control panels and tries to decipher it.
Cast a quick detect magic. Try to follow up if any is detected. Then look for physical traps. Then step inside.
Perception, traps: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
Engineering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Had my post 3/4 done last night, then got interrupted. Thought I'd finished it. Sad surprise this morning. Nice Hitchhiker reference, DM A!

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Jek not having any computer or engineering skills, tries to be useful by using their Profession maintenance worker skills to find anything that might aid others in figuring out the equipment safely.
" As a professionally trained maintenance worker first thing I always do with new equipment is look for the instruction manual, and before working on anything find and turn off the power source. I'll look to see if I can find either."
Profession maintenance worker to aid others: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

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Also suspecting traps (because who would leave such a vital control room unprotected?), Twila-5 does an additional search before entering, continuing to do so until she's cleared the room.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
If she finds any, she has +10 on Engineering/Computers and +6 on Mysticism to disarm them. If Mysticism is required, she'll Aid someone else in disarming it.
Once she's satisfied that traps won't be a problem, she approaches a control station and tries to sort out what to do to disable it, muttering: "I don't suppose detonating the whole chamber is a wise idea."
Engineering or Computers: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

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@Dirk, certainly.
The team, suspicious checks for traps before entering the area.
per Dirk, Dhou, Option 7/6/3: 3d20 ⇒ (11, 20, 9) = 40
You are just about to head in when the sharp eyed Dhomer notices a doughnut on a plate. Reaching for it he pauses... that is perhaps too convenient. Do grioth even eat doughnuts? Holding up his hand the team freezes.
Under the doughnut there is a mystical rune.... surely something bad would have happened if he had got any closer too it.
That was a DC26 perception check. Didn't think you were going to make it.
You have a couple of options to deal with the rune, you could try to deface it (engineeing) or try to nullify the planar forces that are gathered around it (mysticism, easier)
Status: Spire control center Harrying fire: available
Option-8 Weakened. 2sp damage;
Ears weakened ; damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 27/33SP; 3/4 RP;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 9 sp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 32/32sp; 28/28HP; 1/3RP;
Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.
Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.
Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.

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"*annoyed grunt*" Dhomer says as he realizes the grioth's devious ruse.
Mysticism to aid Jek: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Eh, at least I found the trap.

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Jek feeling extra confident from Dhomer's help tries to remove the trap
"I got this looks really easy, all I need to do is..."
Mysticism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

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Option-8 freezes when Dhomer mentions the trap. "Perhaps if we all work together on this we can diffuse it."
Mysticism to Aid Jek: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Wow, the die roller is not liking us right now.

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The meta thing to do here would be to roll a separate check. But Ears would have aided Jek.
Mysticism, aid: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
At least this bad thing isn't entirely myfault.

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I'll wait for the other two with their aid rolls, but them checks are pretty unlucky.

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Let's all get our nat 1s out of the way now, I guess. Here goes.
Twila-5 joins the teamwork, but the grioth have some weird mumbo-jumbo going on here. It's hard to make heads or tails of it.
Mysticism to aid Jek: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
"Uh, guys... This doesn't feel right..."

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"Good eyes Dirk, how did I miss that." Jek thinks to themself "Ya Jek how did you miss that? I know you're exhausted but the mission is not over yet. Stay sharp!" Jek thinks back to Jek's Vesk drill sergeant in boot camp "Stay Sharp or you'll all get your pronking heads blown off!"

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Woith the whole team - and I do mean the whole team - cooperating together, you narrowly manage to disable a rather nasty trap that surely would have flooded the room with planar energies, doing all kinds of unspecified nastiness to you all. Already battered from the previous battle, that would have been inconvenient at best for you.
Faced with the control room that is now safe, you must somehow work out how to shut down the psychic transducer.
One person and one only can try this. The obvious method to do it is my nulifying the sychic transducer's connection to the giroth leader (mysticism); however a skilled person may be about to trick or overwhelm the mystic endpoint (bluff, diplomcy or intimidate). Obviously that would be harder. I'll take the first roll. No aids allowed on this one. You may want to discuss your strategy.

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"Got to get this right the first time."
Jek says pacing back and forth near the psychic transducer. Jek stops and takes out their canteen and has a drink, before starting to remove their equipment
"Here take my gear I don't want any distractions trying to make this mystical connection."
Jek removes everything except their clothing and com unit.
"Might be good if you all stand back or even get out of the room."
Jek sits down and turns on some relaxing music with Klikharps thrumming in the background. Jek's antenna completely relaxes and then perks up to the rhythm of the thrumming putting Jek into a relaxed state of mind to help enable mystic connections.
Jek reaches out for the psychic transducer's connection to the giroth leader, then tries to become one with it, still breathing in and out to the rhythm of the Klikharps, Jek's antenna following the same motion. Jek stays in this state for several minutes, then all of a sudden Jek hits stop on their com unit stopping the music, as Jek tries to snap the giroth's leader psychic transducer's connection.
Jek stands and looks around trying to feel if they have succeeded.
Mysticism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

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Jek manages to sever the connection from the transducer to... He senses a name... General Itharris. But the general is definitely aware and is already trying to reinitiate the connection.
You have only a short time in which to shut the device down fully. There is still some lingering psychic energy, so failure here may still be painful.
Either computer or engineering. Alternatively you could try a more... physical approach with athletics (but that may be harder). This time you can aid another if you would like.

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Do we get only one check?

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Well, we can aid, so I think we should have one person be the main and the rest of us aid. Except for me.
Dhomer really can't help at all.

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There is no mechanical advantage for you doing separate checks, although you could if you wanted to. I note we are on our "five minute warning" so getting through this last step quickly would be helpful.. At the moment we need one more success for the event as a whole... you could be it..

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Jek grabs their tool kit wihtout stopping to gear up yet and starts trying to disable the device. "I'm not an engineer but I know enough about maintenance that pulling these fuses should stop it from working correctly."
Profession maintenance worker with tool kit Aid to dissable: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
"If this thing blows up I still have some MK2 Serum of healing with my gear over there."

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I don't have any of the necessary skills I'm just attempting to use maintenance to aid someone else.
"Not really sure what I'm doing here, hope this helps someone who does."

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Twila-5 had *really* disliked Jek's martyerdom schick from moments before, despite seeing how necessary it was, given the time constraints. Now that there's something--anything--she can do to help, she hustles over to share some of the danger-load. "I could use some help rerouting their subroutines into a virtual mobius strip. That should permanently disable the connections."
Computers: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

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Twila-5 sits down at a computer terminal. The forms are a bit odd, but she quickly gets the feel for what is required and shuts down the restart routines.
A quiet hum fills the place.

bigrin42 |

House GM post
Hoisting their weapon aloft, Ixthia shouts, “Starfinders, the time has come for our final assault. General Itharris and the last of her soldiers have retreated to the heart of Sangoro’s Bulwark and are defending it to the last! We must sweep them from the Bulwark forever!”
Table GMs, Part 4 has begun.

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As one the Starfinders sweep toward the Bulwark's Heart.
The Bulwark’s Heart is lit by artificial lighting, the luminescent glow of the cenote, and the sinister glow of the Voidglass Spire and other voidglass deposits.
The ceiling in is 100 feet high. Around the edges of the Voidglass Spire (all spaces above the voidglass platforms), which has pierced through the upper floors of the Bulwark, the ceiling is instead 200 feet high. This space is massive, with hundreds of Starfinders and grioth soldiers engaged in chaotic battle.
The battle for Sangoro’s Bulwark rages in a beautiful cavern, marred by the Voidglass Spire and damaged by the gunfire, shrapnel, and magical attacks. To the north, the ground drops away to a glowing cenote, its waters churning violently. To the south, the lower reaches of the Voidglass Spire emerge from the ground, rising into the air and puncturing the ceiling in its quest for the sky with no regard for the damage caused to the ancient architecture of Sangoro’s Bulwark.
All around, Starfinders and grioths engage in heated combat. Emerging from the enemy throng are two formidable grioths who bark orders to the surrounding soldiers: Lieutenant Ulgaran, muscular and fierce, with white fur and a bellowing voice that spits curses and insults as often as he swings his voidglass sword; and General Itharris, terrifying in a metal and crystal containment suit, wielding a plasma sword and rifle.
General Itharris raises her sword and bellows at the top of her lungs. “Come to your death, Starfinders! I am that which gnaws and consumes! The terror in the dark! The corruptor of souls! Face me and embrace the Void!” Her voice reverberates with psychic power, tearing through the mind and leaving behind an ominous weight. A telepathic din rises in response, as the soldiers cheer for the coming bloodshed.
Lieutenant Ulgaran snarls. “You heard the General, maggots! Show them our strength! Draw out their fear! Tear apart the Starfinders!”
New map available, slide 1
init, grioth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
init, ulgaran (red): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Status: init, if you beat a 19 you may act: Harrying fire: available
Option-8 Weakened. 2sp damage;
Ears weakened ; damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 27/33SP; 3/4 RP;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Jekcedo Impaired; 9 sp damage; 3/5RP;
Dirk weakened; 32/32sp; 28/28HP; 1/3RP;
Ulgaran (19)
grioth (red,blue,pink,orange) (5)
Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.
Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.
Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.

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Initiative: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 1 + 4 = 24
Jek runs (takes 2 move actions) almost making it to the clifts but just short, Jek takes cover behind some large crystal rising from the ground.
Hoping the large crystals provide cover?
"There's some cover here as we get ready to scale the cliff. Does anyone have a rope? We can climb over each other to get up but will likely need a rope to get the rest of us up."

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The cliffs don't look too hard to climb, but not easy by any means. Happy for cover from crystals from the foes current locations.

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Initiative: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 4 = 24
Option-8 goes to the nearest crystal spire for cover and fires his Static Arc Pistol at Blue.
Static Arc Pistol vs EAC with 1 range penalty: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 - 2 = 5
E Dmg: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

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Initiative: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 4 = 13
"I've got 50 feet of titanium alloy cable and a grappler somewhere in my pack." Twila-5 begins rummaging around, trying to pull them out of the tangle of items. (For flavor, to explain her low initiative)

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Init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Ears dashes after the others and dives behind one of the large crystals.
"I've got some cable too."
Can't get to map right now. Ears will stick close to Dirk.

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Initiative: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 4 = 18
He gains an point of entropy

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I'm assuming Dirk is delaying, he could act with that init..
The leader screaches and flaps down toward the isolated figure of Jek.
Status: bold may post Harrying fire: available
Option-8 Weakened. 2sp damage;
Ears weakened ; damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 27/33SP; 3/4 RP;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;
Dirk weakened; 32/32sp; 28/28HP; 1/3RP;
grioth (red,blue,pink,orange) (5)
Jekcedo Impaired; 9 sp damage; 3/5RP;
Ulgaran (19)
Unbreakable resolve: +4 to each of your initiative and +2 to will waves
Unexpected reinforcements: Once per combat, call down harrying fire on an opponent.
Weakened - Con track poison damage;
The victim takes a –2 penalty to Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and Constitution-based DCs. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Hit Points as per on initial exposure.
Impaired - Con track poison damage, as weakened, plus..:
The victim takes an additional –2 penalty to the affected checks and the affected DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she has 1 or more levels in a spellcasting class whose key ability score is Intelligence, she can’t cast her 2 highest levels of spells from that class.

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Ears looks at Jek and the grioth, and his friends. Twila is the closest. "Twila, let me boost one of your weapons, then help Jek!"
Will supercharge the weapon of Twila's choice (+4d6 damage). Then move as shown.

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Dhomer rushes forward, flops onto his belly and takes a shot with his pistol against Orange.
Bruiser Decoupler, vs Orange EAC, 2nd Range increment: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 5 - 4 = 11
Acid Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
I drop prone to get a bonus against Ranged Attacks. Are the cliffs climbable? Only use athletics checks to get up?

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"Jek!" No way am I letting you be a martyer again! Twila-5 only pauses long enough for Ears to boost her weapon before drawing her her static arc pistol while ducking into a roll and firing it at the grioth threatening him.
Trick Attack (Acrobatics): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Static Arc pistol: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Electric damage: 1d6 + 2 + 4d6 ⇒ (1) + 2 + (4, 3, 4, 3) = 17
Trick attack damage, if applicable: 1d8 ⇒ 4

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Cliffs require athletics check to climb
Ears boosts Twila-5's pistol and then heads toward Jek. Dhomer drops to the ground, must be a doughnut there... and then takes a cheap shot at one of the grith who he remarkably hits.
Twila-5 shoots... and scores. She is pretty sure that no static arc pistol in the history of static arc pistols has packed a whomp like that before. The grioth roars in rage.
Suggestions for dirk and Option? Feel free to do the rolls for them too
Status: bold may post Harrying fire: available
Option-8 Weakened. 2sp damage;
Dirk weakened; 32/32sp; 28/28HP; 1/3RP;
grioth (red,blue,pink
orange (-5)
Jekcedo Impaired; 9 sp damage; 3/5RP;
Ulgaran - 21
Ears weakened ; damage;3/4RP;
Dhomer 27/33SP; 3/4 RP;
Twila-5 5sp damage; 4/5rp;

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Dirk fires his big gun.
Bang! It rings in the air.
at blue adding weakened
handcannon: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5