PF2E Stolen Fate

Game Master andreww

Book 1 Roll20 Table
Book 2 Roll20 Table

Loot List

◆ Single action ◆◆ Two actions ◆◆◆ Three actions ◇ Free action ⟳ Reaction

GM Rolls:

[dice=Attack 1]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Attack 2]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Attack 3]1d20[/dice]

[dice=Damage] [/dice]


PC Rolls:

[dice=Slick ] 1d20+23 [/dice], Master
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+ 25[/dice], Master, +2 visual and hearing
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 24 [/dice], Legendary, +1 visual
[dice=Sigourney]1d20+23[/dice], Expert, +2 visual

[dice=Slick ] 1d20+25 [/dice]
[dice=Slick Battle Cry]1d20+31[/dice]
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+25 [/dice], +2 item visual/hearing, +2 circ scout
[dice=Pinebrush, Stealth]1d20 + 28 [/dice], Perception +24, +1 circ if visual, +2 circ scout
[dice=Sigourney]1d20+23[/dice], +2 circ scout, +2 item visual

Fort Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+27 [/dice], Juggernaut
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+ 24[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 25 [/dice], pass becomes crit
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+25[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+25[/dice]

Reflex Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+25[/dice], Bulwark +1, Evasion
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+25 [/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 + 30 [/dice], Improved Evasion
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+26[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+26[/dice], probably evasion

Will Saves
[dice=Slick ] 1d20+ 23 [/dice], Bravery
[dice=Billy ] 1d20+27[/dice], Resolve, +1 vs magic
[dice=Pinebrush]1d20 +22 [/dice]
[dice=Sigourney] 1d20+25[/dice], +1 vs magic
[dice=Reginald ] 1d20+25[/dice]

Harrow Deck:

[dice=Harrow Draw]1d6 + 1d9[/dice]
Suit: Hammers, Keys, Shields, Books, Stars, Crowns
Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil

1,251 to 1,300 of 1,738 << first < prev | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | next > last >>

Cond: Frightened 1, Wounded 1| Female N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 5/188| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25 (+1 saves vs magical effects)| Speed 15 ft, Swim speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +23 (+2 visual)| Init +23 (+2 visual AND +2 scouting)| Exp: Detect Magic| Hero: 0| Spells DC 36. Slots: 1□□☑, 2□□☑, 3□□□ , 4□□☑, 5□□□, 6□☑☑, 7□□☑, 8□☑, Focus☑☑□| Staff Charges: 9+1 (2 net)| Wand Uses: □□|Focus recharges □| Magic Hat Summon □| ✋ ✋ Wand| QuickenSpell ☑|

Sigourney is befuddled and baffled by the turn of events. First a weird ritual is taking place, then a weird spell and now Pine is no longer her friend, and there's also a large frog next to her attacking Billy? What is even happening, what is she to do?

Luckily her patron is more decisive than she is and automatically Commands Reginald, making him its Puppet.

Patron's Puppet automatically commands Reginald, his actions come soon.

She effortlessly tries to think about what she knows about large groups of cultists and what their weakest defense is.

Assured Knowledge:

Using Assured Knowledge to, as a free action, Recall Knowledge with Assurance on Blue Cultists if I can do so with my Academia Lore (30), Arcana (30), Society (30), Fiend Lore (30), Nature (30), Crafting (30), Lore (Loremaster) (26), Occultism (26), Religion (26). I want to know their weakest Defense between AC, Will, Reflex and Fort.

Inspired by her Patron's strategy of "Just kill whatever you see", she decides to pour as many resources as possible to remove this Vorvok creature from the backlines so that at worst, Pine is the only problem the party has to take care of. She speeds through her incantations (Quickened Cast ) and casts a ray of Holy Light at this Vorvok creature.

"Fire Sign - Die!" She hastily yells at the toad thing, a beam of light blasting out of her right hand into it.

Spell Attack, CA, 5th Rank Holy Light: 1d20 + 23 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 23 + 1 = 37

Harrow (Other) Spell Attack, CA, 5th Rank Holy Light: 1d20 + 23 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 23 + 1 = 41

Fire Damage, CA: 9d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 5, 6, 3) + 1 = 33

Spirit Damage if applicable, Holy: 9d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2) = 32

Sigourney then turns to the cultists and the flying prophetess and casts a more deliberate, longer spell. From her left hand, a ball of pure cold flies out of there, making contact right below the Prophetess and Eclipse Bursting the whole field!

"You throw fire...and strange mind stuff... at us, I throw the void back at you! Cold Sign - Eclipse Burst!"

Eclipse Burst, DC 33 Reflex Save, CA, Cold: 8d10 + 1 ⇒ (6, 4, 1, 1, 7, 8, 10, 9) + 1 = 47

Eclipse Burst, DC 33 Reflex Save, Void: 8d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2) = 22

Having done as much damage as possible, she joins Reginald in Stridong as far away from the dangerous sprite as possible.

◇ Patron's Puppet, ◇ Assured Knowledge (Recall Knowledge) on Blue Cultist, ◆ Quickened Holy Light on Vorvok, ◆◆ Eclipse Burst, ◆ Stride 40 feet


Gentle Landing Trigger: A creature (Sigourney or one of her allies) within range is falling.

Cloud Dragon's Cloak Trigger: You or an ally within 60 feet are targeted by a ranged attack.

Interposing Earth Trigger: You are the target of a Strike or would attempt a Reflex save against a damaging area effect. Duration: 3 rounds.

Air Bubble. Trigger: A creature (Sigourney or one of her allies) within 60 feet enters an environment where it can't breathe.

Hidebound. A creature within 60 feet is hit with a Strike that deals physical damage.

Wooden Double. Trigger: You're critically hit by a damage-dealing effect or Strike. A wooden double appears out of nowhere and takes the blow in your place. Take a Step action. A wooden block of your size and roughly shaped like you appears in the space you left and absorbs the hit. This block has Hardness 5 and 20 Hit Points. If the wooden block is destroyed, you take any excess damage that the block didn't absorb. After taking the blow, the wooden block collapses into a pile of splinters and dust.

Recognize Spell. Trigger: A creature within line of sight casts a spell that you don’t have prepared or in your spell repertoire, or a trap or similar object casts such a spell. You must be aware of the casting. Note: Sigourney can perform this as a free action if the spell is on the arcane or primal lists.

Hexing Jar. Activate [reaction] envision Frequency once per hour; Trigger You roll a critical success on an attack roll with a witch spell, or your target rolls a critical failure on its saving throw against a witch spell or hex you cast; Effect The thing in the jar becomes more energetic—glowing, dancing, rapping on the glass, or some other action appropriate to its appearance. It encourages you until the start of your next turn, granting you and your familiar a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and a +2 status bonus against mental effects.


Male Familiar of Freezing Rime 15 | HP 105/105| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25| 25 feet speed Perc +20, Low-light vision, Imprecise Wavesense, 30 feet Cond: Frightened 1, Off-guard, Light, Water Breathing

Earlier in the timeline, just before Sigourney cast the rest of her spells...

Reginald's fear, panic and hyperventilated squeaking is suddenly cut off. He stares at the enemies (but not Pine, not yet anyway) with regal calm and otherworldly hatred in his eyes. He? hastily Strides away from Sigourney to widen the gap between himself, Pine and the Vorvok creature.

Reginald's token seems stuck to mine. I put a "Reginald" on the map marking where he would go.

He? then does his thing and unravels into magical fibers! A barrage of magical fibers shoot out towards the Vorvok, trying to strangle him or at least hold him in place. Reginald reforms back in his square afterwards, staring daggers at the enemy before his panicked expression returns.

"Wha-where did Sigourney go? I was just on her shoulder..." He thinks to himself as he notices the effects of the spell on the Vorvox. "OH NO! I just made him mad! Sigourney help me!" He squeaks rapidly for help, in sheer terror.

Stitching Strike, DC 33 Reflex Save, CA: 12d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 1, 1) + 1 = 39

On failure, Vorvok is immobilized for one round. Hopefully this forces him to use a teleport and waste actions doing so next turn.

◆ Stride 15 feet, ◆◆ Stitching Strike

Sigourney recognises the cultists as being servants of Rovagug. Heavily armoured, they are rather clumsy (weakest defence Reflex). She then blasts Vorvok with holy flames, he screams in rage and fury, he most definitely did not like that! She then unleashes freezing cold against the other enemies!

The prophetess and the red troop avoid the worst of it. Blue troop is clearly used to this sort of thing and avoids it completely!

Reginald then most disturbingly unravels himself! Vorvok totally fails to see it coming and is horribly entangled in string, most embarrassing for a senior demon. The prophetess just sighs, shakes her head and mutters, Must I do everything myself


Prophetess (34), Blue (none), Red (49)
Reflex: 3d20 ⇒ (11, 20, 19) = 50, pass, crit pass, pass

Reflex vs Reg: 1d20 ⇒ 12, fail

Combat Status:


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 1/4
Haste 1/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 213/218
Billy 52/160, tailwind, see invisibile, 1d10 fire
Pinebrush 173/173
Sigourney 115/148
Reginald 98/98

Prophetess, 34 damage, 20' in the air
Vorvok 114 damage, immobilised 1 round
Red Troop, 49 damage
Blue Troop

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

Slick watches in mild surprise and then increasing horror as Pine swoops over to Billy and starts using him as a pin cushion. "Whoa there Pine. What's the meaning of this." But Slick suspects that this is the effect of the spell that the Prophetess just cast. "Pine better snap out of it soon or I'll be forced to make a decision I'd rather not."

He's about to head over to help his friend deal with Pine when the large toad demon appears behind Billy. "Pine will have to wait; this is a bigger and smellier problem." Slick manages to switch to mouth breathing in time to avoid the worst of it.

He pauses momentarily as Sigourney roasts the toad demon in holy fire and while she continues raining destruction on the rest of their enemies, Slick closes with Vorvok. First, he feints in hopes of catching it off-guard, and then slashes into the creature to try and finish the job.

Actions 1 & 2 (◆◆): Scout's Charge
- Action: Stride (45 feet)
- Action: Feint with Ventriloquist's Ring (Greater) vs Vorvok
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem vs Off-Guard Vorvok.

Deception (Feint): 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 20 + 2 = 40 vs Vorvok Perception DC

Assuming a success (maybe a crit even), so off-guard.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 33 vs Off-Guard
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10, 8, 4) + 9 + 1 = 32 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Actions 3 (◆): Exacting Strike - On a miss, next Strike uses same MAP
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Vorvok.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (17) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 41
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (9, 4, 9) + 9 + 1 = 32 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Assuming a hit, so Exacting Strike does not take effect and next MAP is -10. If that was a crit, then Vorvok is off-guard and blinded.

Action 4 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem, Haste and MAP2 vs Off-Guard? and Blinded? Vorvok.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 10 ⇒ (15) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 10 = 34 vs Off-Guard? and Blinded?
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (1, 11, 11) + 9 + 1 = 33 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

If Billy is damaged, Slick will use his Protector's Sacrifice (↺).

Available Reactions:

Reactive Strike (↺)
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 42
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (7, 5, 8) + 9 + 1 = 30 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success, the target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous).

Protector's Sacrifice (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet takes damage
Reduce the damage the ally would take by 21. You redirect this damage to yourself, but your immunities, weaknesses, resistances and so on do not apply.

Warding Tattoo (Fiend) (↺) (1/day)
Trigger An enemy, hazard, or the environment makes an attack against your AC, requires you to attempt a saving throw, or causes you to take damage automatically
Until the end of the current turn, against the triggering effect, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and gain resistance 2 to damage.

The Paladin (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a saving throw
Adjust the result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.

Talisman: Snapleaf (↺)
Trigger You begin to fall.
This small, crystalline carving takes the shape of a tree leaf and attaches to armor or clothing with a simple strap. When you activate the snapleaf, you gain the benefits of feather fall and a 2nd-level invisibility spell for 1 minute or until you stop falling, whichever comes first.

Skeptic's Defense (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You are targeted by or are in the area of a mental spell or effect.
You don't believe in any mental twaddle, and you're certainly not afraid of it. You scoff and verbally refute the triggering effect, attempting a counteract check using your Intimidation modifier with a counteract level of half your level rounded up. If you succeed, you ignore the triggering effect, though any other creatures that were also targeted or in the area are still affected. If the source of the effect you successfully counteracted understands your language and has an Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, that creature becomes stupefied for 1 round.

Blessed Denial (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet would become Frightened, Drained, Enfeebled, Sickened, or Stupefied.
You exude peace and protection, lessening a harmful condition as it falls upon an ally. Reduce the value of the condition your ally would take by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the ally takes more than one condition at the same time, choose one to reduce.

Slick rushes up to Vorvok, rather outfoxing him. He lands three powerful blows, blinding him in the process but somehow he remains standing!

The blue cultists advance a little further and hurl another fireball, catching Sigourney and her strange poppet. Sigourney avoids the worst of it but Reginald is a little too slow this time. Reginal shrieks and flaps around in the flames!

That is 30 damage but I believe Poppet familiars have weakness fire equal to your level unless you have spent a familiar ability to remove it. I cannot tell if you have or not so I have applied the weakness. Let me know if I shouldnt.

The Prophetess flies forward and takes aim at Sigourney with her hand crossbow. The bolt slices across her cheek and Sigourney feels a burning sensation of venom entering her system. She shrugs it off, this time. The Prophetess calmly reloads her crossbow.


Reflex Saves
Sigourney: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28
Reginald : 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25

Fire damage: 10d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4) = 30

Attack 1: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7
Sigourney: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41

Combat Status:
Round 2


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 2/4
Haste 2/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 213/218
Billy 52/160, tailwind, see invisibile, 1d10 fire
Pinebrush 173/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 54/98

Prophetess, 34 damage, 20' in the air
Vorvok 241 damage, immobilised 1 round, blinded 1 round
Red Troop, 49 damage
Blue Troop

CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

Actively burning, while being battered and beaten by friend and foe, Billy bravely runs away.
Double-stride (65') staying on the path to avoid difficult terrain (still within 60' of Slick for CA).

He then tries to dispel whatever is affecting Pinebrush.
"Pine, you're acting strange. You really just attacked me?
Your attitude must change. A spell to counteract thee."

Dispel Magic (Rank 6) vs Pine's affliction: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29 (vs caster DC)
Success: Counteract the target if its counteract level is no more than 1 level higher than your effect’s counteract level.
Failure: Counteract the target if its counteract level is lower than your effect’s counteract level.

Pers Fire Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 5
Pers Fire Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Billy still ablaze...

◆◆ Stride x 2 (hasted), ◆◆ Dispel

Billy ducks out of the way and tries to help Pine. Sadly it seems to have no effect. The second group of cultists launch another fireball, this time hitting Billy and Sigourney! Billy ducks but Sigourney freezes the flames before they even reach her.

Pine, standing next to Slick, steps into his space and stabs him repeatedly!

Slick takes 53 damage

Vorvok, immobilised and blind, lashes out at Slick. He lands a lucky bite, tearing chunks from Slicks shoulder but his claw swipes go wide.

Slicks takes 68 damage


Reflex Saves
Billy : 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (4) + 23 = 27, pass
Sigourney: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (17) + 23 = 40, crit pass

Fire: 10d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 1, 1, 3, 5) = 28

Attack 1: 1d20 ⇒ 20, crit

Damage: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4, 6) + 3 = 15 x2 +2d8 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9 for 39, the fire cannot get past Slicks 14 resist

Attack 2: 1d20 ⇒ 18, hit
Damage: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 5) + 3 = 14 for 14

Attack 3: 1d20 ⇒ 8, miss

DC11 flat check: 1d20 ⇒ 13, possible hit
DC11 flat check: 1d20 ⇒ 17, possible hit
DC11 flat check: 1d20 ⇒ 3, miss

Attack 1: 1d20 ⇒ 20, crit
Attack 2: 1d20 ⇒ 9, miss

Damage: 2d12 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (7, 9) + 13 + (5) = 34 doubled for 68

Combat Status:
Round 2


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 2/4
Haste 2/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 93/218
Billy 33/160, tailwind, see invisibile, 1d10 fire
Pinebrush 173/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 68/98

Prophetess, 34 damage, 20' in the air
Vorvok 241 damage
Red Troop, 49 damage
Blue Troop

Vorvok bleeds

1d6 ⇒ 2

But does not fall down!

Recover: 1d20 ⇒ 10

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

The lucky rolls from our opponents continue I see.

Slick sees his wounded friend take off at a run and is glad Billy has removed himself from immediate danger. Unfortunately, that means Slick now becomes the target of Vorvok and, even more unfortunately, Pinebrush. He takes his opponents' lucky hits in stride while he considers his options.

First up, Vorvok had to be taken off the board. Slick slices through the creature with his sword.

Action 1 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem and Haste vs Off-Guard and Blinded Vorvok.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 48 vs Off-Guard and Blinded
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (11, 6, 12) + 9 + 1 = 39 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

What a waste of a crit! As Vorvok was apparently running on fumes, I'll assume that takes the demon out."

It is a clean slice through the toad demon's neck and its head goes flying. As its bloated corpse slumps to the ground, what's left of Vorvok's putrescent soul returns to the fetid corner of the Abyss from which it came. He then turns to deal with the pesky Pinebrush buzzing around him. "This is going to hurt me more than you little buddy, but it's got to be done." He headbutts the sprite...

Actions 2 (◆): Exacting Strike - On a miss, next Strike uses same MAP
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Handwraps of Mighty Blows) with Martial Artist Dedication, Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Pinebrush.

Fist Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 4 = 31
Fist Damage: 3d6 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 6) + 9 + 1 = 19 nonlethal bludgeoning damage

...and misses as Pinebrush dives down low... into Slick's rising boot...

Action 3 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Handwraps of Mighty Blows) with Martial Artist Dedication, Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Pinebrush.

Fist Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 4 = 38
Fist Damage: 3d6 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) + 9 + 1 = 18 nonlethal bludgeoning damage

"It's Outta Here!"

While he waits to see if that snaps Pine out of his confusion, Slick once again requests Gorum's help in keeping himself standing.

Action 4 (◆): Cast a Spell: Lay on Hands [L7] on Slick

Slick recovers 42 hit points. Now at 135/218

If Pine is still confused and somehow triggers Slick's Reactive Strike, then Slick will kick Pine again for 3d6+10 nonlethal bludgeoning damage instead of using his Greatsword. The attack roll is the same regardless.

Available Reactions:

Reactive Strike (↺)
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 42
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 12) + 9 + 1 = 34 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success, the target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Protector's Sacrifice (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet takes damage
Reduce the damage the ally would take by 21. You redirect this damage to yourself, but your immunities, weaknesses, resistances and so on do not apply.

Warding Tattoo (Fiend) (↺) (1/day)
Trigger An enemy, hazard, or the environment makes an attack against your AC, requires you to attempt a saving throw, or causes you to take damage automatically
Until the end of the current turn, against the triggering effect, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and gain resistance 2 to damage.

The Paladin (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a saving throw
Adjust the result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.

Talisman: Snapleaf (↺)
Trigger You begin to fall.
This small, crystalline carving takes the shape of a tree leaf and attaches to armor or clothing with a simple strap. When you activate the snapleaf, you gain the benefits of feather fall and a 2nd-level invisibility spell for 1 minute or until you stop falling, whichever comes first.

Skeptic's Defense (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You are targeted by or are in the area of a mental spell or effect.
You don't believe in any mental twaddle, and you're certainly not afraid of it. You scoff and verbally refute the triggering effect, attempting a counteract check using your Intimidation modifier with a counteract level of half your level rounded up. If you succeed, you ignore the triggering effect, though any other creatures that were also targeted or in the area are still affected. If the source of the effect you successfully counteracted understands your language and has an Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, that creature becomes stupefied for 1 round.

Blessed Denial (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet would become Frightened, Drained, Enfeebled, Sickened, or Stupefied.
You exude peace and protection, lessening a harmful condition as it falls upon an ally. Reduce the value of the condition your ally would take by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the ally takes more than one condition at the same time, choose one to reduce.

Slick swiftly decapitates Vorvok and kicks Pine in the face. Sadly, nothing changes.


Flat check: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Combat Status:
Round 2


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 2/4
Haste 2/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 135/218
Billy 33/160, tailwind, see invisibile, 1d10 fire
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 68/98

Prophetess, 34 damage, 20' in the air
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, 49 damage
Blue Troop

| HP 99/201 | AC 36 | F+25 s->cs R+30 cf->f, f->1/2 damage, s->cs W+22 | resist fire 5 | Perc +24 (+25 if involving sight) | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points 0 | Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +28) | Active Conditions: Frightened 1, shield

Can I use my Hero Point: 1d20 ⇒ 12?

Cond: Frightened 1, Wounded 1| Female N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 5/188| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25 (+1 saves vs magical effects)| Speed 15 ft, Swim speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +23 (+2 visual)| Init +23 (+2 visual AND +2 scouting)| Exp: Detect Magic| Hero: 0| Spells DC 36. Slots: 1□□☑, 2□□☑, 3□□□ , 4□□☑, 5□□□, 6□☑☑, 7□□☑, 8□☑, Focus☑☑□| Staff Charges: 9+1 (2 net)| Wand Uses: □□|Focus recharges □| Magic Hat Summon □| ✋ ✋ Wand| QuickenSpell ☑|

Earlier in the timeline, just as Pine digs his toothpick into Slick...

Sigourney sees Slick getting tag-teamed by Pine and the Vorvok. She quickly mutters out a quick incantation and points a finger towards Slick. As soon as the words leave her mouth, Slick's skin erupts into a rash of thick, cold draconic scales. These scales block a bit of the damage Slick takes from Pine and the Vorvkok.

Casting 2nd rank Hidebound on Slick as a reaction. DR 5 to physical attacks for 1 round. Slick doesn't take 15 of the damage he suffered from Pine and the Vorvok.

Per GM WoG in the Discord. Sigourney nods in approval as Pine comes back to his senses. "By Nethys' numerous never-ending nightmares, you sure did a number on Billy and Slick. And you call me vicious." She snidely says to Pine.

"Rovagug cultists, huh...I don't like that they're getting so close to us. Do I remember something nasty they can do if they get close to us?" Sigourney thinks to herself.

Using Assured Knowledge to, as a free action, Recall Knowledge with Assurance on Red Cultist if I can do so with my Academia Lore (30), Arcana (30), Society (30), Fiend Lore (30), Nature (30), Crafting (30), Lore (Loremaster) (26), Occultism (26), Religion (26). I want to know if they have some kind of melee ability or reason for getting closer to us.

She spends a moment to Recall Knowledge about the Prophetess. She has wings, a crossbow with some kind of poison on it and potent mind powers. Sigourney is torn between finding out if the Prophetess has more mind powers or just defaulting to finding her weakest defense. Ultimately, she decides to think about the latter, assuming that it's quite obvious that she has more mind powers that she can cast on the party.

She wants to know the weakest defense (between AC, Fort and Reflex) of the Prophetess for the purposes of Cold Iron Needle darts spam. Unexpectedly, she feels The Fiend boosting her ability to think! I repeated a non-Strike action I previously took in the same round. Gain a +2 Item bonus to my RK stat.

She relays all the info she has to the party.

She looks at Billy. Not only is he getting real close to death, but more concerningly, his near-constant smile and optimism is slowly draining away from him. She tries to remedy that by pumping vitality back into him.

"The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting, but it looks like Billy needs more healing so he can keep up the hurting." She says as vitality is pumped into Billy's form.

Heal (5th rank, 2 action), Staff of Healing (Major): 5d8 + 40 + 3 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 2, 7) + 40 + 3 = 65

65 HP to Billy. Chin up!

With haste in her step, she moves right next to Slick and the now friendly Pine so she has the option to cast any buffs on them next turn.

◇ Assured Knowledge (Recall Knowledge) on Red Cultist, ◆ Recall Knowledge on the Prophetess, ◆◆ 5th Rank Heal on Billy, ◆ Hasted Stride 40 feet


Gentle Landing Trigger: A creature (Sigourney or one of her allies) within range is falling.

Cloud Dragon's Cloak Trigger: You or an ally within 60 feet are targeted by a ranged attack.

Interposing Earth Trigger: You are the target of a Strike or would attempt a Reflex save against a damaging area effect. Duration: 3 rounds.

Air Bubble. Trigger: A creature (Sigourney or one of her allies) within 60 feet enters an environment where it can't breathe.

Hidebound. A creature within 60 feet is hit with a Strike that deals physical damage.

Wooden Double. Trigger: You're critically hit by a damage-dealing effect or Strike. A wooden double appears out of nowhere and takes the blow in your place. Take a Step action. A wooden block of your size and roughly shaped like you appears in the space you left and absorbs the hit. This block has Hardness 5 and 20 Hit Points. If the wooden block is destroyed, you take any excess damage that the block didn't absorb. After taking the blow, the wooden block collapses into a pile of splinters and dust.

Recognize Spell. Trigger: A creature within line of sight casts a spell that you don’t have prepared or in your spell repertoire, or a trap or similar object casts such a spell. You must be aware of the casting. Note: Sigourney can perform this as a free action if the spell is on the arcane or primal lists.

Hexing Jar. Activate [reaction] envision Frequency once per hour; Trigger You roll a critical success on an attack roll with a witch spell, or your target rolls a critical failure on its saving throw against a witch spell or hex you cast; Effect The thing in the jar becomes more energetic—glowing, dancing, rapping on the glass, or some other action appropriate to its appearance. It encourages you until the start of your next turn, granting you and your familiar a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and a +2 status bonus against mental effects.

Given that no one is in danger of dying now after her turn (at least, that’s what Sigourney assumes), Sigourney will prioritise protecting herself. In descending order of priority:
The moment she sees the Prophetess shoot at her or anyone in the party, she will use Cloud Dragon’s Cloak to create a higher miss chance.
If anyone (the Prophetess or the cultists) decides to get up in her face, she’ll save her reaction so that in the inevitable event that she gets crit, the Wooden Double reaction will be available. Declaring all this now since I know what the enemies can do now and also because I want to avoid having to retroactively react.

Male Familiar of Freezing Rime 15 | HP 105/105| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25| 25 feet speed Perc +20, Low-light vision, Imprecise Wavesense, 30 feet Cond: Frightened 1, Off-guard, Light, Water Breathing

Reginald squeaks sighs of relief as Pine comes back to his senses and Slick cuts down the Vorvok. As soon as he sees Sigourney come within Striding distance, he hastily Strides towards the nearest sturdy tree, cowering behind the Cover it provides.

◆ Hasted stride towards nearest tree, ◇ Independent Take Cover

EDIT: Just reread Sleeves of Storing. Technically, Reginald can't take the action to get into the sleeve. He'll Take Cover behind a tree instead

Sigourney realises that as a massed group of greataxe wielding Rovagug cultists if they get into your face they can chop you t0 pieces with their axes!

This is not an attack but a reflex save based effect, the more actions they devote to it the more damage they do.

As for the Prophetess, as for her being some sort of demon she doesnt really have a clue.

Even ignoring the unique tag you didnt meet the DC for her level

She then brings some relief to Billy and runs to the safety of the group, and the now clear Pine.

The southern group of cultists begin moving around the blocking tree and launch another fireball into the group, hitting Sigourney, Slick and Reginald.

Pausing here to see if Slick wants to reroll his critical failure.


Reflex Saves
Slick : 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22, Bulwark +2, crit fail
Pinebrush: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (2) + 29 = 31, Improved Evasion, crit pass
Sigourney: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 23 = 43, crit pass
Reginald : 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27, pass, no damage

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

Another Fireball for 10d6 damage. So expected roll is 35, doubled to 70 for the crit and reduced by 14 for The Dwarf, resulting in 56 average hp of damage. So, yeah, probably well worth a reroll.

Slick has barely finished patching himself up with Gorum's help than a massive fireball explodes directly above his head. Just as it seems he's about to be carbonized, some autonomic instinct rising from deep within his cerebellum takes over and he dodges to one side in an effort to avoid the column of fiery destruction descending on him...

Rerolling with my Harrow Ritual result: Keys (⚿): - Crit Success (•: reroll a Reflex check with +4 status bonus)

Basic Reflex Save with Bulwark+2 and Keys+4: 1d20 + 21 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 21 + 2 + 4 = 46

... and miraculously avoids so much as a single scintilla of the blast furnace now exploding beside him. "Wow! The gods truly are looking out for me."

Slick does indeed avoid the entirety of the blast, meaning no-one is harmed at all. The Prophetess rolls her eyes at all of you.

The Prophetess swoops down towards Billy and smiles at him, Now now dear, stop being silly, why dont you work for me. You know you want to.

Billy feels the woman's words burrowing into his mind but he easily shrugs off her influence.

Very well, be like that, you will just all have to die instead!


Will save: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (15) + 26 = 41

Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 1) = 13

Combat Status:
Round 3


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 3/4
Haste 3/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 150/218
Billy 98/160, tailwind, see invisibile, 1d10 fire
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 68/98

Prophetess, 47 damage, 10' in the air
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, 49 damage
Blue Troop

CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

Billy feels the warmth of healing course through his body ... much different from the warmth of the flames that continue to burn. Knowing this is the witch's handiwork, he calls out brightly, "Thanks Sigourney. Feeling much more like myself."

Seeing bad guys getting way too close for comfort, Billy once again bravely repositions himself further into the swamp. He then sings out,
"Enemies are nearer. Still I just keep burning.
Destruction and sheer terror. The tide will soon be turning."

Billy casts Phantasmal Calamity. Range: 500'. Area: 30' burst.
Mental Damage +Dangerous Sorcery vs Prophetess and Red Cultists: 11d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 6, 2, 2, 4, 6, 1, 5, 3) + 6 = 47
Basic Will DC 33. If crit fail, Reflex vs Stunned.

Pers Fire Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 5
Pers Fire Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 18
The flames manage to die out before Billy does.

◆◆ Stride x 2 (hasted), ◆◆ Phantasmal Calamity

The Prophetess shudders as imagines of wholesome family life tear through her mind. The cultists shriek and wail, who can tell what they are seeing! A group of them break and flee!

You have dropped them through an HP threshold and therefore they lose some of their number.

Meanwhile the Blue cultists push further forward and launch yet another fireball into the group. This time they hit you all! Reginald gets badly singed and squeaks loudly at Sigourney!


Will, Prophetess: 1d20 ⇒ 5, fail
Will, Cultists: 1d20 ⇒ 2, fail

Reflex Saves
Slick : 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28, Bulwark +2, pass, 1 damage
Billy : 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35, pass, 15 damage
Pinebrush: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (12) + 29 = 41, Improved Evasion, crit pass, none
Sigourney: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (16) + 23 = 39, crit pass, none
Reginald : 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (1) + 22 = 23, crit fail, 62 damage

Damage: 10d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2) = 31

Combat Status:
Round 3


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 3/4
Haste 3/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 149/218
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

Prophetess, 94 damage, 10' in the air
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, 111 damage
Blue Troop

Cond: Frightened 1, Wounded 1| Female N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 5/188| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25 (+1 saves vs magical effects)| Speed 15 ft, Swim speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +23 (+2 visual)| Init +23 (+2 visual AND +2 scouting)| Exp: Detect Magic| Hero: 0| Spells DC 36. Slots: 1□□☑, 2□□☑, 3□□□ , 4□□☑, 5□□□, 6□☑☑, 7□□☑, 8□☑, Focus☑☑□| Staff Charges: 9+1 (2 net)| Wand Uses: □□|Focus recharges □| Magic Hat Summon □| ✋ ✋ Wand| QuickenSpell ☑|

flavourless post because away from keyboard

Reginald hastily runs into Sigourney's square.

Sigourney casts Air Walk on Slick. it's like fly but you don't need to spend an action to fly.

Sigourney drops the Cold Iron Chunk to free up a hand.

Sigourney interacts to put Reginald in sleeve. Reginald leaves the field.

◆ Reginald strides into Sigourney's square, ◆◆ air walk on slick, ◇ release cold iron chunk, ◆ Interact Reginald in sleeve

| HP 99/201 | AC 36 | F+25 s->cs R+30 cf->f, f->1/2 damage, s->cs W+22 | resist fire 5 | Perc +24 (+25 if involving sight) | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points 0 | Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +28) | Active Conditions: Frightened 1, shield

"Owie! Ugh... wha happen? Oh no, Slick you're hurt! It's like somebody poked you a bunch of times with a needle..."

Letting his shortsword fall, Pine whips out his medical tools to do some quick patching. More like scratching, really.

He moves closer to the prophet, plucking one of the final beads from his necklace as he does. He hurls it behind her, towards the group of cultists there.

◆ Battle Medicine for Slick Medicine (Master DC 30): 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (1) + 23 = 24
◆ Stride
◆◆ Necklace of fireballs, catching Red and Prophetess. DC 30 basic Reflex against fire damage: 8d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1) = 28

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

So inured is Slick to the continuous series of exploding fireballs around him that he barely registers the latest salvo. He nods to Sigourney as his feet become lighter and shrugs when Pinebrush fumbles trying to get to his healer's toolkit. "Better luck next time Pinebrush. Oh! and sorry for the whack on the head I gave you earlier, but you weren't acting yourself."

Turning his attentions on the remaining enemy, he decides to leave the cultists to his friends and deal with the Prophetess directly. With his newly acquired lightness of step, he air walks up to the demon and starts trimming her down to size.

Actions 1 & 2 (◆◆): Sudden Charge
- Action: Stride with Air Walk (45 feet)
- Action: Stride with Air Walk (45 feet)
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem vs Prophetess.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 42
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6, 10, 5) + 9 + 1 = 31 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Actions 3 (◆): Exacting Strike - On a miss, next Strike uses same MAP
- Action: Stride (45 feet)
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Prophetess.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 31
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (3, 8, 1) + 9 + 1 = 22 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

I'm guessing that's a miss, so next Strike is at the same MAP. If by some miracle it did manage to hit, then I'll redo my 4th action.

Action 4 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem, Haste and MAP1 vs Prophetess.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (18) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 42
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10, 12, 5) + 9 + 1 = 37 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Available Reactions:

Reactive Strike (↺)
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 32
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 9) + 9 + 1 = 30 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success, the target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Protector's Sacrifice (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet takes damage
Reduce the damage the ally would take by 21. You redirect this damage to yourself, but your immunities, weaknesses, resistances and so on do not apply.

Warding Tattoo (Fiend) (↺) (1/day)
Trigger An enemy, hazard, or the environment makes an attack against your AC, requires you to attempt a saving throw, or causes you to take damage automatically
Until the end of the current turn, against the triggering effect, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and gain resistance 2 to damage.

The Paladin (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a saving throw
Adjust the result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.

Talisman: Snapleaf (↺)
Trigger You begin to fall.
This small, crystalline carving takes the shape of a tree leaf and attaches to armor or clothing with a simple strap. When you activate the snapleaf, you gain the benefits of feather fall and a 2nd-level invisibility spell for 1 minute or until you stop falling, whichever comes first.

Skeptic's Defense (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You are targeted by or are in the area of a mental spell or effect.
You don't believe in any mental twaddle, and you're certainly not afraid of it. You scoff and verbally refute the triggering effect, attempting a counteract check using your Intimidation modifier with a counteract level of half your level rounded up. If you succeed, you ignore the triggering effect, though any other creatures that were also targeted or in the area are still affected. If the source of the effect you successfully counteracted understands your language and has an Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, that creature becomes stupefied for 1 round.

Blessed Denial (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet would become Frightened, Drained, Enfeebled, Sickened, or Stupefied.
You exude peace and protection, lessening a harmful condition as it falls upon an ally. Reduce the value of the condition your ally would take by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the ally takes more than one condition at the same time, choose one to reduce.

Sigourney gets Slick into the air while Reginald exits stage left.

Pine tries to patch up Slick but instead ends up stabbing him in the knee. He may have to retire! He then lobs a fireball at the enemy. The Prophetess twists away, avoiding the blast, but the cultists take the full force of the blast. The front rank melts away.

Slick rushes the Prophetess. He swings hard at her and as he does so there is a flash of light from what looks like a Harrow card hanging from her belt. Somehow she avoids the powerful blow and Slick finds himself dazzled by the light! His second blow goes wide and while his third looks like it should connect it fails to do so due to the light shining in his eyes!

She used a reaction which gives her a chance to cause a hit to miss. If it works (which it did here) the attacker is dazzled until the end of her next turn. Your third attack would have hit but for the dazzled check.

The cultists form up and begin moving around the big tree. They chant in unison and launch and magical rock at Slick! They then form up again, marching closer to the squishies!

The Prophetess smiles at Slick and seems rather overconfident given he failed to land a blow on her. She reaches out on long, pale, arm and wraps it around his neck.

Slick is grabbed

She then goes in for a passionate kiss and Slick feels his vitality draining from him!

Slick takes 10 negative damage and is drained 1. There is no save against these effects. He needs to make a will save, sadly he rolls a 1. Pausing here to see if you want to reroll.


BM Crit fail dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 8

Reflex, Prophetess: 1d20 ⇒ 15, crit pass
Reflex, Troop: 1d20 ⇒ 4, fail

Prophetess reaction: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Slick dazzled: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Cultists spell attack: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Prophetess grab: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Slick, negative damage: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 1, 4) = 10
Slick, Will: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Combat Status:
Round 4


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 4/4
Haste 4/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Prophetess - Mid turn
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 116/203, drained 1, 10' in the air
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

Prophetess, 94 damage, 10' in the air
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, 154 damage
Blue Troop

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

Quick FYI: With the leveling up, Slick now has 218 max hit points, not the 203 still listed in the combat status.

Slick cannot believe his bad luck. What trickery was this that she'd literally pulled from her belt? And where did all those lights come from? Though the more pressing question is, where was she now?

He feels the hand wrap itself around his neck. "<Urkkk!>"

"Whoa there lady. This is no time for those sorts of games." He then feels her lips on his. "Then again, maybe I can spare a quick kiss." He feels the energy draining from him. "<Uuughhh!>" "Then again, maybe not." He struggles mentally against her vitality draining kiss...

I'm assuming a mental effect is at work here and will use Skeptic's Defense (↺) to counteract with Intimidation (at +26). If it isn't a mental effect, then I'll use my hero point to reroll the Will save (at +21) instead.

Reaction: Skeptic's Defense (↺) with Mask of the Banshee

Intimidation Level 7 Counteract vs DC ??: 1d20 + 24 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 24 + 2 = 41

If Success:
He snaps out of it and pulls his face away from hers. "Those mind tricks of yours won't work on me, lady"

Also, according to the description of Skeptic's Defense (↺), there is this nice bonus: If the source of the effect you successfully counteracted understands your language and has an Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, that creature becomes stupefied for 1 round.

If Failure:
"<Mwah!>" "What a kisser this one is; totally worth giving up a little vitality for this."

You went to a max of 203HP because of the effect of the drained condition. However...

Slick manages to pull away from the kiss at the last moment. Her eyes blaze with fury and Slick realises that if he taunts her with this rejection he may cause her further mental pain!

If Slick makes a successful demoralise action incorporating her rejection she will take further mental damage. I have undone the damage and drain. Helpfully, Sceptics Defence doesnt specify the level of stupefy, I am going to assume its 1.

Never mind lover boy, you just hang around here with me she whispers into Slicks ear.

She takes one action to fly, I dont see Slick having the extra reaction feat so, while she does provoke, he has no reaction to take it. At the end of her turn Slick ceases being dazzled.


Mental Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 1) = 17

Combat Status:
Round 4


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 4/4
Haste 4/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 141/218, grabbed, 10' in the air
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

Prophetess, 101 damage, 10' in the air, stupefied 1
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, 154 damage
Blue Troop

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CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

After weighing his options, Billy decides he likes his position in the swamp. With his musical inspiration still lingering, he focuses to cast his next spell from long range (Reach Spell), and sings,
"The prophetess' days are few. Let's try to make this quick.
A color ray! Wait ... ewww! Did she just make out with Slick?"

Chromatic Ray +CA vs Prophetess: 1d20 + 23 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 23 + 1 = 42
Random color
1:Red (30 fire dmg), 2:Orange (40 acid dmg), 3:Yellow (50 elec dmg), 4:Green (25 poison dmg + enfeebled): 1d4 ⇒ 3
Electricity Damage + Dangerous Sorcery: (50) + 4 = 54
With Reach Spell, Billy casts Chromatic Ray from 60', which should just reach the 10' high prophetess.

◆ Reach Spell, ◆◆ Chromatic Ray
Note: He has a hasted movement action to use if needed, but I think he's okay.

Billy blasts the Prophetess who flinches in pain. The second group of cultists form up, throw a magical rock and Sigourney and then form up again, advancing with menace on our Witch! Unfortunately the rock goes flying off into the swamp!


Spell attack: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Combat Status:
Round 4


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 4/4
Haste 4/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 141/218, grabbed, 10' in the air
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

Prophetess, 155 damage, 10' in the air
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, 154 damage
Blue Troop

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

As the prophetesses whispered words fade in his ear, Slick's eyesight clears and he finally gets a good look at her. She was a voluptuous thing drenched in sexuality, but overlaying this were the attributes of her kind: The demon's horns; the tattered wings; the lurid tattoos; the blood red lips and eyes; the strange prehensile arm wrapped around his neck. His features involuntarily curl in disgust. Her eyes flash angrily and Slick realizes he's hit a nerve. He presses his advantage. In a voice dripping with disdain, he says, "My lady, your attentions are unwelcome. You may be the belle of the ball back in the abyss, but up here, your countenance only serves to curdle milk."

Action 1 (◆): Demoralize with Mask of the Banshee and Intimidating Prowess vs Prophetess

Intimidation (Demoralize): 1d20 + 24 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 24 + 2 + 2 = 47 vs Prophetess Will DC

Not wasting any more time with further chitchat, he returns to his attempts at sending her back to whence she came. Deciding to ignore the arm wrapped around his neck, Slick slashes away at the demon.

Action 2 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Haste and Courageous Anthem vs Prophetess.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 30
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (7, 2, 7) + 9 + 1 = 26 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Actions 3 (◆): Exacting Strike - On a miss, next Strike uses same MAP
- Action: Stride (45 feet)
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Prophetess.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 44
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (12, 5, 6) + 9 + 1 = 33 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

A CRIT! She's off-guard to everyone and blinded for a turn. It also means Slick's next attack would be at -10, so he'll skip it and go for some healing instead.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

After that devastating blow, Slick decides that calling on Gorum for more healing is the best way to go.

Action 4 (◆): Cast a Spell: Lay on Hands [L7] on Slick

Grabbed Flat Check vs DC 5: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Slick recovers 42 hit points.

Available Reactions:

Reactive Strike (↺)
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 35
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (4, 10, 4) + 9 + 1 = 28 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success, the target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Protector's Sacrifice (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet takes damage
Reduce the damage the ally would take by 21. You redirect this damage to yourself, but your immunities, weaknesses, resistances and so on do not apply.

Warding Tattoo (Fiend) (↺) (1/day)
Trigger An enemy, hazard, or the environment makes an attack against your AC, requires you to attempt a saving throw, or causes you to take damage automatically
Until the end of the current turn, against the triggering effect, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and gain resistance 2 to damage.

The Paladin (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a saving throw
Adjust the result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.

Talisman: Snapleaf (↺)
Trigger You begin to fall.
This small, crystalline carving takes the shape of a tree leaf and attaches to armor or clothing with a simple strap. When you activate the snapleaf, you gain the benefits of feather fall and a 2nd-level invisibility spell for 1 minute or until you stop falling, whichever comes first.

Skeptic's Defense (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You are targeted by or are in the area of a mental spell or effect.
You don't believe in any mental twaddle, and you're certainly not afraid of it. You scoff and verbally refute the triggering effect, attempting a counteract check using your Intimidation modifier with a counteract level of half your level rounded up. If you succeed, you ignore the triggering effect, though any other creatures that were also targeted or in the area are still affected. If the source of the effect you successfully counteracted understands your language and has an Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, that creature becomes stupefied for 1 round.

Blessed Denial (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet would become Frightened, Drained, Enfeebled, Sickened, or Stupefied.
You exude peace and protection, lessening a harmful condition as it falls upon an ally. Reduce the value of the condition your ally would take by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the ally takes more than one condition at the same time, choose one to reduce.

Slick sneers into the demons face and she hisses angrily at him.

Thats a critical success, she is frightened 2

Despite that his first blow still goes wide. Correcting his stance his second blow cuts bloodily into her side before he applies a little healing to himself!


Mental damage: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 2) = 12

Combat Status:
Round 4


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire 4/4
Haste 4/10

Turn Order

Red Cultists
Blue Cultists


Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 183/218, grabbed, 10' in the air
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

Prophetess, 233 damage, 10' in the air, stupefied 1, frightened 2, 1d12 bleed, blind, ff Slick turn 5
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, 154 damage
Blue Troop

| HP 99/201 | AC 36 | F+25 s->cs R+30 cf->f, f->1/2 damage, s->cs W+22 | resist fire 5 | Perc +24 (+25 if involving sight) | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points 0 | Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +28) | Active Conditions: Frightened 1, shield

Oh. The groups of cultists are so close together. Pine could throw a fireball right between them... But he only has one left, and Sigourney can probably do that too.

There's a lady kissing people over there. Clearly they have to put a stop to that!

Taking to the air, he flies over the heads of the cultists to go help Slick (and take advantage of the punishment he's just inflicted). And then stabs the Prophetess.

◆ Fly
◆ Fly
◆ Strike Rapier: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (9) + 27 = 36 for piercing: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5, 6) + 3 = 19, Precision: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3) = 13, and fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3. On crit, add deadly damage: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4, 1d10 persistent fire, and she provokes RS as though she'd used a Manipulate action.
◇ Debilitating Strike to add 3d6 persistent bleed.
◆ Strike Rapier: 1d20 + 27 - 5 ⇒ (5) + 27 - 5 = 27 for piercing: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6, 6) + 3 = 20, Precision: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) = 11, and fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4. On crit, add deadly damage: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 6) = 14, 1d10 persistent fire, and she provokes RS as though she'd used a Manipulate action.
◇ Debilitating Strike to add 3d6 persistent bleed.

Cond: Frightened 1, Wounded 1| Female N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 5/188| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25 (+1 saves vs magical effects)| Speed 15 ft, Swim speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +23 (+2 visual)| Init +23 (+2 visual AND +2 scouting)| Exp: Detect Magic| Hero: 0| Spells DC 36. Slots: 1□□☑, 2□□☑, 3□□□ , 4□□☑, 5□□□, 6□☑☑, 7□□☑, 8□☑, Focus☑☑□| Staff Charges: 9+1 (2 net)| Wand Uses: □□|Focus recharges □| Magic Hat Summon □| ✋ ✋ Wand| QuickenSpell ☑|

Sigourney stares dismissively as the cultists fail to land a rock on her, even at point blank range. Such rank amateurs. Failures at the magical arts, she thinks to herself. Sigourney makes her displeasure known...just after she picks up her Cold Iron Chunk so these cultists dont't destroy it. She hastily moves away from the enemy too.

"Fools, all of you. Following the Rough Beast will be the last mistake you make, as was coming to this realm. For what you've done - and for Reginald's wounds - Die for me! Thunder Sign - Chain Lightning!"

DC 33 Reflex Save, CA, Electricity: 8d12 + 1 ⇒ (11, 10, 11, 2, 1, 4, 6, 4) + 1 = 50

Targeting Blue, Red, then the Prophetess if she's still alive.

◆ Interact to pick up Chunk, ◆ Hasted Stride, ◆◆ Chain Lightning

Pine flies up to the succubus. Busy dealing with Slick she does not see him coming and he stabs her in the back of the knee with his toothpick. She gives a brief, despairing, scream and falls out of the air, crashing to the ground and lying very still.

Pine you have an action left as you didnt need your second attack (which would have missed).

Sigourney sends electrical energy coursing into the remaining enemies. One group of cultists promptly collapses, the remnants fleeing into the swamp never to be seen again.


Reflex, blue: 1d20 ⇒ 19, pass
Reflex, red: 1d20 ⇒ 3, crit fail

Combat Status:
Round 5


+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire Expired
Haste 5/10

Turn Order

Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 183/218, 10' in the air
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

Prophetess, dead
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, dispersed
Blue Troop, 50 damage

CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

The bard belts out a new verse:

"The prophetess' kiss was her last.
Hope Slick can get over her fast.
.....But cultists keep coming.
.....So I'll keep on humming.
Antagonists will soon be re-cast."

Performance - Lingering Composition +VirtPerf +Mask +Music DC 32: 1d20 + 24 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 24 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 31
Failure: Courageous Anthem lasts 1 round (no focus point). At this point, not worth a re-roll.

In an attempt to conserve spell energy, Billy flings some swamp debris at the remaining cultists.
"The cultists causing trouble. I'm trying to rehearse here!
Some rocks and lots of rubble! Why don't you just disperse here?"

Telekinetic Projectile +CA vs Red: 1d20 + 23 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 23 + 1 = 38
Bludgeoning Damage +CA: 8d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 3) + 1 = 32

Billy prudently moves south to maintain a healthy distance between him and the bad men.

◇ Ling Comp, ◆ CA, ◆◆ Telekinetic Projectile, ◆ Stride (hasted)

Billy smashes the last remaining troop and the front rank dissolves.

The remaining cultists advance on Sigourney and swing wildly at her with their axes! However, she is too nimble for them.


Sigourney reflex: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (17) + 23 = 40, crit pass

Combat Status:
Round 5

Round 5

+2 saves against poison, disease and fear
Inspire Expired
Haste 5/10

Turn Order

Blue Cultists

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 183/218, 10' in the air
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

Prophetess, dead
Vorvok Dead
Red Troop, dispersed
Blue Troop, 82 damage

Cond: Frightened 1, Wounded 1| Female N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 5/188| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25 (+1 saves vs magical effects)| Speed 15 ft, Swim speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +23 (+2 visual)| Init +23 (+2 visual AND +2 scouting)| Exp: Detect Magic| Hero: 0| Spells DC 36. Slots: 1□□☑, 2□□☑, 3□□□ , 4□□☑, 5□□□, 6□☑☑, 7□□☑, 8□☑, Focus☑☑□| Staff Charges: 9+1 (2 net)| Wand Uses: □□|Focus recharges □| Magic Hat Summon □| ✋ ✋ Wand| QuickenSpell ☑|

Cornered but confident that the combined efforts of the party will kill the cultists, Sigourney lashes out.

"With this ice, I bind you to your spot." Sigourney says as she casts Clinging Ice.

DC 33 Reflex Save, CA, Cold: 7d4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 3, 1, 4, 2) + 1 = 20

"With this acid, I cut through your ranks." Sigourney intones as she casts Caustic Blast.

DC 33 Reflex Save, CA, Acid, Area effect: 4d8 + 1 ⇒ (8, 1, 7, 6) + 1 = 23

"And with this fist...I'm just doing this because I'm frustrated and need to blow off some steam. Nethys forgive me for this." Sigourney yells as she punches the nearest cultist with a fist.

Unarmed Strike, CA, Bludgeoning, Weapon Specialisation: 1d20 + 22 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 22 + 1 = 43

Bludgeoning, Weapon Specialisation: 1d4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 = 5

Nat 20 for 10 damage?

◆ Clinging Ice, ◆◆ Caustic Blast, ◆ Strike (hasted)

| HP 99/201 | AC 36 | F+25 s->cs R+30 cf->f, f->1/2 damage, s->cs W+22 | resist fire 5 | Perc +24 (+25 if involving sight) | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points 0 | Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +28) | Active Conditions: Frightened 1, shield

That task complete, Pinebrush moves back towards the remaining enemies, touching back on the ground.

◆ Fly

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

Slick was beginning to notice a pattern. He'd be the one to pummel the bad guys to within an inch of their lives, and Pinebrush would swoop in out of nowhere and snip off that last inch. He shrugs mentally. As long as the bad guys died, he didn't really care how that came about.

He looks down at the now decomposing body of the Prophetess with only a slight tinge of regret. Under different circumstances he might have enjoyed the company of a strong confident woman like her; too bad she was an irredeemably evil demon intent on utterly destroying them. Maybe he'd have better luck next time.

Ripping his thoughts away of what might have been, he turns to focus on the last of the cultists. They were apparently still intent on trying to finish what they'd started despite the odds having turned badly against them with the loss of their leader. "Extremist idiots."

"Hey, boys! Why don't you pick on someone your own size... like me!" He charges over, and with Sigourney's help distracting the enemy, tears into them like a scythe through blades of wheat.

Not sure if these guys are immune to flanking, so just in case, I'll use Scout's Charge to give me the free Feint.

Actions 1 & 2 (◆◆): Scout's Charge
- Action: Stride (45 feet)
- Action: Feint with Ventriloquist's Ring (Greater) vs Blue Cultists
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem vs Off-Guard? Blue Cultists.

Deception (Feint): 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 20 + 2 = 31 vs Blue Cultists Perception DC

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 47 vs Off-Guard?
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (5, 11, 2) + 9 + 1 = 28 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

I'm assuming a crit, so definitely off-guard (and possibly blinded) until the end of their next turn.

Actions 3 (◆): Exacting Strike - On a miss, next Strike uses same MAP
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Off-Guard Blue Cultists.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 28 vs Off-Guard
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10, 4, 5) + 9 + 1 = 29 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

I'm assuming that misses, so next Strike is at the same MAP1. If it hit, then subtract another 5 from the Attack roll for MAP2.

Action 4 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem, MAP1 and Haste vs Off-Guard Blue Cultists.[/smaller]

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (16) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 40 vs Off-Guard
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (11, 11, 11) + 9 + 1 = 43 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Available Reactions:

Reactive Strike (↺)
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 46
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6, 3, 9) + 9 + 1 = 28 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success, the target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Protector's Sacrifice (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet takes damage
Reduce the damage the ally would take by 21. You redirect this damage to yourself, but your immunities, weaknesses, resistances and so on do not apply.

Warding Tattoo (Fiend) (↺) (1/day)
Trigger An enemy, hazard, or the environment makes an attack against your AC, requires you to attempt a saving throw, or causes you to take damage automatically
Until the end of the current turn, against the triggering effect, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and gain resistance 2 to damage.

The Paladin (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a saving throw
Adjust the result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.

Talisman: Snapleaf (↺)
Trigger You begin to fall.
This small, crystalline carving takes the shape of a tree leaf and attaches to armor or clothing with a simple strap. When you activate the snapleaf, you gain the benefits of feather fall and a 2nd-level invisibility spell for 1 minute or until you stop falling, whichever comes first.

Skeptic's Defense (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You are targeted by or are in the area of a mental spell or effect.
You don't believe in any mental twaddle, and you're certainly not afraid of it. You scoff and verbally refute the triggering effect, attempting a counteract check using your Intimidation modifier with a counteract level of half your level rounded up. If you succeed, you ignore the triggering effect, though any other creatures that were also targeted or in the area are still affected. If the source of the effect you successfully counteracted understands your language and has an Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, that creature becomes stupefied for 1 round.

Blessed Denial (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet would become Frightened, Drained, Enfeebled, Sickened, or Stupefied.
You exude peace and protection, lessening a harmful condition as it falls upon an ally. Reduce the value of the condition your ally would take by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the ally takes more than one condition at the same time, choose one to reduce.

Clearly having had enough of their nonsense Sigourney freezes and melts last numbers of the remaining cultists, causing the group to break and flee. A few scattered survivors manage to disappear into the murk but they wont trouble anyone any more.

Just as a note, troops are generally immune to non damaging single target effects. This would include things like the sword crit specialisation or the effect of the doorknob or even I suspect the feint action. I point this out now on the off chance it comes up later in this part. The relevant part of the troop defences entry is: "Non-damaging effects with an area or that target all creatures in a certain proximity affect a troop normally if they affect the entire area occupied by the troop. If an effect has a smaller area or numbers of targets, it typically has no effect on the troop"

With that said


With the forces dispersed and the ritual disrupted our heroes are able to take stock of their situation and consider their next actions.

Slick 183/218
Billy 78/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 155/173
Sigourney 93/148
Reginald 6/98

As a reminder, you get one 10 minute rest for free. If you want to take more time you get an hour total but you will lose 1 defence point for each hour taken.


Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 12

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

Loot sheet updated.

As the rag-tag remnants of the cultists disperse into the forest, Slick moves quickly. He pulls The Demon's Lantern from the Prophetess's belt where he'd seen her use it earlier and pockets it. "We don't want this one falling into the wrong hands again now, do we."

Healing and whatever else needs to happen during the 10 minutes we have. Slick will recover one of his focus points along the way.

Action (10 min): Refocus - Restore 1 Focus Point.

Once everyone has pulled themselves together, he says, "No time to waste. There's at least one more bit of funny business that we need to take are of, as well as another Harrow Card to recover. Back to Harrowheart we go."

Once back in the castle, he hurries over to the remaining door showing an area of desert to the north west. "Everyone ready? Good. Let's go!"

CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

Billy waves goodbye to the fleeing cultists. He calls after them, "Don't worry ... I'll write glorious songs about our encounter." He shrugs as they run off.

When Sigourney gathers everyone around for healing, Billy, still holding his staff, activates it for some quick self-help.
Heal (3rd rank) on himself: 3d8 + 24 ⇒ (6, 1, 2) + 24 = 33

While the witch treats wounds, the bard strums his lute and refocuses.
Regain 1 focus point.

After everyone is reasonably healthy, Billy follows the group through the final portal to the desert.

Cond: Frightened 1, Wounded 1| Female N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 5/188| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25 (+1 saves vs magical effects)| Speed 15 ft, Swim speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +23 (+2 visual)| Init +23 (+2 visual AND +2 scouting)| Exp: Detect Magic| Hero: 0| Spells DC 36. Slots: 1□□☑, 2□□☑, 3□□□ , 4□□☑, 5□□□, 6□☑☑, 7□□☑, 8□☑, Focus☑☑□| Staff Charges: 9+1 (2 net)| Wand Uses: □□|Focus recharges □| Magic Hat Summon □| ✋ ✋ Wand| QuickenSpell ☑|

Sigourney chases off the remaining cultists and is just about to punch the last person standing in the jaw before they started fleeing from her.

"Don't come back!" She yells at them.

"I don't treat wounds..." Sigourney says to Billy. "But while we are waiting for Pine to treat our wounds...Might as well use up a charge in this wand."

She Swaps her Cold Iron Chunk for her Knifewand of Heal. Raising it in the air, she waits for Reginald to come out of her sleeve before letting out an emanation of Vitality around her.

Sigourney casts a three action 5th rank Heal once everyone, Reginald included, is within 30 feet of her. She includes herself in the emanation.

5th Rank Heal, Staff of Healing (Major): 5d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 7, 6, 1, 6) + 3 = 28

Everyone heals 28. This should top Pine back to full so that Pine has the time to treat Reginald.

Sigourney then strokes Reginald, getting the burn marks out of his fur while also using him as a conduit to her patron. What secrets are exchanged during this process, only Sigourney knows.

Refocusing for 10 minutes.

Sigourney swaps the Knifewand in favour for the Cold Iron chunk and follows the party into the next portal. Reginald reluctantly rides on her shoulder, not looking forward to getting hurt again.

| HP 99/201 | AC 36 | F+25 s->cs R+30 cf->f, f->1/2 damage, s->cs W+22 | resist fire 5 | Perc +24 (+25 if involving sight) | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points 0 | Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +28) | Active Conditions: Frightened 1, shield

"Okay sure, but we gotta hurry because there was still one more attack. Oh, Reginald what happened!"

Pinebrush treats the others. He pushes himself, trying something a little riskier that calls for more precision when working on Reginald, who was already smaller. But so is Pine, so it works out okay.

(He also retrieves his discarded shortsword.

Treat Wounds:
Can treat everyone again with Continual Recovery (not immune) and Ward Medic (four patients at once).
Slick doesn't really need Expert level, but Risky Surgery guarantees success at Trained, and at that point I might as well do Expert, which also can't fail, for the increased HP. Billy and Sigourney only need Expert, but I'll use Risky Surgery for guaranteed success and increased chance of crit. Reginal needs the best Pine can do, so Master-level Risky Surgery.

Medicine (Expert Risky Surgery, DC 20: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 23 + 2 = 35
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2 critical healing: 4d8 + 10 ⇒ (3, 2, 8, 3) + 10 = 26

Medicine (Expert Risky Surgery, DC 20: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 23 + 2 = 35
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 4 critical healing: 4d8 + 10 ⇒ (8, 2, 8, 8) + 10 = 36

Medicine (Expert Risky Surgery, DC 20: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 23 + 2 = 38
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 1 critical healing: 4d8 + 10 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 5) + 10 = 28

Medicine (Master Risky Surgery, DC 30: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 23 + 2 = 43
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 1 critical healing: 4d8 + 30 ⇒ (6, 2, 8, 2) + 30 = 48

Slick heals 24 to full HP.
Billy heals 32 to full HP.
Sigourney heals 27 to full HP.
Reginald heals 47 to 81/98.

Male Familiar of Freezing Rime 15 | HP 105/105| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25| 25 feet speed Perc +20, Low-light vision, Imprecise Wavesense, 30 feet Cond: Frightened 1, Off-guard, Light, Water Breathing

Reginald squeaks his thanks to Pinebrush and Sigourney for the TLC they are giving him.

CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

When Sigourney reminds Billy that Pine handles the treating of wounds, Billy slaps his forehead. "Seeing Slick with his new girlfriend has my mind all muddled." Grinning to his friend, he adds, "This relationship lasted longer than the last one!"

While walking back to the portal, Billy sees that the adorable Reginald still has a few scratches on him. He hums,

"Reginald's appealing. And brave as he can be.
Have a bit more healing. Stay safe (and far) like me."

Soothe (2nd rank): 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (5, 10) + 8 = 23
Reginald should now be full HP.

Patching everyone up the group quicky returns to the Castle. The demiplane has clearly come under significant attack. Parts of the town have been destroyed, several buildings are on fire. The Castle is also showing damage, the recently repaired drawbridge is down and a number of the guards have been injured or killed. A makeshift hospital has been set up in the courtyard and Baines can be seen directing the defenders, dressed in an ancient set of chainmail that dangles down past his knees.

Heading inside you reach the Great Hall where a portal still hangs, glowing. This one clearly leads to the arid deserts of the the north east. Stepping through you find yourself in the middle of a set of crumbling ruins. Unfortunately you are not alone and a host of demons confronts you!

Their leader, a massive twelve foot tall horned demon laughs as you appear, Aah, the one time rulers of the pathetic realm, bow before me, Torgral, and surrender your cards to the Prince of Wolves! Or dont, I care not, I shall take them from your cold dead hands!

In terms of terrain the only thing that counts here are the black wall sections and the collapsed pillars. They are the remnants of ancient buildings and only count as difficult terrain.

Slick : 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 23 + 2 = 34, +2 item
Billy : 1d20 + 24 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 24 + 2 = 40, +2 item
Pinebrush: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 23 + 2 = 29, Perception +23, +2 item
Sigourney: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 23 + 2 = 31, +2 item

Combat Status:
Round 1

Turn Order



Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 218/218
Billy 160/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 173/173
Sigourney 148/148
Reginald 98/98

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

Slick looks over the heads of the demons arrayed before him and spots Torgral in the distance behind them. He listens to the big fellow rant on about bowing and cold dead hands, but he's heard it all before. "This Torgal guy sounds quite confident for someone who's just lost a couple of legions of his fiends to us." He looks over the situation and decides to attack the host before him and leave the big guy for the spellcasters to deal with right now.

He waits for Billy to do his thing, then springs into action. He charges straight into the front line of the demon host and starts slashing left and right.

Action (◇): Delay: Until End of Billy's turn. Will assume that Courageous Anthem and Haste are in effect for the rest of Slick's turn.

Action 1 (◆): Stride with Haste (45 feet)

Action 2 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem vs Demons.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 43
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (1, 9, 3) + 9 + 1 = 23 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Might be a crit, so possibly off-guard until the end of their next turn.

Actions 3 (◆): Exacting Strike - On a miss, next Strike uses same MAP
- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Off-Guard? Demons.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 37 vs Off-Guard?
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (9, 11, 5) + 9 + 1 = 35 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success:
The target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

If Strike Hit:
With that hit, Slick expects his next attack will likely miss, so instead he says "defend," and the space around him shimmers for a moment.

Action 4 (◆): Cast a Spell: Shield [L7] - AC 37 (Hardness 20)

If Strike Missed:
Action 4 (◆): Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem and MAP1 vs Off-Guard? Demons.

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 26 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 32 vs Off-Guard?
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (5, 12, 12) + 9 + 1 = 39 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success, the target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Available Reactions:

Reactive Strike (↺)
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

- Action: Strike (+2 Greater Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword) with Courageous Anthem

Greatsword Attack: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 45
Greatsword Damage: 3d12 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 8) + 9 + 1 = 29 slashing damage
Wounding Damage: 1d6 persistent bleed damage.

If Crit Success, the target is off-guard until the end of your next turn (Grievous) and blinded until the end of its next turn (Phantasmal Doorknob (Greater)).

Protector's Sacrifice (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet takes damage
Reduce the damage the ally would take by 21. You redirect this damage to yourself, but your immunities, weaknesses, resistances and so on do not apply.

Warding Tattoo (Fiend) (↺) (1/day)
Trigger An enemy, hazard, or the environment makes an attack against your AC, requires you to attempt a saving throw, or causes you to take damage automatically
Until the end of the current turn, against the triggering effect, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and gain resistance 2 to damage.

The Paladin (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a saving throw
Adjust the result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.

Talisman: Snapleaf (↺)
Trigger You begin to fall.
This small, crystalline carving takes the shape of a tree leaf and attaches to armor or clothing with a simple strap. When you activate the snapleaf, you gain the benefits of feather fall and a 2nd-level invisibility spell for 1 minute or until you stop falling, whichever comes first.

Skeptic's Defense (↺) (1/day)
Trigger You are targeted by or are in the area of a mental spell or effect.
You don't believe in any mental twaddle, and you're certainly not afraid of it. You scoff and verbally refute the triggering effect, attempting a counteract check using your Intimidation modifier with a counteract level of half your level rounded up. If you succeed, you ignore the triggering effect, though any other creatures that were also targeted or in the area are still affected. If the source of the effect you successfully counteracted understands your language and has an Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, that creature becomes stupefied for 1 round.

Blessed Denial (↺)
Trigger An ally within 30 feet would become Frightened, Drained, Enfeebled, Sickened, or Stupefied.
You exude peace and protection, lessening a harmful condition as it falls upon an ally. Reduce the value of the condition your ally would take by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the ally takes more than one condition at the same time, choose one to reduce.

Shield Block (↺) (extra reaction from The Paladin)
Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack.
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

Upon entering the battlefield, Billy hears Torgral make a bunch of demands. As requested, Billy bows. Then he responds, "Nice to meet you Torgral. I'm Billy. Interesting proposal. May we counter-offer?" The halfling smiles and says, "How about you stop invading our home and we won't kill you and your friends?" While waiting for a response, Billy sings,

"Harrowheart under attack!
The walls are beginning to crack.
.....Lives are depending.
.....On us for defending.
Ya think they'll award us a plaque?"

Lingering Performance +VirtPerf +Mask, DC 32: 1d20 + 24 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 24 + 2 + 2 = 45
Crit Success: Courageous Anthem duration 4 rounds. Cost: 1 focus point.

While his inspiration lingers, Billy chants,
"He calls himself a prince? Of what ... we can't be sure.
He has no evidence. Make haste, we'll be a blur."

Cast Haste (7th rank) for the party.

◇ Ling Comp, ◆ CA, ◆◆ Haste

Billy does what Billy does and Slick promptly takes full advantage, ploughing into the horde of demons.

His first blow cuts down several fiends and the backswing cuts down another before he raises a magical shield around himself. A whole section of the enemy collapses and flees in the face of his fury!

Thats a crit and a hit for 81 damage. The crit does not flat foot nor blind them as they are single target non damaging effects and they are therefore immune to them as a troop. As a note for Pine, I think this will also apply to gang up! Troops are annoying.

Torgral flies forward, above his minions and hovers over you. His mind reaches out to you telepathically, insinuating its way into your thoughts. Return to Harrowheart and remain there to await further instructions from the Prince of Wolves.

Unfortunately Sigourney doesnt recognise the spell, not being that familiar with divine magics.

I am going to pause here to see if anyone wants to do anything about their saves.


Sig quick recog Religion: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31

Will Saves
Slick : 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (4) + 21 = 25, Bravery, Crit Fail
Billy : 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (5) + 26 = 31, Resolve, Fail
Pinebrush: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40, Pass
Sigourney: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40, Pass
Reginald : 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27, Fail

Combat Status:
Round 1

Turn Order

Inspire 1/4
Haste 1/10

Torgal - dealing with saves

Bold to act.

Combat status

Slick 218/218
Billy 160/160, tailwind, see invisible
Pinebrush 173/173
Sigourney 148/148
Reginald 98/98

Torgal 33 damage, 10' up
Demons 107 damage, 1d12 bleed

CG Aasimar Halfling Bard 15 | HP 63/186 | AC 35 | Spd 45' | F+24, R+25, W+27 (Resolve) (+1 vs magic)| Perc(M) (low-light, darkvision, see invis) +25 (+2 visual) | Init: +27 (visual/hearing) | Exp: Search | Hero: 1 | Spell DC 36. Slots: 1□□□, 2□□□, 3☑□□, 4☑□□, 5☑□□, 6☑☑□, 7☑☑☑, 8□□, Focus☑☑□ | Sorc Spells 1□, 2□, 3□, 4□, 5□ | Staff Charges 1/8 | Harrow Omen: Crowns (Other)| Cond: frightened

Billy tries to shake off the command using Chaotic Destiny.
Draw a harrow card and reroll the saving throw you failed. You must take the result of the reroll, but if you drew a card from the suit of Crowns, improve the result by one degree of success.

Will: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (4) + 26 = 30
Sigh ... worse than the GMs roll.
Harrow Omen Suit - 1:Hammers (Strikes), 2:Keys (Reflex), 3:Shields (Fort), 4:Books (Skill), 5:Stars (Will), 6:Crowns (Other): 1d6 ⇒ 4
Sigh ... not Crowns.

Billy thinks it's a fine idea to return to Harrowheart.

CN Male Half-Elf Fighter 15 | ♥️ 233/233 | ➕ slash 4, mental 15, fiend spells/magic 2 | AC 36 (Clumsy/Frightened 1) | Speed 45' | Scout (Init +25) | F+27M (Battle Hard.) R+25E (Bulwark, , Temp. Ref.) W+23E (Bravery) | Perc+23M (Darkvision) | Fly □□ | Focus □□ | Spells DC 31; Slots: 1□ 2☑ 3□ | Hero 1, ⚿••⚒+••| ✋ +2 GSGK Greatsword | Status: Water Breathing, Swim 45', Huge, Reach 15', Frightened/Clumsy 1, Mazed

Slick is well on his way to being coated in demon entrails when the honeyed words of Torgal sound in his ear. He pauses his fiend fighting momentarily in confusion. Returning to Harrowheart for a long rest sound oddly like an excellent idea. He shakes his head to clear it...

Hero Point Reroll Will Save vs DC 35/36: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22

Wow! What a time for the dice gods to abandon me.

...but the suggestion burrows even deeper into his head. "This can't be right." A small pocket of rationality in the back of his mind reaches out for a life preserver and triggers The Paladin.

Reaction (↺): Activate an Item: The Paladin - Adjust the result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.

... "Wait up, Billy. Let's walk back to Harrowheart together. I could use a short rest."

Good luck guys!

Billy and Slick both find themselves changing their minds about what they should be doing.

As Sigourney resists the enchantment Torgal glares at her, You will not resist me foolish mortal!

Sigourney finds her mind becoming somewhat clouded.

Torgal used a reaction when Sigourney saved against his spell. Sigourney passes but this ability has an effect even on a pass. I am going to pause here to see if Sigourney wants to reroll her pass or not.


Will save: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36

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