Duchess of Wintercrux Svetochka Elvanna

Sigourney Knowledge's page

258 posts. Alias of Thaumascourge.

Full Name

Sigourney Knowledge


N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 5/188| AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25 (+1 saves vs magical effects)| Speed 15 ft, Swim speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +23 (+2 visual)| Init +23 (+2 visual AND +2 scouting)| Exp: Detect Magic| Hero: 0|


Spells DC 36. Slots: 1□□☑, 2□□☑, 3□□□ , 4□□☑, 5□□□, 6□☑☑, 7□□☑, 8□☑, Focus☑☑□| Staff Charges: 9+1 (2 net)| Wand Uses: □□|Focus recharges □| Magic Hat Summon □| ✋ ✋ Wand| QuickenSpell ☑|


Cond: Frightened 1, Wounded 1| Female





Special Abilities

Magical Effects: Tailwind, Light, Vital Beacon (4d4, 4d6), Carryall (Follow), Water Breathing, Feet to Fins






Wise Quarters, Absalom


Aklo, Abyssal, Azlanti, Common, Daemonic, Diabolic, Draconic, Jotun, Necril, Shory, Skald, Sylvan, Thassilonian,



Strength 10
Dexterity 20
Constitution 18
Intelligence 21
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Sigourney Knowledge

Witch: Silence in Snow (Patron Unknown...to the party at least)

Movie plot spoiler:

Ancestry: Human
Heritage: Skilled (Crafting)
Background: Bookish Providence
Hometown: Wise Quarters, Absalom
Languages: Aklo, Abyssal, Azlanti, Common, Daemonic, Diabolic, Draconic, Jotun, Necril, Shory, Skald, Sylvan, Thassilonian
Free Archetype/Feats: Loremaster Dedication, Magical Edification, Loremaster's Etude, Archeologist Dedication, Magical Scholastics, Assured Knowledge, Engima's Knowledge
Known Rituals: Teleportation Circle (Uncommon, rank 7), Heroes' Feast (Uncommon, Rank 5)

Harrow Cards:

The Fiend
The Silent Hag (Religion)
The Empty Throne
The Vision
The Tangled Briar
The Owl

N Skilled Human Silence in Snow Witch 15 | HP 188/188 | AC 36 | F+25, R+26, W+25| Speed 40 ft |Perc(E) +25 | Init +23 (+2 from scouting) | Unarmed + 24


Ancestry Feats: Natural Ambition (Reach Spell), General Training (Additional Lore: Academia), Multitalented (Psychic Dedication), Adaptive Adept
General Feats: Toughness, Fleet, Ancestral Paragon (Adapted Cantrip)
Skill Feats: Multilingual, Recognise Spell, Magical Crafting, Magical Shorthand, Quick Recognition, Quick Identification, Additional Lore: Academia, Biographical Eye, Tattoo Crafting, Unified Theory
Witch Feats: Familiar of Freezing Rime, Cauldron, Ceremonial Knife, Basic Lesson (Lesson of Life), Major Lesson I (Lesson of Vengeance), "Double, Double" Reach Spell, Stitched Familiar, Quickened Cast
Psychic Feats: Psychic Dedication (The Oscillating Wave), Frostbite (Amp),
Loremaster Feats: Loremaster Dedication, Magical Edification, Assured Knowledge, Loremaster's Etude, Enigma's Knowledge
Archeologist Feats: Archeologist Dedication, Magical Scholastics

Trained Skills:

Acrobatics: +22 (+2 to Escape or Squeeze) = 24
Arcana (Legendary): +28 (+2 from Mage Hat) = 30
Crafting (Master): +26
Deception: +0
Diplomacy: +17
Intimidation: +0
Medicine: +4
Nature (Master): +25 (+2 from Hexing Jar) = +27
Occultism: +22
Performance: +0
Religion: +21 (+2 from The Silent Hag) = +23 for recall Knowledge checks
Society (master): +26 (+2 from Greater Choker of Elocution) = 28
Stealth: +22
Survival: +4
Thievery (Expert): +24
Loremaster Lore (Expert): +24
Academia Lore (Legendary): +28

Fortune Rerolls:
Will+0, Shields+0, Hammers+4, Will+0, Reflex+0, Shields+0


+ all Common Primal Cantrips
Light (120 feet, 4/4 orbs available, 60 foot radius of bright light)
Caustic Blast (4d8 acid damage, 5 foot burst, basic reflex, 30 feet range)
Deep Breath (Hold 8 hours worth of breath, lose 10 minute of breath every time you speak)
Electric Arc (9d4 electric damage, 1-2 targets, 30 feet, basic reflex)
Ignition (9d4 fire damage, 1 target, 30 feet, AC. Sigourney is never going into melee to do d6)
Needle darts (10d4 piercing damage, 1 target, 60 feet, AC. Cold iron and silver chunks available)
Protect Companion (+1 to AC for companion, 30 feet, reaction Life block: -40 damage to companion but +20 damage to Sigourney).
Shield (Summons Shield with Hardness 20)
Glass Shield (Summons Shield with Hardness 10 and 24 Hit Points, reflex save with damage of 5d4)
Stabilize (Stablizes dying creatures)
Spout: Water Area damage 9d4 bludgeoning, reflex save
Vitality lash (9d6 vitality damage, 1 target, 30 feet, fort save)
Rousing Splash (grant 8d4 temp hp, provide especially appropriate assistance from persistent fire or acid damage)
Detect Magic (from Arcane Sense, 3rd rank)
Live Wire (Spell attack roll for 8d4 slashing 8d4 electricity, electricity damage on miss)

Loremaster Spells (Occult):

Guidance (+1 status bonus to attack rolls, saves and skill checks)
Message (500 feet range, silent message to others)
Sigil (Permanent Magical sigil on a creature)

Archeologist Spells (Occult):

Guidance (+1 status bonus to attack rolls, saves and skill checks)
Detect Magic
Read Aura

Psychic spells (Occult):

Frostbite (120 feet, fort save, 9d4 cold unamped, 17d4 amped with temp hp equal to half damage taken)

Carryall 4th rank:

A small platform of magical force materializes adjacent to you to carry cargo. It is invisible or has a ghostly appearance, is 2 feet in diameter, and follows 5 feet behind you, floating just above the ground or in the air. It holds up to 5 10 Bulk of objects (if they can fit on it). Any objects atop the platform fall to the ground when the spell ends. You can Sustain the spell to move the platform up to 30 feet along the ground/ the air, to make it stay in place, or to have it return to you and resume following you.

The spell ends if a creature tries to ride atop the platform, if the platform is overloaded, if anyone tries to lift or force the platform higher above the ground, or if you move more than 60 feet away from the platform.

Heightened (4th) The platform can carry 10 Bulk, creatures can ride atop it, and it can hover in the air, not just on the ground.

Summon Construct (Rank 4):

To summon: Soulbound doll (Creature 2)
Perception +8; darkvision
Languages Common; one spoken by its creator (typically Common)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Occultism +4, Stealth +8
Str -2, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0
Personality Fragments A soulbound doll shares fragments of its donor soul's personality, though none of that creature's memories. This causes a soulbound doll to match a strong personality trait of the donor soul (see sidebar). Because of its soul sliver, a soulbound doll is not immune to spirit as most constructs are.
AC 17; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6
HP 23; Immunities bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious, vitality, void; Resistances bludgeoning 3, piercing 5, slashing 3
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +10 [+6/+2] (agile, finesse, magical, reach 0 feet), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning
Occult Innate Spells DC 18, attack +10; 3rd levitate; 2nd one spell based on donor soul's personality trait (see sidebar) ; Cantrips (1st) light, prestidigitation, telekinetic hand

A soulbound doll's additional 2nd-rank innate spell depends on a strong personality trait it had in life, as listed below.

Brave: enlarge
Calm: calm
Careful: augury
Cruel: harm
Gentle: peaceful rest
Impish: disguise magic
Jolly: laughing fit
Kind: heal
Rash: breathe fire
Sassy: dispel magic
Timid: invisibility

Staff of Healing (Major):

Total charges: 8 + 1 from environment + 1 from 1st rank expended
1st Heal
2nd Clear Mind, Heal, Sound Body
3rd Cleanse Affliction, Heal
4th Cleanse Affliction, Clear Mind, Sound Body
5th Breath of Life (on reaction heal 5d8 to creature that would die), Heal
6th Clear Mind, Field of Life, Heal
7th Heal, Regenerate

Witch Spell Collection (primal):

1st rank spells
Air Bubble
Cleanse Cuisine
Create Water
Gentle Landing
Gust of Wind
Interposing Earth
Lose the path
Mystic Armor
Spirit Link
Phantom Pain (Lesson of vengeance)
Sure Strike (Adaptive Adept)

2nd rank Spells
Albatross Curse
Brine Dragon Bile
Cleanse Affliction
Clear Mind
Create Food
Dispel Magic
Marvelous Mount
Peaceful Rest
Resist Energy
Revealing Light
Scorching Ray
Sound Body
Sure Footing
Water Breathing
Clad in Metal
Thermal Remedy

3rd rank Spells
Cloud Dragon's Cloak
Heatvision (uncommon)
Holy Light
Croak Voice
Wooden Double
Feet to Fins

4th rank Spells
Air Walk
Mountain Resilience
Grasp of the Deep
Unfettered Movement
Vital Beacon

5th rank Spells
Howling Blizzard
Freezing Rain
Wall of Stone
Blessing of Defiance
Acid Storm
Wall of Ice

6th rank Spells
Chain Lightning
Arrow Salvo
Phantom Orchestra
Baleful Polymorph
Field of Razors
Dragon Form

7th rank Spells:
Eclipse Burst
Interplanar Teleport (uncommon)
Energy Aegis

8th Rank
Artic Rift
Summon Elemental Herald
Polar Ray
Horrid Wilting/Dessicate

Witch prepared spells:

Cantrips (5 + 1 Stabilize from staff+ 1 Prestidigitation from Mage Hat + 1 Electric Arc from Spellheart)
Vitality Lash

1st rank:
2x Air Bubble
1x Interposing Earth

2nd rank:
Revealing Light
Marvelous Mount

3rd rank:
3x Feet to Fins

4th rank:
Water Breathing (8 hours)
Vital Beacon
Wooden Double

5th rank:
Wall of Ice
2x Heal

Knifewand: Heal

6th rank:
Feet to Fins
Arrow Salvo

7th rank
Arrow Salvo
Chain Lightning
Dispel Magic

Dragon Form
Chain Lightning

Focus Spells:

Patron's puppet (Focus, Trigger: When turn begins. Free action, command familiar without auditory or concentrate traits)
Life boost: (Focus, One action, 30 feet, one creature. For 4 rounds, creature gains fast healing 16)
Needle of Vengeance
Focus Hex Manipulate Mental Witch
Cast [one-action]
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 enemy
Defense basic Will; Duration sustained up to 1 minute
A long, jagged needle jabs into the target foe's psyche whenever it tries to attack a creature your patron holds in special regard. Name yourself or one of your allies. The target takes 2 (now 16) mental damage any time it uses a hostile action against the named creature, with a basic Will save.
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2.
Loremaster's Etude (Focus, Free action, 30 feet. Trigger: You or an ally within range attempts to recall knowledge. Allow check to be rolled twice and take the better result)

Amped Frostbite (Focus, 120 feet, fort save, 17d4 amped with temp hp equal to half damage taken)

Clinging Ice (Cantrip, 1 action, basic Reflex, can be sustained. 8d4 cold damage, on failure target takes -5 circumstance penalty to speeds until spell ends. on crit fail, -10 feet speed penalty and double damage)

Prepared potions/oils:

1x Greater Swimming Potion
3x Greater Swimming Potion.


Heal Spells
[dice=Heal (1st rank, 1 action)]1d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (1st rank, 2 action)]1d8+11[/dice]
[dice=Heal (2nd rank, 1 action)]2d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (2nd rank, 2 action)]2d8+19[/dice]
[dice=Heal (3rd rank, 1 action)]3d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (3rd rank, 2 action)]3d8+27[/dice]
[dice=Heal (4th rank, 1 action)]4d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (4th rank, 2 action)]4d8+35[/dice]
[dice=Heal (5th rank, 1 action)]5d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (5th rank, 2 action)]5d8+43[/dice]
[dice=Heal (6th rank, 1 action)]6d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (6th rank, 2 action)]6d8+51[/dice]
[dice=Heal (7th rank, 1 action)]7d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (7th rank, 2 action)]7d8+56[/dice]
[dice=Heal (8th rank, 1 action)]8d8+3[/dice]
[dice=Heal (8th rank, 2 action)]8d8+67[/dice]

Staff of Healing (Major)


Restoration 2nd-rank and 4th-rank, Ghostly Weapon, Shared Invisibility, Roaring Applause, Gecko Grip, 6th rank Sure Footing

Equipment (Magic):

Staff: Staff of Healing (lvl 12) {7 charges (0 used): Stabilize, Heal (1,3,5), Clear Mind (2,4), Sound Body (2,4), Cleanse Affliction (3,4), Breath of Life (5)} Jolt Coil affixed.
Magical Gear: Crystal Ball (Clear Quartz) (lvl 14), Hexing Jar (lvl 11), Greater Choker of Elocution (lvl 10), Major Eye Slash (lvl 9), Mage's Hat (lvl 9), Shadow Signet (lvl 10), Sleeves of Storage (level 9), (+2 armour rune is 2nd level 11 item), Tome of Scintillating Sleet
Equipment (Mundane):
Weapons: Dagger (+24 Attack for 1d4 damage, thrown 10')
Armor: +2 Greater Resilient Antimagic Scroll Robes (Gentle Landing inscribed), Retrieval Prism affixed.
Worn: Long scroll robes (basically pajamas), Silver Chunk, Cold iron chunk, Writing Set, dagger, 1x Panacea, Cantrip pack (5/5 Draw Moisture)
Storage: Backpack, Sleeves of Storage (20 Bulk)
Sleeves of Storage: Wand of 4th rank Carryall (Pre-cast), Wand of 2nd rank tailwind (Pre-cast), repair kit, basic crafter's book, 20x daggers, Bedroll, Chalk, Flint and Steel, Rations, Rope, Soap, Torch, Waterskin, 20x daggers, Red Crystal from Colossus, 1x Panacea. Left sleeve dedicated to familiar.


2007.7 GP after the Demon Incursion
1286.7 GP after learning spells from Trexima
Currently: 1918.75 GP

Known Formulas:

Tattoos, Level 1-2:
Navigator's Star
Eye Slash
Frostwalker Pattern
Triangular Teeth

Tattoo, Level 7 and below:
Bewitching Bloom (Bellflower)
Boozy Bottle
Reading Glyphs
Faith Tattoo

Level 15:
Keen rune

Potions and Oils:

Level 1:
Potion of Retaliation
Potion of Emergency Escape
Ration Tonic
Merciful Balm
Level 4:
Lesser Healing Potion
Level 6:
Salve of Slipperiness
Level 8:
Potion of Quickness
Level 10
Aligned Oil
Level 11:
Potion of Swimming (Greater)
Level 12:
Potion of Resistance (Moderate)
Level 14:
Tentacle Potion (Greater)
Level 16:
Truesight potion
Level 18:
Potion of Undetectability
Level 20:
Oil of Potency (Major)

Page 223 GM Core:
You can craft higher level items with the lower level formula.

Scroll Graveyard:
Heatvision, Marvelous Mount, Haste, Vital Beacon, Darkvision, enlarge, create food, sure footing, scorching ray, water breathing, sound body, restoration, resist energy, peaceful rest, jump, summon elemental, tailwind, gentle landing, air bubble, cleanse cuisine, charm, alarm, Earthbind, Thermal Remedy, Wooden double, Invisibility Sphere, Feet to Fins, 2nd rank Restoration.

Wish List:
Level -14: Planar key to Harrowheart, Greater Insistent Door Knocker (1250 gp), scroll of cosy cabin, wand of choking mist (level 10)
Level X:

To learn:
Acid Grip
Anything with the Holy Trait for fiends

About Sigourney:

She's a bookish librarian from Absalom. She adventures not just to placate her patron's unknowable ambitions, but also because she seeks out knowledge and forgotten magics from ancient civilizations like Thassilon, Ancient Azlanti and the Shory empire. Perhaps due to her patron's designs, or because of her continuous desire to seek out knowledge that should have long been forgotten, her fate has inexplicably intertwined with that of the party's.

Personality: She is a cool and collected woman who never does anything without a contingency or three. Has her nose always in her notebook where she writes down interesting things that could lead to more knowledge. Devout worshipper of Nethys for his patronage of all magic. After recently being swallowed whole and barely living to tell the tale, she's developed the habit of taking obnoxiously Deep Breaths every time she talks, to the chagrin of everyone around her.

(Will change eventually)

Daily Preparations:
o Roll out of bed, still in my scroll robes
o Regain spells from patron, prepare spells, talk to whatever grew in the Hexing Jar last night, Read the Tome of Scintillating Sleet
o Focus Points reset
o Commune with Reginald, choose familiar abilities
o Do daily ritual to create knife wand of Heal (R5)
o Attune retrieval prism to knife wand of Heal (R5)
o Prepare Staff of Healing (Major)
o Prepare the following potions
- 4x Greater Swimming Potion
o Invest the following:
1) Hexing Jar
2) Shadow Signet
3) Sleeves of Storage,
4) Mage's Hat (Greater)
5) Harrow Card set 1
- The Fiend
- The Silent Hag (Religion)
- The Empty Throne
- The Vision
- The Tangled Briar
6) Choker of Elocution (Greater)
7) Eye slash (Major)
8) Harrow Card Set 2
- The Owl
o Cast 2nd rank Tailwind and 4th rank Carryall from wand
o Cast Vital Beacon on self
o Finally remember to cast Prestidigitation on myself to look presentable

☑ □


[dice=Spell Attack]1d20 + 26; [/dice]
[dice=Acrobatics]1d20 + 22; [/dice]
[dice=Acrobatics (Escape/Squeeze)]1d20 + 22; [/dice]
[dice=Arcana (Legendary)]1d20 + 30; [/dice]
[dice=Athletics]1d20 + 17; [/dice]
[dice=Crafting (M)]1d20 + 26; [/dice]
[dice=Diplomacy]1d20 + 17; [/dice]
[dice=Nature (M)]1d20 + 27; [/dice]
[dice=Occultism]1d20 + 22; [/dice]
[dice=Religion]1d20 + 21; [/dice]
[dice=Society (master)]1d20 + 28; [/dice]
[dice=Stealth]1d20 + 22; [/dice]
[dice=Loremaster Lore (expert)]1d20 + 24; [/dice]
[dice=Academia Lore (L)]1d20 + 28; [/dice]
[dice=Thievery (E)]1d20 + 24; [/dice]


Gentle Landing Trigger: A creature (Sigourney or one of her allies) within range is falling.

Cloud Dragon's Cloak Trigger: You or an ally within 60 feet are targeted by a ranged attack.

Interposing Earth Trigger: You are the target of a Strike or would attempt a Reflex save against a damaging area effect. Duration: 3 rounds.

Air Bubble. Trigger: A creature (Sigourney or one of her allies) within 60 feet enters an environment where it can't breathe.

Hidebound. A creature within 60 feet is hit with a Strike that deals physical damage.

Wooden Double. Trigger: You're critically hit by a damage-dealing effect or Strike. A wooden double appears out of nowhere and takes the blow in your place. Take a Step action. A wooden block of your size and roughly shaped like you appears in the space you left and absorbs the hit. This block has Hardness 5 and 20 Hit Points. If the wooden block is destroyed, you take any excess damage that the block didn't absorb. After taking the blow, the wooden block collapses into a pile of splinters and dust.

Recognize Spell. Trigger: A creature within line of sight casts a spell that you don’t have prepared or in your spell repertoire, or a trap or similar object casts such a spell. You must be aware of the casting. Note: Sigourney can perform this as a free action if the spell is on the arcane or primal lists.

Hexing Jar. Activate [reaction] envision Frequency once per hour; Trigger You roll a critical success on an attack roll with a witch spell, or your target rolls a critical failure on its saving throw against a witch spell or hex you cast; Effect The thing in the jar becomes more energetic—glowing, dancing, rapping on the glass, or some other action appropriate to its appearance. It encourages you until the start of your next turn, granting you and your familiar a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws and a +2 status bonus against mental effects.

Activate—Antimagic Armor [reaction] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Trigger A spell targets you or includes you in its area; Effect The armor attempts to counteract the triggering spell with the effect of a 7th-rank dispel magic spell and a counteract modifier of +26.

Assured Knowledge copypaste:

Using Assured Knowledge to, as a free action, Recall Knowledge with Assurance on (INSERT THING) if I can do so with my Academia Lore (33), Arcana (33), Society (31), Nature (31), Crafting (31), Lore (Loremaster) (29) - which applies to everything, Occultism (27), Religion (27).

Recall Knowledge, Loremaster's Etude, The Fiend copypaste:

She then tries to Recall Knowledge about what she overheard at any point in time about BLANK and how BLANK BLANK. She wants to know the details (ie how it works) of BLANK.

Her Archeologist Dedication gives her a +1 Circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about ancient history, peoples and cultures.

She uses her Loremaster Spells (Loremaster's Etude) to boost her cognitive ability. Unexpectedly, she feels The Fiend boosting her ability to think! I repeated a non-Strike action I previously took in the same round. +2 item bonus to the Recall Knowledge check.

Temp loot: