Cormyr The Forest Kingdom (Inactive)

Game Master Critzible

The lush land of the Purple Dragon, seems welcoming and peaceful but under all the peaceful veneer are opportunistic nobles, Sneaking Sembians, Red Wizards seeking footholds, Zhents seeking to pull down the nation and much much more. Add in the War Wizards and Purple Dragons it is a land of intrigue and mystery.

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IN the Kingdom of Cormyr a group of locals bands together forging forward with a newly minted Adventuring Charter to forge a path in the Mythical Kingdom of the Purple Dragon. Given a charter by the Mad Merchant Cogswane Cort, the group now is set up to seek out the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, especially during the dangerous rise of Bugbear attacks... What brave souls make up the band, That is what we will soon find out.

So first and foremost this is Primarily a 2e Dungeons and Dragons game. Races and Classes from the PHB are allowed with Specialty Priests from eh Faiths and Avatars, Demihuman Deities and Powers and Pantheons.

1st level characters, 4d6 for stats drop the lowest, I will be doing fractional ability score progression, Comliness is in effect and Honor will be added

if you want some unique abilities or an extra level you can take Quirks and Flaws.

looking for 4 to 6 players.

Apply with ideas below.

Oh and any Specific kit can come from any of the complete series

Also ask any questions you want I'll answer them as soon as I can

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dotting. Bravo for running this. :D

Also the TOme of Magic is open too.

So seven ability scores

I am pretty sure I have forgotten more than I remember about second edition at this point. But I have always loved the Forgotten Realms, from my first exploration of the dungeon beneath Shadowdale. And I know I have those three religion books in a box down in the basement - I will need to dig those out. I recall someone of those specialty priest classes were excellent....


4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 4) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 3) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 6) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 5) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 2) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 2) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 2) = 7

4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 6) = 20 (17)
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 2) = 13 (11)
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 4) = 8 (7)
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 1) = 14 (13)
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 2) = 10 (9)
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 4) = 21 (17)
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 4) = 16 (15)

Your charisma reaction bonus will raise or lower your Comliness as will race


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hmm, well, let's see what Lady Luck has for us today.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 3) = 10 9
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 2) = 16 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 3) = 14 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 2) = 18 16
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 3) = 13 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3, 5) = 17 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 3) = 14 12


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The image on page 76 of The Complete Book of Humanoids has sat quietly in my psyche for 30 years.

Would you accept a Minotaur Fighter/Wizard as my offering?

Grand Lodge

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:

The image on page 76 of The Complete Book of Humanoids has sat quietly in my psyche for 30 years.

Would you accept a Minotaur Fighter/Wizard as my offering?


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

What are the rest of you intending to play?


Was thinking about a ranger, but it's rough going melee in 2nd edition without that 18 strength, so I am milling over my options.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Although 2E is one of the few editions that makes a dual wielding ranger a pretty viable option.

Remember you are gonna be starting in Cormyr. So if you are not a common race, questions will be asked and you will face a lot of issues.

I can come up with some background stuff to make it work.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

DM Barbarian Taco wrote:
with a newly minted Adventuring Charter

"We've got a writ!"

STR: 1d100 ⇒ 91

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

If the Minotaur was going to be too disruptive, I have had my eye on making a Breachgnome for about the last 30 yeahs also.

Breach Gnome would be better

Ooooooooooooooooooo its been sooo long since ive played 2e! I have alll these awesome old books to read and geek out on!


4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 2) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 4) = 19 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 5) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 6) = 15 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 4) = 16 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 4) = 11 10

Well, as my wife says, above average but nothing worth bragging about.

I must consult the holy tomes of gygax.

Question: 2e cormyr or 5e cormyr?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

DM Barbarian Taco wrote:
Breach Gnome would be better

Roger that!

What kind of a timeline are we on here? Your initial post says "apply with ideas below," which I've done.

Rizz its 2e Cormyr

and don't forget your Comliness score as well

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

What book provides details on Comliness?

Also, how about the split ability scores ("sub abilities") from Players Option: Skills and Powers? Like Stamina/Muscle for Strength.

It doesn't its a 1e hold over(Hack 4e stat as well, Hackmaster 4e is 1e and 2e combined, so I am implementing a few rules.)

Its your physical appearance and is effected by your Reaction Modifiers.Which are improved via High Charisma, Race and some skills

Race Benefits and penalties to COmeliness (Based off dealing with humans) Elf (High +2, Grey +3, Wood +2 Drow -2) Dwarves -1 Gnomes -1 Half Elves +1 Halflings +0 HUmans +0

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

How about the "sub abilities" from Players Option: Skills and Powers?

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
How about the "sub abilities" from Players Option: Skills and Powers?

No but I am cool with the spells.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Well spells aren’t all that useful to we breachgnomes, but ok!

Liberty's Edge

OK 2e D&D...I just have to sign on!! Played for Sooooo many years!!

Ok, dice gods hear my plea for good rolls!

4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 4, 2) = 16 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 1) = 7 = 06
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 5) = 14 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 5) = 16 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 3) = 11 = 10
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 4) = 16 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 4) = 14 = 13

Why oh why do you mock me great ones!!

SO far I have a Breachgnome, which means gnome fighter what else is everyone thinking?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM Barbarian Taco wrote:
SO far I have a Breachgnome, which means gnome fighter what else is everyone thinking?

Everything else is window dressing to round out the dance card!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Monday i will have some thoughts. Weekend is family time for me.

Bumpity Bump Bump

Looking to see any ideas you have with characters.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm still in on my breachgnome!

Would love to join, because I'm a huge fan of the Realms, but not so much of 2nd Edition anymore, and haven't ever played Hackmaster. If this was being run in Pathinder, then I'd be more than willing. But alas, tis not to be.

In any event, good luck on this! Every game and setting deserves a chance to shine!

I still need to sit down and crack some books for this

Since we are in forgotten realms, i can go with dwarven cleric of the forge, from either icewind dale or mithral hall, depending on time.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Since we are in forgotten realms, i can go with dwarven cleric of the forge, from either icewind dale or mithral hall, depending on time.


SO who all is still interested? Just want to know when to close recruitment

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16


Interest doesnt mean completed characters.

I have a surgery next week, so i am going to pause my character build until late next week. If there is 3 other people who have completed characters by that time, i'll make up my character. But if not, then i will heartily say thanks to dm barbarian taco for making the attempt.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Best of luck with your surgery RM!

Yes best of luck, Rizz...

Hey DM Barbarian Taco, I've been reading along, first in the 'interest check' and here in the 'recruitment.' I played back in college (of course it was just AD&D, so I think it was just 1st edition) and I usually just played one of the variations of fighters. I'd consider jumping in with some sort of fighter, if it would help with the window dressing to round out the dance card! I thought that was funny!

Posted interest:
Johawn the Adventurer: Rolled stats,
wanderer82: rolled stats, ranger?
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan: rolled stats, Breach Gnome
Camaris: interest
RIZZENMAGNUS: rolled stats, Dwarven Cleric of the Forge
Daniel Steward: rolled stats

stats, just in case:

Do they have to be in order of the rolls?
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (4, 6, 5, 6) - 4 = 17
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 6) - 3 = 18
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 3) - 3 = 11
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 3) - 3 = 15
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 6) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 5) - 2 = 13
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 6, 4, 6) - 3 = 16

It would be fairly simple to convert Ivar to a northern fighter or ranger in any system. Just let me know if you need him. With those rolls, could possibly go something more exotic, if someone would help me with the build.

Robert Henry wrote:

Yes best of luck, Rizz...

Hey DM Barbarian Taco, I've been reading along, first in the 'interest check' and here in the 'recruitment.' I played back in college (of course it was just AD&D, so I think it was just 1st edition) and I usually just played one of the variations of fighters. I'd consider jumping in with some sort of fighter, if it would help with the window dressing to round out the dance card! I thought that was funny!

Posted interest:
Johawn the Adventurer: Rolled stats,
wanderer82: rolled stats, ranger?
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan: rolled stats, Breach Gnome
Camaris: interest
RIZZENMAGNUS: rolled stats, Dwarven Cleric of the Forge
Daniel Steward: rolled stats
** spoiler omitted **
It would be fairly simple to convert Ivar to a northern fighter or ranger in any system. Just let me know if you need him. With those rolls, could possibly go something more exotic, if someone would help me with the build.

Thank you, and no, you can place them anywhere

Lantern Lodge

I have interest but I am going to have to relearn the ADD 2nd edition rules. But it will also depend on the dice gods.

4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 4) = 16 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 6) = 13 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 2) = 14 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 4) = 14 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 1) = 11 = 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 6) = 18 = 17

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The DM has said he wants to use comeliness too, so you need a 7th stat rolled!

Lantern Lodge

missed seventh stat
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 1) = 17 = 16

and with that...I may be looking at the gnome ill/thief role :)

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