![]() Robert Henry wrote:
S'okay. This isn't set in stone, but here's what I'm thinking: 1. Posting Rate: Reasonable Daily post for everyone involved. Stuff happens. 2. Party Size: I'm thinking 5-6 players. No more than that. No fewer than 4 party members. 3. Homebrew rules? Nothing special I can think of off the top of my head. Might allow Catfolk as a race. Considering it, at least. Oh, no Evil characters will be invited to play. 4. Skills and Builds: Elephant in the Room in play. Background Skills as well. Probably 2 Traits. Full HP at first level, roll or half beyond that. Roll for starting gold. 5. Long Term Goals: Would love to play this and transition into Forge of Fury and the rest of the modules in this line (AP), but only promising THIS module for now. We'll see how it goes. That's most of it, for now. How's that? ![]()
![]() Evil Grows beneath the Earth "Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer - some whisper that the earth swallowed the fortress whole in an age long past. Brave adventurers resolved to discover the truth and set off down the Old Road, but they never returned." "The Sunless Citadel" is the first in a series of eight stand-alone adventures for the Dungeons & Dragons game. This carefully crafted adventure, designed to challenge 1st-level D&D heroes, follows a path to a mysterious dungeon where evil has taken root, and a terrible tree and its dark shepherd plot in darkness. THIS IS NOT A RECRUITMENT...YET Not just yet, but in a month or so, I'm thinking about running this 3.0 D&D classic, just set in Golarion. Using only Core races and classes (archetypes included), and probably a 20 pt build. Anyone interested? ![]()
![]() I will really have my character completed by tomorrow. I am profusely sorry that I'm holding things up. Due to some machine issues at work we've been on an extremely unusual level of overtime this week that shouldn't go past the weekend. This situation is honestly not indicative of my usual playstyle or level of commitment. I fully understand if you'd rather I step aside and let someone else take my spot, though I hope that's not the case. Sincere apologies. ~ IC ![]()
![]() Tribim wrote:
Fair enough. ;) Ok, then...what's to be our main stated "purpose" as a group? Investigators? Explorers? Treasure Hunters? ![]()
![]() So, for a few particulars, my Force Mage Wizard will be elven, with a Ruin-Delver background, and the pragmatic activator trait. Same basic background as before, minus the pathfinder society connection, but still part of an arcane brotherhood that follows the teachings of Nethys, and seeks the truth about their origins in the tombs. ![]()
![]() My character for this one would be a Pathfinder Scholar, literally sent to investigate and explore...and eventually report back. He'd be a Force Mage Wizard, part of a particular brotherhood of arcane casters of Force Mages who secretly believe have their roots in ancient Osirion magic. Deducing the truth of that matter, one way or the other, would be his personal goal. Obviously, his Trait would be Pathfinder Scholar. :) Still letting the rest of the details perculate in my brain for now... ![]()
![]() My idea is to play an elven barbarian for this, precisely because that's not a usual combination. (Could consider another race if necessary) I was thinking his rage(s) are being fueled by the trauma of whatever happened to him that caused his amnesia. (Perhaps, at least for the start, extreme moments of stress might "accidentally" trigger his rage? Just tossing it out there.) Thinking of either Pugnacious or maybe even Mind-Swapped for a Trait. I was thinking that he might have odd memories of some martial training, but frankly, would not ever remember being a "bezerker" of any sort. But who knows what's true and what's false memory, right? Maybe he was a Ranger before...? Who knows? I love the idea of character creation on-the-fly, as we go. Never tried that before. Sounds fun. ![]()
![]() Critzible wrote:
Whoops. Sorry, forgot, but will fix. ****************** Creation Notes thus far: Major Physical Flaw: "Accident Prone" All 1 and 2s rolled are critical fails. Minor Physical Flaw: Albino - -1 to Charisma Checks and Profiencies as well as you getting sunburned easily and is light sensitive. Minor Mental Flaw: Delusion: You think a monster is following you and often whirl around to see if you can catch him. Minor Physical Flaw: Male Pattern Baldness 13, 12, 8, 8, 8, 5 rolls from above. Plan: Name: Belgrimm Dwarf (Mountain), Cleric of Moradin +2 St, +2 Con Str: 14 Dex: 8 Con: 10 Int: 8 Wis: 13 Cha: 5 Hp: 8 Current concept idea: It's all but a certainty that he has Druegar (Gray Dwarf) blood in his family background somewhere, and thus has often been shunned by others in his clan. Even the acolytes of Moradin thought him odd and unworthy, but for some reason it seems that the dwarven diety has shone favor on this beardless dwarf, and grants him favor with spellcasting abilities. ![]()
![]() Critzible wrote:
Major Physical: 1d100 ⇒ 1 Doh! ![]()
![]() Critzible wrote:
Awesome. This kinda feels like using the Ultimate Powers book for Marvel Superheroes. :D Minor Physical: 1d100 ⇒ 3
Minor Delusion: 1d10 ⇒ 7 And Male Pattern Baldness. (LOL. Love that.) ![]()
![]() Thrilled to see this recruitment! Let's see what Fate has in store for this character: Ability Score: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2) = 12 Ability Score: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) = 5 Ability Score: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) = 8 Ability Score: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) = 13 Ability Score: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3) = 8 Ability Score: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) = 8 Urgh. Well, ok then...he's gonna die horribly. LOL ![]()
![]() Monkeygod wrote:
Just one note: If Rise of the Runelords was a possibility, that would absolutely be my first choice. The opportunity to play that classic with a high chance of completing it all would be awesome. Just saying. ![]()
![]() Javell DeLeon wrote:
One of my friends that I played Shadowrun with used to have this EXTREME issue with his six-sided dice rolling when using guns. He'd roll say, 8 or 9 dice and 5 or 6 of them would come up 1's. I've never seen someone roll SO MANY 1's on a continual basis in my life. It got so bad we started, in character, trying to figure out how to keep him away from firearms. LOL ...and now, back to the recruitment thread. ![]()
![]() Of the mentioned APs I'd vote:
The Extinction Curse definitely interests me as well. But to be totally honest, I'd be pretty much ok with any AP other than a fully evil campaign. I've played in one and didn't really enjoy it. I prefer to be the heroes of a game (even if we're not TOTALLY good guys). I suppose I'd also include Giantslayer in my wishlist, but the one "campaign" I'd like to play most and have for a long time probably isn't on your radar: The Dragon's Demand. (Yeah, I know, not exactly an AP, but it goes to 7th or 8th level or something like that.) About Me:
I've been gaming since I was 13 years old, playing Red Box D&D games first, then moved through 1st to 5th editions (we intentionally did VERY little 4th edition. Didn't really care for it.). Throughout it all, we had an ongoing campaign that morphed with each edition, and got us up to 20+ level by the time we retired the characters. I've been playing Pathfinder now for a handful of years, but find it's quite a bit like 3.5, so the transition was mostly painless and fun. I've played Shadowrun and d6 Star Wars, and even GM'd a bit, mostly Marvel Superheroes (FASERIP, anyone?). I'm a married father of four, all gamers, and in my 50's. I work on an assembly line building transmissions for semi-trucks, and am an aspiring author. (Nothing published yet) As far as timezone for posting, I'm EST. I prefer roleplaying over roll playing (though who doesn't like to toss some dice, right?), and feel the best games are where the character interaction and backstories drive the game rather than "magic bus" it around. I'll be up front about the fact that I haven't played a lot on this particular site, and am just now returning from the sudden hiatus from the one game I left a year ago due to some rather personal issues in my homelife. We can discuss that privately if necessary. All said, thanks for running a game, whether I get chosen or not. It's always cool to see new GMs taking the center chair to allow new players a chance to play. I hope to be in that situation at some point, to run a game here of my own. - Cheers! ![]()
![]() Hmmm. The link to the backgrounds and profession is blocked by GoogleDocs. No access. :( Tenatively, I'm thinking of a Smart (or possibly Wise) 25-ish year old man, either a paramedic or someone going through the police academy. In any event, he'll currently be on trauma related leave, as he was involved or witnessed a shooting while in the course of his job. Hear me out on the next part: While on leave, he was advised by his therapist to get away, so he went camping. While hiking near his campsite, he encounters...a Bigfoot. JUST a sighting, but enough to freak him out. And then whatever happens to jumpstart the campaign happens...how's that work for a background? ![]()
![]() You can definitely put a check next to my name on the interested column, if there's still room for another voice. The system seems rather cool and streamlined, and not too complicated, but I have to admit to not playing much D20 Modern. What I'd be looking/hoping for in a "setting" or feel would be equal parts of The A Team, Supernatural (early, pre-angels episodes), Leverage (Who doesn't like a good heist??), then X-Files and Burn Notice...with some Die Hard and Escape from New York tossed in, with just a touch of Rush Hour... then shaken, not stirred. ![]()
![]() So here's an idea, and not one I'm offering to run here at this point (though maybe someday...who knows?), but it's an idea that keeps knocking on a little window in my brain and I was wondering how feasible it would be. The game would start as a prologue with everyone making a character for a Starfinder game, and then....The starship that the characters and many others were traveling on would get sucked into a black hole and crash on a planet, damaging the ship beyond all repair and killing 90% of the crew! And THEN the real game begins, as the survivors (player characters) find themselves on a world much-like Golarion. And from that point, it's a Pathfinder game. Characters can multi-class at 2nd level into PF classes or continue in their current profession. Maybe they'll eventually find a way home, or maybe not, but dealing with adventures...maybe even an AP...as usual. Now, here's the rub. I haven't played Starfinder yet. Ever.
So, thoughts? |