Cormyr The Forest Kingdom (Inactive)

Game Master Critzible

The lush land of the Purple Dragon, seems welcoming and peaceful but under all the peaceful veneer are opportunistic nobles, Sneaking Sembians, Red Wizards seeking footholds, Zhents seeking to pull down the nation and much much more. Add in the War Wizards and Purple Dragons it is a land of intrigue and mystery.

1. Lonesome Tankard Inn Owner:Dunman Kiriag (NG)
2.Eveningstar Hall (Meeting House, Barracks,Jail)
3.Stables(Buy, House, Rent Horses) owner:Ladian Ruldo
4.Market Square
5.Ashrairns Fien CLothing
6.Ebbard Highsong, Butcher
7.The Oldboot (Wagonmaker and Harness SHop)owner:Arnold Tethyr
8.Auldo Morim's Residence (Town clerk and Pursor) Purple Dragons Barracks
9.Lord Tessaril Winters Residence (Lord of Eveningstar)
10.Shop and Home of Vilnar Orsborg, Barber/Perfumer/Tattoo artist
11. House of The Morning, Head Cleric Charisbonde Trueservant(11th level)
12.Temple Granaries
13.Temple Fields
14.Pillar Rock
15.Redhand Pool
16.Deltar's Mill Owner:Deltar Tummarlin
17.High Pasture (Communal Grazing lands)
18.Ironhand Smith Owner:Durthal Ironhand
19.The Golden Unicorn Owner:Selda Imyara
20.Beskar Lendo Sage, Print SHopt, Parchment, Inkmaker
21.Mother Tethos, Cordials, Herbs,gentle curios (Midwife/ doctor)
22.The Low Lantern( Dance Hall,Tavern, Theatre) Owner:Maea 'Iron Eyes' Dulgussir
23.Tethyr Hardware (General store)Owner:Arbold Tethyr, Run by his Daughters
24.Tethyrs Court (Rooming House)Owner:Arbold Tethyr, Run by his wife and 8 live in maids
25.Uldar the Potter
26.The Silver Branch (Jeweler,fine silk, glassworks,art)
27.Carpenters Shop and Rooming House Owner:Roarel Olff
28. Eveningstar Bakery Owner:Urda Malo and her Daughter
29.The Welcoming Hand Inn (Currnetly Burnt Down Ruin)
30.Stables Owner Ladian Ruld
31.Apple Orchard and Farm Owner:Taburg Shen
32.Old Thabbuth Farm (Ruin, Stone Tower and Midden)
33.Old Meg's Hut
34. Path leading ot the Haunted Halls