1. Lonesome Tankard Inn Owner:Dunman Kiriag (NG)
2.Eveningstar Hall (Meeting House, Barracks,Jail)
3.Stables(Buy, House, Rent Horses) owner:Ladian Ruldo
4.Market Square
5.Ashrairns Fien CLothing
6.Ebbard Highsong, Butcher
7.The Oldboot (Wagonmaker and Harness SHop)owner:Arnold Tethyr
8.Auldo Morim's Residence (Town clerk and Pursor) Purple Dragons Barracks
9.Lord Tessaril Winters Residence (Lord of Eveningstar)
10.Shop and Home of Vilnar Orsborg, Barber/Perfumer/Tattoo artist
11. House of The Morning, Head Cleric Charisbonde Trueservant(11th level)
12.Temple Granaries
13.Temple Fields
14.Pillar Rock
15.Redhand Pool
16.Deltar's Mill Owner:Deltar Tummarlin
17.High Pasture (Communal Grazing lands)
18.Ironhand Smith Owner:Durthal Ironhand
19.The Golden Unicorn Owner:Selda Imyara
20.Beskar Lendo Sage, Print SHopt, Parchment, Inkmaker
21.Mother Tethos, Cordials, Herbs,gentle curios (Midwife/ doctor)
22.The Low Lantern( Dance Hall,Tavern, Theatre) Owner:Maea 'Iron Eyes' Dulgussir
23.Tethyr Hardware (General store)Owner:Arbold Tethyr, Run by his Daughters
24.Tethyrs Court (Rooming House)Owner:Arbold Tethyr, Run by his wife and 8 live in maids
25.Uldar the Potter
26.The Silver Branch (Jeweler,fine silk, glassworks,art)
27.Carpenters Shop and Rooming House Owner:Roarel Olff
28. Eveningstar Bakery Owner:Urda Malo and her Daughter
29.The Welcoming Hand Inn (Currnetly Burnt Down Ruin)
30.Stables Owner Ladian Ruld
31.Apple Orchard and Farm Owner:Taburg Shen
32.Old Thabbuth Farm (Ruin, Stone Tower and Midden)
33.Old Meg's Hut
34. Path leading ot the Haunted Halls