Ranerius Bernerius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Streets of Venice to Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Ranerius pulls aside, trying to gauge how far one can so so HIS hearing can't hear the crowd, so that they shan't hear him. As his own senses are quite good, a blessing of his damned condition, so to speak, that should be a good estimate.
And when he thinks it is safe and just them... he confides to Alesssendro

Alessandro Khadaji |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Streets of Venice to Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
I'd only request is that you tell the others. If not all, then at the very least... Geoffroi, Lorenzo and Michele.

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Streets of Venice to Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
It was a better reaction than he had expected, and he inclines his head gratefully and says "I must give the third drink. I will do so as soon as I can. After that, if will tell Geoffoi , Lorenzo, and Michele and perhaps Onfroi. What they'll make of it I do not know" A frown. He had hoped to keep this small but it is not an unreasonable request even if it dims Kestral's use "It maybe good for us all. The experiments done to KEstral mean I do not know ... WHAT is fully in him. A fall back might be best. I thank you for listening to me, Signore."

Alessandro Khadaji |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Streets of Venice to Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
I think there was a moment when he could have killed me, but didn't... perhaps it was one of the entities within him that spared me, having taken control momentarily. You should consider telling the others even before the third exchange.
They may have information that could help or even save you. I am grossly ignorant.
I would have... consumed him in a desperate attempt at increasing my value to our little band. I wonder if I am the weakest link.

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Streets of Venice to Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Bion looks quite curious and speaks at the return of the two neonates, "The fate of Lord Kestral is...?"

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
"Alessandro has generously agreed Lord Kestral will be kept in my custody, still torpored for another night, Lord Bion. A bargain of sorts was struck." He bows to the elder. He glances over to Geoffroi, Lorenzo and Michele. And then nods to Alessandro as well

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
Bion's Lair - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Bion nods, "Do you wish to carry him about the city or leave him here? I shall watch over his form if you wish".

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
The Coterie exits through yet another tunnel, led by Onfroi. Under the various cloaks of illusion you make your way to the area of Venice that is for the less well to do. Santos it seems was up an coming but not up, at least not yet. Out of an abundance of caution you all allow a few minutes to pass as Mortals come up and down the stairs of this place, your great numbers would be physically unavoidable for them thus revealing your location.
As you arrive at the door, Xing pick the simple lock to allow for egress into the home. You all filter in and it smells. It smells like rotting food. Plates left on the table mostly uneaten, the pantries and counters full of rotted fruits and vegetables as well. Fruit flies abound. A search of the home, it appears to be two homes with a wall knocked down that allowed him to live in a second apartment for his four children, reveals it has not been lived in in some time.
Xing raises her eyebrows. Andrew shrugs, "The Volkovs operatives must have whisked the family oot an' Santos is no much of a maid it seems. Ah'd wager he ain;t been here'n some amount o' time, even wit' err dead state, this place is a bit disgustin'".
Lydia looks at Ranerius, "Can you use the sight to see if he has been here recently?"

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Lydia looks at Ranerius, "Can you use the sight to see if he has been here recently?"
"Perhaps. I'll want to wash my hands after," He makes a face. Yes, he's been in worse places, but he didn't enjoy that either.
He touches a piece of furniture that appears the cleanest and might be were Santos sat.
Auspex 3, Spirit Touch. Perception Plus Empathy 6d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 3, 5, 4, 3) = 31

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Ranerius touches the seat, he gets the flash of a beautiful woman seated at the table, four children at the table with her. The meals, now rotting on the table, are fresh. There is a knock at the door. The woman answers and a human female stands in the doorway.
"I am Katya, I am sorry to do this, but you must come away with me. Now, tonight. Your Husband has sent me. He told me to tell you that the word is NIGHT".
The woman's face drops, crestfallen, "Yes, yes. He did tell me this may happen. Will. will my Husband be safe?"
Katya shrugs, "I do not know. My employer, Sergei Volkov, is a dangerous man, but our foes are dangerous and cunning. There is a safe house, long established in Paris. If they are safe, God willing, they will know where to find us. If they are not... well. I am here to make sure you and your children cannot be used as pawns against my employer and your Husband.
Come now, quickly, it is time to go before the day fades...."
The vison ends.

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Andrew nods, "Aye, ah rememebr tha' discussion wit' Santos aboot sendin' his kinfolk ta' Paris wit' one o' Volkov's retainers.
If'n Santos ain't here, an he ain't in his business, mayhap he's gon' ta' Paris ta' find his family?"
Onfroi speaks, "Well, we won't know until we go to his place of business. I assume you know where that is as well Querini?"

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Ranerius arches a brow as Alessandro expands the circle from a few to all. Including Xing Shi, a Lasombra herself. Still, he can see the man's point, "Very well. I do not know what you will think of me, but for reasons both selfish and for our mutual protection and success I have begun blood bonding Kestral. Something has been DONE to him by Talisman, and I would much rather one of us have influence over Kestral than Talisman, who I do not trust. I'd be lying to say I did not see political advantages in it, and not just for myself. What troubles me most about this is it IS a hypocritical act on my part as I detest the idea of the Blood Oath. On the other hand, Elders often hold it over us in the name of survival, and yet few of them move to defend Venice. If they plan to send their offspring off to take all the risks, then we deserve a seat at the table. And this is one way to get it. Obviously I declined sharing this with Lord Bion. We'll see if that secret holds now that it is spread among so many of us." He waits for their reactions

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Alessandro nods grimly. Thank you, brother. It is this knowledge that kept me from doing far worse to Kestral.
At THAT Ranerius looks sympathetic, "Thank you for your forbearance in this."

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Before Michele can lead the group away form the home of Santos, Ranerius and Alessandro spread news of the Kestral issue to the larger group.
Onfroi nods, "A wise move".
Lydia turns to Lorenzo to gauge his reaction.
Andrew sighs, "Tis no what ah'd 'ave expected of ye. BUt I suppose yer logic is sound o' tha' matter. No sure how movin' forward this'll turn oot but in tha' short term..." he trails off.
Xing reacts not at all.

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Home of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
"Potentially a potent weapon to use in our current fight. Let's hope that you can maintain the control required, Ranerius." Lorenzo says, the skepticism obvious in his tone.

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Receiving mostly approval on his actions, Ranerius nods and the coterie moves along to its next objective. Cloaked in the powers of the blood, once more they have little trouble arriving at their destination. Mortals are still on the streets, but not as many as prior to the coup attempt. The city is certainly still on edge.
Luckily, this trip is not a traipse across the entire city as Santos kept his business relatively close to his home.
The building is rather large and is built over the water. There is one door on the docks and another large door over the water from which the gondolas must enter and exit. Barca De Fiume is written in gaudy letters above the door.
The place is very quiet, no coming or going of any of the gondola drivers whose faces were so often seen at the helm of these boats as the coterie were taking them to what seemed like such important meetings only a few nights ago. It seems that although your kind are eternal, like Mortals, fate can sweep away the familiar like a raging river just the same.
As you move closer to the front door there is a strong odor coming from within. It is one that Lorenzo instantly recognizes, decay and death.

Ranerius Bernerius |

Onfroi supports him, which is good as they've partnered before.
Andrew sounds a touch dissappointed, but sees the logic.
Xing is as silent as the grave. And keeps her words as well as her thoughts to herself.
"At this juncture we are needing to survive so it makes sense what you have done. I hope the bond is strong enough to control him."
Geoffroi listens and nods
"I am new to the politics of our kind, but they seem little different than the politics of living men. We all make compromises with our morality to survive. I saw this in the Outremer, and in France."
"Potentially a potent weapon to use in our current fight. Let's hope that you can maintain the control required, Ranerius." Lorenzo says, the skepticism obvious in his tone.
He does not doubt the concern of Michelle, or the skepticism of Lorenzo "I share your worries in this, gentlemen, but thank you for understanding and I hope your aid in keeping this particular djin restrained safely it its bottle." But it is the words of Geoffroi who sting the most, with truth that is, "And yes, Signore Geoffroi, my morality is compromised by this. I hope not too much. Regardless it is done if not quite finalized."
Receiving mostly approval on his actions, Ranerius nods and the coterie moves along to its next objective.
Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
The toreador's delicate nostrils catch something at the door, "There is an odor strong enough to come through the door."

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Lorenzo nods at Ranerius's statement. "A smell that I am all too familiar with - death, and not particularly fresh death at that."
Continuing he says, "I do not believe that Santos had any dealings with the Giovanni, so I doubt these dead still move. I suspect we are in for an unpleasant scene once we open that door."

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Lydia's eyebrows raise at Lorenzo's statement. There are a few Mortals milling about nearby looking, presumably, for gondolas. All who approach the building wrinkle their noses and step back seeking a more pleasant experience. Even Mortal senses smell what lies within.
Who wishes to open the door, or do you wish to head in through the "gondola bay doors" as it were.
As Michele stands there, flashes of recent memory of smuggling throughout the city using these same gondolas comes to mind. He knew many of these gondola drivers personally, though, not well.

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
The coterie swings around to the docks and Michele opens the bay doors through which the gondolas launch. The pungent smell rolls from the doors as it swings open. Vampiric eyes adjust to the deeper darkness of Santos' business and the horror of what has transpired here is lay bare.
Laying within each gondola is a man, each man dead and decomposing. A closer look would be required to ascertain the cause of death. Though the smell is repulsive, Vampiric constitutions are made of sterner stuff than that of Mortals, none are sickened by the smell.
"Odd", is Xing's reaction.
Onfroi steps inside the building, "Rotting decaying food was just the opening act hey?
Doctor, I trust you can give us some clues as to what caused this and when it happened?
Ranerius, while I am sure it would be most unpleasant to touch anything here, those powers could aid in uncovering what did take place".
The way the business is laid out, each dock leads to a gondola, there are twelve in all. These gondola are also a bit larger and deeper than those of other independent as well as business ventures. Michele is well aware of why as many goods were smuggled in the false bottoms... on his behalf!

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
"Well," he wrinkles his nose in distaste, "As understanding as you've all been so far, I suppose I can try, despite the.. filth."
He is made of sterner stuff than kine, but this is definitely offensive to Toreador preferences.
Reluctantly but without further adieu, he touches the nearest corpse.
Auspex 3, Spirit Touch. Perception Plus Empathy 6d10 ⇒ (3, 3, 8, 3, 6, 10) = 33

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

Geoffroi frowns. Even as a mortal, the reek of death was a familiar companion, one he had dealt with since he came to manhood as a squire on the blood-soaked fields of Normandy and then the Outremer. However, the … staging seems purposeful. Was whoever did this sending a message? If so, what was the message and to whom was it addressed?
“I shall scout the area, in case there are any unpleasant surprises besides these poor wretches”
He unsheathes his sword and advances into the dock area, alert for danger
Any rolls needed?

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Lorenzo grimly nods. "It won't be a simple task, given the level of decomposition, but I can try."
Lorenzo approaches the "freshest" of the bodies and begins his examination, while leveraging the power wielded by Ranerius, although with not same level of skill.
Intelligence (Analytical) + Medicine (Pathology): 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 6, 8) + (4, 1, 2, 3) = 34
Spirits Touch - Perception (Discerning) + Empathy: 4d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (4, 7, 1, 8) + (1) = 21
Yeesh...those are some piss poor rolls...

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
I forgot that part of Geoffroi’s backstory is that he was trained in medicine by the Templars. Before he hares off he will attempt to inspect a corpse
As Geoffroi advances into the dock area, he pauses at one of the gondolas and inspects the corpse within, hoping to find a clue as to their demise or the killer
Int+Medicine: 7d10 ⇒ (1, 8, 8, 10, 1, 1, 2) = 31
LOL. I guess he’s out of practice

Storyteller Shadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
Ranerius' power works once more, You see Santos through the eyes of this victim. "I am sorry my friend, they melted your brain. I do not know what horrors you witnessed, but rest now knowing that the Long Night is over while mine is only beginning". Around his neck are shiny beads that glisten red. This victim turns to the left and can see a few others laying in their gondolas as well.
Lorenzo cannot activate the power of the spirit's touch, or perhaps his analytical mind shuts him out of the realm of the supernatural at this very moment. Based on his long research of the dead, even prior to entry into the Long Night, Lorenzo concludes that the decomposition on all bodies is approximately 3 days old. It is the same rate for each of these victims, a dozen in all.
Geoffroi does not need to be a combat medic to see what has transpired, throats ripped out, almost no blood in any gondola. They were all murdered by Cainites.

Ranerius Bernerius |

Ranerius shares what he found, word for word, image for image. His powers in Auspex have grown, a pity he doesn't always find the use of them pleasant.
I should be crafting music composed of notes only a Cainite can hear all the facets too. I should be listening to songs in the night while patrons bask in the beauty off it and my wife dances with me.
After everyone has heard what he saw, he asks them "The beads were interesting. I think it would take one with more learning in the occult than I to surmise the symbolism or even use."

Storyteller Shadow |

Anyone with Thaumaturgy can make an Intelligence+Occult roll DC 7 to ascertain that meaning regarding the beads.

Storyteller Shadow |

Lorenzo, this is likely the ritual, Principle Focus of Vitae Infusion, Based on the description provided by Ranerius, it is likely an advanced or more sophisticated version of the Ritual as you believed that the limit on such objects was based upon one's mastery of the mysteries of the Occult world i.e. your Occult skill..

Michele Querini |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
"To avoid more scrutiny from the mortals and perhaps the hunters we should of dispose of these bodies. Not sure what is the best way of that. Then were too next as this literally is a dead end?"

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy
"The beads were likely concentrated and portable vitae made by a ritual known to the Tremere." Lorenzo says.
As the conversation turns to disposal of the bodies, Lorenzo sighs. "I will require blood, but one of the gifts of my Clan will allow me to turn these corpses to ash...from there they can simply be swept in to the canal, but as I said, I will require significant vitae to dispose of all of these bodies."
Level 1 of the Path of Graves Decay. Spend a blood point that is dripped on the corpse in question. Roll Intelligence + Medicine Diff 6 and the corpse will become nothing more than dust in 5 - Number of successes rolled turns.
"If one or two of you would be as so kind as to procure me a vessel or two, I can begin to dispose of these remains."
How many bodies are there?

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hard
Lydia grins wickedly at Ranerius, "Come on handsome, let's see if we can find a young couple who wishes to share in sin tonight".
There are a dozen bodies, two vessels out to do it, plus you can use the bonus blood to disappear them as well.
Andrew grimaces, "Portable vitae? So he made all o' his men inta' road rations? Ah weep fer how fast err kind can fall inta' tha' darkness like tha'".
Onfroi sighs, "The Beast allowed him to justify their deaths for his greater ends, I presume to rescue or find his family in Paris. Do Mortals not do the same? Did we Crusaders not use much the same logic to wage war on the Saracen and they upon the Infidel? I do not believe this is the Beat within Cainites but the very same Beast that beats in the heart of every man".
Xing raises her eyebrows at Lorenzo's claims to be able to turn these bodies into ash. She then looks to Michele and replies, "Next then, let us find Alejandro.
He can confirm my tale and we can decide how to balance both of these dangers, the one here now and the one that may loom on the horizon. There is a place, a bar, that he has frequented where I believe he could hold Court, the Blurred Mongoose".

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309
The Business of Michael Santos - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hard
Onfroi sighs, "The Beast allowed him to justify their deaths for his greater ends, I presume to rescue or find his family in Paris. Do Mortals not do the same? Did we Crusaders not use much the same logic to wage war on the Saracen and they upon the Infidel? I do not believe this is the Beat within Cainites but the very same Beast that beats in the heart of every man".
Geoffroi nods
“Ruthless pragmatism is hardly the sole provenance of Canites. I saw it in our Crusader kingdoms, where any weakness was often a death warrant. I saw it in France, where the king used the Templar’s weakness to overthrow us and loot our coffers and confiscate our property. If either had a use for blood, there would be a lot of drained corpses scattered from Brussels to Jerusalem “