Awesome Arcanium: The Side Quest!
Game Master
"Yes indeed, she was taken by the Beast of the Forest. A behemoth. Go North along the edge of the forest and climb into the cliffs."
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
"Thank you, fair lady", Cyril says as he quickly gets back on Ed's back. "Ed! North! To the cliffs!"
Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Ed bounds to the North staying well away from the trees to not get caught up in some roots.
The cliffs look barren. A large cleft in the hill which leads back to a maze...
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Cyril dismounts off of Ed, and casts light on his signet ring, then cautiously enters the maze.
Perception: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 17 + (2) = 37
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
You can hear the labored breathing of something large if not huge. It echoes off the walls. You slowly sneak forward looking for its source.
Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
After a while Ed nuzzles you lightly and states, "I think I smell it coming from this way." Ed then takes the lead smelling and looking for the beast.
You enter into a large room as Ed continues to move around and sniff. Then you look up and see a massive hammock. Something big is sleeping up there...
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Cyril cats his light down on the ground in hopes of not waking whatever was in the hammock. The wizard scans the room, looking for the prisoner.
Perception: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 17 + (6) = 32
Cyril does find a large chest and what appears to be a crude prison made of bones. Do you advance further into the cave to investigate one of these? There are piles of refuse here and there. Whatever is above does not keep the place tidy. A few rocks are likely used for stools and a big one for a table. You could climb on the table.
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 17 + (3) = 22
Cyril tries to see if anyone is in the cage.
Cyril moves slowly into the room aiming for the cage. He sees big birds, possibly emus or axe beaks. No sign of a woman. The huge figure above moves about.
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Cyril quickly covers his signet ring's light, waiting for the behemoth to return to slumber.
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 17 + (6) = 32
After waiting a time it does not seem the behemoth has been roused. What do you check next? The top of the stone table, the large chest, or further back into the cave?
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Cyril uncovers his light and stealths up to the large chest. The wizard puts his ear to the side of it to see if he can hear anything inside.
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
Perception: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 17 + (3) = 28
There is movement inside.
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
"Please stay still. I'll get you out." Cyril whispered.
The wizard then took out his thieve's tools and began to work on opening the chest.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 14 + (1) = 24
Cyril is able to unlock the large lock. Now there is large top of the chest to open. STR DC 21 or another check.
Male Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Str DC 21, with Inspiration: 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 5 + (3) = 20
Cyril just able to open the chest, until his strength failed and it closed again.
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
The behemoth wakes up and twists in the hammock. It looks down and looks around.
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
He sees Cyrcil and shouts!
Roll for init!
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