Awesome Arcanium: The Side Quest!

Game Master BloodWolven

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Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

Arthur nods in agreement holding Tessara's hand.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril is startled, forgetting elves and their superior hearing. "Alright, Saronis. We will back your play." The wizard nods.

Acrobatics +6 _ Climb +13 _ Diplomacy +8 _ HA +14 _ Healing +6 _ Intimidate +13 _ K: neering +13 _ Ride +11 _ Stealth +5 _ Survival +8 _ Swim +14
HP: 131/131 | AC: 26 _ T: 15 _ FF: 21 | Perception: +10 _ SM: +4 | Initiative: +5 | F: +12 _ R: +6 _ W: +5(+7) _ CMB: +13, CMD: 28 Speed: 40

"Tahnk you, I will survive this easily." He states humbly.

He walks out to jeers and curses. With the black blade in hand he steps up to the champion in the fighting ring behind the main hut.

He speaks loudly for all to hear, "I am abiding your rituals and terms but fear I am at a loss. Your champion my wear his armor if the terms can be adjusted. The slaves go free with us, and any others that wish it. Without these new terms there is no reason for this duel as we are willing to slaughter your tribe for honor."

The chief nods and motions for the champion to put on his armor. After more Whispering he states, "Your terms are acceptable if you also receive no aid from your allies."

Acrobatics +6 _ Climb +13 _ Diplomacy +8 _ HA +14 _ Healing +6 _ Intimidate +13 _ K: neering +13 _ Ride +11 _ Stealth +5 _ Survival +8 _ Swim +14
HP: 131/131 | AC: 26 _ T: 15 _ FF: 21 | Perception: +10 _ SM: +4 | Initiative: +5 | F: +12 _ R: +6 _ W: +5(+7) _ CMB: +13, CMD: 28 Speed: 40

"I accept this and your clan may cast spells to strengthen your champion."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril looks on with growing concern, but when the elf looks at the noble, the wizard agrees.

The chief smiles at this and calls forth the Shaman. Spells are placed on the champion, bull str, bears endurance, foxes cunning, bless, barkskin, and a few other minor ones.

With the blow of the horn the two charge at each other. Saronis swings the hungry blade. Within a minute the champion lays bloodied before Saronis held at the tip of his blade. They both bleed a lot but Saronis regenerated where the champion used his armor to protect himself.

Acrobatics +6 _ Climb +13 _ Diplomacy +8 _ HA +14 _ Healing +6 _ Intimidate +13 _ K: neering +13 _ Ride +11 _ Stealth +5 _ Survival +8 _ Swim +14
HP: 131/131 | AC: 26 _ T: 15 _ FF: 21 | Perception: +10 _ SM: +4 | Initiative: +5 | F: +12 _ R: +6 _ W: +5(+7) _ CMB: +13, CMD: 28 Speed: 40

"Yeild! And You may still live. I have only grown stronger as you are bloodied. My blade has stolen your rage do you want to forfeit your life?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

The champion sluggish swings his axes, Saronis easily dodges it and in rounds the champion lay on his back breathing heavily. He raises his blade to the Chief and he states, "My blade still hungers... stop this duel or your life will be forfeit."

The chief blew his horn and waved you off.

The barbarians were ready to rage but the Chief stopped them stating, "They hold honor and have bested our strongest. They as a group have already defeated half of us. They all seem ready for a fight more than us. Let them go. Take the slaves and those who wish to follow you."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Sense Motive, with Inspiration: 1d20 + 23 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 23 + (6) = 34
Sensing the growing tensions between both groups, Cyril raises his voice above the crowd.
"All who are free and wish to come with us, gather yourself now and follow us!"
Diplomacy, with Inspiration: 1d20 + 35 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 35 + (5) = 58

About two dozen slaves, three youngsters, four barbarian women, and four barbarian men follow your group. Many of the warriors follow but stay in the village.

The elven slave from before whoops and cheers, inciting excitement in the others. They quickly lead you into the large cave mouth. They tahnk you and make offerings to be good slaves for you.

A few minutes traversing into the cave you see massive ruins that make an ancient site of civilization. The slaves stop at an alter and praise the gods for their freedom.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"I don't believe in keeping slaves", Cyril said over the din. "Nor do i believe my companions will either. We shall lead you to Queen Celest's Domain. She is an honorable gold dragon matriarch, and will likely help those find new lives of freedom. But if there are those who truly wish to serve, you will do it as free people, and of your own will." Diplomacy: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (13) + 31 = 44

Cyril kneels down before the altar and thank the Gods for his party's victory.

Acrobatics +6 _ Climb +13 _ Diplomacy +8 _ HA +14 _ Healing +6 _ Intimidate +13 _ K: neering +13 _ Ride +11 _ Stealth +5 _ Survival +8 _ Swim +14
HP: 131/131 | AC: 26 _ T: 15 _ FF: 21 | Perception: +10 _ SM: +4 | Initiative: +5 | F: +12 _ R: +6 _ W: +5(+7) _ CMB: +13, CMD: 28 Speed: 40

He quickly chimes in, "I will take your slaves too then!" Seeing your face he just laughs. Once he gains his breath again he states, "No I don't want slaves either but until we get somewhere safer I will take servants. This will keep them busy as we protect them."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He jibes back, "You can't have them all, I want some. Tessara you would like some handmaidens right?"

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

"Oh! Oh! More pets?!" The very excited dog says happily, running around and through the group.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril shakes his head slightly at the jest. "Well done, Saronis. And congratulations!"

Silver Crusade

She face palms at Arthur's words but as the hand comes down a sly smile can be seen. She then winks and just waits patiently.

She states but waits for any resistance before leaving, "I will take those who I can carry and take them back to mother."

With the portable hole and her draconic form she is able to carry them all. But the elven lass resists the offer, "I would like to stay with you, our benefactors."

Acrobatics +6 _ Climb +13 _ Diplomacy +8 _ HA +14 _ Healing +6 _ Intimidate +13 _ K: neering +13 _ Ride +11 _ Stealth +5 _ Survival +8 _ Swim +14
HP: 131/131 | AC: 26 _ T: 15 _ FF: 21 | Perception: +10 _ SM: +4 | Initiative: +5 | F: +12 _ R: +6 _ W: +5(+7) _ CMB: +13, CMD: 28 Speed: 40

Saronis shakes his head at his fellow elf, he then states, "No you are not prepared, nor healthy enough for what is to come next. I fear if you stayed with us you would just throw your life away. Go with Tessara and prepare yourself with the means and materials there." He knows he may not be able to persuade her but it should be a start for Cyril or Arthur to convince her to go as well.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

With Cyril's words turning them all to helpful, then Saronis' words of being prepared, the elf maiden nods and goes with Tessara.

Tessara gives Arthur a kiss and once they are all in the portable hole. She turns into her huge draconic form and is soon flying off.

Now the ruins lay before you. What do you do?

You notice there is a light down in the ruins.

Perception DC 20:
There is a tower which is radiating the light from its top. It seems to be at least 80 feet in the sky.

Perception DC 25:
You notice that the light down in the ruins is likely at the center of this massive cavern.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

He sees the light but waits for the other to tell him more.

Acrobatics +6 _ Climb +13 _ Diplomacy +8 _ HA +14 _ Healing +6 _ Intimidate +13 _ K: neering +13 _ Ride +11 _ Stealth +5 _ Survival +8 _ Swim +14
HP: 131/131 | AC: 26 _ T: 15 _ FF: 21 | Perception: +10 _ SM: +4 | Initiative: +5 | F: +12 _ R: +6 _ W: +5(+7) _ CMB: +13, CMD: 28 Speed: 40

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

He questions about the tower, "Should we investigate the light upon the tower, the one towering over the other buildings?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Perception (Inspiration): 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 17 + (3) = 39
"I think we should", Cyril considers. "Towers are like lookouts for Guardians. Best to take them out first."

The five of you head down the ruined cobblestone street. There are many holes and fallen rocks on the road but that is nothing compared to the buildings or alleys. Many of the buildings are nearly collapsed and smashed together removing most alleys. As you travel forward you find that there are all sorts of shrines and buildings. There are lights coming from many of these structures.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril attempts to get closer to see exactly where the lights are coming from. Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

It d2p3nds on which building you approach first.

The first building has burning braziers with incense drifting down. It is an open layout and walking up to the hanging braziers you see it is likely an alter to beauty or fertilility as you see a large bed dominating the center of the structure with cushions and couches around. Looking around you would see several alters setup around the building.

On the other side of the street you see collapsed buildings over a tunnel with a flickering green candle light at the far end of the tunnwl.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril feels innately drawn to the Altar of Fertility, but takes note that danger might still be around.

The wizard notes the location of the green light at the end of the tunnel. Cyril continues to look, just to see what other altars there are. Secretly, Cyril hopes to find an Altar to The Mistress.

Walking stealthily ahead of the group by a good, let me know how far, you see more shrines and shelters. You find many different shrines but get drawn to one of the larger ones. Upon it is a large flag and two banners. They are black with speckles of white. In the center is a white circle made with a reaper and a scythe in hand. You recognize it as an alter to the Mistress.

Slipping through the shadowy doorway you find the room beyond lit well. There even seems to be servants, these women dress scantily and expose a lot of skin. The one closest to the door asks, "How can this humble servant aide you?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Greetings. I am Lord Cyril Lucan of Camelot", the noble bowed respectfully to the altar servant. "A new adherent to The Mistress. What happened to the ruins this altar is in? It appears the majority of the altar still possess potent power."

Hesitantly she shyly states, "Greetings lord..." With astonishment she blurted, "OF Camelot!" Frazzled she tries to continue but fails.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril scrutinizes the altar servants.
Sense Motive (Inspiration): 1d20 + 23 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 23 + (3) = 30
"You are not supernatural agents of The Mistress, I gather."

Another servant walks forward and bows, he states as he rises, "No sir. We are but humble servants. Ah the crystal is blue which means we have been transposed in order to serve you. What can we do for you?" He points to a crystal above the door which is glowing blue.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril looks up at the crystal in wonder. "Where did you maidens come from?"

"In truth, I had a vague hope of communing with The Mistress. Who are you ladies? And are you normally this scantily clad?"

The bare chested man offers, "We are from Yu Loth, a village mostly made by our abbey. It is in the wilderness three weeks travel by horse, south of Elmridge. How would you like to commune with her? Solitude or by a vassal? We live in a warm desert and less clothing allows us to quickly do our duties."

By now four female servants have gathered to gawk. The other door opens and the crystal turns green. A battle clad tiefling walks in and states, "Greetings Cyril, the Mistress has sent me one of her clerics to aide you. Shall we or would you like to summon your allies first?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Yu Loth! Cyril exclaims. "Why, that's teleportation magic! Or is it technology?!

At the appearance of the tiefling cleric, Cyril loses the urge to commune over social interaction. The wizard bows in a courtly manner. "Thank you. I feel my companions would want to see this for themselves."

She nods and waits sizing you up. After a few minutes she goes over and sits down tapping her foot impatiently.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"I'll be right back", Cyril discreetly exit the door, making sure to leave the door open, just in case. the wizard removes to the others, and directs them to follow him. Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

The group follows Cyril to the temple and enter in after him. They are not so stealthy.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril introduces his companions family to the Mistressian clergy.
"We've returned."
The investigative wizard adjusts his Cosmic Ring, summoning The Mistress's Black Book. "I've read the book, cover-to-cover, more times than I can count. But I'd love to heard your perspectives as people who have lived the faith." Diplomacy, Inspiration: 1d20 + 35 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 35 + (4) = 47

The servants look to the cleric... obvious pecking order.

The cleric gets up her armor jingling. She states, "tell him what he wants to know. I am going to take a bath."

The servants look at you eagerly, the man says, "Ask your questions and we will do our best to relay truth. Personally living under the grace of the Mistress has been fulfilling. I serve but also have my own life and pleasures."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril scratches his chin in deep thought, as the sexy cleric retreats. "What are your preferences of prayer. Morning? Evening? Or because you live with a cleric, does it occur many times throughout the day?"

"Have you come across other faiths, and how to you relate to them? Accepting? Adversarial?"

"What kinds of special services to you provide for the faithful? Or are all your duties in service to the, what is her name?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

While the arcane noble waited his questions, his thoughts and occasionally eyes lingered to where the cleric was bathing.

The mansevent relays with jubilation, "We pray with the Mistress hourly, our actions being a form of prayer too. We do hold organized prayer at dawn, noon, and dusk. There is an orgy at Midnight in the pleasure hall. Personally I know very little beyond these walls." He looks to the other scantily clad servants. They walk up and offer, "Some of us have traveled but many are like Everett we know little more than these walls."

"The Mistress is how to say it, above it all. As long as you keep to her basic tenants you can even worship other gods. We know that there are many pantheons of gods. We are accepting of most. Even some evil gods that align with her tenants."

Another one speaks up to address the other questions, "There are many different services provided. As the higher echelon of worshipers you have access to them all. A few of our services include: tattooing, crafting, magical enchantments, access to the temple store, companionship, tempering, massage, reflexology, acupuncture, rituals, and many more trivial tasks."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One of the girls offers hoping to curry favor, "Alisephora Moonsong the cleric of the Dark Moon. She is a bit famous among the clergy of the Mistress."

You see the curtain that she passed and hear sloshing of water by now.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
GM Wolf wrote:

The mansevent relays with jubilation, "We pray with the Mistress hourly, our actions being a form of prayer too. We do hold organized prayer at dawn, noon, and dusk. There is an orgy at Midnight in the pleasure hall. Personally I know very little beyond these walls." He looks to the other scantily clad servants. They walk up and offer, "Some of us have traveled but many are like Everett we know little more than these walls."

"The Mistress is how to say it, above it all. As long as you keep to her basic tenants you can even worship other gods. We know that there are many pantheons of gods. We are accepting of most. Even some evil gods that align with her tenants."

"My friends in faith", Cyril began. "Clearly it was The Mistress's Hand that drew is together. Outside those walls is a magical ruin, powerful altars to various Gods. Our party took a slight refuge as we tried to scale a nearby watch tower unseen. I can not guarantee your safety should you leave this area."

Posting on a phone is a nightmare.

GM Wolf wrote:
Another one speaks up to address the other questions, "There are many different services provided. As the higher echelon of worshipers you have access to them all. A few of our services include: tattooing, crafting, magical enchantments, access to the temple store, companionship, tempering, massage, reflexology, acupuncture, rituals, and many more trivial tasks."

The Lucan Noble's eyes lit up at the many services. "Reflexology? Astounding. I recently read a treatise of the use of reflexology used to free trapped mana in the body. Very interesting!"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
GM Wolf wrote:
One of the girls offers hoping to curry favor, "Alisephora Moonsong the cleric of the Dark Moon. She is a bit famous among the clergy of the Mistress."

Knowledge (religion), Black Book Bonus on Mistressian matters, Inspiration: 1d20 + 23 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 23 + (5) = 34

The servants nod in agreement, Everett states, "Al could join you outside but we servants will not leave the temple."

Alisephora Moonsong the cleric of the Dark Moon has been an active cleric of the Mistress for nearly a decade. She also serves the Dark Moon, an even more mysterious entity than the Mistress. Some say he is Neythes or another god of magic, dealing with darkness, lunar cycles, and such.

In her duties with the Raven Lords, which she is now one, they have quelled many undead nests. Nothing as strong as vampires but mamy of the lesser undead. The Black Fort of Urdine was emptied by their group a few years back.
The Raven Lords are a group of adventuring party leaders. Most are of noble blood or have a title of some sort. Al recently acquired her own title of lord after aiding the King of the Artic Circle with rebellion.
The other Raven Lords are as follows:
Markus Evillius, Human fighter
Evelin Rose Winspor, Aasimar sorcerer
Them Thembell Orberry Proudfoot, Halfling burgler
Otterman Cremble, Beastman swordsage
Magnus Thornberry, Human cannoneer

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril nods at the altar servers. "I hope to learn a lot from you all."

The noble wizard patiently waits for mysterious Moonsong to finish her bath, occasionally casting prestidigitation to make himself more presentable.

The servers agree and respond in kind. They are willing and able to serve but obviously look for prompts.

After ten minutes, Al Moonsong emerges from behind the curtain in a silk kimono.

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