Kingmaker [2E]: A Realm of Fey And Powers (Inactive)

Game Master Kittenmancer

9 Pharast, 4710 AR

Encounter maps
Inventory and stat tracker
Hex Map
Kingdom Management Sheet

Influence: Amiri 8/8, Harrim 5/6, Jaethal 0/8, Kressle 3/8, Linzi 8/8, Maegar Varn 3/6, Tristian 1/8, Valerie 8/8

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M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

I don't think it will be necessary for Nidintu to make the check - my character spent most of his life as a river bandit, so while he is vaguely aware of the existence of nobles, he knows little of the intricacies of their naming conventions. However, Orlund's statement does imply that he is a noble of some sort.

Elf Fighter 2 - HP 24/24, AC 19 - Perception +7 - F: +5/ R: +9/ W: +4 - Speed: 30 ft. - Hero Points: 1/1, Active Conditions: None; Default Exploration Activity: Search

I owe you, my players and GMs, an apology for my ongoing absence. My daughter is now 1 month old and it’s me who generally cares for her at night, meaning I’m getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. It’s not that I don’t have -time- to play these games, it’s that I’m so mentally blasted I don’t have the energy.

As she moves into her second month of life, she is sleeping slightly longer and I hope for more sleep and thus more play in the weeks to come. Thanks for bearing with me. I will eventually get back to the old me. :-)

Encounter maps

No worries, take care of what's important first. The game will still be here. :)

And happy first month of life to your daughter!

Elf Fighter 2 - HP 24/24, AC 19 - Perception +7 - F: +5/ R: +9/ W: +4 - Speed: 30 ft. - Hero Points: 1/1, Active Conditions: None; Default Exploration Activity: Search

Hey, since we have an archer in Xavin, I was wondering if I should shift to a bard. On the other hand, two archers is a lot of ranged damage, so I'm also okay staying as is.

Elf Fighter 2 - HP 24/24, AC 19 - Perception +7 - F: +5/ R: +9/ W: +4 - Speed: 30 ft. - Hero Points: 1/1, Active Conditions: None; Default Exploration Activity: Search

GM, what's the plan for the NPC allies like Linzi, Amiri and Valerie? Will you run them in combat? Will they generally be used "offstage"? Or what?

Encounter maps

The NPC companions are not intended to participate in combat. Linzi did so in Lady Jamandi's manor to make up for missing PCs.

On the other hand, it would be very odd if they were to sit out every encounter, so I'll try to insert some flavour descriptions of their actions with no mechanical effects.

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M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

A motley band of seven warriors (counting Carageorn), united to defend a frontier settlement from bandits? Sounds familiar...

"There are only six circles! What about me?"
"The triangle is you, my dear Roots."

Elf Ranger 3| Speed 30 ft | HP 36/36 | AC 20/21(buckler) | Perception (E) +7 | F +7 R +10 W +7 | Exploration Activity: Scout| Status: | Hero Points: 1/1

Halrod, play whatever's most fun for you. Xavin's built to be more trickster than damage dealer and I don't know if we need to hyper optimize the group makeup. It feels like this group is very tactically minded anyway haha.

Free archetype is also a great way to broaden options without giving up the benefits of being a Fighter.

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M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

If anyone's interested, I happen to know a number of videos regarding 18th century frontier life in America, which I think might provide an interesting insight into how our characters would live in the Stolen Lands.

For example, I recently watched a video on what would have been considered a feast for someone living on the frontier. There are lots of videos on cooking, as well as a few on blacksmithing and the lives of people in equivalent situations.

Encounter maps

Map is updated. I hope the bandits' 'auras' are visible - we have yellow, orange, green, blue, and the leader in purple.

@Halrod, do you still intend to speak to them and offer them surrender?

Elf Fighter 2 - HP 24/24, AC 19 - Perception +7 - F: +5/ R: +9/ W: +4 - Speed: 30 ft. - Hero Points: 1/1, Active Conditions: None; Default Exploration Activity: Search

Gah. Sorry. This baby thing is kicking my behind!

Elf Ranger 3| Speed 30 ft | HP 36/36 | AC 20/21(buckler) | Perception (E) +7 | F +7 R +10 W +7 | Exploration Activity: Scout| Status: | Hero Points: 1/1

Babies do that.

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Encounter maps

Level up!

For successfully defending Oleg's Trading Post from the bandits, everyone is now level 2.

Also, I updated the hex map with the locations of the Thorn River bandit camp and the Stag Lord's fort.

Encounter maps

My partner is very sick with Covid and I'm taking care of them. I'm testing negative so far and taking precautions, but if I disappear for a few days I probably got sick as well.

Elf Fighter 2 - HP 24/24, AC 19 - Perception +7 - F: +5/ R: +9/ W: +4 - Speed: 30 ft. - Hero Points: 1/1, Active Conditions: None; Default Exploration Activity: Search

Hope you stay well!

Encounter maps

Happy belated solstice!

Everyone gets a hero point as a holiday gift.

NB Human (Skilled) Summoner 3 - HP 41, AC 17 - Perception +9 - F: +7/ R: +7/ W : +9 - Speed: 25 ft

Woo! Happy holidays, y’all!

M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! I received the Age of Ashes adventure path and quite a few of the Pathfinder Tales novels, so I will likely have my nose buried in a book for the next day or so.

NB Human (Skilled) Summoner 3 - HP 41, AC 17 - Perception +9 - F: +7/ R: +7/ W : +9 - Speed: 25 ft

Ooh, nice! I got a couple of books, a few Steam gift cards, and a Lego spaceship that took a disappointingly short amount of time to build. The highlight though was the Christmas gumbo I’m still in the midst of digesting.

Elf Ranger 3| Speed 30 ft | HP 36/36 | AC 20/21(buckler) | Perception (E) +7 | F +7 R +10 W +7 | Exploration Activity: Scout| Status: | Hero Points: 1/1

Happy New Year everyone. Not feeling too festive this year but certainly hoping for a 2024 better than 2023.

Encounter maps

I hear you.

Happy new year everyone, may it be much better than the other one.

Encounter maps

Hey peeps, most of my games have slowed down a lot, so I wanted to check in with everyone here and see how you're feeling. I've been a little bit distracted as well for the past week or so as I'm starting my job search in earnest.

Let me know your thoughts on the game, whether or not you want to continue and if there is anything you'd wish was different - anything I should do, or not do, any feedback is welcome!

NB Human (Skilled) Summoner 3 - HP 41, AC 17 - Perception +9 - F: +7/ R: +7/ W : +9 - Speed: 25 ft

I’m fine with things being a bit slower, I’m really enjoying my character and I see some good potential for the group so I’m game to keep going.

I'm enjoying the game and am good to keep going if you are.

Eskra, I believe there's an attack of opportunity that you could take?

NB Human (Skilled) Summoner 3 - HP 41, AC 17 - Perception +9 - F: +7/ R: +7/ W : +9 - Speed: 25 ft

Don’t believe I do, Carageorn can get one but not til level 6.

Male Leshy(Root) Druid(Storm) [Horizon Walker] 3 Hp 43/43 AC (T) 18/19, Fort(E)+9, Ref(T)+8, Will(E)+11 Perception(E)+11

I love Roots!

That being said, you do you. We shall be around in either case.

Encounter maps

I absolutely want to continue this game, so I'm not going anywhere.

Just let me know when you get sick of chasing mitflits. :D

Elf Ranger 3| Speed 30 ft | HP 36/36 | AC 20/21(buckler) | Perception (E) +7 | F +7 R +10 W +7 | Exploration Activity: Scout| Status: | Hero Points: 1/1

Xavin is going to chase the miflit for a bit.

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M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

I'm having lots of fun with both the character and the game, and I'm all for continuing whenever you're feeling better. This is by far the best game I'm currently playing in (if not for this game, I would actually likely have left the PbP style after a particularly bad incident with another game), and I've become rather invested in the character (8 pages of backstory/miscellaneous RP stuff and counting, including a few battle cries/stories/insults I'm afraid will never see the light of day), so I am excited to continue whenever.

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Encounter maps

Congratulations on your first successful expedition into the Stolen Lands!


Everyone is level 3 now.

Question: do you want to keep Kressle as a companion NPC, potentially giving her a role in the kingdom later? If so, I can whip up a proper companion stat block for her and you'll have to influence her like the others.

NB Human (Skilled) Summoner 3 - HP 41, AC 17 - Perception +9 - F: +7/ R: +7/ W : +9 - Speed: 25 ft

I like that idea.

Male Leshy(Root) Druid(Storm) [Horizon Walker] 3 Hp 43/43 AC (T) 18/19, Fort(E)+9, Ref(T)+8, Will(E)+11 Perception(E)+11

She can be our Executioner. She can execute our vision. Mostly she will be executing people, but also our vision....

M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

I'm definitely in favor of making Kressle a companion NPC. I think she'd make a much more... stable Warden than Amiri.

M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search
Kittenmancer wrote:
He looks a little askance at Nidintu-Bel, Xavin and Roots-Sink-Deep. and at Carageorn if he is present.

...So basically, he thinks that no PC besides Eskra even remotely approaches 'normal?'

Encounter maps

He maaaay be a little bit racist.

M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search
GM Eldest wrote:
...and her Weakness (she loves a good story).

*Resident rambling old man cracks knuckles*

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map
GM Eldest wrote:
He maaaay be a little bit racist.

But does he own a Grand Turismo?

M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search
Nidintu wrote:
"...a caterpillar dropped him on his head when he was just a seedling."

I just made this up off the top of my head, both in-character and out-of-character, but actually, it explains a lot.

Elf Ranger 3| Speed 30 ft | HP 36/36 | AC 20/21(buckler) | Perception (E) +7 | F +7 R +10 W +7 | Exploration Activity: Scout| Status: | Hero Points: 1/1

Levelled up! Xavin is leaning into scouting at this point, might swing back to diplomacy later.

M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

I'd like to apologize for the decreasing quality and frequency of my posts - with the way work's been going, I'm afraid I may have taken on one campaign too many. I've rebalanced my schedule, and I will try to get better about posting in this campaign. Again, sincerest apologies for the decline in my PbP games, and I will be sure to rectify the issue as soon as possible.

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M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

I just realized that I had gotten behind with the Inventory Tracker - I hadn't updated it for the Sootscale Tribe's gifts. It should be up to date now, as well as sorted alphabetically by item name, with the coins at the top in decreasing order of value - we've got a +1 weapon potency runestone, if anyone wants it, or if we want to save it for our new player.

Encounter maps

Thank you for updating the loot tracker!

NB Human (Skilled) Summoner 3 - HP 41, AC 17 - Perception +9 - F: +7/ R: +7/ W : +9 - Speed: 25 ft

I could make good use of that! I can apply it to some handwraps or my crossbow and it’ll apply to Carageorn’s attacks as well.

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investimagator| .5lf lev. 3| 35/35 | ac 20 | per 7 | f 6 r 10 w 7

Poking my head in here!

Male Leshy(Root) Druid(Storm) [Horizon Walker] 3 Hp 43/43 AC (T) 18/19, Fort(E)+9, Ref(T)+8, Will(E)+11 Perception(E)+11

Loot list looks great, Nidintu!

Agreed. If everyone already has a +1 weapon then gift it to our Investigator.

Oops! Missed Eskra posts! Apologies! Yes take the

Also, needing times to have alternate Actions for DaS, perhaps, she could have the Alchemical items and potions too?

M Elf (Pitborn) Fighter 3 | HP 39/39 | AC (T) 20 | Perception (E) +7 | F (E): +8 | R (E): +9 | W (E): +7 | Speed: 30 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None | Default Exploration Activity: Search

Was going to post this, but I figured I'd hold off because:

A. I didn't want to decide our cover story before checking in with everyone else.

B. I realized that Nidintu is the one person who can't bluff to save his life.

As a result, I thought I'd put it in here - this should cover our missing tribute nicely, as well as giving us an easy way into the Stag Lord's fort.

Hypothetical Nidintu Who Can Bluff wrote:
At the bandits' mention of the tribute, he scowls. "Yeah, well, we're headed to the fortress to bolster its garrison. Like I said, those Restov sorts have a bunch of people out combing the Stolen Lands, highborn with big entourages and everything. One of them got the cart with our tribute when it was traveling - we captured Weak-Knees here-" At this, he indicates Tristian. "-about a day or so later, and he said the driver squealed, so all those nobles know where the Stag Lord lives. That's why we're headed to Tuskwater - the Restov sorts should be here within days, with an army and everything."

Elf Ranger 3| Speed 30 ft | HP 36/36 | AC 20/21(buckler) | Perception (E) +7 | F +7 R +10 W +7 | Exploration Activity: Scout| Status: | Hero Points: 1/1

I think we can be simpler and just have the two groups join up and travel together to the stag lord.

Kressle can just say to the Stag Lord we're a freelance bandit group that captured Tristan and then got in a fight with Kressles group and killed most of them. Then heard about the Stag Lord and decided to join up with the biggest gang around.

Male Leshy(Root) Druid(Storm) [Horizon Walker] 3 Hp 43/43 AC (T) 18/19, Fort(E)+9, Ref(T)+8, Will(E)+11 Perception(E)+11

Hello Wildwood Band!

Roots has been contemplating Life, the Universe and Everything as we have been traveling through the woods. The leshy has been gathering plants, berries and roots for remedies and ready made reliable Elixirs.

Meaning that at 4th level, I would like to Retrain his Free Archetype from Horizon Walker to Herbalist.

Roots will be taking Battle Medicine at 4th also.

@GM Eldest would this Feat, Fresh Ingredients apply to Battle Medicine?

Encounter maps

Sounds good, and yes, it applies.

magustigator 3 | .5lf | 28/35 | ac 20 | per 5 | f 8 r 9 w 7 | frightened 1

I will be in the woods until Friday--please bot me if I'm holding up the game!

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