GM Frost |
Let's talk out-of-character stuff here.
GM Frost |
Welcome to the game, everyone! Here are a few rules to abide by for everyone:
1. Kindly fill up the information needed in Slides and Maps and Macros linked above before we formally start the game on 6 March 2023. Also, please make sure to at least have the following information on your character's stat block for easy reference: Hit Points (HP), Armor Class (AC), Saving Throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will), Perception bonus, and Speed.
2. Kindly post at least once every day, and once on weekends. As we play the game, I would like to remind everyone that as per the Organized Play Foundation Community Standards and Expectations, it reads:
No Character-versus-Character Combat
In keeping with the “Explore, Report, Cooperate” motto of the Pathfinder Society, engaging in non-consensual character-versus-character conflict is prohibited. While accidental friendly fire happens due to missed attack rolls or other factors, players must obtain the consent of other players before deliberately including fellow PCs in damaging effects [emphasis mine]. Engaging in character-versus-character conflict will award Infamy points and may render a character unplayable. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is not acting of their own free will, such as if they’re being mind-controlled by an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
We still have enough time to wait for the start of the game, so fill up the Slides and Macros at your earliest convenience. You can also roll now your Downtime rolls and declare if you have GM glyphs to share for extra hero points.
Dennis the Menace |
Slides/Macros filled out. And I have 1 GM glyph.
Hanging out in the Grand Lodge in his spare time, Dennis helps out by tinkering with various small tasks that need fixing. He's easily distracted but finishes his tasks occasionally.
Crafting (earn income): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Iltag |
Character profile updated, macros and slides filled. I have 2 GM glyphs to distribute.
Earn Income - Crafting, E, Lvl 2 task, 8 days vs DC 16: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 (Crit success - 4 gp. Yay!)
GM Frost |
Hello, everyone. We still have one week before the start of PbP Outpost VI. I would like the following characters to complete the following:
Macros: Alvin
So far, we have enough glyphs from Alvin, Dennis, and Iltag to start the game with two hero points each for everyone.
Just FYI, I will be at a non-TTRPG convention on 2-5 March 2023 so I might not be able to check on this game during that period. Fortunately, I will be back before the Outpost event starts and we can begin at the time it opens.
Loong Laohu |
Haha! A sprite on a leg-chair. That is a new one for me -- looking forward to seeing Alvin in action!
Obviously you've never met our GMs leshy, Sunshine of Happiness, and her leg-chair, Upuan...
Mimi, we should have an adventure together with Zhamie. Then maybe invite a French speaker to see how long it takes them to kill us for butchering the language :)
Though, seriously, Zhamie actually was inspired by Mimi and her accent :)
Loong Laohu |
Tiger speaks of tactics when fighting large skunks, which is what he did on his last adventure.
Warfare Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Apparently the talk was a success...
Dennis the Menace |
Obviously you've never met our GMs leshy, Sunshine of Happiness, and her leg-chair, Upuan...
Oh, Dennis knows Sunshine! Dennis (and Mimi) played with Sunshine in our last game before Outpost. Sunshine and Upuan are an awesome team (GM Frost does a great job with them). Always fun to see how the legchairs are used. I just meant I'm looking forward to seeing a tiny Sprite riding an enormous (for him) legchair.
Looks like we have all kinds of interesting personalities for this one -- can't wait to see it play out!
Mimi de Valence |
I also remember Sunshine well from our last adventure together. Good fun.
As an FYI:
Mimi speaks Taldane (ie. Common) with a strong Galtan accent and throws in the occasional (common) Galtan (ie. French) exclamation as required (eg. "En Garde!"). Just imagine Poirot or Inspector Clouseau reading the lines in a faux French accent and you'll get the idea. If this becomes too annoying, please let me know and I'll tone it down or eliminate it altogether.
Loong Laohu |
The Opportune actually survived 99-01 (Second Confirmation)? :)
Loong Laohu |
OMG, that's a perfect Dennis the Menace impression! :)
Which game was that, btw? that you defeated a genie
Mimi de Valence |
Which game was that, btw? that you defeated a genie
We didn't exactly defeat a genie, but we did manage to get the best of her binder. It was #03-08 - Foundation’s Price
Iltag |
I'm so excited for the next Safa's next scenario - I just hope it lives up to the first two because they set the bar pretty darn high. XD
Dennis the Menace |
OMG, that's a perfect Dennis the Menace impression! :)
Which game was that, btw? that you defeated a genie
Thanks. If he gets too annoying, let me know and I'll happily tone it down.
The scenario was 3-08: Foundation's Price. As Mimi said, we weren't actually battling a genie. And I agree with Iltag, both 3-08 and its follow-up, 3-12, were both really good.
Loong Laohu |
I remember that one - GM Frost ran it when I played it.
Loong Laohu |
Loong Laohu wrote:OMG, that's a perfect Dennis the Menace impression! :)
Which game was that, btw? that you defeated a genie
Thanks. If he gets too annoying, let me know and I'll happily tone it down.
The scenario was 3-08: Foundation's Price. As Mimi said, we weren't actually battling a genie. And I agree with Iltag, both 3-08 and its follow-up, 3-12, were both really good.
Annoying - not to me. I'm laughing while imagining the people Dennis is talking to and watching them get annoyed :)
Iltag |
So I’d like to get something going for Pursue a Lead, but this doesn’t fit nicely into the given examples of potential leads (the closest I can get is to designate our skull friend as the lead, but we’re not investigating her specifically - just her memories). Anyone have any ideas?
Mimi de Valence |
So I’d like to get something going for Pursue a Lead, but this doesn’t fit nicely into the given examples of potential leads (the closest I can get is to designate our skull friend as the lead, but we’re not investigating her specifically - just her memories). Anyone have any ideas?
Spend a minute to make each person/location on the list one of your leads just before we go check it out.
GM Frost |
I will be unavailable again on Saturday and Sunday. I will not be able to update since I will be on mobile only on those days. I will post an update earliest Monday when I get back in front of a PC or laptop.
GM Frost |
Yes, everything is okay, Dennis. Thank you. I just had a hard time wrapping my mind around the smooth transitioning to the next part of this scenario. I also had the same dilemma from another scenario I am currently GMing despite the fact that I already played them. XD
Dennis the Menace |
Iltag ... looks like you're trained in Society, yes?
While the rest of us are attempting to chat, Iltag could probably study them to Pursue a Lead on the gang-leader. Then, you'd get a +1 bonus for a follow-up Society check, which is among the options our GM just listed.
P.S. On a side note, when I play my investigator in these PbP games, I have his Leads listed in the header tagline, so it's clear to the GM (and to me) what his current 2 leads are.
GM Frost |
I will be on vacation starting today until Sunday, and I will not be able to update the game. I will be back in the game when I return.
Loong Laohu |
In the event our GM will run the next scenario (04-10), I'll be continuing with my lvl 3 investigator since Tiger will be lvl 5 by then...
Loong Laohu |
btw, Halgur, how's Bun Bun? :)
Loong Laohu |
Has Bun-Bun played 04-01 yet?
Loong Laohu |
Dennis' reaction just had me spit my coffee laughing. I'd imagine Tiger would do a facepalm at that reaction as well... :)
Dennis the Menace |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Glad to help brighten your day! Dennis is definitely amusing to play. It's surprisingly easy for me to roleplay someone really immature and saying random inane things. :)
Although Mimi (who knows me IRL) might argue that it's not the least bit surprising at all. :)
Loong Laohu |
hmmm... neither has Bun... Long Nose has, though...
Loong Laohu |
Well, we can find another GM to torment with our lithping :)
GM Frost |
We are close to the end of the scenario. Kindly check your info in the Sign-Up Sheet linked above. You can also roll your Downtime below if you want to have them added to your chronicles.
Loong Laohu |
Tiger gives a talk on tactics regarding unarmed combat.
Warfare Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Mimi de Valence |
Here is my official Earn Income roll for Mimi's 8 days of downtime.
Between adventures, Mimi can usually be found at her grandfather's fencing academy in Gralton giving lessons on the proper use of a rapier.
Performance (Earn Income) vs DC 16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
According to this table a regular success on a Scenario is good for 24sp.
Zaza the Measure |
Zaza and Rufus spend their downtime catching smugglers in Absalom.
Zaza is field commissioned so she has 12 days of downtime.
underworld lore dc16 8 days: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
success 2.4 gold
underworld lore dc16 4 days: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Critical success 2 gold
Total=4.4 gold
Dennis the Menace |
Back at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, Dennis can be found as part of the welcoming committee for new initiates. "Welcome everyone! It's a great day to be a Pathfinder." Pointing to the courtyard, "The training ground is through those doors. It's the best!" Stifling a yawn, he half-heartedly points to the double-doors on the right, "That's the library. I think. I avoid it mostly. Did I mention the courtyard?" Brightening as he points toward the kitchen, "And when you get hungry..."
Pathfinder Society Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Success => 2.4gp
Iltag |
Iltag joins the veritable legions of junior Pathfinder agents in some sweaty basement of the Grand Lodge where massive vats of basic healing potions swirl and simmer.
Crafting to Earn Income vs DC 16: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
Success - 2.4 gp earned.
Dennis the Menace |
Unfortunately for Dennis, Red has Swift Steps in which their movement doesn’t trigger reactions. At least, he learns a thing about Red and can devise a better plan against them.
So as not to clutter up the Gameplay board...
In that case, assuming Black moved in from the darkness, can Dennis use that AoO roll vs White? White had to have been bathed in plenty of light as it approached from 10' to 5', yes?
GM Frost |
I will allow that.
GM Frost |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
That is correct. I will count the AoO because of Red's ranged attack. Thank you for that, actually.
Dennis the Menace |
Excerpt from Dennis' acceptance speech...
"... and finally, I'd like to thank everyone who helped make that AoO happen. I'd like to thank Red for throwing the dagger, and Iltag for providing sunlight and reminding us that ranged attacks provoke, and of course our GM for being understanding and accommodating..."
At the risk of being greedy, since the AoO took out Red while Red was making an attack, does Red's dagger attack still happen (since Red is now dead)? I'm guessing they might be ruled as simultaneous attacks, so the dagger likely gets loosed, but worth asking about this edge case.
GM Frost |
Since Strike only has Attack Trait and does not have Manipulate trait (which gets disrupted at Critical Hit AoO), I usually rule that the Strike still happens. Other GMs might rule otherwise. For now, I will rule that the Strike happens, just think of it like Red's revenge on Dennis, but Dennis still has the last laugh. ;)
Mimi de Valence |
My original post had Mimi tumbling through White to get panache before striking twice, but when it came time to move her on the board, I realized she didn't have the range to do the tumble through, so I changed the turn to her reaching the door and striking without panache. Not as impressive damage-wise, but c'est la vie.