Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

"Aha!" Tal'ariel seems to be happy with Felix confirming that her memory of events wasn't completely bonkers. "Well, here we are now in another mess. Better stick together so we don't get jumped by the locals."

"Slim" Jim |

Jim blinked and replied "I see, I did wonder what happened to all the stock."
Be care of Avvakris's daughter in tunnels. She rat queen. Avvakris big mucky muck with Set. He merchant and owns most of village.
"Wait is Avvakris human, or does he just look human?"
Do ratfolk exist in this world? If so are they accepted in human society like they they are in Golorion. I'm assuming NO but wanted to check.

brvheart |

"Me thinks he human. Never seen 'em be nothin else."
You have yet to see Avaakris, but he looks perfectly human for a 5' tall middle eastern man.
Yes, ratfolk are common in the Empire of Adenia. Thought by many to have been
created by the goddess S’Surimiss (Queen of Rats), others attribute the
race’s origins to uncanny experiments by some ancient master of magic.
Although in some areas humans treat them as if they were no better than
rats themselves, ratfolk are apt to be clever and quick, with a nose for
acquisition that makes many of them good merchants. Ratfolk tend to
live in large families in some of the warrens of alleys and buildings that
make up the lower-class neighborhoods of Jaati’s bigger cities, even
living underground in places where that is a possibility.
However, in this case she has lycanthropy and is not ratfolk.

![]() |

::nods to Ruffo:"Thanks for the information. We do appreciate all the help you can give.
Guys do we REALLY want to brace the boss and his guards now?? Seems we need to maybe head to the secret hiding place and whittle the foe down a bit first."
teases Ratel "That way you can fight evil without us being all killed right away."

brvheart |

"You want know me secret hidin place? It next door (V-10) below de wine cellar. Behind casks in hall is secret door to tunnels."
Whispers Rufo. "Kin sell youze map iffen I gets 100 gold!"

Ciri Princess of Cintra |

"Slim" Jim, there are still close to a dozen dervishes watching the caravan along with Moran Infidel Bane.
Maybe not 10' but the wagons are half buried in the sand and some are destroyed beyond salvage. The dervishes were told to protect the cargo at all costs. So the provisions became sacrificed.
So how did avakkris get the caravans and cargo moved so quickly? Grabbing people is easy to be done quickly, but the cargo and wagons and digging takes manpower or a really powerful wizard to shrink it down to cart it away.

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

"I kinda like the sound of guerilla tactics here. Rufo--where do these tunnels you're talking about go?"

brvheart |

Four men are moving from the Inn. If you don't move soon they will be heading your way. The other side of the building is boarded up (north side).

Felix "Lucky Gits" Season |

"I kinda like the sound of guerilla tactics here. Rufo--where do these tunnels you're talking about go?"
Felix nods empathically and says."Always fight clever, an enemy taken out here, and enemy taken out there, those can add up nicely."
Seeing the 4 man approach he smiles and vanishes in the shadows.
stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17

Ciri Princess of Cintra |

Everyone put a zipper in it, I'm going to throw up a invisible sphere, so gather round and be quiet until the guy's leave. Have readied actions also, for instance, mine is to cast shield if they detect us. My sword is already out and active.
10ft radius centered on me, in the shop, 1 min per level (CL7); roll aid another and stealth
stealth: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31

brvheart |

perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
invisibility will add +20 to stealth even when moving I believe. Lol, on that roll he does not see Lucky even before he moves to stealth.

Ratel Dier |

Earlier meeting Felix
Chuckling at the half orcs comments, Ratel smiles and nods, "Yes, the pointy end works better. I find luck favors the bold, in the light of fighting Set's minions I am pleased you are with us."
With Rufo
Hearing Rufo mention another tunnel, Ratel's ears perk up, raising an eyebrow at Avvakris being a 'big mucky muck' with Set and his daughter being called the rat queen. Pausing he considered the distance to the inn and his options. They had no proof that Avvakris had taken the caravan, no proof he'd done anything against the law. Even if the man was evil and a worship of Set, you couldn't punish a man for his religious beliefs or the things in his heart. Shaking his head, Ratel knew he'd need hard evidence to go after the 'mucky muck.' But he would defend himself and these others if needed. Chuckling as Tal'ariel called it 'another mess' he chimed in, "Yes we should stick together."
His ears perk up when 'Slim' asked if Avaakris was human, from the man's response it sounded like Avvakris was a man, but that didn't keep him from being a monster as well. Hearing Thoron chime in, Ratel considered the options. Avoiding the enemy until the time was right was wise, no worse than a tactically sound retreat. Listening as the two sailors talked about guerilla tactics and 'Clever' fighting, Ratel didn't mind being clever, but he didn't like the idea of stabbing a man in the back. He'd prefer to give them a fair fight and look them in the eye as he killed them.
As Ciri instructs them to step closer, Ratel nods, moving that way, taking care of one more piece of business with Rufo. It sounded like Rufo was willing to give up his hidey hole and directions for the tunnel. They should take advantage of that and save the prefects information. Reaching back into his rucksack, Ratel drew out the pouch where he kept most of his money, hefting it in his hands, he held it out to Rufo. "There are a hundred gold pieces in this pouch, count them if you need to. I'll purchase your map."

"Slim" Jim |

Jim huddled close to Ciri and moved when she moved. He wasn't trained in stealth but it seemed to come naturally.
Stealth?: 1d20 + 20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 20 + 5 = 42
None the less, Jim had his hand on the pommel of his sword and was ready to draw it at a moment's notice.
Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18Damage: 1d6 + 9 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 6 = 18

brvheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

To Thoron: Two of the are bearing long swords, one a heavy mace and one is not armed and is not a man but the woman from the inn.
Give us a bit to post up Rufo's map. Map is up.

Ratel Dier |

Looking at the map he'd just paid a fortune for, Ratel turns it so Rufo could see it. Pointing to some of the other tunnels, he asks, "Do any of these go to the 'grey' tower?"

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

Tal is very much hiding, ready to launch a surprise attack if needed.
Stealth: 1d20 + 18 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 18 + 20 = 44

"Slim" Jim |

Jim held his breath at the group approached and started walking outside. It would be unfortunate if they had to fight them in such an open location because four could quickly turn into many.

Ratel Dier |

"No, but tunnel from building to grey tower."
No? Oo the tunnel from the building goes to the grey tower?
Giving Rufo a confused look, Ratel reiterates, "So there is a tunnel from somewhere else?"

Ciri Princess of Cintra |

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
"whispering" I am not sure but I think they saw us
cast haste with a whisper, ready action to dimensional slide as a move action to be mounted on the saddle of my horse if they try coming in. If you can, make for the shrine.

brvheart |

brvheart |

The group turns around and three of them head into V-5 and the woman back into the inn.

Ratel Dier |

Realizing the soldiers and woman had continued on their way, Ratel breathes a sigh of relief. Giving Rufo a frown, "So there are tunnels not on the map I just paid you a hundred gold pieces for?"
Shaking his head, he resists the urge to fuss at the poor man. Due to his odd dream with the bearded bartender, Ratel found himself still curious about the tower. Nodding towards the door, he asks, "Which building has a tunnel leading to the tower?"
Giving Ciri a knowing look, he turns back to the poor fellow. "And which trap door is closest to us? I think the faster we get out of sight the better."

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

Assuming we have a sense of where the nearest tunnel is, Tal suggests the party immediately go that way.

brvheart |

Ratel, you are in V-9. The trap doors Rufo is referring to are both in V-11 and there is also the one in the shrine that Rufo is not aware of.

Ciri Princess of Cintra |

don't worry about the map, you will get your money back from me, take the fight to them now, that map is what he know and it's only the 1st level, we are fine. Ruffo don't leave, I will go fight them alone if I must up here on the surface, now crawling in the timberland sewers. Will you fight with me????

"Slim" Jim |

"Keep safe Rufio" Jim called as the man left.
"That's a neat spell, likely saved our necks." Jim said to Ciri.
To everyone he then remarked, "Well I guess we're not staying at the Inn any more. We'll need a base of operations, somewhere defensible that isn't going to be easily discovered. Perhaps we should start looking in these tunnels?"

Ratel Dier |

Having seen Felix slipping out the door towards the Inn, Ratel begins to fold up the map. Leaving the gold where it lay he looks towards the princess "If these people are guilty of taking our employers we need to confront them and free our people."
He gestures towards the door and the direction the half orc went, "If not we should stop Felix before he harms ..." He pauses, remembering the aura's of evil he saw on the acolytes. "them or they harm him."
So Slim votes to hide, I'm good to rescue Felix, where is everyone else at?

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

"It's time we go get some answers," agrees Tal. "And I'm not leaving Felix behind."
She heads toward Felix, drawing her own sap.

"Slim" Jim |

Jim wants answers too, just hopefully without fighting everyone in town at the same time!

brvheart |

You walk back into the inn. You do not see the woman. In the inn at the moment are 7 people: Beldar, the bartener, 3 guys at one table that look like fighters, at another table are 2 guys in scalemail with another guy with what appears to be a breast plate with the holy symbol of Ishtar emblazed upon it. You recall it well having seen it on Moran Infidel Bane.
edit: They are all sitting around eating lamb chops. A rare delicacy around here.

Ratel Dier |

Nodding in agreement, Ratel, bardiche in hand, walks out of the small cottage towards the Inn. "You are right Brother Iz-kubar."
Stepping over the threshold of the Inn Ratel does not see the woman, but he does see the man wearing Moran Infidel Bane's armor. Moving toward the man, he points at the fellow with the tip of his bardiche, demanding, "You, Infidel! You wear the armor of Moran Infidel Bane! He would never part with it willingly, what have you done to him?"

Tal'ariel Rhuidon |

Tal'ariel tries to enter the inn unobtrusively, ready to strike or conjure magics, as appropriate. Hearing the damning accusation by the paladin, she decides to favor her dagger over her sap.
Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26. +20 if any invisibility remains.