Dark Tower

Game Master brvheart


Watch Order:
1st: Jhenn, Fralk
2nd: Ciri, Faffnyr
3rd: Thoron, Slim

Order of March:
Thoron, Fralk, Slim, Ciri, Jhenn, Faffnyr
Thoron and Fralk, Slim and Ciri, Jhenn and Faffnyr with bringing up the rear.

Something seemed odd about this town, Mitra’s Fist. And the tavern they were in, The Overlord’s Inn, was certainly
a bit strange as well. [Everyone in the town seemed to stare at them as they walked through, and he had heard more
than one comment about how they didn’t get any visitors here anymore. He began to wonder if they had made a
mistake coming here, but what choice did they have after their guide had died from a scorpion’s bite and a sandstorm
had driven them into this mysterious mountain pass?

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Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

Ok I've updated my character info into Paizo. Let me know if I need to fix anything.

Male Human Paladin-8 | HP 97 / 97 AC 27+ T 11 FF 24| Lay Hands 9/9 (4d6) | Smite 3/3 | CMB +14/+9 CMD 24 | F +12 R +7 W +8 | Init +2

Just to clarify that means we have and are gaining a level going from 7th-Level to 8th-Level -- correct?

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

Right, I did anyway

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Yes, level to 8

Female Half Eldar Elf Arcanist (Black Blade Adept) 8; Atk +6; Percpn +14; AC 22 MA CL8/22 W/O, T15, FF20; hp 67; Init +4; Fort +8 Ref +7, Will +9

8th level hd: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Male Human Paladin-8 | HP 97 / 97 AC 27+ T 11 FF 24| Lay Hands 9/9 (4d6) | Smite 3/3 | CMB +14/+9 CMD 24 | F +12 R +7 W +8 | Init +2

8th Level HD:: 1d10 ⇒ 8

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

Level 8, Wizard 2: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
[dice=Level 8, Wizard 2]1d6

reroll please

Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 63 / 71 AC 25 T19 FF18 | Panache 3/4 | CMB +8 CMD 27 | F +8 R +12 W +7(10*) init +7 | Resource Tracker
Acrobatics +16 Diplomacy +14 Escape Artist +12 Intimidate +14 Kn: Local +9 Perception +12 Ride +9

HP with 2 con bonus: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

At lvl 8 Jim gets a bonus feat, using that on Blind Fight because we're bound to get struck by darkness or invisible enemies.

Male Human Paladin-8 | HP 97 / 97 AC 27+ T 11 FF 24| Lay Hands 9/9 (4d6) | Smite 3/3 | CMB +14/+9 CMD 24 | F +12 R +7 W +8 | Init +2

Wow that was impressive HP for a 1d10 roll -- this is why I do if you have a 1d4 for HD you roll that otherwise if you have a 1d6 you roll 1d4+2 and if you have a 1d8 you roll 1d4+4, etc...

This means for those classes that have to pay for their increased Hit Die they always benefit from that increased Hit Die. I think it is ridiculous that if pseudo random roles deter you and you get a 1 out of the roll or anything less than half + 1d4, that one is not benefitting from the element of their class that their class pays for. IMO if you have a d10 Hit Die you should always get more Hit Points than a Wizard of the same level.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

So we reroll 1's and do d10 & d12 fighters/swashbucklers & barbarians reroll 2's?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
So we reroll 1's and do d10 & d12 fighters/swashbucklers & barbarians reroll 2's?

So reroll your 1 Fralk please.

I will let everyone take half from now on if they don't roll that or better the first time, so Jim take a 5.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

Site won't post the roll, think it was a 3. I'm fine with that.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

I'm Egyptian (and Dad was an archeologist before coming to the US, go figure)... I'm quite familiar. Was just being a goblin.

Female Half Eldar Elf Arcanist (Black Blade Adept) 8; Atk +6; Percpn +14; AC 22 MA CL8/22 W/O, T15, FF20; hp 67; Init +4; Fort +8 Ref +7, Will +9

How about rolling 2d3, 2d4, 2d5 or 2d6 for hit points instead

1d6 hit points: 2d3 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5

1d8 hit points: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

1d10 hit points: 2d5 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

1d12 hit points: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

Female Half Eldar Elf Arcanist (Black Blade Adept) 8; Atk +6; Percpn +14; AC 22 MA CL8/22 W/O, T15, FF20; hp 67; Init +4; Fort +8 Ref +7, Will +9
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
I'm Egyptian (and Dad was an archeologist before coming to the US, go figure)... I'm quite familiar. Was just being a goblin.

good to know your interesting background, would love to have seen the things you have, such history is a privilege. What action is it though were you referencing?

Male Human Paladin-8 | HP 97 / 97 AC 27+ T 11 FF 24| Lay Hands 9/9 (4d6) | Smite 3/3 | CMB +14/+9 CMD 24 | F +12 R +7 W +8 | Init +2

As to Hit Points I prefer an even better method

. 1d6 = 1d4+2 -- min roll 3 best roll 6
. 1d8 = 1d4+4 -- min roll 5 best roll 8
1d10 = 1d4+6 -- min roll 7 best roll 10
1d12 = 1d4+8 -- min roll 9 best roll 12

As you can see the minimum roll is 2 points higher than the lower min roll and the high roll is 2 points higher than the lower high roll. Also it is impossible for a Fighter to roll less hit points per level than that of a Wizard

This rewards the classes that basically paid for a higher hit die an gives those classes a significant boost over the other classes because that ought to have that significant boost. While average rounded up is a bit weak as follows:

. 1d6 = 4
. 1d8 = 5
1d10 = 6
1d12 = 7

Still roll or average take the best is an adequate method and the GM chooses as it is their game.

Further I have played the original DnD 1e using the basic guidelines verbatim and anything that is an improvement over that is nice. As I remember how bad it was if you did not roll even mediocre.

To me adventurers are supposed to be a cut above the average folk, the kind of individuals that can go out and expect to reasonably succeed at the tasks they have chosen to take on. Heck if you are not even as good as the average stable boy do you really think you are going to last. The usual answer played out as no you did not survive. Although there were the rare occassions where someone after rolling horrible for character creation seemed to be extremely lucky during game play. Like the guy who played a fighter, because that is all they could qualify for and then rolled a 1 for Hit points, and was the only one to return from an adventure alive, because they had rolled phenomenally during the adventure everytime that it really counted.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6
Ciri Princess of Cintra wrote:
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
I'm Egyptian (and Dad was an archeologist before coming to the US, go figure)... I'm quite familiar. Was just being a goblin.
good to know your interesting background, would love to have seen the things you have, such history is a privilege. What action is it though were you referencing?

When Fralk saw the jackals and mentioned a jackal headed god.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
Ciri Princess of Cintra wrote:
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
I'm Egyptian (and Dad was an archeologist before coming to the US, go figure)... I'm quite familiar. Was just being a goblin.
good to know your interesting background, would love to have seen the things you have, such history is a privilege. What action is it though were you referencing?
When Fralk saw the jackals and mentioned a jackal headed god.

My dad helped move/rebuild stuff to preserve it... monuments and tombs.

I saw it when I was an adult. Just once.

Female Half Eldar Elf Arcanist (Black Blade Adept) 8; Atk +6; Percpn +14; AC 22 MA CL8/22 W/O, T15, FF20; hp 67; Init +4; Fort +8 Ref +7, Will +9
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
Ciri Princess of Cintra wrote:
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
I'm Egyptian (and Dad was an archeologist before coming to the US, go figure)... I'm quite familiar. Was just being a goblin.
good to know your interesting background, would love to have seen the things you have, such history is a privilege. What action is it though were you referencing?
When Fralk saw the jackals and mentioned a jackal headed god.

My dad helped move/rebuild stuff to preserve it... monuments and tombs.

I saw it when I was an adult. Just once.

So how accurate are the Indiana Jones movies and the mummy movies on Egyptian history or is that all hogwash??

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

Probably as accurate as the Western movies that were made compared to what actually happened from 1836-1880.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

Sorry folks, rough week & weekend. Will catch up.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

Hey Troops, I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to go visit my friend in Tucson. Will be gone until March 7. Please play me as needed.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

I'm really not sure about accuracy, I'd guess 80% in how stuff looks... meaning and behavior might be off.

I'm rather forgiving.

Being under the Great Pyramid after crawling down a narrow shaft was kinda spooky, imagining the hundreds of tons of stone above oneself.

I remember leaning on a wall (outside) and thinking... someone leaned on this wall 4000 years ago.

Mind... blown.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

Dice roller messing with me again... won't post my unit. 19+6=25

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

That's ok, the swarm didn't live very long with Jim around. Go ahead and roll in Roll20 when that happens and then post the result up.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

hey all, I'm back. Didn't see anything major happen while I was gone.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Just rats

Female Half Eldar Elf Arcanist (Black Blade Adept) 8; Atk +6; Percpn +14; AC 22 MA CL8/22 W/O, T15, FF20; hp 67; Init +4; Fort +8 Ref +7, Will +9

Looking for the rat queen and her boyfriend, we were told about her being Avvakris daughter, Eire apparent.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

It's just 26 :)

I added the crit damage into the one damage roll, once I saw what I assumed was a confirmed crit.

Additional 1d4+7, sneak doesn't get multiple as far as I know.

Female Half Eldar Elf Arcanist (Black Blade Adept) 8; Atk +6; Percpn +14; AC 22 MA CL8/22 W/O, T15, FF20; hp 67; Init +4; Fort +8 Ref +7, Will +9

Sneak is 1d6 per two, so 2d6 but no, it not multiplied.

So 2d4 + 14 + 2d6

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Fralk, Dark Tower is filled with secret doors and traps. While not every room will have one about a quarter of them will have at least one or the other. You might want to start being more proactive on searching,

Male Human Paladin-8 | HP 97 / 97 AC 27+ T 11 FF 24| Lay Hands 9/9 (4d6) | Smite 3/3 | CMB +14/+9 CMD 24 | F +12 R +7 W +8 | Init +2

Yeah Fralk you need to be more proactive on searching, that being said can you help me find the back of my own hand. I seem to have acquired someone else's as this does not look like mine at all ;-)

Also what was found in room #1 there is something perhaps circular in nature there but I was not present when this was found was this circular nature noticed when we discovered that room and/or was there anything else of significance there?

It looks like we entered it but did not go any further?

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6
brvheart wrote:
Fralk, Dark Tower is filled with secret doors and traps. While not every room will have one about a quarter of them will have at least one or the other. You might want to start being more proactive on searching,

Yessir, but I do also have Trap Spotter, which may help with being a clueless trap genius!

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

Ciri, since the last time we leveled, how much experience did the party gain?

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6
Thoron Palehorn wrote:
Ciri, since the last time we leveled, how much experience did the party gain?

Crap, I haven't leveled!

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Yeah, you might want to level Fralk.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf Cleric/6

::snickers:: That sounds like me, but I'm old.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

This room is not on the map. Your character has yet to be in any of the rooms on it. That will take exploration until you find something that matches up with the map.

Male Human Paladin-8 | HP 97 / 97 AC 27+ T 11 FF 24| Lay Hands 9/9 (4d6) | Smite 3/3 | CMB +14/+9 CMD 24 | F +12 R +7 W +8 | Init +2

OCC: I do not believe that was my question. I asked for clarification on what we found in Room #1 and did we notice the circular nature near Room #1 when we presumably were there, which is why I presume Room #1 does appear upon our map.

This is to say I am not talking about the map on the shield but our map that we are using to indicate where we already have been.

I mean all I was trying to do is save myself a lot of time from hunting back through all the posts until I can find the posts that mention us locating those series of rooms so I can ascertain that I am in the right place and can then see what was in the room in question.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Ok. I see what you mean now. No, that room is not on the lion shield map and the party has not been in it as of yet.

Female Half Eldar Elf Arcanist (Black Blade Adept) 8; Atk +6; Percpn +14; AC 22 MA CL8/22 W/O, T15, FF20; hp 67; Init +4; Fort +8 Ref +7, Will +9
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
Thoron Palehorn wrote:
Ciri, since the last time we leveled, how much experience did the party gain?
Crap, I haven't leveled!

you posted a while back that were going up in wizard, May I suggest another rogue level may give you more damage. 3d6 sneak.

2nd lvl caster is not that significant.

I will have to total the experience and we need to go over the treasure list also, click on my character name to review the list, it has a tracked list button.

IE sample:

Gold/treasure in portable hole: pile of gold coins (1000 gp). 3" dice, bejeweled bottle containing a powerful giant-wine. 2 ft. tall bronze bottle, carved to look like a cat, has 2 aquamarines and yellow glass set in it worth 1600 gp.............+1 dagger. 2 +1 glass-steeled daggers, 400 gp, 50 pp, a flask of oil of etherealness and a scroll of protection from energy. scroll (righteous might). Xor: +2 full plate, +2 large metal shield, +1, warhammer, +1 longsword bane (magical beasts).MW Full Plate, +1, longsword, +2 large, metal shield. ring of protection +2 , +1 silver dagger,

Male Human Paladin-8 | HP 97 / 97 AC 27+ T 11 FF 24| Lay Hands 9/9 (4d6) | Smite 3/3 | CMB +14/+9 CMD 24 | F +12 R +7 W +8 | Init +2

?? Okay that is confusing that the party has not been into Room #1 but it is clearly shown on our map ??

Are there any other places that are clearly shown on our map that we have never actually been to?

Or better yet can I request that any places that the group has not actually gone to be blacked out on our map so as to remove any possible confusion?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The party was in Room one and could see a little of the cirucular room, also you could see another wall in the rat warren so figuring out that it is a circular room is not a scretch.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6
Ciri Princess of Cintra wrote:
Fralk ibn Sabbah wrote:
Thoron Palehorn wrote:
Ciri, since the last time we leveled, how much experience did the party gain?
Crap, I haven't leveled!

you posted a while back that were going up in wizard, May I suggest another rogue level may give you more damage. 3d6 sneak.

2nd lvl caster is not that significant

True, I can do that. Although Fighter or Wizard each give +1 BAB and a second attack. I'm still trying to live up to my "frontliner" status.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Whatever you decide will be fine, but might be helpful with this fight.
We had internet problems the last two days so Ciri will try and catch up later.

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

I've got out of town company, so very little free time... But, today... I do am airport run! Woohoo!

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

I would humbly ask that if it doesn't take away from your attack/action for the round... we try to get some flanks set up.

I'm not asking for much, just a tactical and free 5-foot step could do the trick.

Also, as an eager goblin he's prone to charging (for sneak attack), so a clear path to his doom works too!

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

I am not sure what you mean Fralk. Who are you talking to?

Male Goblin Ftr 2 Rog (Scout) 4 Wiz (Transmuter) 2 | HP 68/68 | AC28/T20/F21 | Saves F+7/R+10/W+5 | Perc +19/Hidden +23/Traps +25 | Init +6

My team mates, in general.

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