Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Pakk looks at the viper ahead and shrugs. "I don't suppose any of you is secretly a druid or otherwise good with animals, mm? I'm better with my words."
Could we try a Handle Animal check to get it to chill out/stand down?
"No the only animals we dealt with at the commandery were horses. Let's see if this snake is what it appears to be..."
Time for another Paladin Stare (tm)!

Zeno Leroung |

Zeno looked up as the lichen began to shimmer like starlight. That was a lovely prayer, and I don't seem to be the only one who thinks that. Zeno had never seen anything quite like this before, he keeps marveling at the new illumination until he notices Anthiol looking through the scales scattered on the ground.
Zeno moves next to Anthiol and picks up one scale and turns it over in his hands, examining it. He sets it back down and picks up another scale. A resurrection would be miraculous, I've never heard of such a titan being brought back but I'm not exactly a historian. Zeno holds up the levitate scale, I think I'll hold onto this one if no one else minds...?

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

Nope, As its a background skill I plan on picking it up next level, its a class skill for skalds, and I have 16 CHA. It is unfortunate that its trained only.
Kn Nature: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 Can make untrained because Skald
Careful, thats a...
From its perspective we are the invaders, it feels wrong to just kill it hmm
He first checks if anything there pings as magical, then he gets a funny plan.
Mr. Pakk, I have an idea, but it would require both of us. Do you know the mage hand cantrip? If yes, we could do the following thing: I take one of my rations, this meat here is roughly the size of a rat, although I do hope it isnt made from rat meat, and make it sound, via ghost sound like a rat. If you could use mage hand to move it as if it was a rat, we can probably make the snake eat it. Vipers tend to swallow smaller prey, which should make it chill, particulary if I throw that a bit further away from the tunnel we wish to proceed through.
I did consider alter self scale to turn myself into a Nagaji, and while they do get a +2 to handle animals with snakes, this is a) not on the list of stuff you get with alter self and b) still doesnt allow you to make it untrained and c) Nagaji are pretty esoteric close to the worldwound. I personally follow the "must have seen it to alter self into it" rule, or at least "must plausibly know it exists".

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Ominous trumpets play in Arrius' head, ending in a muffled trombone noise as the paladin stares at the viper. Eyes, a glassy black in the dim light, stare back at him was it flicks its tongue every few seconds. No evil is emanating from the creature.
"It appears to be only a natural threat; it hasn't been corrupted by abyssal energy. Which leaves me no closer to know how to deal with..."
After hearing about the bait-and-switch plan, Constantine agrees it's worth a try.

Pakk Holstad |

Huh...Askold hadn't even seen him cast any spells, and yet he suspected Pakk of not just spellcasting, but specific spellcasting? He was more insightful than the half-orc had initially suspected.
"I do," he says, though he wouldn't necessarily call it a cantrip. "And if someone is adept in the ways of prestidigitation, perhaps we can even change the color and flavor somewhat? Just to make the ruse more convincing."
Pakk will wait for Askold to produce the ration before casting, but the others will note that when the ration begins to move that Pakk has not produced any of the verbal or somatic components typical of spellcasting. Instead, the half-orc is concentrating, focusing his attention on a memory of rats behind glass cages in a lab in Lepidstadt, trying to imagine their emotional state--a mix of curiosity and fear perhaps--as he helps the ration scurry over towards the snake.
If no one has Handle Animal, then perhaps a Bluff? If this counts as a lie, then the below. If not, then -5 to this.
Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

"Now Prestidigitation is something I can help with!"

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

Guessed correctly, spellcaster.
Probably more powerful then me because I think he did something akin to the speak with the dead spell, but without components, like a Shamen or speaker for the dead maybe? He is too calm to not be a spellcaster is this situation.
Task failed succesfully
Askold thinks as he produces his ration to have it prestigiated into a rat.
Ill have it star squeaking when you mage hand it to where we want the snake to be.
bluff aid another: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

DM CrazyComic |
With the group working together, they make a piece of meat look and sound similar to a rat. Slowly making its way towards the viper, for a moment, it seems as if time stands still before the serpent strikes. Mage hand falters once the strike happens, sending the ration to the floor, the creature waits until it is sure the prey is not moving before it starts to mouth the ration and moves further into the rubble, presumably to eat its new meal.
Following the cavern for twenty five minutes, the group comes to an alcove that heads north, with the main cavern trail headed in a more southernly direction. The lichen seems to dim slightly, with it both going north, and following the path south.
When the lead members of the party look to the north, they see a single sizable 20-foot-tall building remains in the center of this 30-foot-high cave, a bunkerlike structure with no windows and walls of worked stone blocks. A 10-foot-long carving of a hammer decorates the building's façade. The ruins of collapsed outbuildings stand to either side.

Anthiol |

"Interesting choice. Very nice to pull the animal away so we can pass without making them feel challenged."
As they reach the Y in the road . . ..
"Now, who would have built something like that down here? It seems like there hasn't been much traffic down here in quite a while."
Knowledge (whichever) trying to get a clue who would have built this: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 -4 for engineering, geography & nobility

Anthiol |

"Hunh. MIGHT be a House of Torag?"

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Constantine tries to look around but, as usual, doesn't spot anything...
"Torag? At least it's a temple to a good deity. I wonder if our camper has been here as well?"

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

Hmm, shrine to Torag? Bunker like structure? likely inhabited, if no then there is probably a good reason for that as well.
Careful, these ruins should be prime real estate for what counts as the local wildlife, the we dont see any may well just means that its stealthy.
Askold checks the area.
perception detect magic: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Pakk Holstad |

Pakk is relieved that the magical ruse worked as well as it did. While wiping out the Abyssal taint where they saw it was a good idea, not everything down here was afflicted. And while a snake wasn't necessarily a friend, it didn't have to be an enemy either.
Following along, the alchemist is curious about the underground house of Torag. "It won't be too long of a detour to check it out, and there could be useful supplies inside." He smiles over towards Anthiol. "I know he's not your god, but this has to be a happy sight for most dwarves."
Pakk maintains his position and moves ahead with the others towards the temple.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Constantine looks unsure of Pakk's plan, "I don't feel right commandeering supplies from a temple; for all we know they were offerings and we risk angering the Gods by removing them."

Pakk Holstad |

Pakk purses his lips at the paladin's concerns. "I'm sure your gods would rather have the living survive to thwart demons than worry about something so frivolous as offerings."

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

A temple to a god of the crusades is a most welcome sight here. We may find temporary shelter, and/or incredibly useful supplies.
Askold assents as he is investigating the area for threats.
Maybe even beer! A cool crisp Dwarfen Lager would be great about now! But I cant use my remaining spell for the day on a frivolity, although, if we can secure the temple, Torag may well appreciate me casting tears to wine in such a fashion, to provide a suitabe votary gift. Could be risky though, my tears to wine isnt up to truely good standards yet, and if Torag is famous for one thing its a high expectation of quality.
He thinks.

Anathiel of the Broken Halo |

"Torag is a practical god. I suspect that offerings used to defend a community will be considered as well used." He says.
He will quietly whisper a pleas for forgiveness as he enters.

Anthiol |

"Given the state of that camp we found, I'm doubting any offerings are left. I figure they should have long since been plundered, or repurposed if you prefer that verb."

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

More at ease after hearing what Anthiol and Anathiel have to say on the matter, Constantine will escort whomever enters the temple first.

Pakk Holstad |

Even though they hadn't precisely come down on a side, Pakk feels validated by the comments that the others made. He provides a couple of "mhmms" in response as he settles in, his sword at the ready in case there was anything like what Askold warned about.
Gotta say, Shadow Dragon, I am so happy that Pakk's irreligiosity is already playing a role! Constantine is probably the perfect character to bring it out, of anyone in the party. Please keep it up!

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

Assuming he did not find any hostiles before the temple
Well gentlemen, we cannot assume that there are no hostiles in the temple itself, as such.
Askold redons his Scizzore, hefts his shield and cautiously approaches the door, occassionally looking upwards and also back, waving at Constantine to do likewise.
You quickly notice that he has both hands full, and thus could only kick in a door, he is also clearly intending to be the "breacher", likely prefering you to open the door and him moving through first.
Askold seems to be the tankiest, partly because he uses a shield, so he is imho on "first through the door" duty for the forseeable future.

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Even though they hadn't precisely come down on a side, Pakk feels validated by the comments that the others made. He provides a couple of "mhmms" in response as he settles in, his sword at the ready in case there was anything like what Askold warned about.
Gotta say, Shadow Dragon, I am so happy that Pakk's irreligiosity is already playing a role! Constantine is probably the perfect character to bring it out, of anyone in the party. Please keep it up!
No problem although now Constantine will know whom to sit next to and read his Holy Text to...:)

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Assuming he did not find any hostiles before the temple
Well gentlemen, we cannot assume that there are no hostiles in the temple itself, as such.
Askold redons his Scizzore, hefts his shield and cautiously approaches the door, occassionally looking upwards and also back, waving at Constantine to do likewise.
** spoiler omitted **Askold seems to be the tankiest, partly because he uses a shield, so he is imho on "first through the door" duty for the forseeable future.
Profession (Soldier): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Barely made it! What, you expect a Paladin/Sorcerer to have skills?!?! You so crazy! ;) Constantine wouldn't mind being the first through the door but he has enough Int and Wis to realize he can't see or hear anything...
Nodachi in one hand, Constantine opens the door with the other and tries to keep an eye on Askold.
Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
As I wrote, he can't see or hear anything!

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

I did do a cheeki breeki check on your profile and noticed that you indeed had profession soldier :)
Askold seems tense, having shield and Scizzore at the ready, seems ready to pounce at possible hostiles inside.
Should I have consumed my Mutagen? Ah well, no clear sign of hostiles observed so far, and it only lasts 10 minutes.

Anathiel of the Broken Halo |

Anathiel follows once the front line has made it in.
When to use preparatory resources is always a problem.

DM CrazyComic |
Okay, I put Askold up front, so place yourselves where you wish. The light is still dim, unless someone has light source other than the lichen.
The cavern is eerily quiet as the group begins to gather close to and around the well built temple. When Askold gets to the door, he notices the it seems slightly bowed, and might need to be pushed hard to open it.

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Looks like this door will resist the exploratory efforts, thankfully I am relatively strong so
STR: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Perhaps overloaded, Askolds first kick does absoluetly nothing.
Damnit, lets try again
STR: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Askold tries to ram the door open with his shield, to no avail!
Nobody saw that! I think I need to use my head now think Askold!
STR: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 Struck with inspirations, Askold headbuts the door an it finally gives way
Askold Beerfiend, super genius! He chuckles at his own antics.
Hmm, another door and what could be holy water?
He positions himself in front of the next door, weapons at the ready.

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

"What made that odd sound when the door opened?"
Here goes another Perception check!
Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

DM CrazyComic |
Looking behind the door, Arrius finds what seems to be the corpse of a pulverized giant fly, now thoroughly smashed by the door. Askhold, arriving to the inner door sees that there are claw marks and what appears to be chunks taken out of the door, looking to weaken, but not smash through the door entirely. Next to him, the small basin's waster seems to be clear with a slight film on the surface.

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

Something killed that fly, something with claws, and it is still inside. The water looks weird as well!
Askold whispers as he adds 2 and 2, the fly was blocking the entrance, so whatever killed it is still there, unless its capable of teleportation.
stealth: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (4) - 3 = 1
Appropriate KN for the water: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 +4 on top if religion
He consumes his mutagen, having lowered his shield (quicker then removing the scizzore) assuming that claws mean something hostile, and that the thoroughly pulverized giant fly strongly indicates something strong, before moving back to the inner door.
Mutagen stats: +2 nat armor AC, -2 int, +4 STR

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Constantine, watching Askold prepare for battle, moves into the temple with his nodachi in hand.
@GM: Let me know if that's a legal square for Constantine. I wasn't sure if the water basin actually takes up that much of the square or just to let us know it's there.

DM CrazyComic |
Askold: That there is Holy Water, with just a bit of dust floating on the surface. From a quick glance, it looks like there might be enough water for two Holy Water vials if anyone wants to take it.
Arrius: That is a legal space so you're good! The basin doesn't take up that much space, but just shows that it's there.

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

When Askold informs the group what's in the basin, Constantine will agree it could be put to good use against fiends.

Pakk Holstad |

"Holy water? That could be useful," Pakk says, reaching for a handful of empty vials at his bandolier as he tries to jostle into the doorway behind Constantine and Askold. He seems either unaware of or unconcerned by something having killed the fly as he reaches to will up the vials with blessed water.
He might not follow the gods, but energy was energy.

Anthiol |

"So, what's going on in there? Why'd you stop just inside the door? Holy Water shouldn't have stopped anyone here, should it?"

Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson |

Ready, expect a fight. Something pulverized that fly and is still here, so it probably doesnt eat, which means it probably isnt mortal.
Askold opens the door, obviously after leaving time for others to declare readied actions.

Arrius Voralius Constantine |

Ready, expect a fight. Something pulverized that fly and is still here, so it probably doesnt eat, which means it probably isnt mortal.
Askold opens the door, obviously after leaving time for others to declare readied actions.
He already opened the door, that's when Constantine entered but his magnificent Perception check meant he didn't hear or see anything. :(